Inside the small dark wood house, looking at the contract on the wooden table, Adier was still discussing with Corolla.

But for this scene, neither Corolla nor Jim showed any surprises.

This is the pre-process of signing a contract. Wizards are extremely sensitive and cautious about contracts. It is inevitable to bargain before signing a contract. Not to mention that most of the Black Wizard Alliance are a group of black wizards. It is boycott.

As for this bargaining behavior, as long as the main terms of the contract remain unchanged, the rest can be negotiated slowly as long as it does not hinder the main content.

It took more than an hour to discuss this event, and the anti-double countermeasures were initially negotiated.

Spirit force trembled gently all around, Crula holding the parchment in his hand, a mana entered into it.

A faint light slowly came out, and under Adier’s gaze, the parchment in front of it began to glow continuously, and each handwriting on it emitted an inexplicable brilliance, which appeared extremely prominent in the dark wood house.

“Inject your Spirit into it.”

Put the contract in hand on the wooden table, Corolla opened the mouth and said.

Gently nodded, picked up the parchment on the wooden table, and Adier tried to inject a ray of Spirit into it.

This process ended very quickly, and after recording the contractor’s Spirit frequency, Adier was done.

“In the name of World … the contract was established.” In front of him, Corolla exuded a unique breath, and then the inexplicable Strength was seduced and came here.

Adier just sank all over, a Strength suddenly appeared, hovering in the Spirit Sea, and then disappeared.

This is the price of signing the contract.

Unlike the mortals of previous lives, the Wizarding World’s contract weight is much heavier, and if it is violated, the consequences will be very serious.

This is also the research result of ancient wizards.

In ancient times, wizards conquered the Endless World, studying the strengths of different Worlds, and passed them down. The contract used by the Wizarding World today is one of the research results of ancient wizards.

The essence of this contract is actually using the unique World power of the Wizarding World to let the power of the World witness the contract through spells such as ceremony and spell.

Once the contract is violated, the power of the world in the underworld will give the contractor backlash, giving varying degrees of loss.

Take Adier, if he breaks the contract now, the Strength contained in Spirit will automatically backlash, causing different levels of damage to his Spirit.

This loss depends on the Strength that was seduced when the contract was signed. At the highest level, the Spirit Sea of ​​the wizard can be completely destroyed and directly reduced to an ordinary person.

Of course, this contract under the Adier contract is far from this level. Even if Adier violates the contract, the seduced Strength cannot destroy his Spirit sea, and can only cause permanent damage to the cured spell crystal at most. The chances of Adier being promoted to Level 2 Wizards in the future are greatly reduced.

For most wizards, this consequence is already severe enough.

“Although it didn’t get the best results, it’s pretty good to the extent it is now.”

Sitting on a wooden chair, feeling the part of Strength in the Spirit Sea, Adier sighed.

He came here this time, naturally to find a way back for himself.

From the current situation, the Hand of Jadeite is unreliable and naturally cannot be hanged on this tree.

This time with the Black Wizard Alliance, the ideal result is naturally not to sign any contract. However, this is not realistic. If you do not sign any contract, let’s not say that Adier is uneasy. Even the other party will certainly not trust him.

So this time Adier’s bottom line is to add the conditions before the contract.

In this way, even if a contract is signed, as long as Adier’s crossing ability is still available, it can be lifted at any time.

If the other party did not agree with that condition at that time, Adier had to try to evade, and even go directly to other World if necessary.

But as a last resort, Adier doesn’t follow this path.

Although the unknown World is rich in various resources, it lacks the most important inheritance on the wizard’s road. In a world without a wizard, many things can’t be obtained. It can only spend energy to find alternatives, which is too time consuming.

Fortunately, the situation is not at all going in the worst direction.

With this in mind, Adier’s face calmed down, and then he suddenly felt a special feeling.

In the depth of one’s soul, when the Strength appearing in the Spirit sea is sensed, some kind of Strength on Adier begins to be turbulent and faintly moves.

That’s Boundary Energy, and it’s also a Strength that is necessary to pass through the ability.

“this is···”

An inexplicable sensation came from in the depth of one’s soul, which made Adier faintly clear comprehension, and he couldn’t help but follow the feeling in his heart.

At this moment, an inexplicable agitation came from Adier.

“Unknown energy is detected, Boundary Energy is rapidly passing …” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded quickly.

In the Spirit sea of ​​Adier, a strength emerges, and under the control of Adier’s Spirit, it continues to wash away towards another strength.

Under the washout of Boundary Energy, the Strength originally produced by the signing of the contract is rapidly fading, and only half of it is left, and it is quickly washed away.

“What else does Boundary Energy do?”

Feeling the relief from the Spirit Sea, Adier froze, and then subconsciously looked towards his attribute panel.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 17.8. Agility: 18.7. Constitution: 18.4. Spirit: Spirit Purity: 20.1%. Boundary Energy: 7.9.”

“Boundary Energy has 1.4 left, which is just enough to teleport to Strange World once … I originally had 3.5 units Boundary Energy left, which means that in order to drive away the Spirit in the Spirit Sea, I consumed a whole half of Boundary能源 .”

Unable to be shocked, Adier calculated the consumption in his mind, and then he couldn’t help but be a little speechless: “How do I feel like …?

It is something that can be solved by teleporting once. Now it is solved by consuming Boundary Energy, but the consumption is larger.

At least, like Strange World, if you want to teleport once, you only need Boundary Energy of less than 1.5 units.

“Forget it, Boundary Energy can slowly accumulate, anyway, a good thing.”

Thinking of this, Adier couldn’t help smiling.

After talking with the two black wizards in front of him for a while, Adier left the wood house and walked in the direction they came.

But compared to when he came, this time he had an inconspicuous black ring on it, with no pattern on it, like pure ornaments.

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