“This place is not only the tomb of emf emperor, but also the forbidden area of ​​elf … Since it is a forbidden area, in order to prevent outsiders from breaking into the tomb, it is naturally understandable to set up some gravekeepers.”

Standing in place, looking far away at the golden door in the distance, Adier thought silently: “If you are the guardian responsible for guarding the tomb, naturally you are not qualified to enter the tomb of emf emperor to disturb the owner’s sleep.”

Adier was a little puzzled when he entered the ruins from outside.

This ruin looks very high-level, but along the way, not at all, how much danger is encountered, and even the harvest is very rare, it does not meet the external performance of this huge ruin.

Now thinking about it, the area he walked through before is probably not the real subject of the ruins, but just the periphery of the ruins. It is estimated that in ancient times, it was specifically divided for those gravekeepers to live. Naturally there will not be many precious things left .

The true inheritance and funeral should be deep in the ruins, near the body of emf emperor.

However, once you enter the depths of the mausoleum, the danger in it will inevitably rise to the next level. As before, you can hardly encounter any obstacles, and it is almost impossible to happen.

Thinking so in my heart, there was a sound of footsteps in the distance.

Adier looked to the distance. With strong eyesight, several silhouettes in the distance were quickly approaching here, and it seemed that the goal was also the door in front of him.

Without hesitation, Adier stepped back, hiding his silhouette with the complex terrain.

“Finally found.” In the distance, a sound came.

Myrdo was wearing a red robe, staring at the golden door in the distance, his body trembling slightly, looking very excited.

“Is this the real entrance to this ruin?”

Beside him, Laman also came over and stared at the distant gate in a stunned light.

Behind them, the silhouette of Andrew and other apprentices came quickly. At this time, his face was a little pale, and it looked like he had experienced something.

Unlike the calm on the way Adier, their entire group had bad luck and just chose a dangerous and complicated road. Constantly encountering various things along the way made both formal wizards feel tricky.

If it wasn’t for the long history of this ruin, many of the things laid out in the past have already been invalidated, plus that this is just the periphery of the ruins, I am afraid they will lose some staff this time.

“This is the ancient stone statue …”

In situ, after observing for a while, the two formal wizards focused their eyes on the stone giants.

“Such a huge stone statue …”

Looking at the stone statues of giants, Laman’s face was shocked, and his eyes became so dignified in an instant.

“Don’t be scared by these stone giants.”

Myrdo’s face is also very dignified, but he has to calm down a lot: “No matter how many horrible and complicated maggots, it always needs energy to start. From the history of this ruin, these stone giants may not be able to move.”

“Find someone to test …”

They looked at each other and reached this consensus in an instant.

“Go, let me in, and open the door!”

Laman turned and looked towards side an apprentice.

It was a young apprentice wearing a black robe that looked ordinary and looked very silent. At this time, one arm had been broken, and blood was still flowing on the broken arm.

It was cut off in danger on the previous road. Although it has not died yet, it has lost most of its action force, so it was directly selected by Laman.

Listening to Laman’s words, the black arm robe apprentice with a broken arm turned pale, and his pale face looked like white paper. At this time, he looked back at Laman coldly.

He didn’t say anything superfluous or ask for forgiveness. The apprentice was calm and knew that in the current situation, he didn’t have any extra choices for him.

He stepped forward in silence, staring calmly at the golden door in front of him, walking step by step.

With the nervous eyes of everyone in the back, he slowly walked into the golden door in front, and soon approached the stone statues.

In the process, the few giant stone statues are like real stone statues, standing still without any movement.


a light sound sounded in place.

Under the nervous gaze of Laman and Myrdo, the black robe apprentice with the broken arm walked straight to the golden gate, and it didn’t cause anything at all.

“I didn’t move?”

Looking at this scene, the two formal sorcerers suddenly froze: “Is it really too long, and these stubborn Strength have run out?”

Thinking of this reason in their hearts, some of them couldn’t believe it.

How powerful ancient wizards are, as formal wizards, they know very well. Judging by what this ruin shows, the forces that built it must be extremely powerful, far exceeding all the forces in the wizarding world today.

The guard puppets built by such powerful wizarding forces will really run out of Strength so easily?

But the fact is before us, and no matter how doubtful it is, we can only accept it.

“It’s not insurance yet, let other apprentices try it again!”

After thinking about it, Myrdo looked towards Laman aside and opened the mouth and said to him again.

Listening to his suggestion, Laman was clearly nodded, and turned directly to the other apprentices who looked towards the side: “Some of you also give me the past.”

Staring at his indifferent gaze, the apprentices became cold in their hearts, but due to the situation, they could only go forward obediently.

They successively walked towards the front door. In the process, not at all caused any stone statues to attack.

“It looks really okay.”

Looking at the stone statue in front of me, Myrdo was surprised.

Aside, watching this scene secretly, Adier was thoughtful and had some speculation in his heart.

The reason for energy exhaustion is too reluctant. Compared to this reason, Adier tends to be the hands and feet of those elf who came to this ruin in the past.

This is the tomb of the ancient elf emperor. Although it belongs to the forbidden area, it still belongs to the elf family in the final analysis.

As the elf Royal Family, since the people in the past came to this site, they will certainly make some preparations for this forbidden area.

The dead tadpoles in front of them are most likely the result of the elf girl who survived the previous image. It is likely that the stone tadpoles were closed by some means, causing them to lose their ability to move.

Ahead, as several apprentices approached the golden gate one after another, several tall stone statues still stood still, just like a real stone statue, standing there quietly.

Looking at this scene, the two formal wizards finally no longer hesitated and went straight forward.

Of course, secretly, they were also ready, and the mana fluctuations on their bodies slowly spread out, it seemed to be brewing, and could erupt at any time.

But what made them relaxed was that they had waited for them to walk safely to the golden door, and the few stone statues did not do anything, but stood quietly in place.

This made them breathless, but they couldn’t help looking at the golden door in front of them.

The golden gate in front of him occupies a huge area, and looks like it is seven or eight meters high. It looks like a giant’s portal, and looks like a small building at first glance.

Glancing at each other, the two formal wizards each walked to the side of the door and pushed forward hard.

The golden light flickered, and a ray of warm and blazing Strength leaked from the gap in the door, shining on several wizards.

As the light shone, a few wizards suddenly froze, a warm vitality emerged from their bodies, and the injuries they had suffered were healing quickly.

The same was true of the black robe apprentice with the broken arm. The golden light shone on. The pain from the arm was slowly subsiding. The flesh above was healing quickly. Although no new arm was growing, the injury was stopped .

“Magic Strength.”

Feeling this warm vitality, the people could not help looking up, and fixed their gaze on the ruins, above the wildly blooming sun.

This is the source of this Strength. It had not previously played a role in the outside world, but when it was inside the ruins, the Strength suddenly disappeared, and the results surprised both formal wizards.

“What exactly is Strength, so powerful, even if I don’t know how many years have passed, there are still such amazing residues.”

Laman was wearing a black robe, looking at the huge golden sun in the sky, and a flash of glow flashed in his eyes.

After a while, they went forward.

Just entering the ruins, the surrounding scenes suddenly changed.

In front of me is an aisle of gold and jade in glorious splendour. On both sides of the aisle, one after another is standing, with different colors and shapes.

The tree on the left is silver, and its leaves are covered with silver, which is flashing a faint silver light. As for the tree on the right, it is completely black. Not only are the colors completely different, but even the shape is the same. It must be more dangerous.

Two different trees are divided into two rows, standing on both sides, dividing a long road into three, each blooming with different glory.

“this is···”

Looking at the aisle in front of them, the eyes of the two formal wizards suddenly became dignified.

“It seems to be a certain ceremony, and I have seen similar records in a certain book.”

For a long time, Laman spoke uncertainly.

“This is the lost gift of the ancient wizard, which represents the ceremony of death. Even in ancient times, only some distinguished wizards were eligible to use it.”

Myrdo’s face was dignified: “This also means … where we came, not ordinary ruins, but the burial place of an ancient wizard.”


Laman’s face turned a little ugly: “This is not good news.”

Among the remains of ancient wizards, the tomb is definitely one of the most dangerous remains.

No one wants their body to be blasphemed after death, especially those powerful ancient wizards. If they had the opportunity to arrange their tombs during their lifetime, they would definitely set up all the most terrible means in their tombs to entertain later grave theft. By.

And looking at the ruins in front of them, the ancient wizards buried here were absolutely powerful during their lifetime, far exceeding their imagination.

The burials of such horrible tombs are bound to be very amazing, but the level of danger will also rise by more than one grade. With the strength of their two formal wizards, I am afraid it will be very dangerous here.

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