“It turned out to be a success.”

In the spacious room, the old wizard in the gray robe was a little surprised as he felt the energy particles in front of him.

Under his gaze, Adier poured the potion in his hand into a glass bottle on the side, and then placed it directly on the side of the test bench.

Looking at the potion just finished, the old wizard walked forward and slowly dripped it into his hand.

The light green medicament dripped on the palm of the hand and penetrated directly along the surface of the skin, disappearing in a short period of time, leaving no trace.

In the palm of the old wizard’s palm, a little warm feeling came to his eyes, “Healing potion, excellent quality.”

While talking, he put the green potion in his hand in front of the counter, sealed it, and then gently nodded to Adier: “Continue.”

Listening to his words, the smile on Adier’s face remained the same, and he went aside and received a copy of the material.

For the next two basic potions, Adier did not choose to do more preparations. After receiving one of the materials at the counter, Adier started directly.

“Foot medicament, excellent quality.”

“The cold-proof potion is of excellent quality.”

The testing of two bottles of freshly-finished medicine has been completed, and the people present have been attracted by the action of Adier. Even the old gray robe wizard who took the lead had a look of admiration on his face, and could not help facing the attendants Asked, “How long has it passed?”

“Master Mado, it’s exactly half an hour now.”

On the side, the attendant saluted the old wizard in the gray robe respectfully, and then opened the mouth and said.

“Half an hour, fine.”

Listening to this time, the old wizard in a gray robe named Mado was satisfied and looked towards Adier: “You’re called Adier?”

“Yes, sir.” Adier was calm, with a polite smile.

At this point, half an hour has passed since the test began. Except for Adier, the other two wizards who came to participate in the test are still preparing at the counter. At this time, they stared at Adier with a stunned look, with a little admiration in their eyes.

“You have passed the test and from now on you are a Hand of Jadeite Certified Level 1 Pharmacist.”

With a smile on Mado’s face, the turbulent Spirit field was undulating.

“A pharmacist,” Adier nodded said.

Since I wanted to join the Wizarding Organization of Hand of Jadeite, before that, Adier naturally had a certain understanding of this organization.

This is the largest pharmacist organization in the Maison Region. The organization has a strict division of pharmacist ranks and is recognized by the entire Maison region.

The first-level pharmacist represents that many basic medicaments can be refined, and only qualified pharmacists can do it.

“However, since you passed the test in less than an hour, according to regulations, you still have a chance to take the test again.” Aside from Mado’s voice, looking at Adier’s young face, his face was uneasy. Disguised praise: “For this test, you have the right to choose whether or not to participate, but you can join the Hand of Jadeite whether you pass or not.”

“I chose to take the test.”

Adier opened the mouth and said without hesitation.


Mado nodded wearing a gray robe: “The content of the test is that three primary potions are refined in three hours, and the rest of the rules are the same as before.”

Gently nodded, Adier bowed his head and pondered for a moment, then walked directly to the counter next to him.

This time, he still received only one copy of the material, placed it directly in front of the test bench, and started to move.

“Du! Assist mode is on!” At this moment, the sound of the chip machinery in my head sounded again.

There is a stream of data in front of me. At this moment, all the factors in front of me that affect the power of pharmaceutical refining are constantly changing, and are constantly analyzed by the powerful computing power of the chip.

Feeling this, Adier was calm and began to process the first material.

The familiar fluency was once again revealed in front of the surrounding people. Under the eyes of the surrounding people with a little astonishment, Adier’s movements were fast, like the most precise instrument, and every step was not missed.

The refining time of the primary medicament is much longer than that of the basic medicament. It has been more than twenty minutes that Adier ended this refining and filled the refined medicament.

After doing this, Adier not at all stopped, but walked to the counter to collect the materials again.

But different from before, this time he directly received two different materials, apparently want to refining the remaining two medicaments in one go.

At this step, the rest of the wizard’s eyes could not help but stare at Adier. Compared with before, his eyes became much more solemn.

“Three bottles of medicine, all are qualified.”

Standing at the counter and waiting for Adier to finish this test, Mado tested one of the three potions one after another, with a smile on his face: “Congratulations, become our certified Level 2 pharmacist.”

“Of course, if you want, you can continue to test.”

After thinking about it, looking at Adier’s calm face, he added.

“Sorry, this is the limit of my ability.”

Adier had a polite smile on his face: “I didn’t learn the recipe for intermediate potions at all.”

This is of course a falsehood. On the intermediate level, although Adier doesn’t have much knowledge, it’s certainly not a problem to take out a few if you want to refine it. Even one or two advanced grades have been refined.

But his purpose this time is just to join the Hand of Jadeite. The proper expression of his talents is only to attract the attention of the opponent, but it is not necessary to overdo it.

Unlike basic and primary medicaments, intermediate medicaments are already used by formal wizards. The formula of a medium medicament is very valuable, and it is not a good thing to rashly show it.

Such things as pharmaceutical refining can be done at any time. If you want to express it, it is not too late to wait until you understand the situation.

“It’s a pity.”

In the spacious room, listening to Adier’s words, Mado in a gray robe didn’t doubt much.

After all, during this time, Adier’s identity has probably been confirmed. He is only a member of the fallen wizard family. It was also an apprenticeship after joining Wlardo College. As a formal wizard with no background, he did not master the refinement of intermediate medicine That’s normal.

“You can rest assured that there are a large number of pharmaceutical formulas stored in the Hand of Jadeite, and a large number of pharmacists have gathered. With your innate talent, after joining us, I am afraid that I will be able to refine intermediate pharmaceuticals soon.”

Mado smiled with an old face, watching Adier encourage.

While they were talking, in the spacious room, the other two wizards were also nervously refining, some of whom had failed one or two times.

However, Adier showed up ahead. For the performance of the two of them, the person in charge of Mado was far more lazy to watch, but after a few glances, he turned around and walked to the counter, and took out a white badge from there. There is a Hand of Jadeite engraved on it, but only two fingers are emerald-colored. It can be seen that many moire are constantly intertwined, which is very beautiful.

“This is the badge of the Hand of Jadeite and represents the identity of a Level 2 pharmacist.”

Mado glanced at Adier: “But because you have just joined, you will need to go through another inspection after you have arrived at the headquarters.”

“I understand.” Adier nodded.

Receiving the badge representing the Level 2 pharmacist’s identity, Adier walked to the counter and watched the refining of the other two wizards silently.

“Chip, record their actions, and try to analyze the techniques they use.”

Standing aside, Adier was instructed against the chip in his heart.

At an instant, the chip’s recording function was turned on, recording the refining techniques of the two formal wizards all the time, and analyzing some of the unique techniques used in them.

In the process, very quickly, the time for a test passed completely.

With the exception of Adier, there were only two other formal wizards who were a person. The wizard successfully passed the test and was awarded a badge representing the first-level pharmacist.

When the test was completely over, Mado waved his hand, and the wide sleeves raised a breeze, bringing a little energy particles, and slowly shaking with the Spirit force on his body.

A breeze blew out of the air, blowing off the smell of the room due to the refining of pharmaceuticals.

“Clean up the remaining material and we leave immediately.”

Looking at the place, and speaking to the servant next to him, Mado took the lead to walk out.

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