At night, the thin moonlight shone on the ground.

On a flat ground, Adier struck a black robe, and the shadow was illuminated by the moonlight, reflecting on the ground.

He walked on the ground, making footsteps. In front of him, the crow, who had been pure black, was slowly waste, and a pair of scarlet’s eyes were staring at Adier from time to time.

Somewhere, Adier stopped.

I do not know when he gathered a silhouette beside him.

It was a silhouette of each and everyone black, like a pure shadow, and could not see the appearance. At this time, he stood silently in the all around of Adier and surrounded him.

“Welcome to you, it seems that you have considered clearly my previous proposal.”

A familiar voice came from a distance, with some randomness.

Under Adier’s gaze, Jim stepped out from a distance, a black robe inconspicuous in the night.

After a few days, his injuries were completely healed, his appearance had changed a bit, and his breath was much stronger than when he saw him before.

“Is this how you welcome me?”

Looking at the shadows around him, Adier looked towards him.

“Sorry, this is Auto Defense for Wizard Array.”

Jim raised his shoulders and said, ‘You know, safety always comes first when performing tasks. ‘

Having said this, he snapped his fingers, a unique Spirit wave spread out, and the surrounding shadows suddenly disappeared into ripples.

Taking a look at Adier, Jim turned and walked to the side.

Following Jim, after a while, under the shadow of a shadow, Adier came to a small black wood house.

This small wood house looks special. Not only the style and materials, but also the breath that radiates from it, makes Adier feel weird.

In front of the small wood house, there are several tall stone statues, divided into four corners, each standing on the side.

“Come in.” Jim’s voice came in the small wood house in front.

After glancing at the stone statues around him, Adier walked forward after hesitating for a while.

A gleam of light lit up.

Inside the wood house, two silhouettes are standing. In addition to Jim, there is an old man wearing a black robe.

The old man looked very old, and his skin was full of wrinkles, but only one eye was normal. As for the other eye, it was completely black and looked like a shadow. go.

“Hello, introduce yourself, I’m Corolla.” The old voice sounded in place.

In front of him, looking at Adier, a smile appeared on the old man’s face.

While talking, the Spirit force on him was constantly shaking, a shadow-like mana hovering around his body, and it was shrouded in his body at all times, filled with a layer of black gas.

This unique sight made Adier wary: “Another Metamorphosis Stage wizard.”

“I’m Adier.”

He glanced at each other, and Adier had a smile on his face.

“In fact, we both know most of your information.”

Opposite, listening to Adier’s words, the old black robe wizard named Corolla was nodded: “Since you came to see us this time, then you must have made a decision about our previous proposal.”

“of course.”

Adier’s smile remained the same: “In fact, I have always felt that the Black Wizard Alliance is better for me than the Hand of Jadeite.”

“You can think of it that way, of course.”

Corolla said with emotion: “In fact, Hand of Jadeite has always been suppressing the wizards you have brought in from the outside. It looks good on the surface, but even foreign wizards like us have served them for a hundred years. It is impossible to get their real support, let alone high-level trust. “

“Comparatively, we at the Black Wizard Alliance don’t have these problems. As long as you have enough strength and no problems in your identity, you will get our unanimous support.”

“Especially, our Black Wizard Alliance has just been established, and there are no wizards in the alliance. As long as you can prove your loyalty and ability, you can get enough rewards.”

Looking at Adier, Corolla smiled: “Even the legendary Senior Meditation Method is not impossible.”

Listening to this, Adier suddenly hesitated, and then quickly reacted, with a surprised expression on his face: “Advanced Meditation Method? Is it a more advanced Meditation Method?”

“of course.”

Corolla said with emotion: “The organizations of Hand of Jadeite and Griffin College have been able to flourish for thousands of years because of the advanced Meditation Method in their organizations.”

“Only with the advanced Meditation Method is it possible to stand at the top of the wizarding world, otherwise it will not be possible to become a Level 2 wizard in a lifetime.”

Having said that, he was paused, and after seeing the shocked expression on Adier’s face, he couldn’t help but opened the mouth and said: “The existence of the advanced Meditation Method is one of the secrets of the entire Maison Region. Except for Hand of Jadeite and Griffin Academy Outside of these organizations, the elf King’s Courtyard of the Silver Fog Forest, and the deep-sea sea tribe, these are the existence of advanced Meditation Method, so their Strength can stand at the top of the wizarding world, compared with the wizards of the entire human world . “

“This is also your only chance, Adier.” Aside, Jim interjected.

He looked at Adier with a calm expression: “Except for our Black Wizard Alliance, you can’t get a high-level Meditation Method at all. Take Hand of Jadeite, for example, their high-level Meditation Method only works with the Dean and It is circulated in several Elder families, except for the Patriarchs of these families, it is impossible for anyone to learn, let alone you as an outsider. “

“We at Black Wizard Alliance are different.”

With that, Jim’s face showed a respectful expression: “Not only are our leaders powerful, but our hearts are incomparable with those decaying and conservative forces. As long as you prove your abilities and achievements, even the higher Meditation Method This kind of thing will be given as well. “

“Within our alliance, almost all formal wizards know about the Advanced Mediation Method, and even someone has been interviewed by the leader and successfully obtained the Advanced Mediation Method.”

When he heard this, Adier couldn’t help but be surprised.

For wizards, the importance of advanced Meditation Method is self-evident.

This is the most precious wealth handed down by ancient wizards, and it is essential for those who want to advance to higher levels.

Where Adier had been before, whether it was the Southern Continent, the Northern Section plain, or the Mason region, any news about the advanced Meditation Method was blocked. The wizards wanted to get a advanced Meditation Method, almost Is impossible.

The leader of the Black Wizard Alliance dared to just, open and honorable tell the news of the advanced Meditation Method, and even willing to give it down, even Adier was surprised.

“With such courage and determination, it is no wonder that those scattered black wizard forces will be integrated so quickly. In addition to the terrible power of the black wizard leader, I am afraid that the temptation of the advanced Meditation Method is also an important reason.”

Thinking of this, Adier couldn’t help sighing.

In front of him, looking at the picture of Adier, Crula and Jim looked at each other, and then took out a yellowed parchment: “This is your contract. If you want to join, then sign it here . “

Taking in the parchment silently, Adier glanced and lost in thought.

In my mind, the data flow is constantly flowing, the chip is constantly operating, analyzing the loopholes in the contract.

After a while, he looked up and continued looking towards the parchment on the wooden table.

The contract itself is not problematic. Compared with some contracts, the content of this contract is not too harsh, it maintains a certain degree of autonomy and has the right to refuse certain tasks.

Except for certain terms, the most important condition of this contract is that it needs to serve the Black Wizard Alliance for one hundred years before it can be free.

Looking at the clause, Adier frowned: “Can I modify some places?”

“You can talk about it.”

Corolla froze: “The main conditions cannot be changed, there is no room for negotiation.”

“In addition, if you want to get the advanced Mediation Method in the future, in addition to showing the necessary talents, you need to sign a stricter contract on the basis of this contract.”

“Rest assured, of course I understand these.”

Adier smiled on his face: “I’ve heard some stories that wizards will be transferred to some Secret Realm and even some Strange World by the Wizard Array passed down from ancient times because of some accidents.”

“If this happened, would it be my default?”

Having said that, Adier’s face was positive: “So in order to avoid this situation, I hope to mark it at the end of the contract. If I was transmitted to some Secret Realm or Strange World due to some accident, then this contract will be Dismiss automatically. “

Listening to Adier, Corolla froze, then shook his head: “This worry is unnecessary.”

“An alien transmission array, even in ancient times, must be created by some powerful ancient wizards. After the establishment, it can be transmitted to the current transmission Wizard Array. There is not much left at present, basically all are incomplete. , The value of each one is extremely precious. “

“As a wizard, any situation must be considered. After all, although this contract is not fatal, if it is violated, the price paid is enough to hurt any formal wizard.”

Adier replied calmly.

“Well, if you insist.”

Corolla laughed, took the contract directly, and added a clause to the contract: if the contractor leaves the World, the contract is automatically nullified.

“Leave this World? What if you were trapped in Secret Realm?”

Looking at Corolla’s movements, Adier’s face suddenly became dissatisfied.

“Sorry, this is the limit.”

As if seeing through something, Corolla’s eyes stared at Adier, and the deep shadow eye could not see the level: “If you really even count Secret Realm, I’m afraid you can find a Secret Realm to enter, and the contract will be automatically cancelled Now. “

“And we also have special measures for this, you don’t need to worry.”


When the other party said so, Adier’s face suddenly became gloomy, but still said nothing.

PS: The following is the introduction of “The Lord of the Extreme Road”:

Mourning in the world, martial arts in the last days, how to cross the sky of martial arts?

The small city catches through the awakening strange strange powers, and then embarks on a martial arts road that has no ancient people before.

This is a friend’s book. I haven’t read it. It’s just a friendship recommendation. If you are interested, go and read it.

There is still a chapter to be

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