Walking quietly into the inner city, many silhouettes gradually grew around.

Unlike Adier’s imagination, not all wizards are in the inner city, and there are many ordinary persons, but only a small number.

Most of these people carried some protective equipment on their bodies and did some ordinary work in the inner city to make the inner city tidy.

After completing their one-day mission, these people will leave the inner city to avoid high-intensity radiation damage in the inner city.

After walking, there are many neatly-looking villas lined up around, and it seems that there are people living inside.

This is a residential area of ​​the inner city, and many wizards will choose to live here.

Walking through this area, led by Terence, Adier came to another area.

Shops began to appear around each and everyone dressed in different wizards. This familiar sight reminded Adier of the time when he was at Wlardo College.

Once here, Terence was separated from Adier, and it looked like there was something to do.

“Such a lively scene has rarely been seen since leaving Academy.”

Standing in place, looking around, Adier couldn’t help thinking: “I don’t know what the Academy is doing now.”

Thinking so in his heart, after a while, he walked in and looked around.

“This lord, you look very face-to-face.” Aside, a voice suddenly sounded.

It was a young man in a blue robe who looked very friendly and looked at Adier with a smile on his face.

“What’s the matter?”

Looking at the apprentice in front of him, Adier was a little surprised.

“Do you need a wizard?”

Looking at the appearance of Adier, the young man didn’t say much, and directly stated his purpose: “This inner city is very large, and there are many places in it that are very difficult to find. If you are an adult for the first time, You can choose to show me the way. “

Speaking of which, he raised a finger: “It only takes a magic stone, and I will be with you, your adult, within a day.”

“A wizard?”

Taking a casual look at the young man in front of him, Adier nodded: “Take me to an antique store nearby.”

“Antiques? Oh, you must be a collector!”

Listening to Adier’s words, the young man’s face had a warm smile: “Master, please follow me, I will take you to the largest antique shop nearby.”

Following the young man, after a while, they walked to a large shop.

This shop is big and old, but there are no people around at all, and it looks like the business is not good.

Walking into it, on the counter inside, an old man was lying there quietly, looking like he was resting.

This is an elderly second-class apprentice. After hearing the sound of footsteps from the outside, he quickly got up from the wooden table, covered his eyes, and soon turned pale, feeling the terrifying breath on Adier.

“Sir, what’s the order?”

He hurried forward, bowed his head respectfully, and shocked the young man in the blue robe acting as a guide.

Although also in the inner city, this young man is not a wizard apprentice, just an ordinary person that’s all working in the inner city.

Not to mention a formal wizard, even the second-class apprentice’s antique shop Boss in front of him is also an influential figure in his eyes.

Judging from the performance of the old man in front of him, Adier’s identity must be stronger.

“Is it a third-class apprentice … or even an adult wizard?”

In an instant, many thoughts flashed through the young man’s mind, and the expression on his face could not help looking more enthusiastic and humble.

“I want to see it here. There should be no problem.”

Standing in place, looking at the surrounding furnishings, Adier opened the mouth and said.

“Of course, if adults want to see it, just look at it.”

Looking at Adier, the respectful expression on the face of the old man in the antique shop remained the same, slowly walking behind him.

Gently nodded, Adier walked ahead.

This shop is large, with wooden stands of each and everyone around it, and there are items on it that look like they have been around for some years.

The antique shops in the wizarding world are naturally different from mortals. Those that can be regarded as antiques by wizards often have thousands of years of history, and are even mostly related to wizards.

Walking quietly in the corner, standing in front of an old white tree branch, Adier extend the hand felt a moment.

The cold touch is conveyed from the arm, with a unique sense of forest cold, which makes people think of the ice on the glacier.

“This is a branch of a fallen tree. It has been preserved by a special method. It is five thousand years away. It is a good thing.”

Watching Adier’s movement, he stood aside and the old man in red-clothed began to explain.

Strictly speaking, this is not considered antique, but it also has some collectible value.

Quietly nodded, Adier went to the other side.

In the amazement of the two people beside him, Adier touched the place with his hand every time he went to a place, and it looked as if he was feeling the hand.

“not a single one.”

Stepping out of the antique shop in front of him, thinking about the scene just now, Adier frowned.

The reason why he is looking for an antique shop is not to really want to collect something, but to see if he can meet other World things.

After the previous pass, Adier has been vaguely guessing about the formation of within the body World coordinates.

If you want to form the coordinates of other Worlds, I am afraid you must first touch the items of other Worlds.

And this kind of things, no doubt found in places like antique shops will probably be bigger.


Thinking back to the scene just now, Adier thought to himself: “Even those ordinary things are fine, but there are also several things that are different. Seeing that the style is probably passed from other worlds, why not work?”

Standing in place, he recalled the situation before.

Those things also gave him a certain feeling. At the moment of contact, in the depth of one’s soul, there was also a throbbing sensation, but it was very weak. After a flash, there was no response at all, far away. Can’t compare with last time.

“Does it mean that, in addition to the alien item, other life conditions are needed?”

Thinking about the last time, Adier frowned.

After thinking for a while, under the guidance of the guide beside him, he quickly walked to the next place.

However, as usual, although some other items can be found in the other places, it can’t make Adier react.

However, he did not find anything.

In the daytime, in addition to looking for the outside world item, he also incidentally probed some news about going to the Maison Region.

The news finally got Adier’s heart sinking.

To get to the Mason area, you have to go by airship.

However, if you want to go to the Mason area by airship, you need to wait for the airship to depart on the one hand, and on the other hand you have to wait for the airship ticket.

The number of airships every year is actually held by the wizarding organizations in this area. If ordinary wizards do not have a back office, they will not be able to get the boarding quota.

Of course, this is not absolute.

The journey from the Northern Section to the Mason region is actually very dangerous. Not only does it need to face powerful storm tides, but also some dangerous creatures along the road, which may cause the wizard to encounter accidents.

The dangers on the road, as well as other reasons, may cause some wizarding organizations or wizarding families to abandon their places and take out their own boarding places in exchange for some needed resources.

If Adier wants to board a ship to the Mason area, there is only this way.

“Let’s check it out tomorrow …”

Standing in place, thinking of the information he had asked before, Adier walked to the other side.

The facilities in this inner city are perfect. There are complete laboratories, which can be temporarily rented for only full payment. The conditions are much better than the advanced laboratories Adier used in Academy in the past.

“Into a dust-free environment …” Walking into it, the sound of the chip machinery in my head sounded again.

Gently closing the door, Adier walked to the front of the test bench, took out the things that had been prepared, and began to dispose of the medicine.

The process was over quickly, more than half an hour later, when Adier stepped out of the laboratory again, he already had a bottle of glass potion in his hand.

In the potion bottle, but the glow of silver was shining, and it looked very bright.

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