“… Complete the comparison … After comparing one record with three thousand and nine hundred 70, two results that meet the conditions …”

“Three ancient serpents in the ancient world, the full length of the adult body is 1000 meters, and the horrible giant beast that can compete with the Level 4 wizard is the native life of the ancient Shadow World, with terrifying Strength lurking in the shadow …

“Giant beast Heraldos, the terrible life of the World Scourge, three black snakes with a length of 1000 meters, mastered the power of the Scourge, was defeated by a wizard in ancient times, and the body was cut into three sections and buried Earth, strength record unknown … “

In his mind, the sound of the chip kept ringing, accompanied by a huge flow of information to Adier’s mind.

“It’s nothing simple.”

Feeling the message transmitted by the chip, Adier frowned, feeling a bit tricky.

Whether it is an ancient creature or a giant beast of natural disasters, it is extremely scary to Adier now.

Although the formal wizard’s strength is not bad, it is only a small pawn in the ancient times, and even if these two creatures were in the ancient times, they probably belong to one side of the hegemony. The two sides are not at the same level at all.

However, after such a long time, the opponent ’s Strength must be weakened very difficult to deal with. It can be seen from Thor ’s lively appearance that this cursing subject will definitely not be too good. It is estimated that it is still in a sealed state. .

Thinking of this, Adier looked at the test bench in front of him.

On the empty test bench, the blood drawn from the girls is still there, but now it has changed, completely transformed into black from the original fresh red, with a stench on it and an inexplicable activity Being activated.

Looking at this scene, Adier’s face remained unchanged, and he directly picked up the bottle of completely darkened blood and carefully placed it in another black box for storage.

After doing this, he turned and looked towards the center of the laboratory.

On the wide platform, a girl was naked and lying on it quietly, like a sleeping beauty in a fairy tale.

But on her body, a black mark is spreading continuously. None of the forehead, chest, thighs, etc. has been missed. All of them are affected by this black mark, and some strange transformation is taking place.

With Thor’s gaze on his side, Adier extend the hand, pressing on the girl’s arm.

Just like pressing on the metal, a stiff feeling came from the arm, without the touch of flesh at all.

On the girl’s abdomen, at this time, the flesh and blood above had produced mutation. Several black scales grew in the flesh, making Adier frown.

“Master Adier, can I help you?” Aside, Thor’s voice came.

He looked at the scales on the girl’s belly with a heavy expression, and couldn’t help looking at Adier.

“Help, there is some.”

Adier looked towards him, pointing directly to the test bench next to him: “Go and give me some blood.”

“Ah?” Thor couldn’t help but look at the serious expression on Adier’s face, and walked aside obediently.

“It’s really troublesome.”

When Thor left, standing in front of the girl and looking at the girl, Adier shook his head.

The situation of the girl in front of him is much more serious than he imagined. Not only does the power of Bloodline within the body itself begin to be corroded by another Strength, his body structure is also undergoing mutation.

The scales growing on the surface of the body are the next. Under the scanning detection of the chip, the organ of the counterpart inside the body has begun to mutate at this time, and even new organs are being bred and started moving towards another direction.

Without a doubt, this is where the Bloodline itself is eroded.

“Try it out.”

Picking up the tool silently, looking at the naked girl in front of him, Adier stepped forward and started his movement.

Subtle textures were engraved on the girl, like laying out a complex Wizard Array.

When this step was over, looking at the girl in front of him, Adier picked up the light green dagger and cut a few knives on the other side.

The blood of the black red left behind, slowly and steadily draining, slowly gathering and flowing in the dents already carved on the stone platform.

A white light slowly lit on the spot. Under Adier’s gaze, the blood on the entire stone platform was ignited, lighting up the flame of black flame.

On the girl’s body, those textures carved by Adier are also shimmering. A small Bloodline Wizard Array has been formed and is slowly moving.

“Combining a large amount of Bloodline knowledge, a detailed analysis of each other’s body and Bloodline characteristics, and then a Bloodline Seal Wizard Array formed by the chip’s extensive deduction of the Bloodline Wizard Array, should be able to suppress the strangeness of the other person in a short time.”

Looking at the black flame in front of him, Adier flashed countless thoughts, and then went to the other side.

There, Thor was bleeding himself with a dagger. Blood was flowing from the wound on his arm. He looked at the black flame in the middle of the laboratory, a little dazed.

“Go take a break.”

Gently glanced at each other, while Adier talked, he picked up a bottle of red blood on the platform and walked to the side.

He purified the blood before he could observe it.

Unlike Bloodline, which is eroded by the girl within the body, Thor has a curse, but Bloodline’s power on him is much stronger, even in the face of another Strength’s erosion, there is Strength resistance.

Shown on the Blood Imprint, the Blood Imprint of the purple is more complete, suppressing the Blood Imprint of the three black snakes, making it impossible to attack.

This observation also made Adier affirm a certain guess in his mind.

“Thor’s ancestor, the ancient wizard who suppressed the three black snakes at first, I am afraid that his Strength is also very horrible. At least, he can match the subject of this curse, so that he can behave like this.

Thinking about it, Adier quickly completed his hand movements, and then walked to the test bed in front.

Holding a scalpel, he dissected the girl’s abdomen, then buried a piece of purple flesh and let the Wizard Array run on its own.

“this is···”

Looking aside, Thor seemed hesitant to look at Adier’s movements and that piece of purple flesh.

“This is the flesh cut from your body. After being activated by a special method, I made a Bloodline seed.”

While performing the operation on the girl, Adier casually said: “I don’t know why, your Bloodline is much stronger than her. In conjunction with the Bloodline Wizard Array I carved, it can suppress curses to some extent.”

“My father is the patriarch of the family, and maybe a bit more pure on Bloodline.”

At Adier’s words, Thor seemed to understand nondded, and then asked, “Will this curse the curse?”

“Certain repression is certainly impossible, just that’s all for a short time.”

Adier looked towards him: “After doing this, every few months, a new Bloodline seed must be implanted in this girl to complement the Wizard Array to suppress the forthcoming curse.”

“So be prepared. For the rest of this time, you must put some blood and some meat down.”

Listening to this, Thor’s subtle twitch in the corner of his mouth turned pale and seemed to think of something.

Adier’s so-called blood and flesh is more than just a bit of blood. It is really drawing blood from the dead. The feeling of the slow flow of vitality, as long as it has been experienced, it is definitely difficult to forget.

“Of course, even so, the curse on her was suppressed for up to a year.”

“Ah … why?” Thor asked subconsciously.

“Bloodline on you is too weak. Although it suppresses the curse, it is not enough.”

Adier responded: “And, do you really think that frequent Bloodline extraction is not harmful to your body?”

“Blood and Bloodline are two different things. Blood is drawn. As long as it doesn’t die, you can recover in a while. But once Bloodline is drawn, it’s not so easy to recover.”

“Long-term extraction of Bloodline will inevitably lead to serious consequences. Not only will it reduce lifespan, but the body may collapse directly.”

In the spacious laboratory, after finishing this operation and experiment, Adier stepped out of the spacious laboratory.

Outside the laboratory, someone was waiting at this time.

“Master Adier.”

A middle-aged man with gray hair in a black robe respectfully approached Adier: “Master Yardra asked me to inform you of the evening party.”

“I know.”

Gently nodded, after sending this person off, Adier stepped aside and prepared to change his clothes.

Regarding such a banquet with a meaning of not at all, he actually did n’t have much interest in attending it, but during this time, the two sides were getting along well, and it was not good to reject the other party’s invitation.

Back in the room, he put on a black gown before walking to the manor and sitting in a carriage specially sent by Yardra.

Stop and go all the way. At a certain time, after reaching the destination, Adier walked down from the carriage and looked towards the front.

At this point, the sky was faint, people around him, each and everyone dressed in luxurious aristocracy constantly shuttled around, most of them with a kind of hidden atmosphere, either wizard or Knight.

Of course, even in this city ruled by wizards, there are not many people who can truly become wizards. Most of them are those who have some relationship with wizards, but they are not aristocrats themselves.

Adier appeared on the neat white stone floor and became the focus of everyone around him.

As the only formal wizard in this remote city that can be compared with Yardra, many people present have information about Adier, but Adier usually goes out too little, so he has no chance to deal with him.

“Haha, Adier, you’re here!” There was a hearty laughter ahead.

Accompanied by several people, Yardra quickly walked to Adier in a gray robe.

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