bump! bump! bump!

A knock on the door kept ringing.

“Come in.” A cold voice came from inside the house, which sounded hoarse.

Hearing the sound, Adier pushed open the door and walked in.

This is a very spacious living room. In the living room, a very thin looking middle-aged man wearing a red robe is sitting on a wooden chair in the living room with a book in his hand.

“Master Anthony.”

Looking at the middle-aged wizard in the hall, Adier spoke respectfully.

“En? What’s the matter with you?”

Anthony looked up, looked towards Adier, a little impatient.

“Master Corolla asks me to say hello.”

Adier’s respectful expression remained unchanged, quietly opened the mouth and said.

Under his gaze, after hearing Corolla’s name, Anthony’s face remained unchanged, but the arm holding the book shuddered slightly.

Calm for a while, then Anthony spoke again, calmly: “This name is a bit strange, maybe a pseudonym.”

He looked up and looked at Adier: “Is there anything to prove?”

“of course.”

Adier raised his arm, mana was entered in a unique way on a black ring on his hand.

A unique Spirit frequency suddenly spread out. Although very weak, it did exist and was easily caught by the two formal wizards present.

This is the Spirit force that Corolla left in the ring at the beginning. It can only be inspired by a unique way, and it was specially handed over to Adier to prove his identity.

Feeling this unique Spirit wave, Anthony finally nodded: “Come with me.”

He put down the book in his hand, looked at the side Adier, and walked directly to a room in the hall.

“Detection of force field detected …” As he entered this room, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again in Adier’s mind.

“Do you have anything to say about Crula?”

When he walked into the room, Anthony looked towards Adier aside, and asked him, “Rest assured, this room is specially furnished by me, and there is a Wizard Array to isolate the atmosphere. Don’t worry about leaking.”

“Master Corolla asked me to come to you.”

Looking at Anthony, Adier opened the mouth and said: “As for the rest, Lord Corolla said that Lord Anthony would arrange it for you.”

Hearing here, Anthony was indifferent nodded: “What position do you hold?”

“Responsible for refining some potions.” Adier answered seriously.

“Unobtrusive, great.”

Anthony said, “You leave first. If you are fine in the future, try not to come to me. If there is any news, I will take the initiative to tell you.”


Adier gently nodded, but his face looked a little hesitant.

“What else?”

Looking at the appearance of Adier, Anthony took the initiative to open the mouth and said.

“Master Anthony, do I want to know where I can get enough magic crystals?”

Hearing Anthony asked the question, Adier finally smiled.

“Magic? How much do you want?”

Listening to this question, Anthony is not surprised, feel free to open the mouth and said.

“The more, the better, if you can, it’s better to get a few hundred.”

Adier smiled, and as he opened his mouth, he took out a bottle of medicine he had prepared.

On the other side, after hearing what Adier said, Anthony corner of mouth twitching, before he had time to say anything, he was attracted by the potion Adier put out: “This is …”

His eyes became heavy, and looking at the potion seemed to guess something.

“This is the purified medicament I just refined.” Adier took the initiative to say: “In fact, the reason I asked my adult to help search for the magic crystal is also the reason.”

“You’re hiding well.”

Glancing at Adier deeply, Anthony was a little surprised, but he didn’t show the slightest expression on his face. He looked very calm, but he paid more attention to Adier.

It is capable of refining such advanced medicaments as purified medicaments. This level is undoubtedly only achieved by a small number of elite pharmacists and even pharmacy masters. Even in the Hand of Jadeite, there are not even ten pharmacists who can do it. All are reputable pharmacists.

“How about refining power?”

Taking a look at the potion on Adier’s hand, after considering it for a while, Anthony asked again.

“If there are enough materials, about every twelve materials, I am sure to make a finished product.”

Adier considered it for a while, and finally reported such a number.

The 20% success rate is so appalling that Adier can’t say it directly. Before coming, Adier has reviewed the data. The success rate of some elite pharmacists in refining and purifying pharmaceuticals is about 10%, and only a few pharmaceutical masters can maintain the success rate of 20%.

The probability of one in twelve is just right, it will not be too shocking, but it will also give some people some room for operation.

Sure enough, after listening to Adier’s answer, Anthony was nodded with satisfaction, and then said: “Thirteen materials, one finished product, and the extra material is your reward, how?”

“many thanks adults.”

Listening to Anthony’s answer, Adier suddenly smiled on his face, looking very satisfied.

Thirteen materials, if handed to Adier, can fully refined two or three finished products, but only need to submit one finished product to go, it is completely profitable for him.

On the other side, Anthony is also very satisfied with the deal.

It may seem like a small profit to exchange 13 finished materials for one finished product, but in fact it is not.

After all is an advanced agent that can help improve the purity of Spirit. Its value is very huge. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to buy without special channels.

Even if there are enough pharmacists in the Hand of Jadeite, there is also a limited supply of this extremely precious advanced medicament. The price of the eight hundred black coins that Adier had previously queried was actually an internal price, and as Adier, only one bottle was allowed to be purchased within three years.

In addition to the Hand of Jadeite, there are also a large number of formal wizards, and there is nowhere to buy even if you want to buy purified medicine.

Anthony only needs to resell the potion, and under normal circumstances, he can definitely get more benefits than Adier.

After closing the transaction, both sides were more satisfied, and even Anthony’s look at Adier became much closer.

After chatting for a while, Adier stepped out of the hall and went outside.

“The next thing is to work hard on drugs.”

Looking at the wood house behind him, Adier thought.

Anthony’s movement was fast. By night, the first batch of materials had already been delivered.

More than twenty refining materials are now in Adier’s laboratory. And this is only the first batch. When Adier really comes out with the finished product, more materials will be shipped over.

“You can mobilize so much material in such a short time. It seems that the Black Wizard Alliance has not penetrated this Hand of Jadeite.”

Looking at the material on the test bench, Adier flashed the thought in his mind.

However, these things have nothing to do with him.

The light blue flame quickly rose, and the breath of energy particles continued to rise, foretelling the beginning of the refining this time.

In the following period of time, Adier’s days became monotonous again. Every day, outside of normal communication, they were basically soaked in the laboratory.

Soon, more than two months passed.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 22.8. Agility: 23.5. Constitution: 22.7. Spirit: 28.7. Spirit Purity: 27.8%.”

Right now, the familiar attribute panel is re-emerging, compared with three months ago, the data at this time has improved a lot.

There is not much improvement in physical and Spirit power, but in terms of purity, it has almost ushered in an explosive improvement.

This is piled up with purified reagents. During this time, Adier drank a bottle of purified reagents almost every day, and the whole eventy-eighty bottle of reagents went down. His Spirit’s degree of purity was forcibly increased to the present level.

He waved his hands arbitrarily, and a spirit like Spirit immediately stretched out.

Standing in the courtyard, the Spirit force was extended. Everything around it seemed to change. Every sound came accurately and was captured by Adier’s Spirit force.

This is the change brought by the improvement of Spirit purity. Although the total amount of Spirit power has not changed much, the same thing that Spirit power can do is more.

In the Spirit sea of ​​Adier, the originally transparent Spirit force began to change, and it seems to have a lot of solidification. It looks like a stream of transparent water that is constantly flowing in the Spirit sea.

“Same spell, compared to before, now the formidable power is at least a small increase.”

Standing in place, feeling the change in his body, Adier calmly analyzed.

“Chip, build tasks, and analyze what it takes to reach the Metamorphosis Stage.” After a while, he ordered to the chip in his head.

“End of analysis, the requirements for promotion to Metamorphosis Stage: the total amount of Spirit power reaches 30, and the purity of Spirit power reaches 50% or higher …”

“Purity is above 50% …”

Listening to the conditions given by the chip, Adier sighed: “It’s a lot worse.”

During this time, he was crazy about drugs, and although he quickly improved the purity of Spirit in a short time, it also caused a problem.

Because the purified medicine has been taken too many times, his body has developed resistance. Until now, no matter how much he took the purified medicine, it had little effect.

“Think about it. If light peony could pile people into the Metamorphosis Stage, the wizards of the Metamorphosis Stage would not be as rare as they are now.”

Adier shook his head slightly, and said to himself.

In the Mason region, the first-level metamorphosis wizards are already the absolute backbone. Even large organizations such as the Hand of Jadeite are sufficient to hold senior positions, far beyond the ordinary formal wizards.

Many pharmacists who can refine purified medicaments have not yet reached the level of Metamorphosis Stage, and can see the difficulty of this level.

“Purification reagents have lost their effect, and Moon God’s Sacrifice has no movement. It seems that there is no way to break through this level in a short time.”

Recalling the situation before him, Adier thought silently.

Peng peng peng!

There was a sudden knock outside.

Adier turned and walked out, just to see a middle-aged wizard in a black robe standing there, a face that looked very indifferent.

This is a sturdy middle-aged sorcerer with pure black hair and a very strong body, like a bloodline with some plateau people.

“Green, what’s wrong?”

Looking at this black robe wizard, Adier was calm and opened the mouth and said directly.

The wizard is now known by Adier during this time. Like him, he is also a latent member of the Black Wizard Alliance in the Hand of Jadeite. During this time, he is responsible for transporting the materials needed for the purification reagents.

“Some news comes.”

Glancing at Adier, Green’s face was indifferent, just opened the mouth and said: “Master Anthony has made you careful and prepared for this time.”

Having said this, he glanced at Adier again, then turned directly and walked away.

Behind him, listening to the news he brought, Adier fell into silence.

“Is it finally here?”

Standing in place, looking at Green’s back, Adier thought.

When the Black Wizard Alliance signed the agreement, the first task that the other party explained was to let Adier come to Hand of Jadeite to find Anthony and perform a special task together.

From the current situation, it is clear that the days of hands-on work are not far away.

After thinking for a while, Adier finally walked out.

Walking all the way to a hall, he only inquired about the recent news.

“After half a month, the Black Wizard Alliance is about to negotiate with Hand of Jadeite?”

On the road, hearing the news, Adier frowned subconsciously, feeling something wrong.

Judging from the information heard, this time the Black Wizard Alliance initiated the initiative, and the purpose seems to be to negotiate and align with the Hand of Jadeite.

But judging from the situation in which Anthony sent someone to notify, most of what will happen at this negotiation.

“The autumn of many things.”

Thinking of this, Adier sighed and turned away.

It is still about half a month before the talks begin. During this time, we can prepare some things.

It wasn’t until a few days later that Adier went out again and headed for somewhere.

Walking to a plain, surrounded by small abandoned wood houses, it looks very old and broken from the outside.

Wow wow

The crow’s voice kept ringing all around, with some kind of strange noise.

In the large tree in front, a huge crow was standing on a branch, and a pair of scarlet eyes were staring at Adier.

Ignoring the crow’s gaze, Adier looked calm and walked forward quickly.

After a while, he walked to the small wood house and pushed his arm slightly.

With a squeak, he opened the old and worn wooden door, revealing the scene inside.

In the dim light, each and everyone was wearing a black robe, and a silhouette with a hood on his head stood quietly all around, and there was a dangerous breath spreading on his body.

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