“Swamp Wyvern, Level 2 life. Adults are comparable to Level 2 wizards. Most body fluids contain severe toxicity …”

Standing behind, watching the huge dragon flying in the distance, Adier’s mind flashed the sound of the chip machinery.

“Swamp Wyvern … It is said that it was going to be extinct almost two thousand years ago. I didn’t expect to see one here.”

Standing still, watching Swamp Wyvern exuding horror in the distance, Adier muttered.

He then gazed behind the dragon.

There, a silhouette is slowly walking down.

It was a silhouette wearing a black robe that looked very thin, and it was shrouded in a light black force field. It was hard to see the appearance. Only that unique atmosphere was impressive.

And behind this person, there are some silhouettes behind him, led by a black robe middle-aged wizard.

This is a very tall man with black hair and eyes. He also wears the Black Wizard Alliance black robe, but it looks much more expensive.

On his body, a huge Spirit force not inferior to the Hand of Jadeite Elder bursts out, and it also seems to have reached the level of the Level 2 wizard.

“Welcome to you, distinguished leader of the Black Wizard Alliance.”

Looking at the black wizard walking in the distance, Crulade’s young face showed a smile.

“I’m glad to see you, Lord Crullard, the Emerald Light.” A cold voice came from a distance, startling.

Under Krullad’s gaze, the dark air on the black wizard’s leader slowly dissipated, revealing a beautiful face.

It was a very beautiful witch. Her long hair was pure black. With her beautiful looks, she looked extremely beautiful and amazing.

“My name is Gloria.”

Watching Krullard standing in the distance, the witch was gentle nodded, saying his name.

“It’s unimaginable.”

Krullard was surprised: “Your beauty and strength are beyond my imagination.”

“Let’s get into the subject.”

Gloria didn’t react to Crulade’s praise.

She looked at Crullard lightly, and then went forward.

The energy particles are constantly oscillating. With the gathering of energy particles, several sets of stone tables are slowly twisted.

After glancing at each other, the leaders of the two parties went forward in unison, and began negotiations.

“Master Gloria, according to prior agreement, the territory of the Kingdom of Cournot should be taken over by our Hand of Jadeite.”

Standing in place, and applying a soundproof array, Crullard’s face became solemn, watching Gloria seriously.

“Of course, the prior agreement is true, but you have not strictly fulfilled the agreed content.”

Gloria’s face made a mocking expression: “Even now, you haven’t announced a break with Griffin College, you just killed a few wizards of the other party.”

“At least we didn’t support them directly, otherwise you simply wouldn’t be able to break through the line of defense set by Griffin College.” Crullard reasonably argued, solemnly opened the mouth and said.

“In order for you not to support them, I have given you the Shadow Orb.”

Gloria’s face was indifferent: “Now that you want to obtain the territory we have taken, you need to pay enough.”

“This goes against the tradition of neutrality in the Hand of Jadeite.” Krullard frowned.

In the Mason region, the Hand of Jadeite has always adhered to the principle of neutrality and never actively participated in the battles of other powerful forces. Instead, it maintained its neutrality by virtue of its strong heritage and potions.

Hand of Jadeite represents the largest pharmacist in Mason and the largest pharmaceutical supplier. Under normal circumstances, no force will actively provoke Hand of Jadeite.

During the war, Hand of Jadeite relied on the constant sale of pharmaceuticals, often making a lot of money.

“Hand of Jadeite’s neutral tradition … so you swallow the territory we laid down without giving anything?” Groria asked back.

“That was part of the condition.”

Crulade said calmly: “As compensation, we can provide Black Wizard Alliance with a variety of medicines …”

“I don’t want your potion.”

Gloria waved her hand and stopped the other’s words.

“Then what do you want?” Krullard asked.

Hearing this, Gloria’s face finally smiled, and her beautiful appearance was amazing.

“How about the Emerald Stone?” After calming for a while, she looked at Crullard and finally spoke.

“This is impossible!!”

Suddenly, Crulade complexion greatly changed: “Master Gloria, do you know what you are talking about?”

The Emerald Stone, a powerful secret treasure passed down from ancient times, has the function of quickly cultivating materials.

No matter how harsh the growth environment is, as long as it is planted next to the emerald stone, it can grow intact, and even the growth rate has accelerated a lot.

Legend has it that the establishment of Hand of Jadeite was actually to protect this Hand of Jadeite.

“No discussion?”

Gloria’s expression on the spot remained unchanged, and she continued to speak.

“Sorry, no discussion.”

With no suggestion to Gloria’s proposal, Crullard directly refused.

Listening to this answer, Gloria was not surprised, just sighed softly: “It’s a pity …”

“Master Gloria …”

Seeing Gloria’s appearance, Crulade couldn’t help but be drawn to it, and was trying to talk to him.


A loud crackling came from afar.

Krullard looked towards him subconsciously behind him, where the raging flames were burning and the waves of spell were sounding constantly, making him feel clearly.

A painful sensation came from his chest. A black sharp claw didn’t know when it appeared. It directly penetrated his protective field and penetrated his chest.

Feeling the pain in his body, he looked back towards him, sighing at Gloria’s beautiful face: “Master Gloria, do you really want to reach this point?”

In front of him, Gloria was sitting there quietly, her black hair was flying slowly, and her manners still looked so beautiful.

On her face, black textures continued to emerge, huge mana breath was continuously escaping, and black gas was constantly rising, and the sharp claw condensed just passed through Crullard’s chest.

She looked aloof, looking at Crullard, without continuing to speak.

“Protect the dean!”

At this time, the wizard in the rear finally reacted, a wave of mana sounded, and different spells for each and everyone were quickly condensed.


It was another loud noise.

In the horrifying eyes of countless wizards in the place, many wizards hit spell directly on them.

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