Faint fumes rose in the spacious laboratory, accompanied by a slight aroma.

boom! boom! boom!

At the door of the laboratory, a slight knock sounded quickly, accompanied by a footstep.

“Come in!”

Adier’s voice sounded around him, and there was a crisp sound outside the back door.

With a squeak, the laboratory door was quickly opened, and two apprentices wearing black robes with emerald patterns came in from the outside, looking very respectful: “Master Adier, let’s come and get this month’s share . “

“En? Now there are more than a dozen days before the pharmacy delivery?”

Listening to the sound, Adier turned back, his face looked a little confused.

“This … I’m very sorry …”

The black robe apprentice’s face was embarrassing: “The battlefield on the front line is tight, and Lord Ioria has urged us more than once to assemble logistics materials, so …

“What about this?”

Listening to this statement, Adier frowned at first, but stopped his movements and walked to the closet.

From the cabinet on the side, he took out a large green box and placed it directly on the wooden table on the side.

“Twenty copies of sharpening medicine, ten copies of spirit medicine, and ten copies of dragon’s blood.”

Adier looked towards the apprentice in front of him: “This month’s share is here, remember to come back next month.”

“Yes, I’m disturbing you.”

Hearing Adier’s words, the two black robe apprentices hurriedly explained, then stepped forward and opened the green box gently.

When the box was opened, a faint radiance escaped from the inside, and dozens of medicines were displayed directly in it, looking very beautiful.

When seeing these dozens of potions, the two black robe apprentices were suddenly relaxed, and they were very glad: “It seems that there should be no problem in gathering this share.”

After testing the medicament and confirming that it was okay, they handed over to Adier, and then saluted Adier and left in a hurry.

Standing in the spacious laboratory, looking at the back of the two apprentices, Adier couldn’t help shaking his head. He felt a lot of weight: “It looks like this time the war is fierce.”

At this time, half a year had passed since he joined the Hand of Jadeite. During this time, Adier not only integrated into the Hand of Jadeite, but also accepted a task of refining pharmaceutical agents.

Compared to other tasks, this task is very suitable for Adier. Only a fixed amount of pharmacy delivery needs to be refined per period of time, and the task can be fulfilled. It does not need to consume too much time, and the reward is very generous. It is very suitable for admirers such as Adier to make high power wizards.

At the headquarters of Hand of Jadeite, Adier usually exchanges various advanced knowledge, or exchanges with other wizards, in addition to earning black coins by refining pharmaceutical agents. During this period of nearly half a year, he also got a lot of fame, even some wizards of other organizations have heard of his fame.

This kind of life was originally stable, but judging from the recent situation, I am afraid that it will soon be over.

Packing everything in place, Adier walked out.

Just out of the door of the laboratory, there was a roar suddenly in the distance.

“The last batch of medicine was just delivered a few days ago! How dare you bother me again!”

A frantic roar sounded from the laboratory on the side, with a trace of madness in the sound, and the fluctuation of the force field.

In a laboratory not far from Adier, the two black robe apprentices who had come to Adier were thrown out and flew straight after falling a distance of five or six meters, making a dull noise.

Looking at Adier’s eyes, he could even see a weird man in a black robe standing sideways, fiercely closing the door.

Shook the head gently, and there was some sympathy in Adier’s heart for the two apprentices who were flung out.

Not every wizard is as good at speaking as Adier. Because of the long time spent in the laboratory doing various experiments, the psychology of many formal wizards is more or less distorted and radical, and it will burst out if you are not careful.

Regardless of this, Adier glanced at the place and headed for a certain road.

After he left, the laboratory door behind him closed automatically and closed tightly.

Leaving his former laboratory, Adier soon moved to another area.

This is a small villa on a plain.

Unlike previous laboratories, this villa, although also located at the headquarters of Hand of Jadeite, is the property of Adier and was bought by him several months ago as a place for some private experiments.

Walked to the front door of the villa, where someone was already waiting.

It was a middle-aged wizard wearing a red robe with a mustache. After seeing Adier’s silhouette, he walked over with a warm expression: “Adier, you are finally back.”

“Teles, long time no see!”

Looking at this person, Adier had a smile on his face: “Are you here to bring me good news?”

“Of course, it’s definitely good news for you.”

Teles smiled.

“Oh, I’m looking forward to it.”

Seeing this being said, Adier was obviously a little curious.

Right now this person is also a member of Hand of Jadeite, but unlike the newly added member of Adier, this wizard has been joining Hand of Jadeite for a long time, and there seems to be some relationship behind it, which can get a lot of rare things, such as Say a lot of rare slaves.

“Come on, my friend, I believe I will make you happy this time.”

Theres Pats hand, then takes Adier aside.

After a long walk, he stopped at a platform and pointed around: “Adier, look at the goods around here! These are just shipped off the battlefield.”

Adier then looked around.

On the empty platform around, there is a huge black cage for each and everyone. The cage is made of special alchemy material, and a special small Wizard Array is added to suppress it.

In these black cages, each and everyone creatures of different stature sit quietly inside, some of them are humans, some are orcs, and some are marines, and they look like a hodgepodge.

In a cage, Adier also detected a certain breath, which suddenly changed his color: “Official wizard! You can even get a formal wizard?”

“Of course it cannot be a living formal wizard.”

Faced with Adier’s surprise, Teles shook his head: “I can’t get a live formal wizard. Here are just two bodies that’s all, and they are still incomplete.”

Listening to this statement, Adier’s complexion returned to normal and followed the other person to the front.

It was in front of the huge black cage that Adier could see the contents inside.

There were two very miserable corpses, one of which belonged to human beings, the skull had disappeared, and many parts and organs of the body were incomplete.

As for the other one, it belongs to a female lizard man in leather armor. The body is also bloody, and it looks like a powerful spell should have died in his lifetime.

“These two bodies were seized on the battlefield. I happened to be in that area and knew that you needed these things, so I bought them secretly at a high price.”

Speaking of this, Teles smiled proudly: “How is this thing?”

“Just a price.” Looking at the two bodies, Adier opened the mouth and said.

“One hundred black coins.” Looking at Adier, Terry offered a price.

“Are you kidding me?” Adier looked calm, looking towards Teles.

“of course not.”

Terris shrugged. “My price has always been fair, and since I say it, it will definitely satisfy you.”

As he spoke, he walked to the side of the cage, opened up the black cloth on the cage, and revealed the contents.

The faint chill was rising, and an ice coffin was revealed, in front of Adier.

In the cold ice coffin, a naked female elf body was lying inside quietly, and a dagger penetrated through the heart.

“this is···”

Adier’s eyes suddenly dimmed when he saw the female elf’s body.

“The body of an elf Royal Family, within the body possesses the thin Bloodline of the ancient Moon Elf, but it is a precious material that is difficult to obtain.”

Teles snapped his fingers: “How?”

“I am very satisfied.”

Looking at each other, Adier smiled.


“Is the war on the front line fierce to this extent?”

After closing the deal, Adier asked while the servants were moving the corpses.

“Yeah,” Teles sighed. “I have been traveling on the battlefield for more than half a year, and the horrible legacy on the battlefield made me feel terrified.”

“The Lizardmen have been rioted. Marsh Principality has declared war on us and attacked with the black wizards of Otto Province. The orcs in the north are also rioting and are now fighting the Black Bramble Academy in the north.”

“The same is true of elf in the south of Silver Fog Forest. It seems to have the same meaning recently. It keeps inquiring about the news and it looks like hesitating.”

Speaking of this, Teles is helpless.

Different from other regions, although the Strength of Wizards in the Maison Region is more powerful, the contradictions are also more fierce. Conflicts between ethnic groups and even different wizarding organizations often erupt.

“In short, you have been preparing recently.”

Teles reminded Adier: “The form around us has become more and more chaotic recently. Although our Hand of Jadeite is relatively stable, it seems to have acted recently.”

“Is the organization going to fight too?” Adier frowned.

“It’s not clear.” Teles said with a bitter smile: “High-level things, how can I be a formal sorcerer to figure it out, at best, relying on some previous news, that’s all faster than you received.”

“That’s true, too.” Adier gently nodded, and stopped speaking.

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