“Unfortunately this sword …”

Pulling out that half of the Section Sword blade from the corpse on the ground, looking at the black long sword that has been broken into two sections in his hand, Adier was a bit sorry.

This long sword has been with him for several years. It has been used since Adier just became Knight, and it has been used till now.

And this sword was given to him by Poria Earl himself, which has a different meaning to Adier.

Unfortunately, with the growth of Adier’s strength, the enemy’s strength is also increasing. Before Knight, even Great Knight, it was okay, but at the level of the formal wizard, this long sword made by Black Fate Steel has been a bit unsuccessful, and is now forcibly interrupted in the fight.

With a secret sigh, Adier put away the two long swords that had been disconnected, ready to go back and restore them to their original state, and collected them as a souvenir.

Folding up the long sword, Adier lowered his head and picked up the scarlet machete on the ground, and watched it quietly.

In sight, the bloody machete exudes a slight blood light, with a bloodthirsty smell, and a strong bloody smell.

Holding this scimitar, Adier only felt that the blood flow in his body was accelerating, and a new vitality appeared in the exhausted body. Even the injuries on his body were restrained to a certain extent and healing was accelerating.

“An advanced Magic Transformed Item. Although I don’t like the look, it is enough as a weapon.”

After probably checking the scimitar on his hand, Adier hung the scimitar on his waist, then lowered his head and started to deal with Myrdo’s body.

In the last fight, Adier was very difficult.

The official wizard named Myrdo is very powerful. Not only has he purified Spirit to a high degree, he has reached the Metamorphosis Stage, but he is also a blood wizard. In terms of combat power, it can be said that Adier is the most powerhouse currently encountered. .

If it were not in the tomb of the ancient elf emperor, and a powerful Wizard Array was arranged around it to repel the surrounding energy particles, the effect of spell would be greatly weakened, and Adier would fight harder this time.

As a senior formal wizard and a blood wizard with strong combat effectiveness, there is no shortage of things on his body.

After a rough search, Adier found a lot on Myrdo.

In addition to some advanced magic stones, there are many precious materials, and even a bottle of light blue potion.

The appearance of this bottle of medicine looks pale blue, and there are strands of golden flowing in the medicine, just like fish floating in the sea, flowing in it.

“This is … Purifying Elixir!”

After seeing this bottle of medicine, after roughly testing, Adier suddenly blinked: “I didn’t expect to have this harvest!”

The formal wizard wants to go further, and must find a way to purify the Spirit power in the Spirit sea. After purifying to a certain level, he can try to promote Level 2 wizard.

To purify Spirit power, there are very few methods in the wizarding world today. Purifying medicaments are now the mainstream, but they have been monopolized by major wizards, and there are very few medicaments circulating.

“Yes, this is a blood wizard. With his powerful strength beyond the formal wizard, if you have done enough on the battlefield, it will not be impossible to get some purified medicine.

Standing in place, looking at the corpse on the ground, Adier thought so as he stowed the potion in his hand.

He had no longer the desire for purified medicaments.

Purifying medicaments are precious because they have the power of purifying Spirit, which is so rare in the wizarding world today that they are so precious.

On the previous road, from the elf high priest who has been dead for many years, Adier obtained a senior Meditation Method. Although there are only two levels left, at most, people can only learn Level 2 wizards all the way, but they also have purification. Spirit’s method.

But this kind of thing that can purify Spirit power, no matter who it is will not be too much.

For Adier, even if he has the Meditation Method, he can purify the Spirit by himself, but if there are some purification reagents, he can also speed up the progress of purifying the Spirit.

Even if you do not use it yourself to purify the value of the medicament, if you take it out, you can also exchange for many good things. At least one place to go to the Mason area is definitely okay. There are definitely a lot of wizarding organizations who are willing to exchange a place that is not very useful for Adier.

Gathering what the body had with him, Adier stepped forward and walked to the corner.

At this point, his image was a bit bad.

The original white robe was tattered. A deep scar was clearly visible on the chest. The wound was still bleeding and could not be stopped.

On the side, watching Adier come in his direction, the three apprentices reacted differently.

Andrew and Sistie are acquaintances. Even now, when they see Adier walking towards him, it is only a subconscious tightening of the body, and then they return to normal, at least seemingly calm on the surface.

As for the other female apprentice, her body was trembling at this moment. After seeing Adier coming, her mouth opened slightly and she just wanted to say something.


The crackling of flesh sounded in place.

Under the watchful eye of Andrew and Sistine, Adier slashed his back and slashed directly on the opponent.

The scarlet machete has a unique characteristic. When it is cut on the flesh, if the opponent’s body is not strong enough, the whole body’s blood will be motivated by the strength of the machete and exploded directly within the body, resulting in a bloody scene. .

Pieces of shattered flesh and blood flew apart. In an instant, Adier grabbed Andrew’s shoulders, and the silhouette disappeared from the spot in an instant.

In the quiet night, three silhouettes suddenly appeared in place, and once again returned to the previous mountain.

At this time, it was night. Insect Cry came from the surrounding mountains and forests, bringing a breath of life to the quiet night.

“Are we out?”

Suddenly returned to the outside world, Sisty expression was a little hesitant, he looked at Adier beside him, wondering what he was thinking.

“The parasites on you have been solved, leave here.”

Standing in place, looking at the two of Sistine aside, Adier opened the mouth and said: “I will stay here for a while.”

“Okay, we leave first!”

Looking at Adier, before Sistie had time to speak, Andrew rushed to speak, and said to Adier, “Adier, be careful.”

Tone barely fell, and without the slightest hesitation, he walked down the road, without a bit of muddy water.

Looking at Andrew’s silhouette, and then looking at Adier aside, Sistine hesitated, but eventually chose to leave.

Standing alone, looking at Andrew’s back in the distance, Adier hesitated a little, his mana slowly spread, and a magic template had been condensed in the Spirit Sea.

But in the end, he didn’t move, just sighed slightly, and then the silhouette disappeared.

Soon, he returned to the road he had crossed before.

On the spacious aisle, Myrdo’s headless body fell silently to the ground, and in front of it, an old ornate stone tablet was flashing golden light with a unique wave.

“The true meaning of the lost gift, in addition to respect for the dead, also represents an appraisal …”

Standing in place, looking at the long aisle ahead, Adier muttered to himself: “If you want to completely seal your tomb, the strength of the ancient wizards can easily do it, unless a wizard of the same level comes and wants Otherwise, who can go in? There is no need to do more. “

“This unique ceremony is not so much a defense as a unique appraisal. It is also a Dao Sect account that the ancient wizards deliberately released for later inheritors.”

While speaking, he looked towards the three roads ahead.

Of these three roads, the central one is permeated with golden. The permeated Strength and the Strength in the ruins are the main road.

As for the remaining two roads, one is silver and one is black.

Among them, the black one is undoubtedly prepared for unwelcome people. The kind with an ominous Strength can be felt by any wizard.

“Here are the inheritance left by the emperor, and there should be some funeral items.”

Standing in place, Adier bowed his head and pondered: “If I were the elf emperor, what would I do if I wanted to leave inheritance during my lifetime?”

“If it is me, the true inheritance and treasures must be taken only by those of me who are descendants or who meet the qualifications for inheritance.”

“So the golden main path in the middle must represent the true inheritance of the elf emperor, but except for the bloodline descendants of the elf emperor, whoever walks and who dies.”

Adier looked up: “Of course, the most essential part of inheritance should be left to its own people. As for the other relatively insignificant parts, in the mind of the emperor, it should be prepared for his own clansman.”

“Inferring from this point, that silver path must be prepared for those who have elf Bloodline.”

Thinking of this, looking at another black trail, Adier gritted his teeth and strode forward.

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