
On the open plains, Gloria stood alone, her beautiful posture did not change at all, only a faint voice sounded in place.

In front of her, a humanoid statue stood there, looking lifelike, but it looked like Crullard.

His face was frightened and unbelievable, and his manners and expressions stayed at the moment when it was petrified, and he looked just like he really was.

Looking at this stone statue, Gloria’s face was indifferent, and the delicate right hand waved gently.

A wind blade was sent out of thin air, hitting the stone statue directly under her gaze, smashing the stone statue, leaving a small piece of broken ground.

In the distance, on the other battlefield, two other Level 2 wizards also decided.

In a huge pothole, a horn with a horn, and a monster covered with scales crawled out with blood, and various large and small wounds were densely covered throughout the body.

In his hand, the head of the previous red robe Elder was being held by him, and his face still had a scowling expression.

Quickly crawling out of the pothole, the horned monster quickly walked to Gloria’s face, then kneeled on one knee, and the shape of his body changed rapidly.

The muscles on his body kept shrinking, the huge body was shrinking, and he finally became a middle-aged man: “Master Gloria …”

Looking at Gloria, he put the head with his right hand in front of him, and respectfully opened the mouth and said to Gloria.

“Charles, go and fix the wizards in front.”

Gloria stood still, her body covered with a white fur robe, and the expression on her delicate face did not move at all: “I don’t want to waste time.”


Middle-aged man nodded, covering his body with a thin layer of scale armor, and then walking forward.

With the power of Level 2 wizards, in the absence of checks and balances from wizards of the same level, these wizards of the Hand of Jadeite are not opponents at all. Except for a few Metamorphosis Stage wizards who barely resisted for a while, the rest are even scales on him Not breakthrough.

After a while, when the blood spread over the plain, Charles was standing in the same place with blood all over him, and at his feet, the bodies of seven or eight formal wizards quietly fell to the ground, leaving no waves.

“Let’s go.”

Gloria opened her mouth gently, and took the rest of her, and quickly walked away.

Bang!! !

Amazing dragon roars came from the sky.

Adier suddenly raised his head, looked towards the direction of the sound.

There, a huge Swamp Wyvern with wings spread out, the huge figure imprinted a huge shadow on the ground, and rushed straight ahead.

In front of Swamp Wyvern is the headquarters of the Hand of Jadeite. The inheritance is an emerald city for thousands of years.

It seemed that when the crisis came, an emerald light enveloped the wild, enveloping the entire emerald city. Even if Swamp Wyvern was comparable to the Strength of a Level 2 wizard, it would not break through for a while.

“this is···”

Standing outside the enchantment, watching this scene, Adier spoke softly.

“Hand of Jadeite’s Inheritance of Jadeite Array, even if it doesn’t have a powerful controller, it only runs on the emerald stone.”

Aside, Green’s face was no longer calm, at this moment looking at this scene, his eyes were very dignified.

“Inheritance of Jadeite Array.”

Hearing this strange name, Adier turned around and just wanted to ask.

A violent whistling sounded suddenly, breaking his sight and making him look up towards the sky, the direction where Swamp Wyvern was.

In the sky, the swamp dragon slowly lifted off, the ugly and ugly dragon raised high, and a strong Strength gathered in front of its mouth.

A light green beam spurted out of Swamp Wyvern’s mouth, rushing towards the enchantment with the unbearable radiation Strength.


The violent collision sounded again.

The Emerald Light emerged again, condensing into an indestructible enchantment, blocking all Swamp Wyvern’s attacks and repelling them all, leaving no residue.

A piece of light green liquid was repelled out, and the Strength contained therein slowly scattered, scattered on the ground, like a light green drizzle.

And on the ground, a sound of corrosion sounded.

Adier looked in that direction. On the originally flat plain, the potholes of each and everyone were eroded and expanding.

This kind of horrible corrosiveness, even if Level 2 wizards are attached, they may be corroded if they are not careful. Formal wizards such as Adier encounter a little, it is estimated that it will be a poisoned and seriously injured end.

Thinking of this, Adier looked at Swamp Wyvern.

After the first blow, the huge dragon was breathing continuously, and it seemed that he had made a lot of strength in the moment, and at this time his whole body was much weaker.

In the distance, in the sky, the light of the emerald once again appeared, and a large amount of mana condensed at this moment, and finally became a spell.

Several huge Fireballs appeared quickly, rushing directly to Swamp Wyvern in the sky.

Roar! !

Swamp Wyvern yelled, a horrifying breath escaped from the huge body, and the wings flew away from the place.

Bang! bang!

Two explosions followed quickly.

Under Adier’s gaze, most of the Fireballs were missed, and only two actually landed on the flying dragon body, making an amazing sound.

The flames exploded quickly, and a powerful wave comparable to the Level 2 spell emerged, leaving Green on the side looking at the sky.

At the next moment, under the cover of the thick flames, Swamp Wyvern rushed out again, except that the scales behind were damaged, it seemed not at all too big a problem.

It seemed to feel the strength of the other side, and a dragonfly appeared in the eyes of Feilong, and then spread his wings and landed towards the ground.

And it landed just beside Adier and Green.

The huge Swamp Wyvern landed quickly, accompanied by huge coercion on his body.

At close range, Adier can clearly see the black wounds on his opponent’s back, as well as those broken scale armor.

“Not good !”

Without having much time to think, a sense of danger came from above, making him look up towards the sky subconsciously.

In that direction, an emerald light rushed quickly. Although it looked extremely beautiful, the horror Strength contained in it was enough to scare any formal wizard.

A faint black light curtain obscures the view, envelops Adier and the others when the Emerald Light is about to be depressed, blocking the offensive from the sky.

The strength of the two spells collided again, and the aftermath of them wiped out a small forest in the distance, leaving only a broken tree trunk.

In the rear, a beautiful woman with long black hair wearing a white fur robe came out, and the breath on her body was inexplicable.

At the side of the witch, two wizards quietly accompanied him, one was Black Wizard Alliance Elder who came with Gloria before, and the other was Charles covered with scales.

As if feeling a familiar atmosphere, Swamp Wyvern lowered his head gently, lowered his head to the ground, and his green eyes were silently watching Gloria.

“This is the Inheritance of Jadeite Array of the Hand of Jadeite. It looks great.”

Feeling the flickering emerald light in the distance, next to Gloria, Madis opened the mouth and said, his face was eager to try: “I just don’t know how powerful it is.”

“I’m sure it’s okay to knock you down.” Aside, another Black Wizard Alliance’s Elder jacked, and his breath was a little disturbed.

“Oh, Daniel, you are crushed by the Wizard Array yourself, do you think everyone else will be okay?”

Madis sneered, looking dismissive of this person.

“This Wizard Array is really powerful.”

Looking up at the city in the distance, Gloria also opened the mouth and said: “The Inheritance of Jadeite Array, once fully recovered, will be depressed even by Level 3 wizards when it is carried by someone.”

“Even if this Wizard Array is not hosted, but without the power of a Level 3 wizard, there is no way to break through.”

“Can I find a way to exhaust the Strength of the Wizard Array?”

Looking at Gloria, the Black Wizard Alliance Elder named Daniel opened the mouth and said: “Although I don’t know much about Wizard Array, the strength of such a powerful Wizard Array must be amazing after opening, even if Hand of Jadeite is rich in money, but as long as we continue to consume it, we can always exhaust the strength of the Wizard Array. “

“If it’s the Inheritance of Jadeite Array elsewhere, this method is good, but I’m afraid it’s hanging here.”

Gloria shook his head gently: “The Inheritance of Jadeite Array of the Hand of Jadeite is based on the Emerald Stone. The Strength of the Emerald Stone has not yet waited for us to exhaust the Strength of the Wizard Array, and the other Academy has already received it. When the news comes, support is coming. “

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