In the relics of the emf emperor, Adier has witnessed the image left by an elf high priest. There is also a lot of information, including Moon God’s Sacrifice, an advanced Meditation Method, which was left intentionally by the other party.

In that part of the message, the other party also mentioned the curse, but did not leave a detailed explanation.

Closing his eyes silently, thinking about what he read today, Adier instinctively linked the destruction of the Jadeite World elf to the curse.

“It seems that there are still many mysteries in the elf race that I don’t know.”

Thinking of this, Adier could not help frowning: “But then, I’m afraid I can’t achieve my goal this time.”

The reason why Adier chose to come to this world this time is because there may be elf in this world, it is possible to complete Moon Elf Bloodline on him, and even to find the follow-up inheritance of Moon God’s Sacrifice.

But plans often fail to keep up with changes. Although this world is indeed the birthplace of elf, as Adier expected, the elf of this world is weirdly destroyed, and now the entire World cannot find a living pure blood elf.

This can’t help but make Adier feel helpless.

“Fortunately, the elf civilization of the entire Jadeite World has been destroyed, but the traces of the past can’t disappear so quickly. It will definitely leave many relics related to elf.”

Standing in place, looking at the books full of books in front of him, Adier thought secretly: “Even because the elf civilization has been destroyed, it may be easier to get some things.”

With this in mind, he turned and walked out, looking to find something with Fred and Evan.

At this point, it was getting dark outside. Led by a servant, Adier came to a hall and found Fred.

“With regard to the deeds of the ancient elf, this can be said for a long time.”

In the spacious hall, when he heard the adier’s coming, Fred also sighed: “In fact, we are not quite clear about the truth of the elf’s destruction in ancient times. We only know it ended in a few days.

He looked at Adier and said, “According to some records of the wizards of the past, in one night, the sky was suddenly shrouded in blood, and then all the elf eyes in Jadeite World began to turn red, and the body had some kind of mutation, whether it was civilian Or wizards, all of them are dying without exception. “

“That sounds like …” Adier frowned, listening to Fred’s description.

“Is it a curse?”

Fred opened the mouth and said: “In fact, many wizards who experienced that era, after a long period of research, also thought that it was a powerful curse, specifically targeted at the elf’s Bloodline.”

“It’s just that cursing a person or even a family can be done by many powerful wizards, but I want to curse the entire World and let all the elf in a World die, I can’t imagine how terrible this is. . “

Speaking of this, Fred lamented: “You know, elf is the native of Jadeite World. According to some records left that year, when the whole Jadeite World was heyday, the number of elf was at least 10 billion, and there were a lot of powerful Elf wizards, and even the pure-blood Moon Elf Royal Family. “

“Such a strong Strength is enough to go to war with some World, but the result is destroyed in just a few days, it is unbelievable.”

“Did the wizards of that era study this situation?”

Adier asked with a dignified expression: “This terrible curse cannot happen for no reason, there should be some traces.”

“Of course.”

Fred nodded: “In fact, even now there are many wizards studying what happened in the past, trying to find out the reason for the destruction of elf.”

“After detailed research and speculation, many wizards believe that the collapse of elf should be related to certain things in ancient times.”

“Ancient times.” Adier muttered, listening to him, with some doubt.

“Yeah, ancient times.”

Fred sighed, with some emotion in his eyes: “During that period, the ancient wizards pioneered, they have conquered countless Worlds, and left traces of wizards in many Worlds. In the process, ancient wizards have also encountered many powerful Worlds. , Some of the powerful existence of the World, even the ancient wizards feel tricky, can not conquer it. “

“The elf race, as one of the first races to join the wizarding camp, was also the main force of wizards in ancient times. The reputation of the elf emperor in ancient times has been spread in many Worlds.”

“You mean, in the ancient times, when the wizards of the elf clan expeditions to other Worlds, they once encountered powerful opponents, so they drew revenge from a powerful existence?”

Listening to Fred’s words, Adier’s face was solemn and he responded.

“This may be great.”

Fred opened the mouth and said: “In many documents unearthed from the ruins of elf, there are records of the ancient elf emperor suppressing the Strange World demon, even if there are still legends in the current Jadeite World.”

“And in fact, the time when elf fell was right at the end of ancient times.”

“Of course, this is just a guess.”

Having said that, he said with a smile: “In fact, many wizards have studied the cause of the destruction of the ancient elf, but until now there has been no conclusive conclusion, and no result can be obtained.”

“It’s just the collapse of elf. It’s a fact. In Jadeite World, there are only some old wizard families. Within the body, the bloodline of the elf in ancient times is still circulating.”

Listening to him, sitting on a wooden chair aside, Adier pondered for a long time.

In his mind, a lot of thoughts kept turning, each and everyone might be remembered by him.

It was only after a while that he returned to his senses, his face calmed down, and at this time he looked at Fred opened the mouth and said: “Sorry, I am very interested in elf, so I accidentally thought . “

“It’s ok.”

Fred smiled: “It’s normal to be interested in elf stuff. After all, our current civilization, strictly speaking, is re-established from the ruins of the elf civilization. Many things are from the ruins of the elf. Unearthed. “

“But if you are interested in elf stuff, I can take you to our local market to see, there are usually a lot of new unearthed things.”

“Then many thanks.” Adier thanked Fred in front of him.

“You’re welcome.”

The expression on Fred’s face didn’t change. He just looked at Adier. After a long time, he opened his mouth and said, “Actually, I also want something to be confirmed by Master Adier.”


Listening to this, Adier was a little confused, looking up subconsciously, looking at Fred in front of him.

“Master Adier, do you want to be the Guardian Master of our Gorra Kingdom?”

Under Adier’s gaze, Fred looked right and asked solemnly: “I can feel, Lord Adier, the powerful Bloodline on you, like the Bloodline flowing in our Ailasier family, belongs to the ancient Moon God Bloodline. “

“Bloodline of the Moon God.” Adier was a little puzzled by this strange word, and then quickly reflected it.

If he had just come to this world, he naturally did not understand what Luna Bloodline meant, but after reading a lot of books in this world, Adier naturally understood the meaning of Luna Bloodline.

The so-called Luna Bloodline is actually the Bloodline of the ancient Moon Elf.

In the folklore of Jadeite World, the ancient King Moon Elf is known as the King of the Moon, because it has the strength sufficient for world-shattering, and also has the title of the moon god.

Thinking of this, Adier’s eyes suddenly changed, looking at Fred’s eyes, could not help but become a little weird.

He didn’t expect his luck to be so good. He thought that even after the elf of Jadeite World was completely destroyed, the Moonline’s Bloodline should have been hard to find now.

Looking at the change in Adier’s face, Fred didn’t think about that many, but just explained to him: “Being a guardian wizard of the Kingdom of Gorra does not require you to do what Master Adier does, but there will be a lot of convenience in the vicinity In return, you only need to occasionally shoot for the royal family, and you don’t need to do too much. “

“Of course, if you want to do what you want, Adier, we will not block it, and even to some extent, it can provide you with some convenience.”

Listening to Fred’s explanation, Adier also outlined the duties and obligations of this so-called guardian wizard.

From the perspective of the other side, this guardian wizard is more like an employment relationship. Usually, the Kingdom of Gorra will meet Adier’s needs within a certain range, and Adier only needs to occasionally shoot for them a few times.

Overall, the conditions look very loose, not at all are too restrictive.

After thinking for a while, Adier finally decided to join.

When he came to this world, he did n’t plan to stay too long. After half a year at most, he needed to leave this world and return to the Wizarding World.

In this half year, Adier needs to improve his Strength as much as possible. And if you want to do this, of course, it will be much better to rely on the help of local forces. Whether it is collecting wizard knowledge of this world or helping to find the ruins of elf, it will be much more convenient.

After receiving an accurate response from Adier, Fred looked very happy, and chatted with Adier for a long time before leaving in a hurry.

“It seems that in Jadeite World, formal wizards are also high-level combat power, otherwise they would not be so valued.”

Looking at the silhouette that Fred left in a hurry, Adier whispered to himself: “Of course, it may be because the strength of the Kingdom of Gaol is relatively weak.”

That night, at the arrangement of Fred, Adier rested all night in the manor.

By the next day, at the request of Adier, Fred would take Adier out again.

At noon, the carriage slowly walked on the wide road. At carriage all around, each and everyone Knight rides a horse guard to guard all around and disperses the pedestrians in front of carriage.

“The trading point near here is not in the city?”

Sitting in the ornately decorated carriage, feeling the direction of carriage, Adier looked towards Fred, who was sitting beside him.

“Of course not.”

Fred said with a smile: “There are a lot of things in this kind of trading point between wizards that need to be hidden. If they are located in the city, many things will be more troublesome.”

“And a lot of things traded at the trading point were not very good for ordinary people to see.”

Listening to what he said, Adier didn’t speak, just nodded, then closed his eyes and silently indulged in the knowledge in his mind.

But even so, in his within the body, the chip is running at a high speed, and as soon as there is something moving around, it will be detected immediately.

After walking for more than an hour, in an open place outside, as the carriage wheel stopped, Adier opened his eyes and looked towards Fred on the side.

Without speaking, they walked out tacitly.

There is a lively bazaar in front of me. A large number of guards are waiting around. Several people still have mana fluctuations, but they are weak.

According to past habits, Adier subconsciously looked around all around.

Just in front of him, he saw at least hundreds of guards, but most of them were ordinary elite warriors, and there were several Knights who had activated Life Seed. There were only two apprentice wizards with real mana, and their mana was very weak. , Should be just ordinary second-class apprentices.

This level of protection is much weaker than the Maison Region, even when compared to some wizard trading points on the Northern Section Plains.

“There are ordinary people here?”

Looking at the silhouette that came and went, Adier frowned.

In this bazaar, dozens of people walked in front of each other. Everyone was very well-dressed, but most of them were ordinary people except for a few wizards.

“no way.”

Facing Adier’s weird expression, Fred’s face was helpless: “The number of wizards in this area is too small. If this market is specially opened for wizards, I am afraid there are not many people at all now.”

“In fact, the conditions of entry to this market are still very high. Except for wizards, only certain high-ranking nobles or those who have activated Life Seed can be eligible to enter, and all others will be blocked. outside.”

Having said that, he looked at Adier said with a smile: “Don’t look at the small number of wizards in this place, but in fact, this is already the best wizarding point in several countries around.”

“Okay.” Adier shrugged, a bit helpless.

He has now discovered that he may have overestimated the average level of Jadeite World before. Even ordinary wizard apprentices are so scarce, then the number of formal wizards and even Level 2 wizards can be imagined.

Just don’t know that this is the average level of Jadeite World, or is just because this place is relatively remote.

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