The dim room, with the sound of squeaking on the wooden door, the people seated inside looked unexpectedly outside, their eyes fell on Adier.

Feeling the sight that fell on his body, Adier’s face remained unchanged, but he lowered his head quietly and walked in quietly.

At this time, his image was very similar to those around him, all wearing a black hood, and even a bronze mask on his face to cover his appearance.

“Very well, people seem to be here.” A familiar voice came from the front, drawing everyone’s attention.

Adier looked forward and saw that in front of him, Anthony was wearing a black robe, shrouded in a powerful spell field, and came out of the side door.

When he came here, he didn’t say any nonsense, and directly looked towards the next: “Everyone has received my message during this time. I must also know what will happen during this time.”

The people around were silently nodded, but not at all people spoke.


Anthony’s face was cold, and the huge magical power of his body escaped frantically, so that the wizards present were frightened: “I can tell you something, and at the subsequent peace talks, it is time for us to start.”

“Finally …” Listening to Anthony’s words, Adier flashed the thought in his mind.

For the news, the wizards present had long expected, not at all what a fierce reaction.

After saying this, Anthony said nothing, but silently put the note prepared on the wooden table.

Under the control of Spirit, the thin slips of paper slowly fluttered and accurately flew in front of everyone.

During this process, no one spoke, and no one even opened the note.

“This time the regular meeting ends.”

Looking around, Anthony announced the end of this meeting.

each and everyone The wizard left in silence, and soon there were only two of them left.

Adier is one of them. As for the other, although it also obscures the appearance and figure, it is still easily recognized by Adier.

“Look at your mission.” In front, Anthony’s voice passed quickly.

Listening to him, Adier opened the pale yellow paper in his hand.

There is not much at light all on the light yellow paper, just a single line of words written in the Old Hessian language.

“Kill Mado. Delilah …”

With this line of handwriting in mind, a wave of emotions appeared in Adier’s heart.

In Hand of Jadeite, there is only one person named Mado. Delilah is the person who brought Adier into Hand of Jadeite.

The strength of the other party is metamorphosis.

Looking at the note, Adier did not question, but looked towards Anthony with some confusion.

He asked himself that not at all offended the other party. On the contrary, during this time, Anthony valued him because of refining and purifying the medicament, and should not send him this impossible task.

Seems to feel Adier’s sight, Anthony looked towards Adier: “Relax, this time, you are only assisting.”

“The real main force is still on Green.”

As he spoke, he looked towards another person aside.

A strong Spirit power wave fluctuated and dissipated, with a strong great magic power no less than that of the Metamorphosis Stage wizard, instantly exposing the strength of the opponent.

This is also a Metamorphosis Stage. Even from the detection data of the chip, it is stronger than the ordinary Metamorphosis Stage wizard.

The next moment, Green’s powerful breath disappeared, and a faint force field on the surface obscured the mana fluctuations.

“Green within the body has a pretty giant bloodline, which has a strong melee ability, and has reached the Metamorphosis Stage for a long time. In the case of the opponent’s unpreparedness, there should be no problem in winning Mado.

Standing on the high platform in front of me, feeling the breath of Green, Anthony nodded: “If Green can’t complete the task, I will shoot later.”

“I understand.”

Hearing here, Adier gently nodded, no doubt about the task this time.

Unlike Adier, in the Hand of Jadeite, Green is the inspector responsible for suppressing the rebellion. Although the actual combat ability is very strong, the external performance is only an ordinary formal wizard.

If it hadn’t been for the first time, who would have thought of a dumb ordinary wizard who would normally be a powerful Metamorphosis Stage wizard.

As a subordinate of Green, how can Anthony be simple?

With these two shots, it should not be difficult to deal with a Metamorphosis Stage wizard without intention.

“Adier, you are a pharmacist. This time you only need to follow Green.”

Taking a look at Adier, Anthony spoke again: “I already know your news in the league and appreciate your accomplishments in pharmacy.”

“Unlike the decaying Hand of Jadeite, the alliance has always been very generous to you.”

He looked at Adier with a look of admiration on his face: “You may not know it yet. After you get to the league, you will receive a personal interview from the leader.”

“This is an extremely rare honor.”

At this point, Adier suddenly raised his head, a little surprised and a little clear in his heart.

Judging from this, the eight-nine of the batch of purification reagents he has refined in the past two months or so have been transported by Anthony to the Black Wizard Alliance, which has caused the alliance’s attention.

As a refiner, in these more than two months, at least six 70 bottles of purification reagents have been given to Anthony by Adier. Such a high yield, even if it is difficult for some pharmaceutical masters, will inevitably attract attention.

However, this kind of attention is not at all bad for Adier at present, and it can even play a good protective role.

At least as a pharmacist, the biggest role is naturally in refining pharmaceuticals, which is relatively safer than those blood wizards responsible for fighting.

Standing in place, Anthony explained something and then let Adier leave first.

“Master Green, what do you think?”

Standing inside the wood house, looking at the silhouette in the distance of Adier, Anthony suddenly opened the mouth and said.

“Very good young man, innate talent in pharmacy innate talent, I am not inferior to the Dean of Hand of Jadeite.”

The mask on Green’s face did not know when it was taken off, revealing a rough and indifferent face: “His refining power is definitely much higher than one twelfth.”

“Not bad.”

Anthony was also nodded, and then spoke again: “Is the leader here?”

“It’s been there.” Green replied, his tone still cold.

“I always feel that the boss is in a hurry this time.”

Anthony frowned, and said to Green.

“no way.”

Green raised his head, deep in his brown eyes: “Our time is running out. Before the disaster erupts, we must put the contradictions on the ground around us …”


At noon a few days later, the sun was shining on the earth.

There were violent winds blowing in the sky, and the sound of whistling came from my ears.

On an open plain, the wizard of each and everyone was standing there, as if waiting for someone.

In front of many wizards, a wizard wearing an emerald robe stood at the forefront, wearing an emerald ring in his hand.

Unlike other wizards around him, he looks very young and handsome, but his eyes are blue, with vicissitudes and silence, not like a young man.

This is the contemporary dean of Hand of Jadeite, Krullad, known as the Emerald Light, and the only Level 5 pharmacist in Hand of Jadeite.

Regardless of his wizard level or pharmacological accomplishments, he is the top group in the Mason region, and few people stand with him.

And beside him, two others were standing, wearing Elder costumes of Hand of Jadeite, one of them was Madis Elder who Adier had seen from afar.

In addition to a dean and two Elders, in their distance, the wizard of each and everyone is still standing behind, and each is at least a formal wizard to qualify for standing here.

In this group of people, Adier stands out.

At this point he was standing behind Mado, beside him was a burly, witch-like wizard standing, and it was Green.

“In the entire Hand of Jadeite, nearly half of the formal wizards ran out to welcome them.”

Standing in place, his eyes glanced around the surrounding scene, Adier thought to himself.

As the headquarters of the Hand of Jadeite, there are at least four or fifty formal wizards stationed here, and at this time more than twenty wizards came out to welcome them, even the dean and two Elders.

If these people are completely destroyed here, I am afraid that the entire Hand of Jadeite will be turbulent.

Thinking of this, his sight couldn’t help looking towards.

In the direction he looked towards, the two Elders stood silently, exuding a strong breath on their bodies, just feeling it was enough to be scary.

There is no doubt that these two Elders have reached the level of the Level 2 Wizard, in order to have such a horrible performance.

As for the strongest dean in theory, the breath on his body is very weak, there is no breath to escape at all, making it impossible to detect his exact strength.

But there is no doubt that as a leader, his strength must be stronger than the ordinary Elder. As for the specific gap, it must be only in their hearts.

Roar! !

An amazing roar came from a distance, accompanied by a fire.

Under Adier’s gaze, the distant sky seemed to be stained with a layer of red glow, violent particles of energy were exploding, and even the entire sky was rendered.

A unique sense of stasis came, accompanied by a horrible pressure.

A huge flying dragon with a single horn flew quickly, the huge body slowly landed, and the terrifying breath on his body was raging.

“This is … Swamp Wyvern …”

Looking at the giant dragon landing in the distance, Krullard, the dean, stood at the forefront and looked away behind Swamp Wyvern.

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