“You leave, before you go to the altar, be sure to find the inheritance of the ancestors …”

In the spacious room, strange images are still being performed.

The old man sat quietly on a wooden chair, his black eyes were deep, as if he had seen the vicissitudes, at this time he looked at the elf girl in front of him, his face kind.

“Elder …”

The young girl’s eyes were red, and a pair of good-looking eyes showed sadness: “Clansman’s hope, I will do it.”

“If it doesn’t work, just leave.”

The old man looked at her kindly, his face was very calm and serene.

Looking at his appearance, the girl finally nodded, and after waving her sleeves, she left without the slightest hesitation and walked towards the other corner.

When she left, the image had not disappeared.

The old man sat quietly on the wooden chair, his eyes looked towards the side, and slowly fell on Adier.

At this moment, Adier only felt a real pressure coming, as if a real sight fell on him, making him feel astonished.


It seemed that he felt doubts in his heart, and the old man in front of him smiled, and then he spoke again.

Facing this scene, Adier took a step back subconsciously before he reacted.

“Don’t panic, this is just the residual effect of spell that’s all. I myself have fallen in the years.”

Looking at Adier, the old man was kind, with vicissitudes in his eyes, and said quietly: “The last spell I cast during my lifetime here is based on my body. Only when clansman with elf Royal Family Bloodline comes comes Activate and get these messages left before I died. “

“Elf Royal Family Bloodline.”

Listening to the old man, Adier whispered to himself.

If the condition is the Bloodline of the elf Royal Family, then Adier does exactly that.

As Half-Elf, Adier within the body has half the elf Bloodline. The mother of his life happens to be one of the branches of the elf royal family. Although the royal Bloodline within the body is already thin, it is indeed a descendant of the elf Royal Family.

“We failed. The curse left by Bloodline is not so easy to break … In order to resolve this outbreak, we violated the ancestor’s ban and came to this forbidden area to seek the glory of our ancestors …”

In front of him, the peaceful old man was still saying, “But the reason the forbidden ground is forbidden ground is because there is something more terrible … Just entered here, infected with that kind of breath, and the curse on us was motivated, directly It broke out. “

“The Strength of the Sun Emperor is both a glory and a ban …”

“I will run out of the last Strength and record this image and some things. Later, no matter what your identity is, for the glory of your ancestors, and for yourself, go to the center of the forbidden land and find the inheritance and power of the Sun Emperor Stick … “


The image in front of me is still continuing, saying sentence by sentence, but it is getting weaker and more blurred, and it seems that it cannot be supported for too long.

After a while, the surroundings returned to silence, and the visualized light in front of them disappeared, illuminating the surroundings for a short time.

Standing silently, watching the image disappear, Adier was silent for a while, then walked straight ahead.

There, a dry corpse was sitting quietly on a wooden chair, wearing the robe from the previous image, but it was completely out of breath.

On the body, Adier found a blue round crystal.

This is a crystal of advanced consciousness, which can not only transmit knowledge quickly, but also can be used many times. It is not a consumable like ordinary crystal of consciousness. It belongs to very precious and rare things and is very expensive.

Silently picking up this crystal, Adier’s powerful Spirit moved and instantly moved the contents inside.

“An unknown information interface was detected, is it connected?” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again.


Listening to the sound of the chip in his head, Adier did not hesitate to confirm directly.

At a moment, a large amount of information flowed into my mind, and it was constantly oscillating.

Complex knowledge is constantly intertwined, and several extremely complex magic templates have been constructed in my mind, as well as some scattered information.

“Du! Unknown information has been accessed and organized, three magic templates, one Meditation Method …” After receiving the information, the sound of the chip machinery in my head is still sounding.

Standing in place, shocked by a large amount of information in his mind, Adier just choked.

This gain is far beyond his previous imagination. Not to mention the three magic templates, it is just the Meditation Method. If you take it out, I am afraid that it will be enough for countless formal wizards to break their heads.

That is a high-level Meditation Method called Moon Sacrifice. From the information left by the other party, it is only a high-level Meditation Method that elf Royal Family is eligible to study.

But unfortunately, this Meditation Method is incomplete. According to the other party ’s statement, the full Moon Ritual Mediation Method has 4-Layer, which can be used to practice Level 4 wizards, but now only the front is left. Two levels, the content behind it has been lost.

According to the information from the other party, Adier also understood the other party’s identity.

This is the high priest of the elf kingdom, not only the elf royal family itself, but also the most noble group of the elf kingdom.

Of course, now that time has passed, the elf kingdom to which the other party once belonged may have collapsed.

“Sacrifice of the Moon …”

Standing still, Adier murmured.

Just by feeling the knowledge in his mind, Adier can know the depth and horror of this set of Meditation Method, which is far more complicated than the basic Meditation Method that he once studied.

However, according to the information attached to the Meditation Method, this set of Meditation Method is entirely based on the ancient Moon Elf Bloodline. If it does not have the Bloodline of the Moon Elf Royal Family, although it can also be practiced, the effect is great. gap.

For Adier, this set of Mediation Methods is just right.

After finishing everything in his mind, Adier also understood the origin of this ruin.

This is a relic built by the elf sun emperor in ancient times. It not only buried the body and scepter of the elf emperor, but also sealed some horrible things.

The huge sun in the sky is actually the manifestation of the elf emperor’s Strength. The Strength in the corpse slowly passed away in the long years, and was extracted and condensed by the Strength of the Wizard Array, and finally used to suppress the entire ruins.

And the place where the sun is connected to the earth is the core area of ​​the original ruins and the body of Emperor Elf.

“Just the Strength leaked from the corpse can form such a terrible and magnificent sight … The Strength of the Ancient Wizard is really horrible.”

Adier couldn’t help but sigh as he looked up towards the ruins, watching the huge sun that was continuously emitting golden light.

In the sky, the huge golden sun is still suspended in the sky, emitting light continuously, even if it is a few hundred meters away from the ruins, but the magnificent and terrifying atmosphere and the majesty and dignity of Supreme can be clearly communicated. To everyone.

This is a magical power. If it were not for the information in his mind, Adier could scarcely imagine that it was a Strength condensate leaked from a corpse.

After walking in the room and searching around, Adier also found some unexpected gains.

It was some spar that flickered with golden light and looked like an ordinary magic stone. The breath of energy particles was flowing continuously.

In terms of energy alone, this golden spar alone may be comparable to hundreds of high-level magic stones.

“Magic, I didn’t expect to find it so easily …”

Looking at the two golden spar in his hand, Adier couldn’t help sighing.

The two golden spar in Adier’s hand, which is what Terence said before, is also the main raw material for purification and refining, but now it is easily found here.

This was found on the dead body of the old man in front of him.

As the high priest of the elf kingdom, second only to the king of elf, the old man naturally will not lack good things. Although most of the materials he carries are invalid because of the long time, there are still some things that can be left. This is the case of the two magic crystals.

With these two pieces of magic crystals and the knowledge acquired by Adier before, it can be said that Adier’s previous goal of entering the ruins has been exceeded, even if he exits immediately, it is a great gain.

But now that he knows the details of the vestige in front of him, naturally Adier will not just leave.

The tombs buried by the ancient elf emperor’s corpse, what may be hidden in such a place, even if just a little missing, are enough to endure formal wizards such as Adier.

What’s more, from the information left by the elf high priest, the elf emperor also left inheritance and his scepter.

These things are enough for a formal wizard to fight and fight. If you leave like this, Adier’s conscience will not be stable.

Of course, as the tomb of an ancient elf emperor, and the forbidden area where elf is forbidden to enter, the danger of this ruin is beyond doubt.

Adier was mentally prepared, and the world door in the depth of one’s soul was glowing at this time, which was half-open at this time and may be fully opened at any time.

As soon as an accident happened midway through, Adier would immediately open the door to World and leave the place in an instant.

After searching the spacious room and confirming that nothing was missing, Adier turned away and walked away.

The road is a long aisle. Occasionally I can see some rooms and find something inside, but most of them have failed and the harvest is very rare.

I don’t know how many years this ruin was established, but according to Adier’s estimation, I am afraid that it has at least 10,000 years of history.

The elf emperor is the ruler of the elf family of Supreme, possessing a Strength that surpasses the ancient Moon Elf, is the true master of the elf family, and its Bloodline descendants have been cut off as far back as ancient times.

If the ruins in front of you are really a pure-blood elf emperor, the history may be traced back to the Peak period of the Epoch of Glory.

In such a long time, except for a few materials like magic crystal, most things will decay and completely lose their effect.

In the aisle in front of him, Adier walked for a long time, and finally came to another area.

Here is a spacious open space, with the sound of faint sounds of water flowing around, with some inexplicable muffled noise, constantly coming from a distance.

Several silhouettes appeared in the distance.

There were several tall stone statues, standing quietly in the distance, standing like giant giants of each and everyone standing there, guarding a golden door.

Looking at the stone statues, Adier’s eyes flickered, then he took out the sign in his arms and walked forward slowly.

His steps were light and slow, with a sense of caution, as if guarding against something.

As he got closer to the stone giants, in his hands, the bronze-colored sign was emitting a faint light, shining on Adier’s body.

“Can’t go in yet …”

Feeling the light on the sign, Adier’s footsteps stopped suddenly, his face solemnly looked towards the stone statue ahead.

In the information left by the old man, some of the materials and topographic maps of the tomb are located.

The golden gate in front of me is the only entrance to the interior of the ruins. If you want to enter the depths of the ruins, you can only pass through the gate.

The stone statues in front of the door are the guardians of this gate, the puppets made by ancient elf.

Anyone who wants to enter the mausoleum will be stopped by these stone giants. Unless certain conditions are met, it is impossible to enter them at all.

“Since this is the tomb of the emf emperor, one of the conditions to enter is the Bloodline with elf.”

Standing in place, Adier looked up: “As for the second condition, it should be some kind of token, but it is not a sign in my hand.”

Strictly speaking, this kind of amulet in the hands of Adier should also be a kind of token, which should represent a certain status symbol in ancient times.

With such a sign, you have the right to enter the outer periphery of the mausoleum, but you cannot enter the depths of the mausoleum, you can only guard it outside.

As soon as Adier was ready to enter, a flash of light flashed on the sign, giving Adier an extremely dangerous thriller.

The brilliance is not a sign of admission, but a warning.

“According to the message left by the elf high priest, this ruin belongs to the tomb of the ancient emf emperor and is also a forbidden area of ​​the elf family. It seems that something is banned inside.”

Standing in place, looking at the golden door in the distance, Adier was lost in thought: “Since it is forbidden, then outsiders are naturally not allowed to enter, so what is the significance of this sign?”


After a while, he looked up and thought of a possibility: “Since it is a mausoleum, then the identity of the above ancient elf emperor may also have a corresponding gravekeeper, and this sign represents that It should very likely be the tomb guardian. “

This thought flashed in his mind, and Adier thought it was very likely.

Since this is a mausoleum, it naturally belongs to the dead, and no one can enter. However, there are no signs at all on the periphery of the ruins. Instead, there are many spacious small rooms. It seems that someone should have lived in them in the past.

If this sign represents the identity of the gravekeeper, then all this makes sense.

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