“This is the relic of an ancient wizard … It really is different from the wizard of today …”

A flat place, looking at the surroundings, Laman looked with amazement and looked around.

Behind him, Myrdo stood beside him with the other apprentices, and his face was equally astonished.

Surrounded by a piece of golden.

Among the vast ruins, a huge golden sun hangs high in the sky, continuously emitting some energy to illuminate the entire ruins.

The sun was huge, about several hundred meters away from the ruins, but the majestic Strength and the unparalleled horror of flames could clearly perceive that my heart could not help but tremble.

In the face of this horrible Strength, even formal wizards are just ants, trembling physically and mentally, needless to say to fight against them.

“What a terrible Strength … how amazing the power …”

Looking at the incomparable gigantic sun above the ruins, Myrdo marveled: “Compared with the mighty power of the ancient times, today’s wizards are nothing at all.”

“Maybe only the Maison Region, even the legendary Central World, can have a Strength comparable to this.”

“Don’t talk too much.”

On the side, Laman was a little excited, and a wrinkled face appeared with excitement. At this moment, he looked up at the sun in the sky, too. “Since you are here, think about how to get what is left here.”

“Yes, Not Bad.”

As he mentioned, Myrdo’s face also returned to calm and indifference: “Let’s go, from the current situation, the core here should be under the sun.”

While talking, he looked up at the distant sun that glowed in the distance, a glow in his eyes.

In the sky, the huge sun is still emitting light, but there is a beam of light connected to it, one end is connected to the sun, and the other end is connected to the earth.

If there were no accidents, one end of the beam of light should be the core of the ruins and the place where the harvest is most likely to be obtained.

Thinking of this, they walked forward.

As they continued to move forward, the surrounding golden light became more and more intense, and a unique Strength was brewing in it.

“Somewhat wrong, here, the surrounding energy particles are getting thinner and thinner.”

Standing here, Laman frowned: “Spirit power has also been suppressed a little. If you use spell here, formidable power will be reduced a lot.”

Aside, Myrdo nodded, expressing sympathy.

This feeling has already begun when entering the ruins, but it was not so obvious at the beginning.

But until now, the surrounding energy particles are getting thinner and thinner, and the surrounding environment has suppressed them to a very horrible level, and as they go deeper into the ruins, there is a growing trend.

“This should be a measure of protection for the ancient wizards.”

Feeling the increasingly thin energy particles around, Myrdo said solemnly: “The spell formidable power of the ancient wizard is too strong, so in order to protect some important places, the Wizard Array is often set to forbid the energy particles of the entire area. Exclusion. “

“This technology is said to have been lost to now. It can only be seen in some large wizarding organizations. I didn’t expect to meet one here.”

He looked at the golden sun above his head, and continued to open the mouth and said: “However, this also shows the importance of this place. The Wizard Wizard Array is very expensive to arrange, even in the prosperous ancient times. No special place can be established. “

“Looks like we need to be careful.”

Laman’s hazy eyes looked towards all around, and there was a hint of caution in his eyes.

The more important it is, the stronger the defense will be. Especially the relics left by ancient wizards are full of difficulties, and if they want to harvest enough things, they must go through many difficulties.

But neither Laman nor Myrdo had any fear in this regard.

The wizard’s path is full of dangers. Even if you usually do an experiment, it will definitely cause backlash. It is impossible to do without any danger.

It was already fortunate for them to find a complete relic. Since it was decided to explore in the relic, naturally they will not give up because of a possible danger.

What’s more, as formal wizards, they also have confidence in their own strength.

Walking slowly forward, at the end of the road, several different roads appeared, which just happened to divide the area completely.

“What should we do now?”

When I got here, Laman looked towards Myrdo, his eyes flickered.

“Do you still want to separate?”

Myrdo was wearing a red robe and looked at Laman with a sneer on his face: “Here are the relics of an ancient wizard, the dangers left in it, and it’s nothing to deal with a formal wizard. If you are separated, I don’t know how to die. dead.”

After some deliberation, they finally chose the road on the right and walked quickly.

After they left, a silhouette wearing a black robe came out slowly behind them, the pace seemed very light, and there was no sound.

“Choose the road on the right?”

Adier seemed hesitant when he reached the intersection and looked at the roads that were branching in front of him.

In the face of two formal wizards, the conventional tracking method has completely failed.

Either the breath on the other side or the unconscious radiation emitted by the other side is completely gathered by the other side, unless it is violent, or it cannot be detected.

However, the apprentices that the other party carried succeeded in exposing each other’s position, and this was followed by Adier.

“Which way should I go?”

Standing in place, looking at the three forks in front, Adier seemed hesitant.

The reason why he previously exposed the location of the ruins through Andrew and the others, in addition to fearing that the two people would be attracted by the fluctuations when entering the ruins, also meant to use the other side as a pathfinder.

After all, there are various dangers in the ancient ruins. If you come alone, the strength of the formal wizard is still a bit risky.

If you can have two pathfinder stone tops in front, and deliberately and inadvertently, you can wait for the other party to test out the dangers along the way, and then take the final harvest in your hands.

Although it was so planned, some changes after entering the ruins still made Adier completely unprepared.

Gently reaching out, Adier took a bronze-colored sign from his arms.

After entering the ruins, this bronze-colored sign began to change, not only always emitting the golden light, but also faintly echoing the sun in the sky, resonating gently. The pattern of the double-headed dragon above is also changing, and a pair of original dragon eyes are also shining, looking like a living giant dragon.

Zooming in on this symbol through the chip, a complex circular map was suddenly revealed, and a pale white light spot was flashing, marking Adier’s current position.

What made Adier hesitant was that on the map, the first three roads were also displayed, each of them emitting a different light.

The one on the far left emits white, and the one in the middle is dazzling golden.

As for the last one, which is the path chosen by the two former sorcerers, there is exactly a bloody red, which looks red and seems to indicate something.

This could not help hesitating Adier.

Judging from the present performance of the ruins, the wizarding organization that established the ruins undoubtedly highly respects golden, so the entire ruins will be built into a golden appearance.

Scarlet color often represents danger, which has not changed in ancient times and now. But in the case of two formal wizards leading the way, there can also be some guarantees on security.

Coupled with Andrew’s factors, all kinds of reasons add up to make Adier hesitate.

However, he did not hesitate for too long and walked directly from the middle road.

After walking a long way, a golden light suddenly bloomed in front.

In a golden flash, Adier came to a spacious walkway.

On the aisle, a corpse lay there quietly, at this time it had become a skeleton, and there was still a piece of cloth left on it.

“Not a formal wizard?”

Probably inspected the body, Adier frowned, looking a little confused.

The ruins are very secretive, and the portal is hidden in the deep space by the strength of the ruins, let alone a formal wizard to enter here, it is difficult to sense the portal.

But at the moment, this corpse is indeed not a formal wizard. From the analysis of the corpse, there is only a third-class apprenticeship at most.

“Detection completed … Data simulation completed … Third class apprentices may be 94.1%, race is Half-Elf …”

At this time, the sound of the chip machinery in my head sounded again.

“Half-Elf ···”

Adier froze and continued to look at the corpse.

The skeleton of this corpse is indeed different from ordinary people. Although it is not much different from the ordinary person class as a whole, it has many subtle differences and is similar to Adier.

Adier hadn’t noticed before, and after reminding him at this time, he immediately discovered this.

“A Half-Elf apprentice.”

This somewhat similar background Adier subconsciously felt something strange: “Is it just a coincidence?”

Half-Elf has a very low chance of being born. In so many years, he has never seen any other kind besides Adier himself, but now he appears directly in the ruins, which makes Adier feel a little strange.

“If it’s not a coincidence.”

Flashing this thought in his mind, Adier frowned, then squatted down, looked at the remains of the body, and wanted to see if he could find anything more.

The shape of the corpse was conspicuous, and several bones were broken at the chest, looking like it was cut by something.

Around the corpse, Adier also found an azure dagger with some patterns engraved on it, which made Adier startled.

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