The oncoming wind was blowing around, making some eyes open.

In the mid-air space several dozen meters above the ground, a dozen tall red giant birds flew in the air, with high speed, bringing a gust of wind in mid-air.

Each of these giant birds is a full seven to eight meters long, with a very wide body and wings spread apart, and a breath of high-energy particles escape.

There were some people sitting on the wide backs of each giant bird, and now they were rushing away with the giant bird.

After a while, when they came to a square, the giant birds slowly landed, and the people above jumped straight down.

“Here it is.”

Jumping off the back of the giant bird, staring at the platform in front of him, Mado’s face also revealed his sigh: “This is the headquarters of the Hand of Jadeite, and this is where you will stay later.”

While speaking, he led someone forward.

Behind him, he glanced at the surrounding platform, and Adier followed him, walking slowly towards him.

Walking on the road, while following each other, Adier was watching the scenery around all around.

In front of me is a flat platform surrounded by clean and pure stone slabs. It looks like a layer of jade and is beautiful.

As they gradually walked in, a garden gradually emerged, filled with flowers and fresh grass everywhere, bringing green and fragrance to the surroundings.

In the distance, there are fences surrounded by white horses with unicorns on their heads walking leisurely, and they are much stronger than ordinary horses in both appearance and shape.

This is a wildebeest, a kind of high-energy creature. The Bloodline, which has a part of the unicorn, can be regarded as a very rare creature.

In the Maison Region, purebred unicorns exist only in the Silver Fog Forest. They are powerful creatures that can rival third-class apprentices as adults, and they are rare.

Although these wildebeests only have part of the Bloodline of the unicorns, their strength is equally good, and the unicorns on the wildebeest heads are an extremely precious material, so they were captive.

A few more glances at the surrounding scenery, after a while, Adier and the others came to a spacious hall.

“Mado, are you back?”

As soon as I reached the hall, there was a sound in front, accompanied by a rush of footsteps.

An old man in a big fur robe came out of the hall with a smile, a gray-haired man with a bold smile on his face: “How about going out this time to harvest? Have you found any good seeds?”

“Thank you, I’m lucky this time.”

Speaking of this, Mado’s original expression on the face couldn’t help changing, a smile appeared.

“Adier, come here!”

He turned and looked towards Adier, who stood silently behind him, waved his hand at him, motioned for him to come forward.

“This young man is very good, not only a formal wizard, but also very talented in pharmacy refining. He has passed the level 2 pharmacist test!”

For Adier, Mado seems to admire: “More importantly, he is still young. With his innate talent, he will have a good future in the future!”


As Mado said, the face of the old man wearing a big fur robe could not be corrected, and then he looked at Adier a few more times before he said with a smile to him: “I can be praised so much by Mado, it seems that this is great Young man! “

“Hello, I’m Angele, a mentor for Hand of Jadeite.”

After talking to Mado, he turned and looked towards Adier said resolutely.

“Hello, I’m Adier.”

Facing each other’s gaze, Adier behaved like a junior with a smile on his face.


Looking at Adier, Angele secretly nodded: “Although you passed the Level 2 pharmacist’s test, you have not registered it. You need to test it again according to regulations. Is there a problem?”

“No problem.” Adier gently nodded.

“Come with me.”

Looking at Adier, Angele said, then turned and walked into the hall.

The building is large in size, with many rooms in addition to the lobby in front.

After walking for a while, they walked into a spacious laboratory with the equipment needed for refining pharmaceutical agents.

The test process is slightly different from the previous test not at all, but during the test, Angele also took out a Magic Transformed Item to record the entire process of adier refining pharmaceutical agents as a voucher and information.

“It’s perfect control. You are definitely a genius in pharmacy.”

Witnessing Adier’s entire testing process, dropping a blue gemstone for recording, Angele couldn’t help but marvel.

“Rewarded.” Adier was very humble laughed without showing any pride.

“Accordingly, you are now a Level 2 pharmacist certified by our Hand of Jadeite.”

Re-walking to the counter in the lobby, Angele explained to Adier: “In addition to some fringe benefits, the most important thing about the status of Pharmacist Level 2 is that he can receive ten black coins per month.”

“Black coins?” Adier wondered.

“This is the currency we use internally. It can be exchanged for many things at internal prices, just like a magic stone.”

Angele laughed: “You also know that at the level of more than a formal wizard, it is not appropriate to measure many things with magic stones, so only black coins appear.”

For this, Adier is also nodded, expressing his approval.

“This is the headquarters of our Hand of Jadeite. There are many shopping places around. For the purchasing power of black coins, you can try it later.”

Looking at Adier, Angele continued: “In addition, as a member of the Hand of Jadeite, in addition to the rights you enjoy, you must also bear the corresponding obligations.”

As he spoke, he handed a black card to Adier: “As a new member, you have three options.”

“The first is to become our candidate mentor for the Hand of Jadeite, who is responsible for teaching our students.”

Angele said: “The second option is to go to the frontline battlefield and exist as a pharmacy wizard, specializing in refining pharmaceuticals for frontline wizards, and handling some unexpected situations.”

“What about Third Type?” Adier asked calmly.

“Third Type choices are mainly scattered duties, such as helping the organization to refining a certain amount of medicaments every month, or taking care of a certain material cultivation site, which fall into this category.”

Angele frowned. “Comparatively, this is also the most choice. There are many rewarding positions in it, you can choose slowly.”

“As a newcomer, you have three days to think about it slowly. You don’t need to confirm it now.”

“Then I will come back in three days.”

Listening to this, Adier stood up and said to Angele in front of him with a smile.

“no problem.”

Angele nodded, then prompted: “You have ten black coins on the black card in your hand. During these three days, you can go shopping around and buy something by the way.”

“This is your basic welfare this month. It would have taken a full month to get it, but I think it is pleasing to you, so I will give it to you in advance.”

Looking at Adier, he said boldly.

“Many thanks.” Listening to the other side, Adier’s grateful expression appeared on his face, and he directly accepted the relationship.

Continue to talk a few words, after a while, Adier came out of the hall, a black card representing ten black coins in his hand,

Out of the hall, apprentices walked around intermittently. After seeing Adier’s badge representing Level 2 pharmacist’s badge, he couldn’t help but show awe and admiration.

After a long road, Adier went to another place.

There is a large counter here. Several apprentices are standing in front of the counter, and a piece of white slate is placed in front of it.

On the white slate, black handwriting is revealed, and it is constantly changing. There is a lot of content on it.

Walking to a stone slab by himself, Adier gently stretched his hand and placed his arm on the slab.

A cold touch came from the palm of his hand, with a hint of Spirit wave.

In front of Adier, a light slowly emerged, as if it were a display screen, revealing the content on it.

“Hello! Please enter the goods you need.” In my mind, the cold voice came out of thin air.

This is the Spirit message from the slate in front of you. Strictly speaking is not a sound, but it feels similar.

The entire stone wall in front of you is actually a huge Wizard Array. The powerful spell effect is solidified on it, which activates the entire stone wall and becomes another kind of active life.

At this time, it is the Spirit body on this stone wall that uses Adier’s body feedback to feed back the message that Adier wants to know.

“Really amazing technology.”

After testing for a while, and feeling all this, Adier sighed first, and then said, “Check the price of the magic crystal.”

In an instant, all the previous information on the stone wall in front of me disappeared, leaving only one message.

That’s the exchange price of Magic Crystal, as well as detailed function introduction.

“It really does.”

Looking at the light curtain that appeared on the stone wall in front of him, Adier was a bit surprised: “For fifty black coins, you can exchange one unit of magic crystal?”

This purchasing power surprised Adier: “It seems that the magic crystal is not too scarce for the wizarding forces in the Maison Region.”

“Fifty black coins. At this price, I can exchange for a magic crystal in only five months.”

With the price in mind, Adier couldn’t help nodded, and then tried to check the price of the advanced Meditation Method.

With the end of the operation, the light curtain in front of me suddenly changed. But this time, no information was revealed on the light curtain.

This result disappointed Adier.

He was also prepared that if the Hand of Jadeite could be exchanged for the higher Meditation Method, then he would find a way to exchange it out and replace the Moon God’s Sacrifice Meditation Method he had originally studied.

It now appears that even in the Maison Region, things like the higher Meditation Method are also heavily monopolized and blocked, and no news will be leaked at leisure.

“It seems to be hanging on the Meditation Method, Moon God’s Sacrifice.”

Thought of this, Adier sighed.

No higher Meditation Method could be found, and Adier switched to querying the basic Basic Meditation Method.

In this regard, he has made a lot of gains, and he has found hundreds of different basic Meditation Methods, and the price is ten cheap. Each door only needs a few magic stones to be exchanged.

Standing in front of the stone wall, I tested the purchasing power of black coins. Adier walked to the front counter and exchanged hundreds of basic Meditation Methods in a sudden look of the female apprentice at the counter.

“Chip, build missions, develop new advanced Meditation Methods.”

On the way, Adier instructed the chip in his head.

“As soon as the mission is established, the database is established, and the simulation data is started … Completion time: unknown.” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again.

Listening to the sound of the chip, Adier couldn’t help sighed.

After all, the chip is not a panacea, even if it has powerful computing power, but in the case of insufficient data, it is also impossible to promote a new advanced Meditation Method.

For the higher Meditation Method, Adier only has Moon God’s Sacrifice, and the rest of the basic Meditation Method has collected a lot, but at most it only serves as a reference, and it really helps.

If you want to speed up the development of the chip, it is best to get some other advanced Meditation Method.

On the way, Adier walked to the other side, and soon came to a tall building.

Entering this high-rise building with a badge representing Level 2 pharmacist, Adier walked into a spacious and gorgeous hall.

Surrounded by tall bookshelves, there are many sealed books, and a layer of light blue light curtain, to protect these books.

Although the books on this floor are free, the stored knowledge is all below third-class apprentices. Adier took a random look at them and went straight upstairs.

It wasn’t until the Level 2 pharmacist was eligible to enter the 4th-layer that Adier stopped and patiently walked towards a certain bookshelf.

There are many books on the surrounding bookshelves. In addition to a lot of advanced knowledge about medicaments, there are also many medicament formulas, which have detailed functions and introduction by the inventor.

Adier took a casual look. The formulas on the bookshelves on this floor were rarely primary ones, most of them were intermediate ones. There were a lot of them, and it looked like there were at least hundreds of them. Can’t help but look, shocked by the accumulation of Hand of Jadeite.

“Unfortunately, although there are many recipes here, black coins are needed to exchange them.”

Looking at the prices marked on the surrounding formula, Adier couldn’t help but get lost in thought: “It seems that the job needs to be carefully selected.”

Thinking about this in his mind, he put back the books he looked around before walking to the counter in front.

“Hello, the complete recipe for two intermediate potions requires a total of six black coins.”

Standing in front of the counter was a female apprentice wearing a blue robe. A pure young face looked very beautiful. At this time, she was gentle with a smile to Adier.

Check out with the black card in his hand and took a few blue crystal balls before Adier left.

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