“Just an ordinary person?”

Walked into the pharmacy and gave a glance at the boy in front of him. Adier shook his head: “Let the master here come out.”

In while speaking, he radiates the mana fluctuations on his body, which can be clearly felt.

Standing in front of Adier, listening to his words, the teenager with a enthusiastic smile on his face was frowned, and seemed to be unable to respond.

There were sudden footsteps from behind.

Behind him, a middle-aged person in a white robe walked through it, holding a bottle of potion in his hand, a face looking very serious.

“Ah, Lord Magson.”

When he saw the middle age person in the white robe coming out from the inside, the teenager’s face suddenly became extremely respectful and serious, and he quickly approached saluted and greeted him.


Looking at the respected saluted teenager, the middle-aged man named Magson gently nodded, then stared at Adier.

“What is this lord?”

He looked at Adier. After feeling the unique breath on the other side, he couldn’t help but eyelids twitched, and then showed a ceremonial smile: “This adult from afar, welcome to my pharmacy.”

Opposite, looking at Magson, Adier was also a bit surprised.

He originally came to this pharmacy, but he just did it casually. The purpose was just to contact the local wizard to see if he could find some news.

Such wizards who are qualified to sell potions often have very good connections, will know many wizards around them, and have better information than other wizards. This is a good question for Adier who has just arrived in this area Object.

However, the strength of the white wizard in front of him surprised Adier a little bit, and he had reached the level of a formal wizard.

The thoughts in her heart circled in her head, and Adier smiled, “Hello, I’m Adier.”

When speaking, he put a parcel on his body in front of the counter, then opened it directly, exposing dozens of bottles of medicine inside.

These potions are basically used by Adier for the remaining works, which have little effect after being promoted to the official wizard, and just take advantage of this opportunity to deal with them.

Looking at these medicines, subconsciously, Magson’s eyes lighted up: “Hyper is a pharmacist?”

A pharmacist, even uncommon in the Mason region, is highly regarded among wizards and rarely seen.

Facing the other person’s problem, Adier just smiled, and then directly opened the mouth and said, “Please help me dispose of these potions.”

“Please wait a moment.”

Magson nodded, walked to the counter and started counting and testing.

He tested the medicine quickly and skillfully. He quickly classified the dozens of bottles of medicine that Adier took out, and estimated the value.

“A total of 1,400 magic stones.”

After counting, he looked at Adier and he quoted such a price.

The price was similar to what Adier had expected. Adier stood there for a while, then nodded agreed.

“Although the city of Camille is prosperous, few foreign pharmacists can be seen.”

After the doctrine of this scene, Magson was in a good mood, looking at Adier opened the mouth and said: “I know some wizards locally, if there is anything I can help, I can talk about it.”

“I do need help recently.”

Listening to the other person, Adier laughed: “I’m going to settle in this city. Is there anything I can recommend?”

“You asked the right person.”

Magson’s original serious face also smiled: “I just knew that there was a manor nearby for sale recently, and the owner of the mansion was about to leave the area immediately, so he sold his manor.”

“The environment of this manor is very good, and the previous owner is also a formal wizard. Everything in it is ready-made, and it doesn’t take time to set up.

“If you choose to buy this estate, the two of us can still be neighbors.”

“That’s great.” Adier’s smile remained unchanged. “If the price is right, I hope to buy this place.”

“We can make an appointment to see it.”

Magson said: “That manor is near my place, and you can visit my house by the way.”

“That’s fine,” Adier laughed, saying so.


A few days passed quickly.

After the agreed time, under the leadership of Magson, Adier came to a place not far from the city.

In front of it is a wide plain surrounded by a fence to surround the place. Among them are some domestic horses playing leisurely in it.

“Here it is.”

Coming here, Magson introduced to Adier: “This is where I live.”

“It looks pretty good.”

Looking around, Adier admired.

“Of course.” Speaking of which, Magson was also proud of himself: “I have lived here for fifty years, and I have arranged a lot of things here.”

“Is it fifty years? It’s been a long time.”

Adier nodded and walked along with side Magson.

Walking forward, when Magson and Adier came over, the door of the manor in front opened, exposing the scene inside the wall.

The first thing that caught my eye was a garden with some butterflies flying on the flowers, which looked very beautiful, like coming to the place described in the fairy tale.

However, under the strong floral scent, Adier smelled a little bloody smell, which made him helpless.

“what happened?”

Seeing the look on Adier’s face, Magson asked in confusion.

“It’s nothing, some are not used to the taste here.”

Adier shook his head and said nothing.

“Indeed, the flowers here are too strong.”

Magson agreed.

In while speaking, they went all the way.

After seeing the silhouette of Magson, some people walked forward quickly and seemed to be greeted.

These are some girls, and in terms of appearance, they are not very old. On average, they are only about eleven or twelve years old, all wearing a skirt.

Looking at the silhouette of Magson, they quickly walked forward and said hello to Magson: “Master Magson.”

“Um.” Looking at the girls with different looks in front of him, the expression on Magson’s face was a little cold, but he just ignored Nodded, and took Adier to the side.

As she walked past these girls, Adier clearly observed that their bodies were shaking slightly, and they seemed to be afraid of Magson.

“Is there elf here?”

On the way, Adier suddenly spoke in surprise.

Among the girls, he clearly saw a girl different from ordinary girls.

It was a very thin-looking girl with black hair, looking a bit different from an ordinary person. At this time, wearing a white skirt, she was standing timidly among a group of girls.

After being stared at by Adier’s eyes, the girl’s body suddenly froze, her whole body was shaking slightly, and her heart seemed very tense.

“Although elf generally lives in the Silver Fog Forest in the south, occasionally some elf tribes will move north and be transported to the city by various methods.”

Along Adier’s eyes, Magson also looked at the elf girl: “I bought this elf five years ago. I bought a total of a dozen at that time, but now this is the only one left. If you like it If so, I’ll give it to you. “

He looked at Adier and said quite generously.

“Then I will be welcome.”

After observing for a while, Adier was nodded.

“It’s nothing.” Magson said with a smile: “In this respect, Camille City is well-prepared, and there are many places with good slave auctions. A few ordinary elf slaves are not much. A magic stone. “

“If you are free next time, I can take you to see.”

Gently nodded, Adier just laughed, and then went forward with side Magson.

After walking around with Adier, Magson took Adier to another area not far away.

It was another manor. At this moment the owner was waiting. After seeing Adier and Magson coming, they warmly entertained them and took them to see the whole manor again.

Adier is also very satisfied with the environment of this manor.

Unlike mortal places, the owner of this manor is an official wizard, and facilities such as laboratories are readily available. After Adier buys it, he can use it without further effort.

In addition, because the previous owner was in a hurry to leave, the price of this estate was not high, so Adier bought it very easily.

An agreement was reached verbally, and the two did not talk much. They signed the contract directly that day and settled everything.

That night, Adier entered the manor as the host.

“Although there are still some minor problems, it is finally out of the First Step.”

At night, standing in a spacious experiment and thinking about recent days, Adier thought: “Although Camille is not a famous trade center, it is also a famous big city in the Maison Region. It has been established for thousands of years. History, where a lot of wizards live. “

“In such a large city, there must be many wizards in it. As long as you look closely, you should be able to find a place that suits me.”

Rubbing his brows, Adier thought.

The reason why he came to settle in Camille is only to see the prosperity of this large city. Not only is it rich in materials, but also many large wizard organizations are settled in. It can allow Adier to slowly explore the news and see if it can. Find the right wizard organization to join.

In the wizarding world, joining a wizarding organization is much better than being alone.

Not to mention those precious advanced knowledge, just those cherished resources that can assist the wizard’s promotion, are often monopolized by various wizarding organizations and will not flow out at all.

In order to obtain these things, it is necessary to join the wizarding organization, otherwise even if Adier has a higher Meditation Method, it may be difficult to promote Level 2 wizards.

“Purification reagents, advanced knowledge, and other resources that can help me are all in short supply.”

Standing in place, Adier silently calculated: “There is also Moon Elf Bloodline on him, and we must find a solution.”

Thinking of this, he looked towards his physical attribute.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 16.8. Agility: 17.5. Constitution: 17.7. Spirit: 18.3. Spirit Purity: 1.7%.”

At a moment, the familiar attribute panel appeared, but compared to the past, there was an option for Spirit power purification, which has reached 1.7 at this time.

Looking at this data, Adier was a little speechless.

At this point, it has been some time since he got Moon Medal’s Sacrifice, a high-level Meditation Method. During this time, he has been practicing this high-level Meditation Method. He has never been half relaxed, but the results achieved are still very high. low.

The current progress of Spirit’s purification process seems to be good, but at least half of the effect is from the bottle of purification reagent obtained by Adier before. The progress made by relying on the Meditation Method is not much, and it is getting weaker. the trend of.

Feeling all this, Adier naturally thought.

Moon God’s Sacrifice This Meditation Method, according to the above records, is entirely created by the ancient Moon Elf combined with its own Bloodline. Only those who own the Moon Elf Bloodline can practice it. The more intense the Bloodline, the better the effect.

As it happens, in this regard, Adier is absolutely inferior. Even if he can practice this Meditation Method, the effect is bound to be the bottom one.

To improve the effect of the Meditation Method, of course, it is very simple. You only need to improve the Moon Elf Bloodline on your body, and the meditation effect will naturally improve.

But it’s not easy to improve your Bloodline.

Bloodline’s genuine Moon Elf is not so easy to find. Even in the Mason region, the existence of elf is as rare as it is not in the Northern Section plain, but the true Bloodline’s genuine Moon Elf Royal Family is not so easy to find, not only most of them are located in elf The area that is ruled, and the eight-nine are all powerful wizards, it is not easy to start at all.

“First think of ways to join a wizarding organization. As for Moon Elf Bloodline, you can think of ways later.”

At the end, Adier thought silently.

There is no way around Moon Elf Bloodline, but Adier is not worried about joining the Wizarding Organization.

Adier himself is a formal wizard, and his status and strength are even higher in the Mason region, not to mention he is a pharmacist.

He has been studying since the apprenticeship period. Adier’s strength in pharmacy now is no less than that of some pharmacy masters, and even the success rate of pharmacy refining can be much higher.

In addition, Adier is not too old today, which is less than twenty years old, and has great potential in the future.

Although the wizard level of Maison Region is much better than that of Northland Plains, on conditions like Adier, as long as there are no other problems, presumably most wizard organizations will not refuse to join him.

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