“Master Yardra, there is news from the investigators, the group of lizardmen is coming over!”

A middle-aged man in armor entered the outside hall, took a look at Adier, looked towards Yardra and reported.


Hearing this news, Yardra frowned first, and then looked towards Adier standing aside: “Is Lord Adier going to take a look together?”

“Of course.” Adier nodded: “Assisting to defend the city is also my task.”

They said a few words in the original, and then looked towards.

Cold wind is blowing on the narrow and broken city wall.

After waiting for a few hours, some silhouettes appeared outside.

That is each and everyone is a lizard warrior wearing a characteristic green leather armor, generally shorter than ordinary people, with a simple weapon in his hand.

The strength of these lizard fighters is very good. Although they are generally not as tall as human fighters, strength is generally a lot stronger. The skin that has not been completely degenerated also has good defense capabilities. Overall, the combat effectiveness is very good.

But neither Adier nor Yardra paid attention to these ordinary lizardmen.

Looking at the lizardmen gathered in the distance, their eyes looked backwards, and they clearly felt the breath of mana there.


Looking at the scene in the distance, Yardra whispered.

A violent whistling came from a distance, as if the insect kept whispering and was approaching the place.

After a while, Adier also saw those things.

It was an insect with four legs that looked like a mosquito, all red, and each had the size of a baby fist.

Countless insects gathered together, sending out zhi zhi low chirps in the air flying, with a low-frequency sound wave vibration, making people feel a bit sick.

“This is a swamp bloodworm that is a specialty of the Swamp Kingdom. It has toxins all over it, and it is a bit difficult to gather.”

Looking at the sky covered by red in the distance, Yardra bowed his head and explained to Adier.

He was standing on the city wall, his mana gushing quickly, a black light was emitted in front of him, and it was directly emitted.

The black light rushed towards the sky, colliding with the red formed by the insects, canceling each other out.

A body of bloodworms kept falling, and was wiped by the black light and immediately lost their lives.

The sound of whistling came from a distance, like the sound of a broken arrow.

Under Adier’s gaze, a pale green arrow flew fast from a distance, with a thick blood on it, which was obviously not an ordinary arrow.

Yardra waved his hand, and a large number of shadow particles were released, forming a curtain of shadows in front of him, colliding with the arrows, and suddenly making a violent explosion.

At this time, other wizards around him also reacted, and the mana on his body began to mobilize, each of them using their own means to attack the outside.

Here after all is a place where the wizard family stays. In addition to Yardra, the Patriarch is an official wizard, he also has a lot of apprentices and Knights. At this time, he can be considered a lot of combat power.

Coupled with the launch of the defense Wizard Array, the city wall is shrouded by the effects of the Wizard Array, which also brings them many advantages.


The roar of roar came from a distance.

Under the gaze of Adier, in the distant Lizardmen army, a giant beast with three horns and four five meters came out, covered with a layer of light yellow scales.

This is the marsh giant beast, a very fierce monster in the swamp kingdom, rarely seen in the field.

On the back of the giant beast, a lizard man in an animal skin robe was standing there. Although thin, his eyes were cold, and he was staring at Yardra above the city wall.

“Official wizards of the Lizardmen, and two enough?”

Looking at the Lizardman wizard on the back of the giant beast, feeling the message from the distance, Adier nodded, his eyes flashed.

In addition to the official wizard on the back of the giant beast of the swamp, among the lizard men in the distance, there are fluctuations in the magic of the official wizard, apparently there is a person official wizard.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for another lizard man to wear a linen robe, who looked much taller than an ordinary lizard, came out under the guard of several lizard men, and exuded a strong breath of mana on his body. Adier and Yardra, standing on the city wall, clearly felt.

“The two Lizardmen are very strong, and each is no worse than me.”

Aside, watching the people in the distance arrive, Yardra also explained: “Most of the reasons why this city was able to be held in the past half a month were because of the existence of this defensive Wizard Array. Barely held up. “

“But Lord Adier is here now, but he can try to fight back.”

Listening to him, Adier also nodded: “No problem.”

The number of formal wizards on both sides is equal, plus the existence of Guard Wizard Array, to a certain extent, Adier actually has a certain advantage.

“Then go on.”

Yardra nodded, the Spirit force originally contained within the body slowly dissipates, seducing surrounding energy particles.

He waved his hand, and as the mana on his body evaporated, several Shadow Fireballs rushed towards the distance and crashed directly into the army of lizardmen.

The low roar sound clips kept coming with screams, accompanied by a scorching smell of heat, and the residual flesh of the place.

Lizardmen’s language will naturally not be the same as that of humans, and the vocal organs between the two races will be different. As a result, the screams made by these lizardmen will sound more like miserable hiss.

At the next moment, several arrows flew out quickly, and moved towards Yardra, bursting into him.

Aside, another lizard man in a linen robe also rushed out, not knowing where to pull out a scepter. Fiercely waved a storm and hit the city wall directly.


The sound of shattered flesh came from a distance, making the lizardman wizard stunned.

He turned subconsciously and looked towards the side, just to see a residual image quickly rushing from a distance, a blood red machete flashed in his hand.

Suddenly, Adier was holding a machete, and before the opponent noticed it, he rushed directly to the opponent and raised his arm high, ready to cut it.

Bang! bang!

The flurry of flesh and blood fluttered quickly. When the opponent was about to be chopped down, an inexplicable force field appeared. Forcibly shifted the direction of Adier chopped, and finally chopped on another apprentice of the lizardman. Cut the scales on the opponent’s body, causing the flesh and blood to explode.

Without a hit, Adier didn’t care, just turned and looked towards the side.

Suddenly, the Lizardman wizard reacted, and an ice blade emerged directly in front of him.

In such a short distance, at the speed of this spell, even at the speed of Adier, it is difficult to escape.

Feeling the ice blade coming in front of him, Adier waved his hand, and a ray of moonlight appeared on his hand, gradually became rich, and pressed down in front of him.

The brilliance of silver shone around several meters, and a strength like Moonlight covered the place, colliding with the cold wind in front of it, and gradually offset.

This is Moon God’s Light. It is the spell obtained during the original ruins. It is also the only attack spell that Adier currently has. Strength is very powerful.

The cold wind and moonlight are constantly colliding. Under the control of two formal wizards, the two spells cancel each other out, almost covering the surroundings.

When the effect of spell disappeared, the land around the peripheral meters was completely disfigured, and the person who was standing was smashed by the spell ’s escaped Strength, either smashed on the spot or thrown out, leaving only Adier and the Lizard Wizard. Stalemate in place.

Under the gaze of Adier, the lizard wizard roar in a linen robe gave a bluish light under the support of mana, and a spell inside it was detonated directly.

“Advanced Magic Transformed Item?”

In an instant, Adier flashed the thought in his mind, then suddenly looked towards and pushed madly.

A strong corrosive black gas erupted in situ, shrouding the original lizard wizard, and seemed to want to trap Adier.

This black gas has a strong radiation. In addition, there seems to be some kind of violent toxin inside, which is even more horrible after being activated by mana.

Seeing this, Adier flashed his silhouette directly, rushing past the obstacles of several Lizardmen warriors behind him, and steadily receding towards the back.

Observing the situation in front of him, he not at all intends to rush up again, just sensing the breath of the wizard in front of him, ready to hold the other side.

Formal wizards are not so easy to deal with. With their physical attributes far exceeding those of formal wizards, if they are willing to pay, Adier may be able to defeat the formal wizards in front of them, but it is not so easy to really kill them.

This is not the ruins of the elf emperor whose mana was suppressed. Even if it is defeated with the ability of a formal wizard, but unless there is too much difference between each other, it is very troublesome to really kill it.

Adier’s mission this time is only to help guard this area. He has no obligation to fight on the battlefield at all. It is good to be able to help hold a formal wizard, and there is no need to fight hard.

In the distance, on the other side, Yardra’s battle with another Lizardman wizard is still underway.

The blood light collided with the cold wind. Under the blessing of the Guardian Array, Strength of Yardra suppressed the lizard sorcerer on the opposite side and firmly prevailed.

Even so, over time, they also fell into a stalemate.

I don’t know how long it has been.

When the army of the lizardmen evacuated, there were many more corpses on the site, including both lizardmen and ordinary soldiers defending the city.

Originally had a strong bloody smell, and occasionally some surviving swamp bloodworms were seen lying on the corpse and continuously sucking blood, bringing a purple on a corpse’s body.

“Thanks this time, Lord Adier.”

Leaving from the city wall, back to the previous hall, looking at the side Adier, Yardra thanked him very sincerely.

“You’re welcome, this should be done.”

Adier had a smile on his face, and his stomach and Yardra were kind.

Compared to the previous experience after two battles on the battlefield, the two formal sorcerers lost some of their vitality and became more natural in speaking.

After talking about the current situation, Adier left the living room and was led by a servant to all around to get familiar with the environment.

This city was formerly ruled by the Yardra family, and there are many well-established laboratories in it, which made Adier feel very satisfied.

Halfway along the streets of the inner city, a teenager suddenly rushed forward.


Seeing the silhouette rushing in front, the two guards in front of Adier suddenly changed greatly. One person held out a hand and grabbed the boy who rushed in front of him. Fiercely pressed on the wall beside him.

It was then that Adier could see clearly what the boy looked like.

This is a handsome man with a handsome appearance. He looks about fifteen or sixty years old. He is wearing a patched overcoat and looks like his family is not very good.

He was holding a small piece of purple stone in his hand, with a thick panic on his face, and seemed to see something terrifying.

He didn’t react until he was pressed against the wall by two guards, and his fearful face relaxed a little before he reacted: “Sorry, I didn’t hit it on purpose!”

“Let him down.”

Without waiting for the guards to speak, Adier’s voice came.

He looked at the boy, not at all, and a child.

Upon hearing Adier’s order, the two armored guards stared at each other, and the force on their hands slowly spread out, letting the boy in his hand down, and then walked to Adier’s side, ready to continue to leave.

Not paying attention to this episode, Adier continued to move forward, accompanied by the guard.

“Hu … fortunately I met a good guy.”

Looking at Adier’s back, the teenager was relaxed, and he was afraid of pats.

As a seasoned person, he knows that these guards are intractable. If Adier didn’t say this time, I’m afraid it would be terrible.

He hadn’t reacted to his feelings of fear, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

“Too quiet!”

Feeling the atmosphere around him, this thought rose to his mind.

Before he could think about it, a burning sensation came from his chest, and his eyes widened instantly.

A cold feeling rose from behind, feeling this feeling, the teenager’s face showed fear, without the slightest hesitation rushing forward.

As if there was something catching up behind him, he ran fast and was no slower than some Knight apprentices.

From the sight of others, we can see that behind the boy, several dark shadows stood quietly, and always followed behind the boy. No matter how hard the opponent ran, the distance remained unchanged, and even continued to shorten.

“What to do! What should I do!”

Feeling the cold feeling behind him getting closer, and the hotter feeling that became more noticeable on the chest, the teenager yelled, almost desperate.

He rushed forward desperately, and finally, at a certain corner, saw the familiar silhouette.

“What are you doing here?” A gentle voice sounded in the ear, a little familiar.

For a moment, the teenager felt that the cold feeling behind him disappeared, and the whole person saw a flash and fell directly to the ground.

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