In front of the gate of the manor, looking at the two guards standing in front of him, Thor’s face remained unchanged: “Let’s go! This girl is what Adier wants!”


A guard sneered: “Adult Adier wants women, and most of them are young and beautiful girls who are willing to crawl on the bed, how can they look at you like this?”

“You can ask Master Adier in person!”

Thor’s face remained the same, his eyes staring directly at the guard, without showing a slight timidity.


Looking at Thor’s appearance, the two guards couldn’t help but hesitate, but still didn’t make way.

Standing in place, looking at their hesitant look, Thor’s face remained the same, but his back was almost wet with sweat, and obviously his heart was also very tense.

“Let him in.” A voice came from a distance, diverting their attention.

Following the sound, they looked into the distance.

In that direction, a handsome young man in a black robe was standing there, at this time standing with another man in an expensive patriarch robe, looking calm and seemingly enjoying flowers.


Looking at Adier standing in the distance, the two guards hesitated for a while, and finally cleared the way to let Thor in front.

Looking up at Adier standing in the distance, Thor somewhat guilty lowered his head, and quickly walked towards the other side, afraid to stay in the other’s sight for a long time.

Standing quietly in the garden, watching the other’s silhouette leave, Adier stood quietly, not at all.

“Interesting child.” Aside, a husky voice came from the vicissitudes.

Looking at Thor, who was holding the girl in the distance, the middle age person with a burly figure was sighed, with some emotions in her eyes.

“It can be seen that there should be stories in this child.”

Looking aside, looking at the side middle age person, Adier said with a smile: “Why is Lord Yarda free to come here to see me today?”

“Don’t say this.” Yardra smiled broadly: “Adier, you are my most distinguished guest, and since I’m here, I will treat you well.”

“Maybe.” Adier shook his head. “Is that the group of lizards solved?”

“It’s okay for now.”

Yardra said: “Compared to us, their Strength is not dominant, this time has been shrinking there, it looks like they are ready to confront us for a long time.”

“What’s going on outside?” Adier asked.

“Very bad.” Yardra shook his head: “We are fine here, but the Cournot Kingdom on the east has collapsed. It is said that except for a little girl who has survived, the other Royal Family has been slaughtered clean, large territory and resources The dots are all occupied by the Swamp Kingdom. “

“The black wizard in the south is also restless. It is said that a Black Wizard Alliance was also established during this time, and now it is united with the swamp kingdom and is attacking frantically.”

“Of course, these things have nothing to do with us for the time being.”

Having said that, he said with a smile: “Everywhere else is fought, and the Strength of the Swamp Kingdom is completely contained by other battlefields. It is impossible to send a wizard to our remote place.”

Listening to this, Adier didn’t speak, just quietly nodded.

“In a few days, I will host a banquet to celebrate the damn group of lizardmen being repelled and to welcome you.”

After a while, Yardra said again: “Don’t hurry to refuse, there will be many wizards at the banquet. Although they are all apprentices, they are also people in our circle who represent the wizarding family around here.”

“You have to stay here for a while. If you need anything during this time, you may have to deal with these families.”

“Okay.” Adier was nodded at this, agreeing.

After a while, they chatted a bit, and then Yardra walked out.

In situ, Adier stood alone in the garden, silently watching the surrounding scenery.

on the other side.

“Damn! It’s totally useless!”

In the cramped room, looking at the girl lying on the bed, Thor was sweating and somewhat weakly sitting on a wooden chair aside.

Lying quietly on the bed, the girl’s appearance was a little different from before, the worn red robe originally worn on her body had been replaced, and the dirt on her face had been carefully wiped out, revealing the face that looked delicate and pretty .

She was lying on the bed quietly, her eyes closed as if asleep, only the black mark on her forehead still existed, and the color seemed much darker than before.

Looking at the girl’s appearance, Thor gritted his teeth, got up from the sitting wooden chair, and continued to the bed, a large rough hand quickly stretched out.

A touch of white light appeared in his palm. As he exerted his whole body, the light in his hand became more and more obvious, shining on the girl’s forehead, making the black mark a little lighter.

This situation continued for a while. After a while, the white light in Thor’s palm disappeared, and the whole person was lying on the ground as if paralyzed, as if exhausted from his whole body, sitting on the ground and breathing heavily.

Losing the suppression of white light, the black mark on the girl’s forehead continued to deepen, and the range gradually expanded. There was a wicked Strength on it, which attracted people’s attention.

“No …”

Looking at the girl’s ever-expanding mark on his forehead, Thor showed despair: “The curse is about to erupt, and my Strength can’t suppress it.”


A strange noise came from outside the door.

Subconsciously, Thor looked out to see the scene that made him feel scary.

The wooden gate trembled softly, making a sound of zhi zhi la la.

Outside the door, a black shadow was slowly gathering, looking like a messenger from Hell, shaking Thor’s body.

The next moment, Thor saw a flash, all the abnormalities that you saw immediately disappeared.

A hot sensation rose from his chest, calming him calmly, and his eyes regained his soberness: “Time is coming, I can’t stay here anymore, or I will definitely be affected by the outbreak of the mark.”

“But Yana …”

He looked back towards the girl on the bed. On the girl’s forehead, a black mark was spreading, and now it had reached the neck.

After a similar process, Thor knew that this was a symptom of imminent outbreak, and once the imprint spread to the whole body, it would be a complete outbreak.

Thinking of it, Thor gritted his teeth and walked outside.

The time outside is constantly passing, and as the sky continues to darken, Thor’s chest becomes hotter.

The cold wind was blowing, and under the light of torch he saw a scene.

It was a black clothed person covered in black. The whole body was covered by a black robe, covered with a burst of black gas, and he could not see anything. At this time, he was walking towards this quietly.

Time seemed to be still. In the empty manor, the guard who had been guarding the gate was gone. Everything around was quiet, only Thor and the black clothed person.

Hiding quietly in the garden, looking at this black clothed person, Thor’s eyes were frightened, and the burning sensation in his chest was constantly rising. In the depths of his body, a thing that had been suppressed for a long time was being affected. break out.

A very itchy sensation came from his whole body. On his forehead, under the influence of an unknown Strength, a faint imprint was emerging. It looked exactly like the girl’s head, but it was much lighter.

This mark seems to have been suppressed. Although it was seduced by External Strength, it was always suppressed, only a faintly discernable emerged, and finally it was suppressed by a white light.

But at this point, Thor was no longer concerned about all this.

At this moment all his attention had been focused on the black clothed person in the distance, staring at it with a stare, but he did not dare to make a sound.

Once experienced this scene, he knew that this black clothed person was attracted by the imprint of Yana’s body, and would not affect other people under ordinary circumstances.

But he is different. He also has a curse. Although not at all broke out because of Strength suppression, it would be another thing if he dared to stand in front of the opponent, and it will definitely be harvested in advance by the opponent. .

Ka! ka!

A hoarse sound sounded all around, like the sound of an extremely trojan horse swinging around.

Under Thor’s gaze, the black clothed person walked quietly to the door of the room, and an arm shrouded in shadow, stretched out as if trying to open the door.

bump! !!

The arm collided with the wooden door, making a crisp sound.

Looking at the wooden door in front of him, Heiying was suddenly hesitant, and the arm that had been stretched out could not be retracted, as if something had been hindered.

In the room behind the wooden door, a girl was lying quietly on the bed, and most of her body was spread by the black mark.

And on the girl’s chest, a purple stone lay there quietly, with a unique atmosphere emerging from it, making the black clothed person outside look a little hesitant.

A faint white light emerged from the purple stone, although it was faint, but it did exist, faintly restraining the black clothed person, preventing him from continuing to move forward.


Hiding in the corner of the garden and peeking at this scene, Thor heart relaxed: “The Strength stored on the sacrifice stone has not been completely exhausted. At least until Strength is exhausted, he cannot go in to take Yana’s life away.”

“It should be safe tonight.”

The thought had just flashed in his mind, and then there was a moment.

On his chest, a strong blaze of heat was flowing quickly, as if to remind him of something.

Ahead, standing quietly in front of the wooden door, blocked by the light on the purple stone, it seemed to sense something, the black clothed person turned silently, looking towards a direction behind him.

He walked in that direction silently, each step was very light, as if he had no weight on his body, leaving no sound or footprint.

And in the direction he was heading, Thor felt a thrill, and his scalp was tingling.

“What to do? What to do?”

The burning sensation in his chest continued to grow, his scalp was numb, and he was somewhat weak in the face of the current situation.

The whole Strength has been exhausted, and the only way to stop the opponent has been placed on the girl, and now facing this situation, he has no way at all.


He gritted his teeth and just thought of getting up, only to find that his body had completely lost Strength.

The imprints on his forehead are constantly emerging, and his Strength is used to suppress the imprints, and now he has no strength to escape.

He watched as the black clothed person in the distance kept walking forward, the silhouette shrouded in dark air kept moving forward, and gradually approached his hidden place.

“Find … you …” A husky voice came from near, like a pedestrian in the desert who had been thirsty for a long time, with silence in his words.

Standing in front of Thor, the black clothed person reached out a hand and grabbed his forehead.


The moonlight wafted over the ground, covering the entire body of the black clothed person, blasting it far away, and hitting the distant ground.

“I … didn’t die?”

As I watched the scene, Thor’s eyes looked towards.

At the end of the garden, Adier put on a white robe, which was very conspicuous in the night when there was only the moon. At this time, there were waves of Spirit entangled around him, causing the surrounding energy particles to gather around the body.

He looked at the black clothed person being blasted off in the distance, raising his arm slightly.

A moonlight escaped from the front, and Moon God’s Light’s Strength shone here, covering the black clothed person, and continuously contacting the black gas on his body, making a corroding sound of crickets.

Roar! !

There was a roar in the distance.

After being attacked and interrupted twice in succession, the eyes of the black clothed person could not help but rest on Adier’s body. After raising his head, a pair of weird red eyes were looking at Adier, showing a thick silence.

Under Adier’s gaze, his form began to change. In the turbulence of black gas, he quickly gathered into a tall monster with pale arms.

The sound of the distant roar was transmitted to the ear. Next moment, monster appeared in front of Adier, a pale sharp claw sticking out, and directly caught on Adier’s head.

The heavy moonlight began to dissipate, the haloes began to oscillate, condensed and dispersed, and it was as beautiful as the real moonlight, but full of killing intent.


Under Adier’s gaze, withstanding the blow of Moon God’s Light, this pale monster exploded directly, purified by the strong moonlight, and his organs scattered everywhere, quickly turning into stone-like things.

After a while, these stones softened quickly, and there was a burst of black gas on them, which disappeared quickly, just like never before.

Standing still, watching the scene quietly, Adier frowned, feeling a little confused about this phenomenon.

“Actually … you can kill the reaper …”

At the corner of the garden, watching the whole process horrified, Thor was almost still.

After the black robed man disappeared and disappeared, the mark that was evoked because of the breath of the opponent no longer exploded, and was suppressed by his Strength.

In his sight, everything around him seemed to be alive again, and the guards in front of the distant gate were still there. There was a sound of Insect Cry from all around, which made him feel the beauty of this real world.

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