“Let me do it.”

Looking up at the Emerald City in the distance, Gloria’s pure black eyes were calm.

Under the gaze of Madis and Daniel, the breath on her body suddenly rose, reaching a frightening point.

The glowing light kept flashing, and on Gloria, a black texture kept emerging, far from the texture of a snake, lifelike, as if to live from her.

“An unknown force field is detected, and the subject is advised to stay away immediately …”

The sound of the chip machinery in his head sounded again. Adier stood still, feeling the horror. Although his expression was calm, his heart was horrified.

“This horrible Strength is more than four or five times stronger than before.”

Watching the Strength response from the chip, he was shocked.

Earlier, when Gloria and the leaders of Krullard fought together, the horrible Strength fluctuations leaked out and were successfully recorded by the chip.

At this time, the strength fluctuations of Gloria were several times stronger than at that time, and they continued to improve over time.

From the horrified expressions on the faces of Madis and Daniel, it seems that Strength of this level has surpassed the Level 2 wizard.

It was on the side of Adier, watching Gloria’s movements. Green’s face was dignified, but he was not surprised.

This detail was observed by Adier and was silently remembered.

In front of him, as the strength of Gloria continued to increase, the black snake pattern also deepened, and finally filled the entire body.

Strands of black air continue to diffuse, gradually turning into a black sky, covering the area around 100 meters.

A snake girl with a snake-like body appeared in place, with several dozen meters full of body, at this time there was a thick black air covering her body, a pair of eyes that looked like glazed looking towards the distance.

On the forehead of the snake woman, a complex black mark gradually emerged, at this time as the breath on her body continued to increase, it became brighter.

It seemed to feel the terrible atmosphere of her body. In the distance, the light of the emerald began to condense and rushed towards the snake girl.

The light was bright and eye-catching, but when it was about to hit the snake woman, it stopped again, blocked by a black sky, and couldn’t continue to move forward.

“End it.”

Looking at the magnificent and magnificent city in the distance, the snake woman sighed gently, one arm raised slightly, and then the sky spread slowly and rushed forward.

The black sky and the Emerald Light collided with each other, emitting bursts of light sound.

Under the gaze of Adier and the others, Snake Girl’s eyes began to shine.

A sense of stasis in space appeared instantly, making almost all the wizards present distraught.

A spear of shadows shuttled fast, with a strong Strength on it, rushed straight into the city ahead, and then hit the emerald enchantment directly.


Waves of shattering kept coming, like the sheer sound of a mirror when it was shattered, and it was hard to forget.

By the time everyone reacted, the Emerald Light had been completely eroded by the black mist, and the Strength contained in it continued to break and spread to the distance.

“Let’s go in.” A cold voice sounded in my ear.

Looking at the broken enchantment in the distance, Gloria stood quietly in place, and her face looked pale at this moment.

It broke the Inheritance of Jadeite Array of the Hand of Jadeite on the front. She looked damaged and very serious. Not only did her face turn pale, but even her breath dropped a lot.

“Daniel, Madis …”

Before waiting for everyone to react, Groyari spoke again.

“Master Gloria …”

Looking at each other, Daniel and Madis both opened the mouth and said at the same time.

“Go in and get rid of the remaining wizards of the Hand of Jadeite.”

Gloria looked up, indifferent.


Upon hearing Gloria’s order, the two showed no hesitation, went directly nodded, and strode forward.

Ahead, under the blow of Gloria, the enchantment formed by the Emerald Light has been broken. Led by the two leaders, the two Level 2 wizards rushed towards the Emerald City ahead.

“The two are unreliable.” A cold voice sounded in place.

Aside from Adier, looking at the back of Daniel and Madis, Green turned cold and opened the mouth and said to Gloria.

“Of course I know they are unreliable.”

Gloria was quietly nodded, and her face was calm: “I could hear their voices, and at that moment, they were still hesitating, and even wanted to kill me for a moment.”

“In the final analysis, these two people are halfway through and are not as reliable as the people they cultivated.”

Tone barely fell, she turned and looked towards Adier aside: “This is the pharmacist you say?”

“He has a good grasp of pharmacy and should be enough to meet your needs, adults.”

Green was nodded, so said.

“I hope so.”

Gloria turned her eyes and no longer looked towards Adier: “Let’s go, now that it’s over, it’s time to receive our spoils of war.”

As she spoke, she walked forward.

Behind, looking at her back, Green was silent and walking forward silently.

“Chip, did the analysis come out?”

Walking far behind each other, Adier asked the chip in his head.

“End of analysis … According to 1,900 70 data comparisons, 76.1% may be Ancient Snake Lady Bloodline …”

“Ancient Snake Lady Bloodline, a Level 3 creature, is an adult who can compete with a Level 3 wizard positively, has a king creature with great wisdom, can naturally dominate some swamp life, and has a strong Strength that sees through the soul …”

In my mind, the sound of the chip machinery kept ringing.

Adier listened to this result.

The power of Ancient Bloodline is beyond doubt. And even among all Level 3 creatures, the Snakegirl’s Bloodline is at the top.

This kind of life is born with a powerful fascination ability, but also has the ability to see through the mind, and can easily control some powerful swamp life.

Adier estimated that the Swamp Wyvern was surrendered by the other snake woman Bloodline who was inside the body.

In addition to this ability to surrender the life of the swamp, the other party is likely to have the ability of the snake woman to see through the mind. Although it is not possible to see through the other party’s thoughts, from the previous situation, the general emotions can be sensed.

With this Bloodline ability in hand, with the strength of the other party, I am afraid that as long as the killing intent is in the heart, the other party can immediately sense it.

“Fortunately, from the information of Snake Girl, although this Bloodline ability can sense emotions, it should not be able to see through other people’s thoughts, otherwise there is really no secret.”

Standing in the distance, looking at Gloria’s back, Adier flashed the thought in his mind.

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