In the spacious aisle, the clear golden brilliance is flickering, like a golden flame, which is constantly burning here.

Facing the three roads ahead, Adier gritted his teeth, strode forward, and walked directly onto that silver road.

Taking a step forward, in a moment, a silver tree was swaying gently, and the light shining on it was shining on Adier’s body.

“I’m coming … I’m coming …” A low, gentle voice sounded in my ears, with a kindness.

A magical Strength is coming, making Adier Spirit stunned, as if something faintly heard.

The body continued to move forward with inertia, next moment, the second silver tree began to sway, and a faint silver light on it continued to shine on Adier.

“I came to the world, I came to the earth …” The voice in my ear seemed to be clearer.

Under the influence of a strong Strength, Adier’s consciousness began to get lost, disappeared from the original place, and came to another place.

In a huge world, the magical Strength shrouded the earth.

This is the primitive and wild World, the intelligent life has just been born, and an ancient tree stands in the entire World.

The tree was tall and old, and the end was invisible at first glance, as if it supported the blue sky and white clouds and propped up a World.

“That is···”

Suddenly, Adier’s consciousness came to this world and saw the ancient tree in the center of the World.

A sense of intimacy was born from the heart, which made him a little stunned.

next moment, the surrounding scene changes suddenly.

In the sky, the thunderbolt of the purple breeds, and the lightning strikes with a blast of destruction on the tree.

This lightning is powerful. I am afraid that every single drop can kill the official wizard. At this time, thousands of lightnings are brewing at the same time, almost turning the entire World into a purple.

The earth began to tremble, and the sky’s lightning continued to erupt for a full seven days.

Seven days later, with a trembling sound that rang through the World, the ancient tree finally fell, and most of its body became black, with vitality volatile on it, and escaped from the body of the ancient tree.

A sad feeling is used in the depth of one’s soul, with an inexplicable emotion.

Somehow, Adier lifted up again and saw a spectacle.

The heavy rain was going crazy, the earth was shaking from time to time, and the lightning in the sky was flashing, like a crazy scene like the end of the world.

I don’t know how long this scene lasted. In one night, the wreckage of the ancient tree was glowing, and the best Strength on it gradually flowed.

The sun and moon began to emerge, rushing out from the wreckage of ancient trees, giving new life to the new World and continuing new life.

“The end of the appraisal … Low Moon Elf Bloodline, the fourth level of soul qualification … The Bloodline passed, the qualification passed …” I don’t know when the sound of the machine near me will come, without any emotion.

Adier then returned to God, looked towards all around.

In the surroundings, all of the silver trees have been lit, and the silver radiance above is shining on Adier, making Adier feel a little warm.

“It looks like the test passed.”

Recalling the scene just before, and the mechanical sound that rang in the ear before, Adier thoughtfully, and then looked towards the front.

After walking the long road before, here is another wide space.

The slight golden light flickered, shining the surrounding scene.

With this faint light, Adier could see the previous scene clearly.

There were several gates, which corresponded to the previous road, and also had different colors.

However, unlike the previous three roads, there are only two golden and silver gates, and there is no third gate.

In front of several gates, several corpses existed, and by this time they had become bones, and it seemed to be some years.

Adier stepped forward and examined the bodies.

The deaths of these corpses are not short. Even the nearest one is hundreds of years away.

Judging by the faint radiation on the corpses, these corpses were at least the figures of the formal wizard level before their death.

“Although there are tokens, none of them are elf.”

Standing in situ, after roughly testing, Adier reached this conclusion.

The history of this ruin is very long, I am afraid that it has been for tens of thousands of years.

During this long time, other wizards found some clues, and it was normal to find them here.

Unfortunately, this is not an ordinary ruin, but an ancient wizard’s tomb of at least Level 5.

With such great power, if it is not allowed to enter, then unless it is a powerhouse of the same level, whoever comes and who dies.

The bad luck eggs in front of me are obviously testing this conclusion with my life.

Put the corpse that has become bones aside, Adier looked towards the side.

In this spacious space, there is also a stone tablet, written in the Qur’an language commonly used by ancient wizards.

“Pass the appraiser, you can enter the corresponding gate, each person can only enter once, and take a gift from it …”

Standing in place, Adier read the writing on the stone tablet gently, and then there was a faint flash in his eyes, and he could not help looking towards the bones on the side, with pity in his eyes.

At the moment, it seems that the ruins were prepared by the former elf emperor for his own clansman, and there was nothing for outsiders at all.

Since these outsiders who broke in in the past did not have elf Bloodline on their bodies, the reason why they can enter here must be to walk the dark road by sacrificing their souls, just as Myrdo prepared to do before.

It took so much energy to enter here, but in the end, I couldn’t get anything, and I wasn’t willing to call Adier.

At the moment, these people are likely to be unwilling to open the door despite the dissuasion on the stone tablet.

Gently shaking his head, Adier didn’t want that many, walked directly to the silver door and pushed hard with his hand.

The light of silver flashed through, shining on Adier.

In front of me is a spacious space surrounded by each and everyone shelves, each of which has something on it that looks like a collection here.

At a glance, Adier saw at least a thousand things, and couldn’t help corner of mouth twitching, feeling a bit speechless.

“So many things, you can only take one, really …”

Seeing the collections around it, it was Adier’s constant force that caused a lot of lost self-control.

The objects around it are divided into several areas, including weapons, books, and some very precious materials.

There is no doubt that these should be elf emperor’s collections before his death and were moved here after his death.

And with the strength and status of the emf emperor, those who can seem to be deserved but the funeral are definitely good things, and each one can make the formal wizard crazy.

“Gong Gong Flower, Moragan Grass, Crystal Vine …”

Walking in the material area, with the powerful knowledge brought by the chip, Adier barely recognized several materials. Without exception, all belong to the most cherished kind, which has long been lost in the wizarding world today.

After a while in the material area, Adier turned to other areas.

“Materials and magical instruments can be ruled out for the time being … no matter how precious the materials are, they have little effect on me now.”

On the road, Adier thought: “Those magic weapons are the same. Although they are precious, they do not help the wizard’s promotion. It is too wasteful to choose in this place.”

“For me, the most suitable thing now is some advanced magic template or even the complete Meditation Method.” After thinking for a while, Adier thought.

On the previous road, although Adier obtained a copy of the advanced Meditation Method from the elf high priest, that copy of the Meditation Method itself is incomplete, not only can it only allow people to learn to two levels, among which There is no template for Level 2 spell.

On the path of the wizard, the promotion of a third-level apprentice to a formal wizard requires curing spells in the Spirit Sea. Similarly, when promoting a Level 2 wizard, it also requires curing a spell as its own innate talent spell.

The spell that can be solidified in the Spirit Sea is extremely valuable in itself and is almost completely monopolized by those wizarding organizations.

As a collection left by the ancient emf emperor, there is no shortage of advanced magic templates. If you can find a suitable spell, you can save a lot of energy for Adier’s future promotion.

Thinking of this, Adier went to the other side.

Walking to another area, surrounded by each and everyone book shelves, it was covered with a light blue film, which seemed to be protective.

In addition to these, there are some brief introductions on each shelf.

In this area, in addition to some magic templates, there are some valuable advanced knowledge.

After a brief search, Adier realized that he had taken it for granted.

There are indeed some magic templates in front of me, but in the eyes of the elf emperor, how could some magic templates with Level 2 be put in?

The spells that can be seen by elf emperor are at least Level 3, which is too far away for the current Adier.

Level 3’s spell is based on Adier’s current strength, not to mention that Spirit’s strength is not enough to release, Adier can’t understand just the large amount of advanced knowledge contained in it, let alone build a magic template in his mind.

“It seems I can only choose another.”

Looking at the several magic templates in front of him, Adier was helpless and turned to walk to another area.

Because time is not tight, plus the fact that he can only choose one thing, he walks slowly, stops and stops all the way, carefully observes for a long time before stopping.

A slight throbbing sensation came from in the depth of one’s soul.

“This feeling···”

At a certain moment, Adier suddenly snapped and turned to the rear.

In a large shelf behind him, a round black crystal was lying there quietly, looking as if it were a stone.

But looking at this crystal, Adier was stunned, striding directly forward.

As the distance got closer, the inexplicable throbbing motion became more and more obvious in his mind.

“It feels exactly like the music box last time.”

Looking at the black crystal underneath, Adier’s eyes lit up, as if he saw something rare.

Without the slightest hesitation, he reached out his arm and wanted to pick up the black crystal under his eyes.

With Adier’s movement, on the shelf, the layer of light blue barrier that protects is broken like glass.

Reaching for the black crystal ball, a unique feeling emerged from Adier’s in the depth of one’s soul.

A warm current poured from the black crystal ball in front of me, making my heart feel more and more intense.

In the depth of one’s soul, next to the two World coordinates, a little faint light of the World is emerging, and a new World Door is about to be constructed.

“This feeling … New World …”

Sensing the change in the depth of one’s soul, Adier’s face was a little excited.

There wasn’t enough time to sigh, a faint light emerged around, and Adier wrapped his body in an instant and transmitted it directly.

At the next moment, Adier’s silhouette reappeared in the desert desert.

A faint wind was blowing gently. In the sky, the originally dark night gradually turned white, and it seemed almost dawn.

Standing in place, after Adier reacted, the position of the ruins could not be completely sensed, and it seemed to be completely hidden.

Reached out to take out the tokens in the package. At this time, the token had become a black, the small map originally contained in it was gone, and it seemed to have completely lost its effect.

“It has been completely damaged.”

After a brief look at the sign in his hand, Adier shook his head. It was a pity, but he didn’t care much.

Everyone in that ruin can only take one thing. Since he has already gained something, it doesn’t matter if the sign does not exist.

“It’s time to go back and rest.”

Looking up, looking at the white sky, Adier walked down the road as he left.


The next day, Adier returned to his former town again.

Came to the hotel where I stayed, where the driver from Adier was still waiting.

“Lord, you are back!”

Looking at Adier’s silhouette, the driver suddenly smiled, watching him greeting.

After a brief explanation of the driver, after confirming that Andrew and the two did not return, Adier walked back to his room and began to organize the harvest.

In this relic, Adier has gained a lot of things, whether it is a magic crystal or a broken advanced Meditation Method, which is very precious in the wizarding world today.

However, in Adier’s view, the biggest gain from this trip was the black crystal.

This black crystal is a unique material in its own right, with the effect of detecting wizard qualifications.

But for Adier, the biggest role of this crystal is to build new World coordinates through the crystal itself.

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