The morning sun spread on the ground, shining the whole city very bright.

In a very spacious and beautifully furnished hall, each and everyone wizard was walking in it, constantly shuttled in front of each and everyone counter, looking very busy.

If you look closely, you can see that these wizards are covered with a hidden field of force, with a slight Spirit force shock, apparently all are formal wizards.

“Hello, is this the registration office for Hand of Jadeite?”

In front of a counter, a gentle voice came from the front.

This is a young wizard wearing a white robe of Phnom Penh. It looks like he has just reached adulthood. Standing at the counter, a handsome face is looking at a female apprentice in front of the counter.

“Hello, this is the registration desk for Hand of Jadeite. May I ask?”

Gently looked up at Adier, the female apprentice on the counter in front of her face smiled warmly and asked Adier.

“I’m Adier.Fax, this time I’m preparing to take the assessment here.”

Looking at the female apprentice responsible for registration in front of her, Adier’s face remained unchanged, facing her opened the mouth and said.

Listening to Adier’s words, suddenly, the female apprentice responsible for registration flashed in front of her eyes, looking at Adier’s eyes could not help becoming more solemn.

Hand of Jadeite is a well-known large wizarding organization in the vicinity. It has many senior pharmacists and is famous in the Maison Region.

In order to join such a wizarding organization, in addition to being a formal wizard, they also need to be proficient in pharmacy, which is a very rare talent.

It didn’t take long for Adier to register some things in front of him, and then he received a black voucher from the counter, which was engraved with a pattern of emerald gemstones, with a lot of organized magic patterns.

This is proof of permission to participate in the assessment, and it is also the First Step to join these large wizarding organizations.

Although formal wizards are popular, it is impossible for those wizard organizations to accept everyone, and they will inevitably conduct detailed scrutiny of their identity and history.

In this regard, Adier is fine. His past experience is very easy to check. The Northern Section plain is not a remote place. At most, it was a waste of time to inspect that’s all, and it passed the identity check very smoothly.

After getting the voucher, following the flow of people, Adier walked to the side of the hall, followed the corner toward the front, and came to another spacious room.

The room was large, with hundreds of chairs in it, but only a dozen people were sitting at this time, making the whole room look much empty.

“All formal wizards.”

Adier took a spot and sat down, feeling the breath of the wizards around him, Adier couldn’t help sighing.

On the surrounding wizards, different breaths are released, some of them exude a thick bloody smell, others are as intimate as a mild spring breeze, and some are full of violent force fields, which seem very uneasy So messy.

None of the wizards who can be promoted to a formal wizard is simple. The majority of these wizards sitting with Adier are wild wizards with no background. Being able to be promoted to a formal wizard without the support of the background further illustrates them. Not simple.

Among the surrounding wizards, Adier also saw some wizards who looked different from ordinary people.

Some people have thick hair on their faces, and the whole face doesn’t look a bit human, but some look like wild beast. Some people are tall and tall. If each and everyone stands at least two meters tall, their muscles make them look more like each and everyone Barbarians.

These are all alien sorcerers, or some alien bloodlines within the body, just like Adier also has a Half-Elf Bloodline.

Those with thick hair have eight-nine within the body and some orc bloodlines. As for those who are tall, they are a unique minority in the Mason region. Although they also belong to humans, they are generally much taller than ordinary people.

While Adier was looking at others, other wizards were silently looking at Adier.

The wizards who enter this room are basically wild wizards who want to join the wizarding organization. To some extent, other wizards are hidden competitors and naturally they should pay attention.


a light sound, a front door was opened in response, and several silhouettes walked in from outside and came in, and came to the podium in front of the room.

This is a total of three silhouettes. The body is shrouded by an inexplicable force field fluctuation. A strong Spirit force on the surface of the body is faintly oscillating, causing the energy particles to gather on the body surface and emitting bursts of halo.

Feeling the breath of the three men, the wizards present couldn’t help but feel anxiety.

“It is indeed a large wizarding organization, and the Wizard of the Metamorphosis Stage is one shot.” Adier faintly heard the whispers of other wizards, with a complex emotion.

In the Maison Region, although the number of formal wizards is much higher than elsewhere, the number of Metamorphosis Stage wizards is still small, and the status is much higher than that of ordinary formal wizards.

Among ordinary forces, where there is a person Metamorphosis Stage wizard, he can already be regarded as a medium force, and now in front of Adier, there are three Metamorphosis Stage wizards.

“I am the head of the Black Bramble Academy, and the person signing up for the Black Bramble Academy, follow me immediately!”

Walking to the podium in front, a cold middle-aged wizard wearing a black robe with an aquiline nose took the lead in opening his body, shrouded in a layer of bloody deep red light halo, and the Spirit wave on it caused many wizards in the room to frown.

“Follow me at Griffin College.” On the side, a middle-aged wizard wearing a noble patriarch robe, like a noble, also spoke seriously, and there was also a layer of force on his body that was shaking, deterring many wizards below.

“People signing up for Hand of Jadeite, please come with me.”

The last gray robe wizard who looked like an ordinary old man also opened the mouth and said, his face looked very bland, as if he didn’t care about anything.

They didn’t seem to care about the wizard in front of them, and after speaking about their respective organizations, they turned around and walked towards the door.

Among the three of them, many wizards did not hesitate, and each walked over to the head of the organization that they signed up for.

Adier took a closer look and found that there were the most people going to the Black Bramble Academy. Griffin College had fewer people, but the numbers were good. The Hand of Jadeite he signed up for was the least registered, and only three of them, including him.

This naturally has a reason.

In the Mason area, the Black Bramble Academy’s style is very strong, and there are many blood wizards in the Academy, known for their powerful fighting style and crazy style.

Although this Academy is a bit dangerous, the recruitment conditions are relatively loose. It does not care too much about the identity of the wizard and other aspects. It only focuses on combat effectiveness, which is very suitable for many wild wizards wandering outside.

Griffin College is a serious Academy sex organization. Many of its regulations are more stringent. However, if there is a problem in identity, it cannot pass the audit. Even if it passes the test successfully, it also needs to sign a strict contract, which is naturally relatively unpopular.

As for the final Hand of Jadeite, although the treatment is relatively generous and relatively easy in other aspects, the recruitment conditions are too harsh for ordinary wizards, and they must be pharmacists.

Along the way to the front, with several wizards on the side, Adier came to a spacious laboratory.

In the laboratory, there is a small experimental bench for each and everyone, on which there are many things, most of which are needed for refining pharmaceutical agents.

Looking at these things, including Adier, the three wizards participating in the test flashed a glance.

For the Academy they want to join, these wizards will naturally inquire about it, and the content of the test is even more important.

The Hand of Jadeite organization is famous for refining pharmaceuticals, and the organization is very concerned about the pharmacological accomplishments of wizards. The content of its tests is also related to refining pharmaceuticals.

“Three different basic medicaments were refined in two hours, and those who passed were considered qualified.”

Came here, the old wizard in the gray robe stopped in front of him, looked at the Adier three behind him and opened the mouth and said: “There are materials on the side, as testers, you can have an hour of preparation time, if Anything you need to prepare can be raised during this time. “

Listening to his words, beside Adier, the two wizards were nodded. After hesitating for a while, they walked to the counter on the side and it seemed that they needed to prepare something.

The difficulty of refining the basic medicament is not very great. Since the three wizards present dared to participate in the test, there are naturally some levels, and there is no problem in refining the basic medicament.

The real difficulty lies in time. Three different basic medicaments need to be refined within two hours. This requires high time and accuracy. Any failure in the refining process may lead to time. not enough.

In order to ensure that it can be passed, it is natural to choose a relatively short refining time, and to master the most skilled several kinds of medicines.

Watching the two competitors go to the counter to prepare, Adier didn’t move, directly facing the gray robe old wizard in front of him saluted, with a smile on his face: “I don’t have any problems, I can start right now.”

“Oh?” Looking at Adier, the old wizard was a little surprised, but still nodded and agreed.

In the surprised eyes of other wizards, Adier took a copy of the material directly from the counter and walked to the test bench in front.

“Receiving only one copy, is it really confident or arrogant?”

Looking at Adier, the old wizard in the gray robe looked calm and thought quietly.

With his gaze, Adier started his movement.

The micro-blue flame started to ignite. Before Adier’s eyes, several pieces of material were quickly processed and then quickly poured into the groove in order.

His movements are fast, but they are very precise. It is like a high-precision machine. There is no deviation in his movements and he looks smooth.

The sorcerer present had a little or no knowledge of pharmacy, and at this moment he saw Adier’s smooth movements and suddenly hesitated.

It didn’t take long for a faint aroma to pass from the front, with an active wave of energy particles, which was clearly felt.

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