“Why not! Why not here!”

Someone was screaming at the wooded mountain range, and a wrinkled face looked puzzled.

“Laman, close your mouth for me honestly!”

A middle-aged wizard wearing a red robe stepped forward, a frosty face with a little disdain: “If the ruins of the ancient wizard were really so easy to find, how could it be cheaper for us?”

“Myrdo, are you qualified to say that?”

Laman turned around and looked at the red robe with a pair of cloudy eyes. “It was you who pulled me into the gang, and it was you who took the map to lead the way. Now half a month has passed, but there are no traces of the trace left. I also wonder if you have deliberately led the wrong way. “


Myrdo was indifferent, sneering out loudly: “It is you who promised to join the group. I have shown you the map. You have also determined that the route is correct, but now you come to me?”


Hearing the words of the other party, Laman stopped talking, coldly snorted, turned around, and continued to walk forward.

After coming to this area according to the directions of the map, during this time, the area has been searched by them, but at the end, there are no traces of remains.

Faced with this situation, no matter who will become anxious. In recent times, Laman has even sent Andrew-controlled apprentices to speed up the search process as much as possible.

“The area here is incorrect.”

On the other side, adier faces similar difficulties on rugged mountain roads.

“According to the situation marked on the map, the ruins should be in this area. Why are there no traces?”

Walking along the road and carefully following each other, Adier could not help frowning: “Does it have to meet a special condition or a certain token?”

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and then he couldn’t help thinking of the two things Terence had given him.

Reaching out to take the package behind him to the ground, Adier opened it directly and took out two items from it.

It was a map of yellowed animal skins, and a bronze-colored sign with a two-headed dragon engraved on it, as well as some poetic praises written in Quran.

Holding the token in his hand and looking at the text above, Adier read it word by word: “When the moon rises to the sky, the crown of Gumoran will land on the ground …

“When the moon rises …”

After reading the words on the sign, Adier muttered to himself: “This is quite clear, and some key points are straight out.”

“Wait a minute and see what happens when the moon comes out.”

He settled down, thinking of the sun hanging high in the sky.

Soon, it was evening.

However, it seems that Adier’s luck is not very good. At this point, not at all, the moon rises, the sky is dark, and even the stars are invisible.

“It seems to wait until tomorrow.”

Standing in a barren corner of five people, looking up at the sky quietly, Adier thought silently.

He looked towards the token in his hand, but suddenly held it.

On the familiar bronze Sect, the pattern of the black two-headed dragon is still engraved on it, but a slight change has occurred at this time. The appearance of the two-headed dragon on the top seems to have changed a little.

This change is slight, very inconspicuous, less than 0,1% of the whole, and it is almost impossible to find under normal circumstances.

If it weren’t for Adier’s chip tip, even a formal wizard, one wouldn’t have noticed this change by accident.

“It seems that the moon should not refer to the real moon, but only to that time.”

Looking at the Anhua sign in his hand, Adier thoughtfully, and then ordered the chip in his head: “Chip, zoom in!”

As the order was issued, the sight immediately changed.

A piece of bronze color completely covers the sight in front of you, and changes constantly as the sight keeps separating.

At a magnification of tens of thousands of times, a unique picture appeared in front of him.

That is a bronze topographic map, the range is not very large, but it is very clear.

There are two dots on this map, one of them is red and one is white.

It took a while for Adier to understand the meaning of these two punctuations.

White represents the location of the sign. As for the red point, there is no doubt that it is the entrance to the ruins.

Thinking of this, Adier didn’t hesitate and walked directly into the distance with the sign.

Walking all the way to a very far area, and reaching the top of a mountain, Adier stopped and looked up.

In the small map shown in the sign, the red and white dots have now coincided, and they appear to be completely in the same area.

“I’ve been here before because I didn’t come at the right time, so I didn’t find anything before?”

Standing in place, glancing at the surrounding scenery, Adier’s eyes flickered.

Adier had searched the area several times during the past half month and behind the two formal wizards, but found no trace of the remains.

Not only him, but the two formal wizards as well. They searched the area for more than half a month, but couldn’t find anything.

It seems that it is not because the map is wrong, but because other conditions have not been achieved.

Standing in place, Adier raised the sign in his hand and quietly sensed the surroundings.

At this time it was midnight, and the night was shrouded in the earth, and the light was very weak.

Inside, Adier closed his eyes quietly, and Spirit entered a deep meditation state for a moment.

In this state, he sensed the turbulent energy particles from the outside, and at this time, some of them were quickly entering the symbol in his hand, which caused the small symbol to emit light, and echoed somewhere here.

As time passed, the light of the sign became brighter and the location of that place became clearer. In the end, even Dao Sect was exposed, as long as Adier stepped in, he could walk in.

This feeling is very unique. While it feels novel, it can’t help lamenting the mystery and weirdness of this place.

After a while, forcibly pressed down the mind that wanted to enter, Adier eyes opened.

On his hand, the quaint bronze amulet lay in his palm well, and it looked different from the not at all before.

But just after that scene, Adier can feel this sign of out of the ordinary.

This is the key to truly communicate the ruins. Without this sign, even if you can find it, it is difficult to find the real entrance.

“Can’t just go in like this …” Inducing the Dao Sect household, Adier frowned, then looked towards the other side.

In that direction, the two formal wizards were resting.

“Wait a minute …” Looking at that direction, Adier’s eyes flickered, and finally he pressed his mind that he wanted to enter the ruins.

A few days later.

“What? You found the entrance to the ruins !!”

In the early morning, a loud voice came from a distance.

Laman was wearing a black robe, and his wrinkled face looked very excited at this moment: “Where? Come on!”

Behind him, Myrdo is much better, and although equally agitated, he has some doubts in his eyes.

Standing in front of the two formal sorcerers, Andrew and Sistine were nervous. “We don’t know if it’s a relic … it just seemed to see a Dao Sect …”

“Where? Take us there now!”

Before he could finish, Laman shouted directly and let them lead the way.

Looking at each other, Andrew walked out first, taking the rest in a certain direction.

Their end point was exactly the top of the mountain that Adier had previously found. However, at this time of day, everything around at not changes, and naturally it is impossible to find the door.

“Where is the door? Where is the door?”

After coming here and searching for it several times, Laman was a little puzzled, and then his cloudy eyes instantly looked towards Andrew, seemingly questioning.

“Sir … We didn’t lie to you.”

So stared at by an official wizard, Andrew’s face was pale, and he seemed scared. At this moment, he knelt down without looking at all. “Only in the middle of yesterday, the door appeared Yes, but it soon disappeared. “

“Wait, you said you saw it in the middle of the night?”

Myrdo suddenly interjected.

On the side, listening to Myrdo’s words, Laman’s eyes were equally bright, looking towards Andrew: “Tell me to think carefully about the situation at the time! Don’t miss any details!”


Staring at him, Andrew seemed to be frightened, and quickly nodded and said: “It was in the middle of the night, because the moon was very round, so Sister and I went out to see the moon, and just came to this area and saw A bronze door. “

“The door disappeared very quickly. At first I thought I had an illusion, but Sistie also saw the door, so I was sure …”

“Midnight, and the moon …”

With Andrew’s narration, standing in front of them, Laman and Myrdo’s eyes became brighter and brighter, and they could not help but fall into meditation.

While they were distracted, in front of them, kneeling on the ground, the battered and exhausted Andrew and Sisty glanced cryptically.

In the middle of the night, instead of leaving, they called all the apprentices directly to wait here.

“It’s midnight and the moon has come out. Why haven’t you seen the entrance yet?”

Standing at the top of the mountain in the middle of the night, Laman looked a little impatiently towards Andrew: “Andrew, are you sure you saw this place?”

“Sir, I’m sure!”

Facing doubts, Andrew chop nails and sever Iron’s opened the mouth and said, without the slightest hesitation.

“It should be right in this position.”

Aside, Myrdo’s voice came.

“Myrdo, what did you find?” Laman wondered.

“Feel it with your Spirit.”

Looking back at Laman, Myrdo’s eyes were deep, but his face was a bit terrifying, with a suffocating Spirit on him.

Listening to his words, Laman closed his eyes, spreading his Spirit’s power, though he was puzzled.

As Spirit’s force slowly spread, he also felt a slight anomaly.

Somewhere around this, a bronze-colored door was standing, caught by his Spirit force, and observed exactly by him.

“this is···”

Some shocked eyes opened, and Laman’s eyes opened with shock in his eyes.

“This is Secret Realm.”

On the other hand, Myrdo seemed to have anticipated all this. At this time, his face flashed with surprise: “Although this ruin is located in this area, the entrance is not here, but it is fixed by the Wizard Array. In a unique space, it can only be observed at a specific place at a specific time. “

“The ancient wizard’s Strength and knowledge are really desirable.”

Having said that, Myrdo couldn’t help sighing, his voice was full of reverence and longing for ancient wizards.

“what should I do now?”

Glancing at the apprentices around him, Laman asked frowning.

“Bring them on, let’s go in together.”

Myrdo opened his mouth, exposing sharp teeth like shark teeth: “They will be used in the remains of the meeting.”

“Master Laman, Master Myrdo …”

At this moment, there was a faint shout beside him, and I saw aside, Andrew stood with Sistine, with a look of anticipation on his face at this time: “You promised us, as soon as you find the ruins, you can solve Drive the spell on us and let us go. “

“Oh, I did say that …”

Laman paused, with a cheerful smile on his face: “But I didn’t seem to say, when will you be left?”

“When the exploration of this lying ruin is over, it is not too late for you to leave.”

Listening to this, Andrew’s complexion suddenly turned blue, and his eyes were filled with anger for a moment, but he was forcibly suppressed.

This look of anger and intimidation made all other apprentices present in the heart, and the anger in Laman’s heart was also rising.

Obviously, these two formal wizards never thought about letting them go from the beginning. Even if the exploration of the ruins is over, they are likely to become slaves and cannot be released by the other party.

“Well, stop talking nonsense.”

Myrdo’s face was cold and indifferent to all this in front of me, but just opened the mouth and said: “It’s too late, we will go in immediately.”

“A total of eight people, each of us is responsible for four!”

Laman nodded, and then closed his eyes directly. Spirit instantly hooked the bronze door that Spirit sensed, and immediately followed the traction to teleport himself.

In a flash, everyone in front of him disappeared and teleported to another space in the distance.

When all this was over, and after half disappearing, in the distance, a silhouette wearing a black robe came out of the forest at the rear, at this time looking at the place with a sneer on his face.

After a while, as a light flickered, his silhouette also disappeared in place, teleported to another space in an instant.

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