Ka! ka!

The dull footsteps kept ringing for a long time.

Looking around, Adier walked forward, watching the scene where the black clothed person disappeared.

“It completely disappeared?”

After inspecting the surroundings and confirming that the body of the black clothed person completely disappeared, he was puzzled in his heart, and could not help ordering the chip in his mind: “Chip, replay the image just now!”

As the order was issued, scenes in my mind emerged and played back in my mind.

However, in the images recorded by the chip, no black clothed person appeared at all from beginning to end. Everything is very ordinary, as if the scene just experienced was all illusion.

But looking around, feeling the unique feeling when he just faced Monster, Adier did not have the slightest doubt, but the doubt in his heart aggravated.

He waved his hand, letting the guard who was coming quickly back down, Adier looked calm, quickly walked to the wooden door not far away, and opened the door in Thor’s nervous eyes.

Opening the door, a cold breath came from the front. A girl was lying quietly on the bed, and the black mark on her body continued to squirm. At this moment, she was shrinking and quickly retracting her forehead.

And on the girl’s chest, a purple stone lay there quietly, at this time emitting a faint light, so that the black mark on the girl gradually faded.

It seemed that the arrival of Adier was noticed. On the wooden bed, the girl’s head turned around, just facing Adier.

A pair of cold eyes suddenly fell on Adier, with weirdness and madness.

The girl’s eyes were open at this time, and her entire eyes became white.

If you look closely, in the eyes of white, you can also see some detailed black texture, it seems that there is a mysterious and strange Strength, I do not know what it means.

Standing in place, facing the eyes, Adier could not help frowning, feeling a bit wrong.

This feeling comes fast and goes fast, it seems that because the black clothed person was solved by Adier before, without the cooperation of External Strength, the Strength of the girl within the body eventually lurks, with pure white eyes It returned to normal and closed again.

“Yana ···” There was a low voice beside him.

Standing behind Adier, seeing the girl’s appearance, Thor stood stunned, wondering what he was thinking.

“I think I need an explanation.”

Looking at the other person, Adier said softly, his face was very calm.

“Master Adier.”

Watched by Adier’s eyes, Thor recovered from his previous stunned state, with a guilty expression on his face.

“This thing … speaking of which is complicated.”

He froze for a moment, with a bitter smile on his face.


“According to the Elders, our family, which should have belonged to the descendants of the ancient wizards, has the sacred Bloodline of the ancient wizards.”

Walking side by side with Adier in the garden, Thor began: “But unlike the descendants of other ancient wizards, we have a mission to guard something for generations.”

“That is the legacy of the ancient wizard, a very terrifying thing. The reason we will become what we are now is because of the influence of this thing.”

“Is the seal unexpected?” Adier asked back.

“Yes.” Thor said with a bitter smile: “I don’t know what happened. On one night, the strength of that thing suddenly erupted, and the curse hidden in Bloodline was spurred to kill clansman one by one.”


Hearing this, Adier frowned.

“That’s the kind of thing.”

Facing Adier’s eyes, Thor reached out with a bitter smile on his forehead.

There was a faint mark on his forehead. Although it looked pale, it did exist.

“This is the curse.”

Thor sighed: “The curse on my body has actually exploded, but it was only suppressed by my Strength within the body Bloodline, and it was okay for the time being.”

“But as time goes on, the cursed Strength will become stronger and stronger. When Bloodline’s Strength cannot suppress the curse, it will become like Yana, and the cursed Strength will erupt completely, attracting that kind of thing.”

When talking, his face was full of bitterness, and he was unwilling.

Aside, Adier frowned.

In the Wizard’s World, cursing this kind of thing is undoubtedly a troublesome thing.

There are many sources of curses, some simple and even some apprentices can cast them, and some kind of complex and horrible curse will persist tenaciously even after thousands of years.

The curse that passed down from ancient times on Thor’s face was undoubtedly the most terrifying one.

“I will take Yana out of here soon …”

After a moment of silence, Thor said again, “If I stay here … I’m afraid you’re not good to you, Adier.”

“Where are you going?”

Adier asked, his face unchanged.

“I don’t know.” Thor’s face was a bit bitter. “Try to stay away from here. The further away, the curse’s outbreak will be restrained to a certain extent, and the time of the outbreak can be delayed a bit.”

“You’re fine.”

Adier glanced at him: “But that girl, her body has begun to mutate. If you take her away from here, I am afraid there will be an accident immediately.”

Listening to this, Thor suddenly hesitated, and the bitterness on his face became more obvious: “I didn’t expect … even Yana …”

“Are you interested in a deal with me?” Aside, Adier’s voice came.


At night, in the spacious laboratory, Adier stood quietly in the center of the laboratory.

In front of him was a large white platform with a little girl lying on it.

Standing still, Adier drew some blood from the girl, then turned back to Thor and shouted, “Take off her clothes.”

“Ah?” On the side, listening to Adier, Thor suddenly froze, looking a little overwhelmed: “This … isn’t appropriate.”

“What is inappropriate?”

Adier turned and looked towards him: “Did you look at her cleanly when you changed her clothes before?”

When Adier talked about this, Thor’s face flushed, hesitating, and he went forward honestly and took off the girl’s clothes one by one.

On the other side, standing in front of a test bed, holding the purified blood, Adier was constantly watching.

The sight in front of him kept expanding, with the help of the chip, Adier watched quietly.

Unlike normal people’s blood, the blood on the girl’s body looks red, but it shows a dark purple.

In the purified blood, through the continuous enlargement of the chip, Adier also saw a chain of Bloodlines in purple, flashing some kind of shimmer.

Unlike the Bloodline chain that Adier has seen in the past, the purple Bloodline chain in front of it also carries something black and is rooted in the purple Bloodline chain, forming another unique structure.

Zooming in to the limit of my eyes, Adier could see the true appearance of those things.

Those that are rooted on the Bloodline chain are truly another, even smaller, Bloodline chain. Although small but extremely complex, at this time densely packed is rooted on the Purple Bloodline chain, as if wrapped in a layer. black shell.

“this is?”

Seeing the scene in front of him, Adier stunned: “Two different Bloodline forces?”

He turned and continued to look forward.

The densely packed purple imprint is constantly entangled with the black imprint, each forming a Blood Imprint.

But something different is that the Blood Imprint in purple not only looks extremely broken, but also is being eroded by another powerful Blood Imprint. Almost every Bloodline chain is parasitic and wrapped by another Bloodline chain. The whole looks With the exception of a little purple, it almost turned black.

From the combination of black marks, Adier also saw something clearly.

It was an extremely complicated pattern of three snakes. Each texture on it and each piece of scale armor were made up of countless Bloodline chains. There was a strange Strength like it was alive.

Looking at this scene, Adier felt something strange in his heart, and a ray of Spirit force emerged from the Spirit sea, sinking into the mark of the three-headed snake.


As if knocked on his head, Adier just felt that his head was about to explode, a tear on the Spirit came quickly, accompanied by the rapid flow of Spirit power.

In his sight, stimulated by Spirit’s force, the three black snakes seemed to come alive, the power of a black Bloodline circulated, and the three black snakes suddenly looked towards Adier It seemed that in the eyes of a pair of snakes With indifference and silence, it is gradually glowing.

“An unknown force field is detected, and the subject’s Spirit force is rapidly flowing. It is recommended to stop immediately!” In his mind, the chip’s alarm sound was sounding rapidly.

Standing in front of the test bench, Adier gasped, a pair of pure black eyes did not know when it changed, and turned into a snake eye, looking cold and indifferent.

bump! !!

A trembling sound came quickly in my mind, and Adier quickly reversed, finally stopping the flow of Spirit’s power, and he was not affected by the Strength.

“Master Adier, what’s wrong?” Aside, Thor’s voice of concern came, looking at Adier’s current appearance, seeming a little confused.

“It’s okay.” She gently shook the head, and Adier’s face returned to calm, without showing anything strange.

However, the scene just now caused a wave in his mind.

“Is that the source of the curse?”

Standing in front of the test bench, thinking about the scene just before, Adier frowned secretly: “Three black snakes …”

“Chip, test related information.” Next moment, Adier ordered to the chip in his head.

“The task is established … The database is established and the data comparison is started …” In my mind, the sound of the chip machinery came.

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