Walking on the road head-on, the cold wind was blowing on his face, bringing a touch of chill.

Thinking about the next trip, Adier only discovered something that he hadn’t noticed before.

“Looks like ··· Etis teacher explained to me, not at all said exactly where the Yarl family is located.”

Stopping on the side of the road, Adier frowned at the thought.

As the center of a neighbourhood of wizards nearby, the Maison Region is very large, even the Northern Section Plain and Southern Continent add up. It is much larger than the area of ​​all countries in Adier I.

In such a large area, it is difficult to find a family that only knows the form.

“Forget it …”

After a while, Adier frowned: “Since it is the family of Atis’s teacher friend, it should also be a wizard family, and it is much smaller in terms of goals.”

“I won’t leave the Mason area for the time being, while I’m doing my best to find it during this time, it can be considered as a complete commission from Edith teacher.”

Thinking of this, he looked up and continued to walk forward.

Before leaving from Northland Plains, Huckalo had handed over several maps of the Maison Region to Adier. Although the above information was incomplete, it happened to have information on several strongholds of this generation.

Following the information on the map, Adier walked for half a month before arriving in a city.

Walking on the wild road, looking into the distance, the appearance of a huge city appeared in front of Adier.

There were some pedestrians walking on and off, including travellers, merchants, and even some wizards mixed inside, emitting weak radiation from their bodies.


Feeling the breath of these wizards, Adier was a little surprised.

In the Maison Region, the sense of presence of wizards is much higher than in other places. There are traces of wizards in many places, and even ordinary people know the existence of wizards in order to become a wizard in honor of Supreme.

At this moment, in the eyes of Adier, there is a person sorcerer. With the detection of the chip, it should belong to a second-class apprentice.

Although it has reached the level of a second-class apprentice, the radiation emitted by this apprentice is very low, as if it was isolated by something, and it is not allowed to leak out.

This phenomenon immediately attracted Adier’s interest.

You know, the reason why wizards often choose to settle in some remote places is because of the radiation from their bodies.

This radiation is slowly emitted by the body, which is equivalent to an instinct, unless it has reached the stage of a formal wizard, otherwise it cannot be controlled at all.

If ordinary people live in such high-energy radiation environments for a long time, their bodies will be affected and various changes will occur.

At this time, the wizard standing in front of Adier obviously did not reach the level of a formal wizard, but the radiation on his body converged very well. Although it was not completely isolated, the point leaked out was completely complete for the ordinary person. Harmless.

There was an interest in his heart, and Adier waved his hand without concealing anything.

A force field erupted suddenly, like a flexible arm, grabbing forward.

On the opposite side, the second-class apprentice looks like a young man, wearing an aristocratic gown, sitting on the carriage and talking to a girl on the side, with a proud and perfunctory expression on his face.

Suddenly, a force field suddenly erupted, wrapping his entire body around him, and before he did not respond, he was arrested.

Before reacting to what happened, he came to Adier and stared at Adier in front of him.

At the next moment, he reacted to what happened, and quickly put away the slightly proud expression on his face, and greeted Adier with some fear.

Adier didn’t make it difficult for him, and simply asked him a few questions before letting him go.

“Sure enough, Maison Region can be the center of a neighbourhood for wizards, not without a reason.”

After letting the apprentice go, thinking about the information that the other party said, Adier was a little emotional.

The wizarding civilization in the Maison Region is much more developed than in other places, and there is much more communication with ordinary people.

Hundreds of years ago, here was invented a device to cancel the radiation on the wizard, allowing the wizard to live with the ordinary person unaffected.

In addition to this, Adier also inquired about some other news, which were about some wizards organized in the vicinity, which has a certain reference role for Adier’s next trip.

After passing this long road before his eyes, Adier soon came to the city far away.

This is a very prosperous city. The surrounding area is not only very clean and tidy, but also has traces of wizards. Obviously some wizard skills and knowledge were used during the construction.

Here, the magic stone can even be directly used with ordinary person, but as a wizard’s currency, the value of the magic stone is very high, and only one can exchange thousands of gold coins.

After walking to a shop and exchanging magic stones for some daily currency, Adier walked quietly in the city and began to tour.

This city is different from all the cities Adier has visited before. Not only does it look very clean and tidy overall, but it is also full of wizard marks.

Of course, no matter how clean and tidy the city is, there are some things that can’t be avoided in this world, such as beggar, and some other things.

In the corner, Adier saw several beggars, all of them children, sitting in the corner at this time, expressing a miserable look at the pedestrians passing by, with blood on his body.

In the hidden corner, several fierce middle-aged men are watching here, staring at these beggars with their eyes.

Shook the head, ignoring these things, along the neat road, Adier walked straight forward to another area.

This is the rich area of ​​the city. Compared to the chaos and congestion of the previous place, this place is obviously much better.

If the previous area was a civilian area full of ordinary person and beggar, then this area is a wealthy area with wizards settled in all aspects and conditions are much better than the outside.

Here, the chance of encountering a wizard is much higher than the outside, and there are even many shops opened by wizards, so it is dignified and opened here without any concealment.

Walking on the road, after a while, Adier went to a shop and went straight in.

“Hello, what do you need?”

Walking into the store, a teenager in a coarse cloth quickly greeted him with a warm smile on his face, which made him look very comfortable: “Our potion is the most complete!”

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