The wind is still whistling, with drizzle.

If you look closely, you can find carefully that whether it is wind or rain, it is not naturally generated, but the effect of spell.

The violent wind is constantly blowing, the black drizzle is dripping continuously, and when it is dropped on people, the body will be corroded, and the mana within the body is forcibly suppressed.

Walking on a wide path, the surrounding tall buildings are constantly standing, skipping from the view.

Underneath it was a corpse, basically a wizard of the Hand of Jadeite, with few black wizards wearing Black Wizard Alliance costumes.

In this raid, among the people brought by the Black Wizard Alliance, the lowest level also has the level of a formal sorcerer. On the contrary, in the Emerald City, there are still a large number of Hand of Jadeite apprentices.

In addition to being the largest pharmacist organization in the Mason region, Hand of Jadeite is also a well-known wizard Academy. There are not only many second- and third-level apprentices, but also many ordinary apprentices who have just come to study.

Of course, these people cannot be the opponents of the formal wizards. In the hands of the black wizards of each and everyone, they are basically killed.

Adier looked towards the foot of the dead road.

There, the body of a female apprentice lay there quietly, naked, her skin was covered with fine cuts, her face was pained and twisted, and she was obviously tortured before death.

This is not the worst, there are still many corpses in the surroundings, and the large pieces of flesh on them have disappeared, with tooth marks on them, as if forcibly eaten by something.

Looking at this scene, Adier’s face was calm, but his head was unconsciously lowered, and he no longer looked towards all around.

Black wizards are not good people.

Those who can be attributed to black wizards are some of the most cruel and crazy wizards. For these black wizards, killing is only the lightest. In many schools of black wizards, killing tens of thousands of people at once in order to collect blood and flesh is very common and not surprising.

Compared to these innocent black wizards, although the witch character that Adier encountered before is also distorted and cruel, compared with the black wizard, the harm is not much lighter.

“You have mercy …”

Ahead, Gloria turned around, just looking towards Adier.

Being watched by the opponent ’s eyes, even though not at all felt how malicious, Adier still felt a pressure coming on, as if being targeted by some beast.


His face was calm, his eyes quietly staring at each other without saying much.

“Sorry for what?”

Gloria laughed. The beautiful face was intoxicating, and Green couldn’t help looking a few more glances.

“Pity in your heart means that you have conscience in your heart, which is good.”

After saying this, she seemed to feel something. She turned and looked forward: “Here it is.”

Adier looked up and looked towards her along her line of sight.

A tall palace stands in front, and the entire building is emerald color, emitting a faint halo in the sun, as beautiful as the palace described in fairy tales.

Looking here, Gloria went straight in.

The spell’s radiance sounded around, and the Strength of the Emerald Light ignited, slamming into her, but blocked by another horrible Strength.

She waved her hand, and a force field erupted, condensing into a black palm, and snapped at the emerald light curtain.

Wow …

The sound of rumbled glass rang in my ears.

Standing behind Gloria, Adier’s eyes flashed with emerald brilliance, and the dazzling light could not help closing his eyes.

By the time he opened his eyes again, the surrounding glow of spell had completely disappeared, and it seemed that all of it had been broken by Gloria’s attack.

The surrounding light instantly dimmed, and in Adier’s sight, the surrounding palaces seemed to be dimmed a lot.

All the way to the hall in front, in the center of the hall, a huge gem stood.

It was a two-meter-tall gem, and the whole was emerald color, as beautiful as the purest emerald gem.

This huge emerald stone is glowing, with pure sheen flashing on it, with a strange wave.

Just approaching this emerald stone, Adier felt that his body was shaking, and the blood within the body was accelerating, converging towards the heart.

Walking in the hall, Adier also noticed that there were several human-shaped stone statues around this emerald gem, and there was still a mana breath on the stone statue.

These stone statues look very real, each of them is wearing the costume of Hand of Jadeite, with pain on his face, as if recording the moment before death.

Through the powerful Spirit, on these stone statues, Adier felt a sense of despair and couldn’t help but feel it.

“Emerald Stone …”

Looking at the emerald gem in front of him, Gloria murmured, his expression looked a little intoxicated.

As they walked forward, the look on Adier’s face became a little weird.

Because at this moment, he clearly felt that something was attracting him on the emerald stone in front of him, making his soul tremble, and an urge to step forward at all costs in his heart.

This feeling is very familiar to Adier, and it is very similar to the feeling of discovering new World coordinates in the past several times, but it is much stronger.

“what is this···”

The inexplicable throbbing motion rippled in my heart, Adier looked up, and the emerald brilliance was reflected in the pure black eyes, a little stunned.

“This is an emerald stone, but for us, it has a more appropriate name, called World Stone.”

Gloria didn’t look back, her eyes were occupied by this emerald stone, her face was a little flushed, and she looked very excited: “Even in ancient times, this kind of thing is an extremely precious treasure, enough to trigger a war.”

“Unfortunately, the Strength contained in this World Stone has been wasted too much by a bunch of idiots like Hand of Jadeite. Otherwise, it might be possible to establish a World Door.” Aside, Green’s voice sounded.

He looked at the emerald stone in front of him, his face full of regret.

“World Stone itself has the function of concentrating energy. As long as it is given time, it can be recovered sooner or later.”

Adier was already inaudible to the conversation between the two.

A desire from in the depth of one’s soul kept coming, as if the thirsty walker in the desert met the source of water. That desire occupied the mind and body, and gradually blurred his consciousness.

At the urging of instinct, he slowly walked forward, then reached out his hand, and touched the emerald-colored gem.

A warm sensation came from the palm of the hand, with a huge warm current, pouring into the depths of Adier’s body.

Suddenly, Adier saw a scene.

In the dim space, driven by some Strength, a star slowly rises to illuminate the entire dim world.

As if the incomplete parts were re-completed, Adier only felt that his heart was very full at this moment, and his will was clear again.

In the broken hall, Gloria and Green stood aside, watching his movements at this time, and his gaze looked towards him.

“Now that you are awake, come down.”

Gloria spoke, and there seemed to be few surprises about this situation: “Your strength is too weak to even resist the force field radiated by World Stone. Over time, Spirit’s force will be assimilated.”


Seeing that the other party found nothing, Adier sighed in relief, so he lowered his head directly so that people could not see the expression on his face before walking down.

“Just the feeling …”

Thinking of the feeling just now, Adier forcibly suppressed his excitement, and his face returned to calm.

In his heart, he was looking at the hint that the chip had just flashed.

“Affected by unknown Strength … Boundary Energy begins to grow …”

Watching this promotion, Adier couldn’t help but look towards his physical attributes.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 22.8. Agility: 23.5. Constitution: 22.7. Spirit: Spirit Purity: 28.7%. Boundary Energy: 27.8”

The familiar attribute panel is emerging, and most of the data is not changed at all.

Only in the Boundary Energy column, the data shown above is more than ten times more than before.

20.7’s Boundary Energy, which is equivalent to the energy Adier had accumulated for twenty years, is now available.

Moreover, there was a faint feeling in Adier’s heart. At the moment when he was just found, most of the energy he absorbed from the World Stone was absorbed by something in the depth of one’s soul. A small part of Strength.

In the depth of one’s soul, a sense of fulfillment came, and it seemed that something unique was happening.

Feeling this change, Adier closed his eyes.

A hazy feeling came from my heart, and the original dim soul space began to change at this time.

In the soul space, one after another dim star stood in all around, an immortal breath emanating from it, carrying the power of the great shore of the world.

And at all around, the original three World Doors have disappeared into three shining stars hanging high in the sky.

These three stars are different in light, some are more powerful and some are more dim, but without exception, they have a unique connection with Adier, as if they can enter it immediately if their faith moves.

In this soul space, there are countless billions of stars, each of which is a huge world, but only these three worlds with coordinate are successfully lit.

As for the dim stars, it represents the world where each and everyone does not have coordinates.

Standing in this dim world, Adier moved with conviction, looked towards a dim star, and then tried to activate his power, and wanted to see if he could shuttle in.

A sense of weakness came from deep inside, and on that star, a strong repulsive force came, instantly repulsing his soul.

Lightly frowned, feeling the feeling just now, Adier was not disappointed, but chose the next goal.

This time, instead of choosing those powerful stars, he deliberately chose a small star.

In terms of size alone, of the three Worlds that Adier has linked, even the weakest Strange World has a size that is dozens of times larger than this star.

With the thought, Adier’s soul glowed pure light toward the chosen star.

A familiar sense of rejection came, but this time it was far less powerful than before, and there was still a little room for it.

Adier felt it. He could enter this star by power, but judging from the consumption he felt, the Boundary Energy consumed was dozens of times more than that when he entered Strange World. Even Adier ’s current The net worth cannot enter.

“Is that the difference between coordinates and no coordinates?”

After a few attempts, Adier raised a clear comprehension in his mind.

Judging from the current situation, I am afraid that Adier’s powers can also be enhanced.

As the power continues to grow, even if you do n’t have the exact World coordinates, you can enter other Worlds, but it will cost a lot more.

The way to increase the power, from the current point of view, should only start from World Stone.

At the moment of contact, through the power of within the body, Adier clearly felt the huge Strength contained in that World Stone. The part of Strength he had just absorbed may not be 1% of that World Stone.

If the World Stone can be completely swallowed, I am afraid that the power of Adier within the body will grow to a terrifying level.


Opening his eyes silently, he turned back and looked towards the piece of emerald stone behind him. Adier looked with regret: “In the end, this World Stone is someone else’s thing. Judging from the other party’s previous emphasis on this World Stone, absolutely No one will be allowed to touch this World Stone, let alone the World Stone’s Strength being stolen. “

“If you want to get the Strength, you can only slowly find a way.”

Walking on the road, looking at Gloria in front of him, the thought flashed in Adier’s mind.

Walking along the barren land, the surrounding white slate was covered with blood and corpses.

The flames burned around, screaming and crying.

It had been a long time before Gloria took people away at dusk.

There is only one blood spot left on the site, and there are large pieces of building debris.

A few days later, the news of the Hand of Jadeite’s breach was fully spread out, causing an uproar over the entire Maison area.

As the strongest pharmacist organization in the entire Maison region, Hand of Jadeite’s Strength is enough to rank at the top, and Hand of Jadeite’s dean Krulade is the same top powerhouse.

Such a powerful force was destroyed, not only the Inheritance of Jadeite Array was breached, but the dean himself was also killed in person. The accumulated accumulation of years was almost wiped out, naturally attracting the attention of all forces.

As the culprit of breaking the Emerald City, the Black Wizard Alliance suddenly became famous, shocking everyone, and regarded as a public enemy by many forces.

But all of this has nothing to do with Adier for the time being.

At this time, he was standing in front of a high tower, and looked respectfully at Gloria in front of him.

“I once heard the news from Green and Anthony. Your refining rate is high?”

Standing on the tower, Gloria didn’t leak any breath, and asked Adier seemingly casually.

Sorry, this is the only change today

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