“See the three roads ahead?”

In the spacious space, looking at the three roads divided in front, Myrdo’s face was solemn.

In front, the black tree and silver tree stand quietly, dividing the road into three.

On the middle road, strands of golden light are spreading, paving on the middle road, emitting strands of divine aura.

On the left, the silver tree stands quietly, the leaves of the silver sway gently, and the light of the silver hangs down, looking holy and beautiful.

As for the road on the far right, it was flooded with black, and it looked plain and unremarkable.

This represents three paths for people of three different identities to pass.

“On the middle road, only the main person is qualified to pass. Even if the unknown adult still has a corpse before his death, then this road should also enter the tomb.”

Looking at the scene ahead, Myrdo opened the mouth and said: “Only this road is the master of the mausoleum, or the descendants and relatives of the mausoleum owner are eligible to walk. If the rest go, it will lead to unpredictable consequences.”

“The silver road on the left, if nothing else, should represent the guests, and only those who are welcome are eligible to go.”

“Then the last way?”

Looking at the road ahead, Laman asked back.

“Of course for the unwelcome.”

Speaking of which, Myrdo’s face is calm, but his eyes are very dignified: “Of course, if you think you will be welcome, you can also try the road on the left, but once the identification fails, the consequences will be more than the road on the right serious.”

“What shit rules and etiquette is this?”

Hearing this, Laman frowned suddenly, some could not understand the purpose of doing so.

If you really do n’t want people to pass, then you just have to block the road directly. Judging by the level of the ruins in front of them, their two formal wizards have no power to resist, but they must set up such a ceremony at the entrance.

“This is the death ceremony circulated in ancient times. It has its own meaning.”

Myrdo indifferent expression directly points to a stone tablet engraved on the outside of several meters.

“This is the agreement and contract between the living and the dead … Outsiders who have set foot on the road of death. If they fail to pass the identification, the soul will be devoured and bound by the tree of death, the guardian of the Incarnation Sun King …”

Looking at the stone tablet in the distance, and the text written in Quran on it, Laman finished reading it word by word, then couldn’t help turning his face white.

“I see now.”

Myrdo turned around and looked towards the stone tablet in front of him. It took a long time to raise his arm and point to the trees ahead: “These are the trees of death. Once dead on the road, the soul will be absorbed into those trees and be eternal. Sealed in this mausoleum to guard the ruins. “

“Is there any way to crack it?”

Looking at the stone tablet in front of me, listening to Myrdo’s words, Laman frowned, asked directly.

“Of course.”

Myrdo turned and looked at his face, with a smirk on his face: “I’ll sacrifice you! I can pass by naturally!”


A violent explosion sounded in the place, like something suddenly exploded. A bloody silhouette appeared in front of Laman, with a machete in his hand and chopped directly at the opponent.

bump! !!

The high-speed dancing sword blade sifted through the air in the surrounding air, and the scarlet machete trembled softly, making a low noise like a mournful baby, which seemed very terrifying.

This one was cut directly on the opponent, and the sword wind above it was taken together, as if it had been cut on a thick piece of flesh, splashing a piece of flesh, and stained the surrounding earth with drenched with blood.

With a bang, Laman fell heavily to the ground, and a long fissure wound was added to his chest. He could even see the internal organs inside.

“Why are you!!”

Suddenly encountered such a heavy blow from his companion, Laman’s eyes widened and he couldn’t believe looking at Myrdo in front, his eyes were full of puzzlement.

“Hehe … don’t you want to know how to get across this road? It’s actually very simple.”

Standing in place, right hand holding a scarlet scimitar, Myrdo with a smirk on his face, coupled with his scarlet red robe, looks like a devil crawling out of the battlefield: “Except for his own strength Supporting the past, anyone who wants to pass the path of loss can pass this path with the sacrifice of the equivalent soul. “

“Otherwise, you thought I would be so kind and share with you the ruins I found so hard?”

The sound of madness kept ringing in front of his eyes, and the voice had not completely fallen. A bloody machete chopped down with a bloody sword wind.

Laman reluctantly moved, rolled from side to side, and avoided the knife in a very thrilling posture.

The empty machete cut directly on the ground, and then cut a piece of tofu, and cut a long dent directly on the ground, and started a crushed stone.

“Don’t pretend, do you think I don’t know you’re telling me?”

Myrdo, wearing a red robe, holding a scarlet scimitar, and looking at the battered and exhausted Laman hehe on the ground sneered: “You thought I couldn’t see it. As soon as you entered the ruins, you were ready to secretly attack me.”

“Cough …” A slight cough sounded in place. Although the sound was aging, it did not have the sense of weakness that the old man should have.

Under Myrdo’s gaze, Laman stood up from his place. The scary wound on his chest looked terrifying, but it didn’t seem to affect him at all.

“I originally thought that at least until I saw something worth doing before I could get there.”

If he stood up from nothing, Laman’s face was indifferent, his eyes looked at Myrdo as if looking at a dead person: “I didn’t expect to be here just to be here.”

“What do you know?”

Myrdo sneered: “Do you know where this is?”

“This is the tomb of the last pure-blood emperor of elf in ancient times. Strength is at least comparable to Level 5 wizards, far beyond the level of the wizarding world today.”

“This kind of great existence, even if it just leaks out a little, is worthy of the formal wizard’s life to fight, sooner or later.”

Having said that, a smirk reappeared on his face: “Sooner or later, it is better to let your soul pave the way for me!”

The gorgeous blood-colored blade light dances quickly and emits bursts of light sound in the surrounding space, but it just sounds irritating and uncomfortable.

A strong Spirit force emerged, suppressing the opponent’s Spirit in an instant, and the Laman complexion standing opposite was greatly changed, showing an incredible expression: “You have reached the Metamorphosis Stage !!”

“Haha! It’s too late to know now!”

Myrdo’s action was fierce, and while the opponent was being suppressed, the machete in his hand gave off a bloody light and chopped directly on the opponent with a loud noise.

With this blow, Laman’s half of the body exploded directly, a violent Strength followed the opponent’s bend into the body, almost tore his half of the body apart, completely lost the strength of Strength.

The next moment, blood and flesh splattered, blasting off in situ, all splashing onto Myrdo’s body, like high-strength sulfuric acid, causing his skin to begin to corrode.

A wrinkled arm suddenly stretched out. Although it looked very old, it was very powerful. It pushed forward directly, completely piercing Myrdo’s chest, and the blood-stained arm emerged from the other end.

Suddenly receiving this, Myrdo was like an okay person, blood on his face, and waving the bloody machete in his hand like a madman.

bump! bump! bump!

A violent impact sounded in situ, a sharp scarlet machete kept chopping on Laman’s body, as if chopping meat continuously, forcibly chopped it into a ball of meat, no more can be seen shape.

But even so, Laman is still not dead at the moment. There is still a little vitality attached to the remaining flesh and blood, and a little granulation is constantly growing, and it looks like healing.


Looking at the flesh in front of me, Myrdo’s face showed a mad smile, and all his mana was injected into the machete of the right hand, which made the machete glow with blood, looked strange and bloody, and then cut directly.

Bang!! !

A huge crackling sounded in place.

In front of Myrdo, he was cut by a bloody scimitar, and the immature flesh immediately exploded. The scattered flesh was everywhere, and Myrdo’s face was stained with blood.


Feeling the flesh and blood life in front of him disappear completely, Myrdo laughed wildly, and in conjunction with his honor at this time, it made people think of a lunatic.

He took the life of a formal sorcerer with his own hands, and the machete in his hand also changed. The originally contaminated blood slowly disappeared, as if it had been sucked by a bloody machete.

A fiery white light lit up in place, and a little mist slowly rose, condensing into a humanoid shape, and rushed directly onto the huge stone tablet in front, making that stone tablet emit a faint golden light.

Hiding in the corner, watching this scene quietly, including Andrew and Sistine, several wizard apprentices were trembling in their hearts, afraid to look directly at Myrdo in front of them.

With Laman’s death, the parasites on them have been untied, but despite this, they are still imprisoned here.

Myrdo’s Spirit force is pressing on them, which not only restrains their actions to a certain extent, but also brings them great pressure. As soon as they move, they will be immediately noticed by the other party.

This is an absolute difference in the level of life. As long as a formal wizard has Spirit power, it is only a matter of no difficulty to suppress an apprentice.

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