A spacious square with shops all around, looking densely packed.

Walk here, as Fred’s identity in the Kingdom of Gorra, there are several guards clearing the field, what obstacles can not be encountered along the way.


Passing by the road, looking at the stalls on the side of the road, Adier was a little surprised.

On his side, there are a few small stalls with some scattered things on it, and a lot of things are still stained with dust and dirt. It should look like some years.

In Adier’s eyes, this is indeed the case. Under the inspection of the chip, the stuff on these stalls has a long history, at least thousands of years.

“Does this adult need anything?”

It seemed to feel Adier’s gaze. On the side, a tall, middle-aged, fat businessman came out, looking at the appearance of the ordinary Adier, with eagerness on his face: “These things have just been dug out of the ground Yes, there are a lot of antiques left by the ancient elf aristocracy, which is definitely a very good choice for collection. “

“Do you mean, these are dug from the ground?”

Listening to the other person, Adier looked up and asked him.

“Ah, that’s right.”

It didn’t seem that Adier would ask such a question, and the middle-aged fat businessman froze and then smiled and said, “These are all recently dug out of a small relic, and there are many good things in it. Except for the ancient elf In addition to the precious treasures used by the nobles, occasionally they can dig up things related to wizards. “

“Something related to the wizard.”

Hearing here, Adier’s expression appeared on his face, and looked towards the huge wooden table in front of him.

In front of me are a few large black wooden tables. On the wooden table, there are many things here. Many of them have ancient traces on them, and they don’t look old.

A glance over the things in front of him made Adier somewhat surprised that he really could see a lot of wizard-related things on the things in front of him.

These things include many, including some materials needed for refining pharmaceutical agents, scrapped wizard metal, and even some missing Magic Transformed Item. Basically, it is something that has been completely scrapped. It has no other value except for collection.

Of course, although the things here are basically useless, but through the detection of the chip, Adier still found a few things that can be used.

It was a piece of black wood, the surface looked like a stone, and it was full of cracks, but inside this black wood, there was still a very weak wave, which was detected by Adier.

In addition to this piece of wood, there is a pale blue ring in the distance. It should have been a Magic Transformed Item of some kind of spell. At this time, although it was almost completely destroyed, there is still a vein of spell inside the ring. If you analyze it in detail, you should also get something.

“Wrap me these things.”

Standing there for a moment, he opened the mouth and said to the fat Boss in front of him.

“A total of five things, five magic stones will do.”

I probably checked things, and the middle-aged and fat Boss had a smile on his face. He wrapped a few things that Adier wanted and gave them to Adier.

Without waiting for Adier to pay the bill, a guard wearing a black robe stepped forward and placed five magic stones directly on the wooden table to pay for Adier.

“how do you feel?”

In the distance, watching Adier’s movements, Fred looked at Adier said with a smile.


Adier nodded: “Although many of the things here are related to wizards, they are rarely used, and for us, I am afraid they can only be used as a collector.”

“Of course, the real things that can be used were picked away just after they were unearthed, and it is impossible to put them here.”

Fred smiled: “The stuff here is basically some gadgets with little value or collection value, which are specially prepared for mortal aristocracy.”


Listening to his explanation, Adier took the black wood block that he had previously bought out of the box while being nodded.

With a little force on the hand, this black piece of wood was broken open by Adier, revealing the contents inside.

It was a black crystal ball, set in the center of the block, and looked like a crystalized black eyeball.


Looking at the black eyeball, Fred’s face was slightly surprised, and his eyes were slightly solemn: “It’s the black eyed eyeball.”

“This thing is the main ingredient of many potions. One eyeball on the market can be worth at least five hundred magic stones.”

He looked at Adier and smiled joyfully said: “Congratulations, it seems you have good eyesight and luck with Adier.”


Putting this black eyeball away, Adier was not interested in looking at other things, and looked directly at Fred: “Let’s go and see.”

“it is good.”

Fred nodded, and then took Adier forward.

This market occupies a large area, and it is divided into two layers, inside and outside, just like those wizard trading points that Adier has visited before.

Relatively speaking, things inside will definitely be better, and there will be fewer people who are qualified to enter.

Stepping into it, Adier glanced at it, almost half less than outsiders.

On the entire avenue, including Adier entire group, there are only a few sparse people still walking among them, and most of them are wizards, and the number of ordinary person is very small.


Looking towards the front, Adier froze when he saw a silhouette in the corner.

In that corner, a beautiful young girl in a long black dress with a very delicate appearance was standing there, followed by a few guards. It was the Solana Princess whom Adier had seen a few days ago.

And beside her, Knight Long Blanche, who was a few days ago, was also there, and she seemed to be guarding her exclusively.


On the side, watching Adier’s action, Fred said with a smile: “The Solana Princess is the daughter of the king of this generation. It looks good, but unfortunately, she does not have the qualifications of a wizard.”

“Very good child.”

Looking at each other, Adier didn’t say much.

“If you look after her, I can talk to Your Majesty and give her to you.”

Looking at Adier, Fred said jokingly: “Although this is Princess, this is actually the case for us. If you speak, Your Majesty will agree.”

“Forget it, I have no interest in her.”

Adier shook the head, and refused with a smile.

“It’s a pity.”

Listening to Adier’s recovery, Fred regretted it.

After a while, they continued to move forward.

Although there are few wizards here, they have a variety of things. Among them, there are shops selling potions, but the amount of potions sold is very scarce.

From this point of view, in Jadeite World, pharmacist is also a very cherished profession.

And through the inquiry along the way, Adier also figured out some clues about the difference between the two Worlds.

This world is rich in resources. The number of magic stone mines is far more than Adier has been in the past, so not only is it much easier for wizards to obtain magic stones, but even some ordinary noble families can have some magic stone reserves.

Even according to Fred, in some places where business is extremely prosperous, magic stones can even be used as mortal currency.

In various materials, most of the materials that Adier has contacted in the past are mostly in Jadeite World. Many of the scarce materials that are close to extinction in Wizarding World can be found in Jadeite World.

In the conversation, Adier also noticed an important difference.

It seems that due to different developments, although Jadeite World has purified chemicals, there are no purified chemicals based on magic crystals.

In Jadeite World, magic crystal is not a precious material monopolized by large forces, but a high-level currency traded between wizards. One hundred units of advanced magic stone can be exchanged for one unit of magic crystal.

In this case, Adier could not help but have some thoughts, such as obtaining the magic crystal from Jadeite World, and then selling the refined purified medicine.

A bottle of purification reagent that can be used to enhance the purity of Spirit is extremely precious no matter where it is. If it is handled properly, the benefits will undoubtedly be amazing.

“It seems that the time is right this time.” Aside, Fred’s voice sounded again.

He looked at Side Adier with a smile on his face: “The auctions held by the Chamber of Commerce in Kumar are generally held every few months, although the scale is not large, and most of the auctioned goods are not valuable. It’s too high, but it’s pretty good around here. “

“How’s it going to go in?” He looked at Adier and asked with a smile.

“Of course.” Adier smiled back. “Just right, I want to see something good around here, too.”

“Haha, I hope I won’t let you down.”

Fred walked in while laughing back.

They walked into a large building. After checking their identities, a few beautiful girls walked out quickly, looking at Fred, with a respectful smile on their faces: “Master Fred, you are welcome.”


Fred’s reaction to the girls around him was very flat: “Are you ready for the position?”

“of course.”

Listening to his words, a headed blonde girl smiled and said, “Two positions are ready for you, but this time the auction will take a while, and you may have to wait for a while. Row.”

Hearing here, Adier couldn’t help but glance at it, and then realized that the other party had already prepared everything.

“Master Adier, are you sitting in a box alone or with me?”

Feeling Adier’s sight, Fred looked back at him and asked with a smile: “The boxes here are very large, even if we are together, it is very suitable.”

“Let’s go together.”

Listening to each other’s words, Adier gently nodded, directly opened the mouth and said.

After a while, under the leadership of several maids in front of them, they walked forward and came into a spacious hall.

In the lobby, in addition to the seats in front, there are many rooms, which seem to be dedicated to people who do not want to sit in front.

He followed Fred into a room and waited for more than an hour before Adier eyes opened again and looked towards the front.

At this point in the front, a burst of light had begun to light up, and an old man in a red robe came to the front, facing the crowd below.

“There seems to be a lot of people.”

Adier was surprised by the noise coming from a distance.

“Most of them are mortals.”

Aside, Fred said, “According to Kumar’s Chamber of Commerce, it means that there will be more people before the auction will continue. Therefore, at each auction, this Chamber of Commerce will send out invitations to the end, which will send many ordinary nobles Come here too. “

“Don’t look at the number of people below, but in fact, the person in charge is only a second-class apprentice, and the number of wizards in those people is even lower.”

Looking at the many silhouettes below, Fred was disdainful.

“There are several formal wizards throughout the Kingdom of Gorra, including you and me.”

Looking at Fred, Adier couldn’t help asking.

“In fact, less than five.” Fred shrugged.

Hearing that number, Adier couldn’t help corner of mouth twitching, and said nothing.

Ahead, with the attention of hundreds of people, several things were carried up.

It was a few black long swords that looked like a set with weak mana fluctuations on them.

“As you can see …”

Under the gaze of hundreds of people in front, the old man in charge shrugged, and then opened the mouth and said: “This is a set of Magic Transformed Items collected by the elf nobles of the ancient times. After identification by our professionals, these long Swords are well protected and much sharper than ordinary weapons … “

He looked at the audience below to explain, and then asked a few people to come up and experiment.

After being chopped down by several ordinary robust men, several shields made of metal were cut in half at once. This powerful and unique sharpness made many Knight’s eyes shine.

“Starting price, five magic stones.”

At the end of the commentary, the old man in charge looked at the audience below and gradually became eager and shouted the price.

With the blessing of amplifying sorcery, his voice spread instantly around him, so that everyone could clearly hear it.

“Ten magic stones!”

“Twenty magic stones.”

There was a silence below, and then the bidding of each and everyone kept ringing, making the originally quiet lobby lively again.

In the end, these enchanted long swords were auctioned out for a hundred magic stones and obtained by a strong Great Knight.

Sitting in the room, watching the scene quietly, Adier shook his head slightly.

As a formal sorcerer, he saw the enchanted long swords very clearly.

The alchemy rune on those long swords is very faint. I am afraid that it is only the work of an alchemy apprentice that year. Although it can be used after a long time, it is not too precious.

If it is left in the Mason area, it is impossible for such a few alchemy long swords to sell at this price, which is at most a dozen magic stones.

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