Familiar laboratory, a burst of light sound is constantly coming out.


I heard Adier’s deep voice in place.

In front of the platform’s test bed, the previous ice coffin was quietly placed there, and the body of the elf girl inside was completely distorted, and all the flesh and blood was taken away by Adier, leaving only some useless parts.

“This is the so-called elf Royal Family? The Bloodline within the body is so thin that it looks like this.”

Standing in place, Adier looked at the drop of pure silver liquid in the test tube in his hand, and his face was a little unsightly.

The process of extracting elf Bloodline is very smooth, with the existence of chips. In the past six months, Adier has not been idle, and has already studied the way to purify Moon Elf Bloodline.

The elf girl in front of him is not the first elf who has extracted Bloodline.

However, before that, Adier used to extract Bloodline from some families of the Royal Family. The Moon Elf Bloodline inside the body was thin and poor, far from the real Royal Family.

“Even if it is the so-called Royal Family, the Bloodline that is actually contained within the body, once extracted, is about two or three drops at most. If you want to extract the complete Moon Elf Bloodline by relying on the thin elf of the Bloodline, I am afraid to kill at least a hundred Only a Royal Family. “

Hundreds of elf Royal Family, just thinking of this number, Adier feels crazy.

elf Royal Family is not Chinese cabbage. What can be called a Royal Family, within the body must have a certain concentration of Moon Elf Bloodline, not born in the Royal Family, even the Royal Family.

And this kind of Bloodline qualified elf Royal Family, even in the entire Silver Fog Forest, I am afraid there are not many.

Want to get together a hundred Royal Family, unless all Royal Family in the Maison Region have been slaughtered.

As for the other methods, such as the method of regularly drawing blood to purify Bloodline, Adier also thought about it, but found that it did not make much sense.

The power of Bloodline is contained in the deepest part of the body, just like the soul. It represents a source of the body, just like the soul, and is not something that can be harvested continuously.

For ordinary blood alone, the power of Bloodline contained in it is extremely weak. Not only is it extremely difficult to separate, but it is also difficult to obtain enough harvest. It is better to extract the whole Bloodline from the whole body at one time.

“Forget it, think about it later.”

After finishing the experiment, Adier took off the blood-stained clothes and put on a clean and neat black robe before walking out.

A cold wind was blowing outside.

Facing the cold wind, Adier walked to a square.

“Adier, are you here too?” A familiar voice came.

Adier looked up and was a little surprised: “Master Mado, are you there?”


Mado smiled bitterly: “The organization decided to go to war against the Swamp Kingdom, during which many wizards were sent out.”

Seeing that the other party was in a bad mood, Adier silently nodded and said nothing.

A few red giant birds flew fast, landing in a strong wind, and quickly landed in front of Adier.

“It seems your time is up.”

Looking at the giant bird that stopped in front of Adier, Mado nodded: “Be careful, you after all is a pharmacist. If you’re fine, you don’t need to go to the front line.”


Adier laughed, then took a small leap and landed directly on the back of the giant bird.

With the sound of a whistle, the giant bird opened its wings and rushed towards the sky, bringing a gust of wind.

“Well, I don’t know if the decision to organize this time is right or wrong …”

In situ, looking at the black spots that are gradually moving away in the sky, Mado’s calm face disappeared, sighing.

“This time, the mission is to support the battlefield of the frontline swamp kingdom.”

On the other side, sitting on the back of the bird, Adier was silently thinking: “Speaking of support, it is not actually joining the battlefield, but helping to stabilize the frontline situation, dealing with the toxins released by the swamp wizard, and refining the pharmaceuticals. , Itself should not be at all dangerous. “

“But in order to prevent it, you still have to prepare more.”

Thinking of the recent situation, Adier thought.

During this time, the swamp kingdom to the east of the Maison Region became more and more lively, and the swamp wizard attacked madly, which made some of the forces on the east a bit unbearable and had to compromise like the Hand of Jadeite.

The senior management of Hand of Jadeite considered and finally decided to join the war, sending a large number of wizards to the front line to support, including official wizards like Adier.

Adier’s mission is to assist a wizard family to hold an area. As long as he stays for a while, he can complete the task and get the reward given by Academy.

In the rush, the time passed more than half a month.

It wasn’t until early in the morning that Adier came to a city.


Just walking to the periphery of the city, a voice suddenly sounded, with a violent Spirit wave.

A Barbarians-like black robe middle-aged man quickly came out of the city gate and just saw the red giant bird under Adier’s feet.

He just wanted to step forward, and then stopped after feeling the Spirit of the formal wizard’s Spirit, and looked at Adier hesitantly.

“I’m Adier, Level 2 Pharmacist of the Emerald Alliance.”

Looking at the other person’s appearance, Adier also understood what he was hesitant, so he spoke directly to tell his origin.

“Here are my credentials!”

While speaking, he threw an emerald-like mark in his hand to the other party.

As a result, this jadeite, after carefully examining the imprint above, and the information in it, the face of the black robe sorcerer in his eyes softened: “Sorry, my lord, because something happened before, we have only been more vigilant recently. . “

“It’s okay, this is what it should be.”

Adier smiled at the explanation of the other person and looked very good at it.

“Please come in with me!”

Looking at Adier, the black robe wizard led the way and entered the city together.

A strong bloody smell came from around, with blood crimson.

Standing in the narrow and dilapidated city, Adier looked towards.

A large number of corpses are on display, most of them are lizard people, but there are also ordinary person corpses, which are slowly being cleaned at this time.

In addition to the bloody smell, the entire city is full of energy particles.

“Concerning the situation, I think Adier already knows it.”

Walking to the city hall, the wizard in the black robe looked at Adier and looked very serious.

“I know.”

Adier nodded: “In addition to myself, this time I came here, I also brought a lot of potions, and I can use them immediately.”

“In addition to these, I am also a pharmacist. If necessary, as long as the materials are ready, I can help configure some pharmacy.”

“Then many thanks.”

Listening to Adier’s words, the black robe shaman named Yardra was relaxed, and the original worry in his heart was slightly relieved.

At this moment, there was a sudden rush of footsteps outside.

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