“People are almost there. You are here just right.”

Walked to Adier and led Adier into the hall, Yardra said with a smile.

After a while, in the eyes of the people around them, they walked into the hall.

The surroundings suddenly fell into silence. Only the lights and flowers continued to cross and spread on the road where the two wizards traveled.

Walking in the lobby, Adier looked around.

Although there were many people in the hall, the proportion of wizards was very high. Many apprentices were among them, and they were watching them at this time.

In addition to these wizards, there are young boys and girls around each and everyone, most of them are ordinary people. They should be the descendants of those wizards.

“Welcome everyone to my banquet and hope you all have a good time tonight.”

Walked to the front of the hall, and after Adier got into the seat, Yardra raised his glass and celebrated loudly to the people around him. The sound was accurately transmitted to every corner of the hall under the shock of Spirit, so that everyone could clearly understand hear.

Pā pā pā ···

A round of applause came from everywhere, with a sound of congratulations, making the surrounding atmosphere momentarily warm.

Sitting aside, watching the scene silently, Adier was a bit bored.

After looking away from Yardra, he looked towards the wizards present, especially the third-class apprentices.

The strength of a third-class apprentice, even in the Maison Region, is actually good enough to support a small wizard family.

The number of third-class apprentices present was not large, a total of less than ten, but most of the body’s breath was a bit vague, and it is likely that some Magic Transformed Item was carried on the body.

After observing each and everyone present, Adier looked around.

On the platform in the distance, several aristocrats are dancing above, while below, some aristocrats walk around from time to time, occasionally looking at Adier, seemingly want to come over to talk, but have some concerns.

“Sir, would you mind if I sit here?” A soft voice came from one side.

Looking in the direction of the sound, there, a girl with red hair and a long black dress holding a flower in her hand, stood in front of Adier and stopped, a deep and pure pair Eyes stared at Adier.

“Not at all here, just sit where you want.”

Looking up towards the girl, Adier froze for a while before opening the mouth and said.

The reason why he was holding back was naturally not because of the appearance of the other person, but because of the mana breath that the other person carried.

This girl looks like she has just reached adulthood, but she has already reached the second-class apprenticeship. This kind of progress is definitely a genius in this place.

In the distance, watching the girl successfully sit next to Adier, a middle age person on Yardra side smiled.

“My name is Esther, what about you, Lord?”

Just sat down, the girl smiled at Adier with a nice smile.

“Adier,” Adier responded politely.

The people in the hall were very tacit. After seeing Esther sitting next to Adier, no one continued to bother, leaving space for both of them.

bump! !!

There was a sudden noise outside, and it seemed to be the sound of a collision with a sword, causing the people in the hall to frown.

“What happened?”

Listening to the noise coming from outside, Yardra’s face was a little disgusting, and he asked the guards who were walking by.

“My lord, Eldest son of Iltri Patriarch is here too, and he is now clamoring outside for a banquet.”

The guards on the side looked pale and responded to Yardra.

“The Ille family? Their waste eldest son?”

Yardra looked puzzled, but still opened the mouth and said: “Today is a celebration banquet, and the Ille family is also one of us. If he wants to come in, let him in!”


After getting the order, the guard went out quickly.

After a while, the noise outside gradually stopped. Under the eyes of everyone, a young man in a Chinese suit and a pale face came in from outside. At this moment, his eyes were a little disoriented and his body was still full of alcohol. It looks like I drank a lot of alcohol.

For the appearance of the young people, it seemed that the people present were not surprised, and they were far away from him.

“Who is this person?”

Sitting at the corner, looking at the young man, Adier asked.

“The eldest son of a wizarding family is also a well-known local waste.”

Aside, Esther opened the mouth and said. When referring to the other person, although her face did not change much, looking at the other person’s current appearance, her eyes also felt a bit of pity and disdain: “From the wizard family, as the eldest son, Not only did he not have a bit of Transcender’s talent, he couldn’t even activate Life Seed, and wasted his Bloodline and identity. “

“Just the words, it’s not a waste.”

Raising the glass, looking at the pale-looking youth in the distance, Adier asked back.

“Of course, if this is the case, each family has a lot, and it’s nothing.”

Esther also said with a smile: “But in addition to innate talent, he also has a lot of minor problems, greed and cruel alcoholism, and is famous in this area.”

“Especially half a year ago, he took advantage of the opportunity to go out and play with other girls from other families. He was stripped and thrown into the slums of the city.”

“This is indeed a bit …”

Adier gently nodded and stopped speaking.

Not at all the breath of mana on the opponent. After Adier observed for a while, he was ready to look away.

“An abnormal force field was detected, the data was insufficient, and physical data could not be detected …” At this time, the sound of the chip machinery in his head suddenly sounded, making Adier startled.

Listening to the sound of the chip in his head, Adier looked again towards the young man.

The other person was the same as before, with a pale face and futile steps. At this moment, he was standing in the corner of the hall, holding a wine glass in his hand, and walking towards Yardra.

People around him did not seem to see his movements. Even the third-class apprentices seemed to be affected by some kind of Strength, which was subconsciously ignored.

“Master Yardra.”

Walking to Yardra, the young man with a humble and flattering expression on his face flattered to Yardra, “I wish you a happy life.”


Looking at the young man who walked aside, Yardra frowned, with some doubts in his eyes.

He had just wanted to say something, and suddenly there was a loud noise in the distance.

The breath of mana rippled through the hall, with a sense of fieryness.

Somehow, several Fireball dropping from the sky quickly fell to the ground in the panic of everyone in the lobby.

“what happened?”

Feeling all this, Yardra suddenly changed color and stood up straight from the place.

“Go to death!” There was a shout beside him.

In the unbelievable eyes of the crowd, the young man was insane, and did not know when he had a light purple dagger on his hand, and stabbed at Yardra madly.

A faint wave of force appeared on the surface of Yardra’s body, but it failed to play a slight blocking role, and was directly penetrated by the purple dagger, and fiercely penetrated into Yardra’s body.


Suddenly, a powerful breath of mana surged from Yardra, accompanied by a surge of Spirit, causing spell to quickly take shape, sweeping the entire hall.

The gale raged all around, and flew several people around in an instant.

“Hahahaha !!”

Struggling to get up from the ground, the young man was crazy and laughed wildly: “Yardra, you will have today?”

“Bruce, what are you doing !!!”

Someone questioned loudly in the hall, still with some disbelief in his eyes.


Youth laughed heartily: “Is this the name of this body? It sounds pretty good.”

He laughed frantically, with a constant black breath on his body, accompanied by a powerful wave of formal wizard-level fluctuations.

Facing the horrified eyes of the people around him, he extended the hand, fiercely grabbed.

A huge black arm emerged and united in the hall, grabbing several people in an instant and squeezing them into pieces.

Looking at this scene, Adier frowned.

The opponent’s speed is too fast. Adier has just discovered something wrong, and has not reacted yet, and the form has evolved into this.

He got up quickly from where he was, trying to help.


There was a sound of noise everywhere, which stopped Adier’s footsteps.

In the hall, several wizards invited to the banquet suddenly turned against the water. At this time, the spell erupted, causing a lot of losses here.

At the same time, outside the hall, a loud noise came, with the sound of a sword collision.

In the hall, Yardra’s face was a little pale, but his tall body didn’t waver at all, and a bluish rays of light bloomed on his body, and then pressed down instantly.

bump! !!

The violent impact sounded suddenly.

Under the cover of a cloud of smoke and dust, a little bit of cold breath is converging, condensing into each and everyone’s shadow like an undead, and fluttering forward quickly.

“this is!!”

Looking at this scene, Yardra suddenly changed color.

A clear sound came from all around, like Yuehua dancing in all around, forcibly hitting these shadows, crushing them.

Stepping out of the corner, Adier walked quickly to Yardra, staring closely at the opposite Bruce.

“This familiar technique also has spell. Are you from the Black Wizard Alliance?”

On one side, Yardra asked, struggling with the severe pain from his body.

Although he asked, his tone was positive.

“What about it?”

On the opposite side, Bruce laughed, all covered with black gas, and a formal wizard-level mana fluctuation was not concealed in the slightest. It was extremely conspicuous: “Since we know that we are here, can you surrender?

“You have to think about how to leave first.” Adier’s voice came from the side, with Spirit’s fluctuations, sounding fatly discernable.

Bruce’s eyes narrowed when he heard his voice, and he felt a sense of danger instantly.

A blood-stained knife mark was spreading, and instantly fell on Bruce’s body.

bump! !! !!

After being cut in the front by Adier, the dark air on Bruce’s surface was instantly dissipated, revealing the original pale appearance.


Looking at Adier, he spoke subconsciously, but suddenly stopped.

In front of his eyes, the dazzling blood-colored blade light continued to shine, just like a blood-colored meniscus, and it felt a dazzling killing intent.

Bang!! !

It’s like chopping on tofu, and the buildings in front of it are scattered around like tofu scum, which is continuously split by Adier.

A knife mark of several meters emerged, which was avoided by the opponent.

“It’s so fast, he almost got chopped by him!”

Dangerously avoiding Adier’s offensive, Bruce’s face turned paler, with a little cold sweat on his forehead.

The faint moonlight shines in front of her eyes, erupting like a raging moonlight, shining in all around.

Looking at each other, Adier looked indifferent and pressed one hand fiercely.

Bang!! !

The light of silver exploded madly in the place, temporarily blocking the sight.

Under Adier’s line of sight, with a wave of energy particles, a shadow serpent rose on the ground and faced the spell of Moon God’s Light.

The two spells collided with each other, and the violent energy particles continued to annihilate in the conflict, bringing bursts of impact, and directly smashing a large hole with a width of several meters in the lobby.

When the impact of spell ended, Adier looked again towards the distance.

In the place where the other party stood, the other party’s silhouette had disappeared long ago, and only some anti-water wizards were still rioting.

The sound of clashing swords from outside, combined with the chaos in the hall, seemed chaotic.

“Leave me alone, go after that black wizard.”

Behind Adier, Yardra coughed a few times, his face pale: “I can control it here.”

At this time, his face became a bit pale, and a little bit of black blood dripped out from the wound that was previously opened by the dagger, which was obviously greatly affected.

Nevertheless, he is also an official wizard, as long as he has the energy to cast spells, there is no problem in dealing with a group of apprentices without being restrained by other official wizards.

He took a deep look at the other person and hesitated. Adier quickly walked out of the hall and chased out in the breath.

Walking outside the hall, the outside was completely messed up.

Several families rebelled collectively. Under the leadership of several Great Knights, the outside guards were constantly attacked. At this time, the double counterattacks were still at war.

Glancing at the chaos around him, Adier ignored it and went straight to the distance.

After a while, he came to a flat ground.

Here is a spacious training ground, the torch’s shimmering light shone around, reflecting a person’s shadow for a long time.

“Sure enough, you are still chasing.”

When I came here, a familiar sound came from the front.

Listening to the sound, Adier looked up and looked towards.

In the middle of the training ground, Bruce, who was still running away, was standing there. A pale face had not changed at all. At this time, he was looking at Adier without any intention to escape.

Looking at this scene, Adier subconsciously felt something wrong, and slowly pulled the knife out.

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