Inside the warm and spacious hotel, as dinner time arrived, the tourists who originally stayed here went downstairs to the restaurant below.

Perhaps it is because this town is rarely visited by people. In addition to Adier, there are only three or four wooden tables in the surrounding area, which is very conspicuous in the spacious restaurant.

In front of Adier, at a large wooden table, two people were sitting there, one wearing a black robe and one wearing a red robe.

The man in the black robe was an old man, with deep wrinkles on his face, and it looked like he was not too young, but only exuded a unique quirky breath, similar to that of Sistie.

As for the other person wearing a red robe, it was a middle age person, and his face looked a bit indifferent and indifferent.

On him, a subtle Spirit wave emanates continuously, causing a subconscious panic, instinctively wanting to stay away from this person.

Sitting on a wooden chair, sensing the breath of the two men in the distance, Adier was shocked.

“All formal wizards …”

He sighed with the hearty food on the table.

The chip in his head could not detect the physical data of the two men, and the surface of the other’s body was covered with a thin force field, which converged all the breath on his body.

This situation can only be achieved by a formal wizard, even the two in front of them are not ordinary formal wizards.

The old black robe sorcerer wouldn’t say anything, and from his strange weirdness similar to that of Sistie and the others, Sistie and the others would no doubt be under his control.

As for another middle-aged wizard wearing a red robe, it is also not simple. Eighty-nine is a blood wizard who has been on the battlefield. The combat power is much stronger than the average wizard.

These two wizards, no matter which one they met, Adier had to be cautious, and now they suddenly encountered two in this remote town.

At the right hand of the two wizards, other apprentices gathered together, sitting together at another big wooden table.

Andrew and Sistie were sitting aside, their faces were a little stiff, and they didn’t say anything, just silently using their own dinner.

The others were just average, quietly using the dinner in front of them, and they didn’t seem to speak at all.

When they finished their dinner, they didn’t stop here, but went in different directions. Some of them chose to return to the upstairs room, while others walked outside.

Among them, Sisti and Andrew walked outside together.

In response to this, at the wooden table in front of Adier, the two wizards did not respond at all, and they seemed not to worry about them escaping.

After dinner quietly, Adier got up to pay the bill and walked outside.

The moment he turned and walked outside the hotel door, he lowered his head slightly, his face’s appearance changed rapidly, and he became a black haired youth.

Walking on the road, after thinking for a while, Adier first returned to the room, replaced the black robe on his body, then walked out, and continued to walk out.

This town is so large in total, even if you can’t use the Spirit to search directly because of the fear of the two formal wizards, the silhouette of the Andrews is still very easy to find.

Walking down the wide street, Andrew, wearing a robe, was leading the way.

On his side, Sistie, and two other apprentices, were wandering around here casually.

Although they were walking here, they couldn’t see a little happiness, but each and everyone looked indifferent, and seemed to be indifferent to everything.

Slowly, they looked at all around, and then walked into an unmanned alley.

When they got here, they took a careful look at all around and confirmed that they did not keep up before they were relaxed.

“The female apprentice who watched us didn’t follow …”

Looking around, Sistie opened the mouth and said first.

“In her heart, we are probably dead … naturally, there is no need to follow up.”

Another female apprentice in a pale green robe turned bitter and turned and looked towards the others: “How are you feeling?”

“It’s uncomfortable … Mana is completely blocked. The Spirit Sea is also out of the question, let alone building a magic template, not even daily meditation.”

A black hair middle-aged apprentice said with a bitter smile: “Now we are actually no different from ordinary people except that our physical Strength is comparable to some weak Knight.”

“You have to find a way as soon as possible.”

At this point, Andrew’s face was dignified: “Now it’s cold mountain range, and we have little time left.”

“You should have noticed that … the two formal wizards were less and less concerned about our attitude, and they would have monitored us at the beginning. After arriving here, they almost didn’t even look at us …

“I feel an unpredictable hunch … Once they find their goal, our mission may be over.”

In place, the apprentices were silent for a moment.

Forcibly controlled by two formal sorcerers, the pressure on these apprentices grew as the other’s goals got closer.

The two formal wizards forcibly controlled so many apprentices could never have brought them to this place for an outing, and necessarily had their own purpose.

At first glance, these two formal wizards were not good guys. After the goal was achieved, they apprentices could not survive the eight-nine.

As apprentice apprentices, they know nothing about the cruelty of the apprentice world.

However, in the face of the two formal wizards, it was not that they were able to resist even a few apprentices who were not even third-class apprentices. Even if they knew that the other party was about to start, they could not resist.

“To fight against a formal wizard, only a formal wizard …”

At the end of the discussion, they fell into silence, and despair loomed in the eyes of several of them.

“Get here today …”

After a long silence, Andrew said again, “We have been out for a long time, and if we will be late, I’m afraid I will be suspected by that watcher.”

The others were silently nodded, and then slowly walked away.

Walking all the way back to the streets of the town, in order to reduce doubt, they parted and left.

After the others left, Andrew and Sisty slowed down and headed for the other corner.

“The two people are gone.”

Looking closely, it was confirmed that no one was around, Sistie opened the mouth and said.

“It’s best to leave, although it’s all controlled, but some things are best not to be heard by others.”

Standing in the spacious corner, looking around, Andrew also relaxed, his face became a lot more serious: “It is impossible for us apprentices to fight against two formal wizards.”

“To fight against formal wizards, you have to rely on other formal wizards.”

Standing in place, Andrew looked very calm: “From this period of time, the two formal wizards are definitely not so harmonious on the surface. The reason why there has not been a dispute so far is that besides jealous each other’s strength, it is also because The remains have not been found. “

“But when the ruins are found, our opportunity is here!”

“You mean … when they wait for their internal conflict?”

Listening to Andrew’s words, Sistine frowned: “But we swallowed the parasite. Even if we finally left successfully, as long as the other party didn’t unlock the spell, we would still die.”

“So, in order for us to live, we had to let others die.”

Andrew’s face was cold-hearted: “I have seen some materials of parasitology. Once the special parasite enters within the body, it will melt into the body immediately and cannot be removed at all.”

“In order to solve this spell, in addition to the caster’s active dissolution, only by killing the caster can the spell be automatically dismissed.”

“But under normal circumstances, this is difficult to do, especially when we are under control, and there is almost no possibility.” Sisti smiled wryly.

“Be as careful as possible.”

Having said that, Andrew was a little silent: “Maybe there will be a turnaround in the end.”

呲 呲 ···

A burst of light sound came from afar, and the complexion of Andrew and the two changed greatly in an instant.


The sound of the long sword pulled out, Andrew’s face was cold, with a burning killing intent in his eyes, fierce looking towards the direction of the sound.

Don’t look at him now being controlled by parasites, he can’t cast spell. But this does not mean that he has no strength to kill.

As a second-class apprentice, even if the mana is blocked, he cannot cast spell, but his physical quality is also comparable to Knight. Although he lacks Life Seed, it is impossible to be Knight’s opponent, but it is also important to pack some ordinary person.

In the corner where he stared, a young man in a black robe was standing there, looking at Andrew at this time, with an expression of interest on his face, as if he saw something interesting.

Without any hesitation, next moment, a black shadow rushed into this person’s eyes like a blast of wind, a bright silver long sword exuding silver and white sword light, chopped fiercely on the body of the black haired youth.

This blow was extremely heavy, and he had exhausted all the power Andrew could use at this time, and was caught in a situation that caught him off guard, even if it was a Knight.

However, to their surprise, Liang Silver’s sharp long sword was chopped on the young man in front of him, and the scene of flesh and blood flying did not appear, not even a wave of waves.

In front of the youth of the black robe, a layer of ripples emerged, like a small pebble smashed into the clear lake surface, causing the lake water to ripple gently.

Andrew’s long sword failed to be cut down at all, and was directly bounced by the position uploaded by the opponent.

“Official Wizard!”

Looking at this scene, feeling the anti-seismic force from his hand, Andrew showed despair and no luck in his heart.

Without any hesitation, his face showed a terrified and unbelievable expression, immediately lowered his head deeply, threw the long sword on his arm to the ground, and issued a clear snoring sound: “This wizard, please forgive me Offended! I …

Before he could finish speaking, he was suddenly enveloped by a dark shadow, and a silhouette came to him in an instant.

“It’s over …”

He flashed the thought in his mind for a moment, then closed his eyes directly.

It was only a long time before the expected pain and suffocation did not come.

“Andrew, can’t you recognize me so quickly?” There was a slight sound in my ear, with an inexplicable familiarity.

Listening to this voice, Andrew immediately opened his eyes, and suddenly raised his head, with an unbelievable expression in his eyes.

Behind Andrew, Sistie opened his eyes. Although he didn’t speak, his eyes were on Adier.

Under their gaze, the black robe youth in front of them smiled, and the appearance of their faces began to change, eventually becoming a familiar face that made them feel familiar.


The tens of minutes passed quickly, and after a while, Andrew and Sistill stepped out of the corner again.

Compared with before, their faces still look somewhat numb, but they are a little bit agitated, and they are well covered up.

Out of the corner, they quickly returned to their previous hotel.

“How come out for so long?” A sharp female voice came from the front.

A female apprentice in black robe stood in front of the door, looking a little indifferent and mean, looking at them at this moment.

“We went outside for a while.”

Looking at each other, Andrew walked in front, his face numbly opened the mouth and said.

“Oh, I think you guys want to run away.”

A mean voice came, and the female apprentice sneered.

“My lord, you laughed …” Andrew quickly expressed his panic.

“OK, don’t pretend.”

The female apprentice in front of the black robe was a little impatient: “Get ready for me, and leave as soon as it dawns.”

Leaving that aside, she didn’t bother Andrew and left the two of them walking towards the side, and she seemed to have to inform the others.

Behind her, Andrew and Sistie stared at each other, seeing the dignity in each other’s eyes.

Now that they are about to leave now, it also shows that they are one step closer to each other’s purpose.

In the face of two formal wizards, even if they knew that Adier would follow behind, they were equally worried.

Not to mention the gap in numbers, the two formal wizards now looked uncommon.

Adier can be promoted to a formal wizard at this age, and they have already reached the limit. They are likely to have just been promoted, and it is unlikely to be an opponent of an established formal wizard.

Holding this puppet, in action, they did not hesitate to go directly to their room and quickly packed up their things.

The next day, but the first rays of light illuminated the ground. Under the guidance of several black robed men, they hired several guides and walked towards the depths of the mountain range.

Behind them, Adier hung far away.

In the face of two formal wizards, he naturally did not dare to hide in front of the other side. In order to prevent it, even the spell did not dare to use it too much, just hanging behind the other side at this time.

There are chips, and the traces caused by the opponent ’s walking cannot be covered at all, let alone in the opponent ’s team, there are two inner ghosts Andrew and Sisty. Although it is impossible to do too much hands and feet, but leave a little detail To remind Adier that the direction is stress-free.

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