
The sound of the spell erupting continuously.

In the countless eyes of many wizards, many of the original companions directly hit the law on them.

Unexpectedly, countless flesh and blood flew for a while, and several formal sorcerers were directly blown out by spell.

“you guys!”

At the forefront, a red robe Elder from Hand of Jadeite was angry.

“Go and help Lord Crulade first!” A voice sounded in my ear.

Red robe Elder just wanted to be nodded, but suddenly he was covered by a shadow.

The thick black gas keeps rising and falling, like covering the Spirit force sensor, directly covering the surroundings.

Suddenly, a gun of shadows emerged, rushing towards the red robe Elder with extremely solid mana on it.

bump! !!

The gun of the shadow exploded directly when it was about to concentrate. The horrible Strength directly shocked the red robe Elder. The defensive field shrouded in his body was a bit unstable. It seemed to have been hit hard by this hit.

“Madis !!!”

After receiving this blow on the front, red robe Elder’s face was pale, and his eyes bleed because of the collision of Spirit’s force, and he was incredibly looked towards that direction from the spell.

In that direction, another Elder Madis of Hand of Jadeite stood there, his cold face full of indifference, and he waved his hand directly.

The dark air is constantly dancing, one by one, the black breath hiding the sky and covering the earth, the powerful mana faintly suppresses the flow of surrounding energy particles.

A shadow gun condensed again, rushing forward with boundless black gas.

Weak wind blows slowly and then intensifies quickly.

Standing opposite Madis, red robe Elder gritted his teeth, blue light appeared on his body, and a gust of wind was hanging around him.

The light blue rushed out, flickering in the surrounding space, and eventually collided with the shadow gun.


The formidable power of the two Level 2 spells exploded positively, and the powerful mana fluctuations turned it into a powerful radiation source. Black gas and cold wind continued to spread outward, covering the surrounding several dozen meters area.

When the aftermath of spell gradually dissipated, a roar came from inside.

“You’re not Madis !!!” The voice of the red robe wizard kept ringing, causing countless people to complexion changed.

Opposite the wizard in red robe, Madis was covered in black gas, at this time, a black texture appeared on his face, with a touch of majesty.

“Of course I’m not Madis …”

It took a long time for Madis to lift his head. The expression on his face was a little weird, and he was slowly turning into another person: “But now it’s late.”

The next moment, the powerful mana growls again, the black breath spreads wildly, radiating several dozen meters around.

Roar! !

a dragon roar roared through the earth.

Under the watchful eyes of all the wizards, the Swamp Wyvern, whose length was several dozen meters, spread his wings, and quickly emptied. He carried another Black Wizard Alliance’s Elder and flew towards the headquarters of Hand of Jadeite.


Rear, looking at this scene, feeling the horror of Swamp Wyvern, Mado’s face finally stopped calmly: “It wants to attack the headquarters!”

As soon as this idea emerged, his back sweated wildly.

No one expected the Black Wizard Alliance to have such strength. In addition to the leader, there were so many Level 2 wizards.

Even for the thousands of years of the Hand of Jadeite inheritance, at this time Strength on the bright side is only a person leader and four Elder that’s all.

At this time, the Dean of the Hand of Jadeite was fighting with the opponent’s leader. One Elder rebelled on the spot, and the other Elder was entangled. The other two Elders also negotiated with Griffin College for some reasons before. The top Strength.

In contrast, the Black Wizard Alliance has only one Elder, and Swamp Wyvern, which is no less powerful than the Level 2 wizard. In the current situation, it is almost unbeatable.

“Master, what shall we do?” At the rear, a husky voice came slowly, looking a little low.

Looking at the chaos in the distance, Green moved forward, his tall body brought a strong sense of oppression, and slowly approached Mado’s body.

“We leave and go to headquarters.”

Even in the face of this situation, Mado calmed down quickly: “There is a Guardian Array there, even a digital Level 2 wizard cannot break it in a short time.”

“As long as the other two Lord Elder come back, you can suppress this mess!”

Looking at the chaotic scene ahead, Mado gritted his teeth, opened the mouth and said.

The surrounding chaos had not yet spread here.

The two wizards carried powerful mana fluctuations, quickly releasing spells, and there were sounds of noise here and there.

With Mado’s transformational level of strength, with the help of Adier and Green, it was easy to break through the blockade of several black wizards and quickly ran straight to the distance.

The formal wizards were fast, and with all their might, they quickly left the battlefield to a plain outside the Hand of Jadeite headquarters.

The breezy wind kept blowing here, and a trace of bloody air followed.

In place, Mado’s body snapped.

“What’s wrong?” Adier’s confused voice sounded behind him.

“It’s okay, maybe I’m worried.”

Shook the head gently, Mado said, “Continue …”


The violent Strength suddenly came from behind, and a fist larger than an ordinary person’s head smashed into Mado’s head, as if hitting a ball, and flew him with no difficulty.

The light blue force field slowly emerged, and at this time it was constantly flashing, a large piece of depression on it was slowly recovering.

“Sure enough … you guys …”

Mado slowly stood up from the ground, looking at Green and Adier in the distance, his face still calm.

呲 ···

A slight sound came from a distance.

In the face of Mado’s eyes, Green looked indifferent, walked out of Adier and came forward.

As he walked, bursts of energy particles exploded on him, and the Hand of Jadeite clothing he was wearing immediately shattered, revealing a strong muscle, and the terrifying magical atmosphere, no less inferior to Mado.

Feeling the other side’s undisguised breath at this time, Mado’s eyes narrowed, the corners of his mouth were slightly open, and he was saying something.

bump! !! !!

A voice appeared quickly above his head, a broad arm with a strong wind, punched directly.

The faint blue light quickly appeared, and Mado looked a little embarrassed. Regardless of the punch from the opponent, a spell was released directly and it would hit the opponent.

Two different sounds sounded at the same time, accompanied by a slightly broken sound.

Under the gaze of Adier in the distance, Mado’s protective force field broke directly, and a depression appeared directly on his chest, as if he had been hit dozens of times in a flash.

Green was indifferent, and was hit by the opponent’s spell in the front. His body was blurry and blood dripped continuously, and he looked like a blood man from afar.

But even so, his expression did not change at all, his muscles were stretched, and red lights flashed on the blood vessels, like a huge red giant.

Thunderballs kept hitting him, hitting several blood holes in him, but he didn’t respond, but walked towards Mado indifferently.

“It’s been a long time in the Hand of Jadeite, so why won’t you even fight?”

He looked at Mado in horror in the distance, with a mocking opened the mouth and said.

Having said this, his body disappeared in place, and he walked in front of Mado in an instant, then fiercely was a punch.

Bang!! !

The sound of flesh and blood shattered constantly.

In front of Green, he took a punch in the front, and half of Mado’s body exploded directly, as horrible as a bomb exploding inside him.


Mado looked at him in horror. There was blood flowing in his eyes. It seemed to be more than just the body. Even Spirit’s power was hit badly in that punch.

The next moment, a black light snapped quickly, with a strong destructive power, smashing his entire body.

However, with the powerful vitality of the Metamorphosis Stage wizard, he has not died immediately, and there is still some vitality on the remaining body.

Feeling all this, Green looked indifferent, standing in front of a wreck in a place quietly, and photographed directly with one palm and one palm, continuously smashing the remaining half of Mado’s body. The whole process looked like corpse abuse.

I don’t know how long it took to shoot. After waiting until there was only a piece of ground meat left in front of the eyes, Green stopped his movements and went to the side silently.

Taking a deep look at each other, even if he had been prepared, Adier was surprised.

“A formal wizard of Metamorphosis Stage was just shot to death …”

Looking at the ground in front of him, Adier was silent: “It’s not like a battle of the same level, it’s like a complete killing.”

“This Green, I’m afraid it’s not far from the Level 2 wizard.”

The whole process was too smooth.

Before starting, Adier thought that this was a hard fight, but did not expect that in the end, he would not even have a chance to shoot, and he directly let his companions solve the task.

“I’m afraid Anthony knew it would be the case, so he specially arranged me to Green …”

Silently picking up Mado’s body, Adier thought to himself: “From this perspective, I am afraid that my pharmacist is highly valued in the Black Wizard Alliance. Even the task assignment has picked a non-hazardous I.”

At this moment, a sudden shock came from the earth. In one direction, two powerful breaths quickly rose, which made Adier clearly feel.

“It seems the battle over the leader is almost over.”

Beside Adier, Greene looked up silently, looking towards the direction he was coming from.

“Are you going to decide?” Adier looked up silently at Green’s words.


On an empty plain, rays of light continued to escape, and two terrifying breaths were raging in place.

In the center of the battlefield, an emerald light spread rapidly, and another black light continued to oscillate, dividing the battlefield into two sides.

Roar! !

A sharp roar erupted from the battlefield, and a huge silhouette emerged from the center of the battlefield.

It was a beautiful woman with a snake head, covered with scales all over her body, with a shiny metallic luster.

There was a huge wound on her chest, with black blood flowing continuously, and a black gas was blowing.

On the opposite side, in the central area of ​​the Emerald Light, Crullard’s face was crazy, and the emerald robe on his body flickered with magic patterns, blessing Strength for him.


Two lights erupted again.

Under the gaze of countless wizards, the dark air on Gloria, the serpent head, continued to spread, completely suppressing the emerald light.

Two different Strength erupted here, collided, and the fluctuation of mana reached Peak at this moment, accompanied by bursts of bloody smell.

“Krullard, is this all your Strength?”

Looking at the person in front of her, Gloria face was indifferent, a pair of pure black eyes were staring at each other.

Opposite her, Crullard stood there silently, looking at Gloria’s face, and his face was a little complicated: “I didn’t expect that your Strength had reached this level.”

At this time, his appearance looked a bit miserable, his emerald robe had been broken, and his left arm had been broken. His breath was much weaker than before, and he seemed to have fallen behind in the previous confrontation.

“Compared to the black wizard who has been fighting all year round, how can you be my opponent under the same Strength.”

Gloria’s face was indifferent, looking at the other person’s appearance, without moving a bit: “Submit immediately, surrender the emerald stone, you can still have a life.”

“As the best pharmacist in the Mason region, I wouldn’t kill you if it wasn’t necessary.”

“What do you want the Emerald Stone?”

Krullard’s face was calm, and he asked with some confusion: “That thing is the most important for our Hand of Jadeite. For your Black Wizard Alliance, although precious, it should not make you look down.” “

“It’s all here, do you want to talk to me?”

Gloria looked at him, seemed to feel something, and sighed: “It seems you are not willing to surrender.”

Black air kept emerging, condensing in the sky into a human beauty.

She opened her eyes, a pair of pure black eyes looked towards Crulade, with strong oppression.


Krullad complexion changed, the ring on his hand lightly shone, and an emerald brilliance bloomed quickly, covering the surrounding.

At the next moment, there was darkness covering the place.

In front of Krullard’s eyes, a dark space completely obscured his sight, and he could no longer see any light.

And in this dark space, a pair of pure eyes slowly opened, and the Strength bloomed directly over him.


The crisp sound kept ringing.

Under Gloria’s gaze, Krullard’s existence became rigid, and his whole body began to change from forehead to another kind of luster, like a stone.

Once this aspect started, it didn’t stop. Soon, a human statue appeared in the same place, just like Krullard.

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