On the blue sky, the white clouds wafted everywhere, and three huge suns hung high in the air, and the light emitted by them felt hot.

All around is a dry and cracked ground, and a thin small bush is scattered all around, adding a slight green to the ground.

In a high mountain, thousands of corpses fell silently to the ground, fragmented weapons and armor were scattered all around.

Warriors from different camps are fighting on the high mountains. Outside, a large silhouette completely surrounds the mountain, and from a distance, it looks like a group of ants blocking the road, blocking all the roads.

Blood was splashing, and a strong bloody smell spread all around.

At the end of the mountain, the beautiful young girl in a platinum dress showed a sad face, holding a blood-scarred young man in her arms.

When all the guards died, the girl looked back at the sky, looking at the mountains and the white clouds, and then leapt down holding the body of the young man in her arms.

Endless wind and darkness came, like a beautiful white butterfly falling to the ground, the girl holding the body and falling towards the abyss.

On her right hand, a black liquid crystal was tightly held, and brought to the abyss together.


In my mind, every scene began to disappear.

Sitting on the wooden bed in the room, Adier was a little nervous, and it took him a while to react.

In the depth of one’s soul, a new World coordinate appears, quietly floating beside the remaining two coordinates.

Slightly inducting this newly emerged coordinate, Adier found that the energy required to travel to this new World is much more than that to the Doomsday World, which is almost the same compared to another World. Even at the current level of Adier, it needs to accumulate 5-6 years.

“Anyway, being able to add a new World coordinate is a good thing.”

Settled, Adier said to himself.

After getting the new World coordinates, Adier continued to sit on the bedside and began to meditate, ready to test the effect of the advanced Meditation Method.

Unlike the ordinary Meditation Method, Moon God’s Sacrifice not only needs to construct various runes in consciousness, but also needs to meditate for a silver moon.

Perhaps because of elf Bloodline from Adier within the body, this step went smoothly.

In the dim Spirit sea, as Adier enters a meditation state, a silver moon condenses in the Spirit sea, blooming a bright silver light, shining the entire Spirit sea.

With the slow operation of Moon God’s Sacrifice, in Adier within the body, a warm current slowly grew, and the blood flow began to accelerate continuously. In cooperation with the Meditation Method, it entered another unique state.

“During the training of Moon God’s Sacrifice Meditation Method … The protagonist Spirit’s power is improving … The Spirit’s purity is improving …” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery suddenly sounded.

This time the meditation lasted a long time, and it was not until a few hours later that Adier was eyes opened again, exiting from the deep meditation state.

“The end of the meditation … The subject’s Spirit is improved by 0.07 … The Spirit’s purity is 0.01% …” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again.

Listening to the tips of the chip, and feeling the effect of the Meditation Method this time, Adier could n’t help it: “The effect of the advanced Meditation Method is really good. It can not only increase Spirit, but also improve the purification of Spirit during meditation.”

“But this effect … is still a bit slow.”

Recording his progress in detail through the chip, Adier murmured.

As an advanced Meditation Method, Moon God’s Sacrifice is far more effective than the rest of the Meditation Method. For Adier, who is now a formal wizard, it can also increase the Spirit’s Spirit.

But this effect is a bit slow.

The practice of Meditation Method has a time limit. You can only meditate for a certain time each day. If you exceed it, it will affect the Spirit Sea and lose the effect of exercise.

At Adier’s level, for Moon God’s Sacrifice, this advanced Meditation Method, you can only meditate once a day.

Based on the results of the Meditation Method this time, if you want to reach the Level 2 Wizard by meditation exercises, it may take hundreds of years.

After all, the effect of the Meditation Method will gradually diminish. After the degree of purification in the Spirit reaches a certain level, the difficulty of improvement will become much higher.

“Although this is a good degree, it should be worse than Moon God’s Sacrifice’s Meditation Method.”

Sitting on the bed, looking at his eyes and looking out the window, Adier whispered to himself: “This after all is Moon Elf Royal Family’s exclusive advanced Meditation Method. Even in the advanced Meditation Method, it should be ranked first. It’s so effective. “

“I only have such a little effect, I’m afraid it has something to do with the elf Bloodline in the body.”

With his head down thinking for a while, Adier thought of this possibility.

Moon God’s Sacrifice This Meditation Method is completely the exclusive Meditation Method of the elf Royal Family. The standard of its training is to have the Bloodline of the Moon Elf Royal Family.

At this point, Adier has undoubtedly suffered.

The biological mother of his life should belong to the branch of the elf Royal Family, but since it is a branch, then the Royal Family Bloodline inside the body must not be high, otherwise it would not have been left out.

When it comes to Adier’s Half-Elf, the Bloodline, which was not strong before, is diluted again. If you can have a strong Bloodline, it’s a hell.

As previously detected in the ruins, his Bloodline is only low-level, even if it barely meets the training standards of Moon God’s Sacrifice, but it is certainly not as effective as those Bloodline innocent elf Royal Family, at least To make a discount.

Adier even speculated that the reason why he can have the effect now may be because his soul qualifications are high enough, and the fourth-level qualifications are the genius of Danger Land no matter where he is. If you come to another low-qualified person to come to study, the results you can achieve may be even worse.

“Forget it, it’s good to have these effects on this trip. I can’t expect more.”

Standing in the spacious room, Adier’s face was calm: “And if it is really caused by Bloodline, there may not be a way to make up for it in the future …”

Standing there for a while, he packed up the surroundings and walked to the door.

With a squeak, the old-looking wooden door was opened by Adier, exposing the scene outside.

At noon at this time, the sun outside was faint, and the breeze was blowing across the ground, making it impossible to shrink.

Facing the cold wind, Adier went downstairs and went directly to the hotel entrance.

There, his coachman was already waiting, seeing him come out at this time, and quickly stepped forward respectfully: “Master, things are ready, shall we leave now?”

“Well, let’s go.”

Gently nodded, Adier turned to look at the hotel behind him.

In front of him, the old hotel stands quietly in its place, with some marks on it, which looks at least ten years old.

After a while, he sat on the carriage and was ready to leave.


More than a month passed quickly.

One morning, the sun was spreading over the earth all around.

In West Wind City, Adier changed into a neat white robe and walked straight to the mission hall in the inner city.

There are few silhouettes in the spacious halls, mostly apprentices.

In one corner, a full-bodied, pretty-looking blonde female apprentice was already waiting there. After seeing Adier’s silhouette at this time, she first saw her eyes and then quickly greeted her.

“Adult, you are here.”

“Time is scheduled today.”

Looking at the female apprentice in front of her, Adier casually said, “Is the other person here?”

“Already waiting in the room.”

The respectful expression on the female apprentice’s face remained unchanged, and Adier’s eyes looked a little awed: “Please come with me.”

“Lead the way.” Adier nodded and said.

After a while, led by the female apprentice, Adier walked into a small room next to the hall.

This is a very ornately decorated room with a clean stall on the ground. A faint scent has arrived before you walk in, which is a shock to Spirit.

Entering into the room, a surge of Spirit force came from the front, making Adier’s sight couldn’t help looking towards the front.

In the center of the room, there was a huge wooden table, and three people were sitting on one side of the table.

It was an old man in a white robe, a black robe youth who looked very calm, and a young girl.

What seemed to be felt, the old man in a white robe turned and looked towards the door, facing Adier.

Two different sights are staggered in an instant, and the Spirit fluctuations contained in them are clearly visible to both sides.

Feeling the Spirit wave from Adier’s body, the old man in white robe couldn’t help but stand up from his place with a gentle smile on his face: “Hello, my first meeting, I’m Huckalo, from the Cuban tower.”

“I’m Adier.”

Looking at the smile on the other person’s face, feeling the force of a formal wizard-level Spirit on the other person, Adier also showed a smile on his face, self-introduced.

After the introduction, Shuangshuang soon entered the topic.

Under the gaze of the other party, Adier took out a small wooden box from one side, then placed it on the wooden table and opened it directly.

With the opening of the black wooden box, a golden crystal was exposed, and the whole exudes a pure golden, like the most beautiful gem, which is fascinating.

Under the sensory force of the Spirit of several wizards, a unique breath was revealed on the spar in front of them, making their eyes flash with longing.

“This feeling really is the magic crystal.”

Feeling the breath on the golden spar, the old man named Huckalo showed a happy face, then took out a black token from his arms.

The token looks black and is made entirely of a unique material, and it seems to have a unique mark on it.

“This is a voucher issued by the North Witches Alliance and represents a place to go to the Mason area.”

Passing the black token to Adier, Huckalo opened his mouth and explained to Adier.

“Now that the deal has been concluded, I will leave first.”

After checking for a while, after confirming that there is no problem, Adier put away the black token, and opened the mouth and said to Huckalo in front of him.

“Wait a minute.”

Ahead, listening to Adier’s words, Huckalo smiled: “Adult Adier should exchange this place, should he want to go to the Mason area?”

This question is not a secret. After thinking for a while, Adier directly nodded.

Opposite, looking at Adier nodded, Huckalo’s smile was even stronger: “Since this, is it true that Master Adier is interested in accepting another private commission?”

“You can talk about it.”

Listening to the other person’s words, Adier’s heart moved, so opened the mouth and said.

“The two children are my students.”

Huckalo pointed to the two apprentices behind him: “This time the two of them will also take a boat to the Mason area together, just on the same road as Lord Adier. If you don’t mind, please take care of them on the boat.”

“In return, I have information from some wizarding organizations in the Mason area, as well as several more detailed maps, which can be copied and passed on to adults.

After listening to the proposal, Adier looked down for a moment, and finally nodded to agree.

Just taking care of it, it is not a major event, and the information and maps for the Maison Region are exactly what Adier lacks.

A verbal agreement was reached, and the atmosphere at the place suddenly became harmonious.

It wasn’t until an appointment had been made that Adier was the first to leave.

“Grandfather, is this adult?”

When Adier left, in the previous small room, it seemed that the 15- or 16-year-old girl could not help asking.

Beside her, listening to her, the young man who looked very calm couldn’t help but looked at it, apparently he was also very concerned about this matter.

“Hehe, who can make me call an adult, can only be the same official wizard.”

Looking at the little girl on the side, Huckalo had a smile on her face, and looked at the direction Adier was leaving, with a dignity in her eyes.

“Such a young formal wizard?”

After verifying the thoughts in her heart, the girl’s expression on her face seemed to be unbelieving.

“There are too many geniuses in this world.”

After touching the girl’s head, Huckalo said with emotion: “In the Mason region, there are many young formal wizards like this, and even someone who has been promoted to Level 2 before the age of thirty.”

There was emotion on his face, and a trace of inexplicable hesitation, I didn’t know what I thought of.

“Promoted to Level 2 Wizard under 30 years of age …”

Aside from him, listening to Huckalo’s words, the two young apprentices were completely dead.

A few days passed quickly and completely.

A few days later, at the agreed time, Adier was outside the city.

Outside, Huckalo was already waiting, with two apprentices quietly beside him.

In front of him was a continuous convoy. In addition to Huckalo, a sorcerer, there were several Great Knights guarded by guards, all of whom seemed to be brought by Huckalo.

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