“Master Adier, you are here.”

Seeing Adier’s silhouette from a distance, Huckalo smiled and greeted him.

“You came early.”

Looking at Huckalo, Adier was a little surprised.

He has always been on time, this time it has come two hours earlier, but he did not expect the other party to come faster than him. Even looking at it like this, it has been prepared here for a long time.

“No way, you have to prepare a lot of things and have to come earlier.”

After looking at Adier, Huckalo said with a smile: “These guards are people from my family. Although there are no wizards, there are a few Great Knights who can help us solve some minor problems before arriving at the port.”

Listening to this, Adier didn’t say much, just quietly nodded.

Unlike Adier, who is alone, Huckalo is not only a mentor of a wizarding organization, but also an important member of a wizarding family. The Strength that can be mobilized is far more than Adier.

Just these temporary guards can be seen in front of them. In addition to the two Great Knights, there are several Knights. It is enough for Strength to occupy a small town elsewhere.

“Aaron, Vivian.”

After a while, Huckalo called the two juniors who were about to go to the Maison Region this time and asked them to come over to say hello to Adier.

In this regard, Adier kept a ceremony smile on his face, nodded to the two apprentices.

The strength of these two apprentices is relatively poor. The calm young man named Aaron is okay. At least he has already reached the second-level apprentice. The other girl named Vivian is relatively poor. Although he has also reached the second-level apprentice, he radiates The resulting mana radiation is too weak, it seems that it has just broken through, and now it is estimated that even a spell cannot be cast.

This kind of strength is completely worthless in the eyes of Adier today.

After a while, when everything was ready, led by a white armor Knight wearing white armor and blood cloaks, the team set off slowly.

As a distinguished official wizard, Adier naturally sat with Huckalo.

The road in the wild is very difficult. On the carriage, the two formal wizards admired each other after a certain amount of communication.

As a family of born wizards and well-educated senior formal wizards, Huckalo’s precious knowledge is undoubtedly rich. Some hidden knowledge in the formal wizarding stage is exactly what Adier lacks now.

Adier is also amazing. Maybe he still lacks in the depth of knowledge, but in the breadth of various knowledge, Adier with a chip has absolute advantages. Some knowledge about Bloodline makes Huckalo helpless. His eyes brightened.

From the chat, Adier also knew why Aaron and Weiwei An went to the Maison Region.

Northland Plains and the Maison Region have been linked for a long time, and there is also a certain exchange between the wizarding organizations in the two regions.

Because the wizarding civilization in the Maison Region is much stronger than the Northland Plains, many Northland Plains wizarding organizations choose to send some of their apprentices to the Maison Region to learn.

Aaron and Weiwei are apprentices sent by their family to study, and they belong to one of the very best geniuses in their family.

“In fact, among wizards who have traveled to the Maison Region in the past, formal wizards like you are still relatively rare.”

Looking at Adier, Huckalo bluntly said.

“Oh why?”

Adier was a little curious: “Since the wizards in the Maison Region are going to be stronger, the environment there should be more suitable for wizards to grow, and there should be quite a few wizards who want to go there.”

“Of course there are a lot of people who want to go, but just the level of boarding qualifications is a lot more difficult.”

Huckalo opened the mouth and said: “Of course, for a formal sorcerer like us, if you want to stay on the battlefield for a few years, with a formal sorcerer’s strength, it is not difficult to obtain a certificate.”

“However, even with the credentials in hand, there are not many people who have the opportunity to go, and they are bound by various things.”

He looked at Adier and said with a smile: “After all, like Adier, there are only a few people who have been promoted to formal wizards without signing any contract.”

Sitting opposite Huckalo, listening to him, Adier just smiled, a little flash in his eyes: “That’s true.”

After world is a minority of formal wizards in this world, and the vast majority are cultivated by those wizard organizations.

But most formal wizards promoted in this way are bound by contracts.

Just like Adier, if it was not the student who was finally accepted as a student by Aidis’ mentor, and funded him with a resource required for promotion, I am afraid that he has already signed a contract with Academy for the promotion resource that was only funded by Academy.

If you have signed a contract with Academy, you need to serve Academy for at least one or two hundred years, naturally it is impossible to be as free as it is now.

Those wild wizards don’t have this restriction, but they lack the system and the resources to promote formal wizards. The chance of promotion is very low, and it is difficult to have a formal wizard.

“In addition to contractual reasons, it is also not necessary.”

Sitting opposite Adier, feeling the bumps of the carriage, Huckalo also seemed to be interested, and continued to explain to Adier: “Although the wizards of the Maison Region are generally much stronger than the Northland, they are not at all. . “

“For many formal wizards who have become accustomed to comfort, it is better to stay in a familiar place than to travel to an unfamiliar area.”

“You look familiar with Maison Region.”

Looking at each other, Adier asked.

“Of course.” Huckalo laughed: “When I was an apprentice, I also went to study in the Maison Region, and didn’t rush back until I was about to be promoted to a full-scale wizard.”

“It must have been an unforgettable time.”

Adier also smiled. “How do you feel there?”

“Not great.”

Huckalo shook his head: “The Maison Region is not like the Northern Section. It is the center of a neighbourhood of wizards here. There are not only human wizards but also many alien wizards. Wars between wizards break out from time to time.”

“Even in that area, the strength of the human wizard is not the strongest. Elf, sea, orc … every strength is very strong.”

“Elf, is there still elf there?”

Hearing elf, Adier froze, and then pretended to be very interested and asked: “In my hometown, elf is completely extinct, and the orc’s strength is not very strong, even the mortal Knight can deal with it. . “

“The elf over there still exists and is not as weak as ours.”

Huckalo patiently explained to Adier: “In our region, the strength of elf has declined thousands of years ago, but in the Maison Region, the power of elf is very strong, and there are powerful elf wizards.”

“As for orcs, there are mainly some Bloodline ones. What we see in this area is only the most common one. Bloodline is not strong in many orc branches.”

In the narrow carriage, facing Adier, Huckalo kept talking, telling Adier about the situation in the Maison Region.

This is also part of the previous agreement.

Adier promised to take care of each other’s juniors, while Huckalo reported some of the sentiments of Maison Region to Adier, which was considered to be a fairly fair deal.

During the exchange, time quickly passed for half a month.

As half a month passed, two Great Knights escorted them to a spacious port.

It was here that Adier realized that there were already many people waiting around.

The long convoy kept entering the port from the outside, and there was a subtle Spirit wave, and obviously there were wizards in it.

The Adier entire group is inconspicuous here compared to the longer team outside.

“It’s too early for us to come here. We are still three days away from this scheduled time, but we can take a break here.”

Stepping down from the carriage and looking at the surrounding silhouette, Huckalo said to Adier.

“Go find a hotel first. I don’t want to sleep on the street.”

Looking at the empty surroundings, Adier said.

“Rest assured, there are hotels for us, delicious food and beautiful girls.”

Standing next to Adier, Huckalo smiled and said to him, “The service here is very good. You must try Adier later.”

“Sorry, I’m not interested in this.”

Adier shook his head, straightforwardly refusing to waste energy at such times.

“That’s a pity.” Huckalo shrugged, not bothering.

That night, they stayed in this place, quietly waiting for the people to come in.

It was not until one morning three days later that they walked out of the warm hotel and came to a spacious flat.

The howling wind is blowing here constantly, and the body is shaking unconsciously.

Facing the cold wind, none of the people present showed anything different, and didn’t care about the cold at all.

There were dozens of people standing in the place, most of them were standing together like Adier, but a few were alone and looked lonely.

There were a total of hundreds of people present, but the place was very quiet. Everyone was looking at the sky, it looked like they were waiting for something.

“Come here!” There was a loud noise from somewhere.

In the distant sky, a small black spot appeared and gradually enlarged in the sight of the people. The magical atmosphere on it was emitted without any concealment, so that the wizards present could sense it.

After a while, when the black spot came near, people could clearly see its specific appearance.

This is a black ship. The hull does not look like metal and wood, but looks like a unique crystal. It emits a strong mana wave that can be easily felt.

Looking at the ship floating in the air, a little flash of surprise flashed in Adier’s eyes, and he was suddenly very interested in the specific structure of the ship.

Being able to resist gravity suspended in the air, or even move quickly in the air, the technology and knowledge involved in this should be very complicated.


Looking up at the sky, Huckalo’s eyes flashed nostalgic.

Under the watchful eye of everyone, the airship that emerged from the air slowly dropped and landed smoothly on the ground.

After a while, when the airship completely landed, several people came out, headed by an old red robe wizard who looked indifferent and looked a little unfriendly.

“It’s time, the embarker took out his voucher for inspection and set off immediately after two hours.”

Looking at the densely packed silhouette below, the old red robe apprentice looked cold and looked coldy towards the person below.

He has messy red hair, a pale-looking face full of wrinkles, and a silhouette wearing a red robe. Although thin, the strength contained in it makes it impossible for anyone to belittle it.

“An unknown force field is detected … The target body data cannot be detected.” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again.

Listening to the chip’s cue, Adier’s eyes became a little dignified: “A first-level metamorphosis wizard with a defensive spell fixed?”

The formal shaman’s protective force field cannot be passed by the current chip. The opponent can invalidate the detection of the chip, which undoubtedly solidifies a force field defensive spell.

Judging from the intentional scent of the other party, this old red robe wizard has completely reached the Metamorphosis Stage, which is by no means an ordinary formal wizard.

The so-called Metamorphosis Stage refers to a stage of a formal wizard. As long as Spirit’s degree of purification can be reached to a certain degree, Strength is far more powerful than ordinary wizards.

In the previous ruins of the elf emperor, the blood wizard named Myrdo is at this level. If it were not at the tomb of the emf emperor at the time, Spirit and mana were suppressed by the elf emperor’s strength, so that Adier’s strongest physical strength can be exerted, the opponent may not die in the hands of Adier, even if it is not an opponent, at least he can escape.

Now in the outside world, without mana and Spirit being suppressed, even Adier would be afraid to face a transfiguration wizard.

Of course, I really want to fight, with strength much stronger than the official wizard, may not lose to the other party.

In situ, listening to each other’s words, each and everyone apprentice took out the token and walked forward along the flow of people.

“Master Adier, my two students will be entrusted to you along the way.”

Watching the crowd in the distance, standing next to his two juniors, Huckalo asked Adier again.

In this regard, Adier smiled nodded, and then led the two second-class apprentices forward.

In front, the line is already long at this time.

each and everyone The apprentice held the black token and, under the gaze of the old wizard in the red robe, walked forward honestly.

Adier made a special observation for a while. Of the dozens of wizards who were about to board the ship, only two of them were formal wizards, and the rest were some second-class apprentices, and even third-class apprentices were very rare.

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