In situ, under the eyes of many people, this auction is still underway.

However, compared to the first item, the value of the second item is much lower. It is just some artworks collected by the ancient elf aristocracy, which may be precious to the mortal aristocracy, but not worth it to the wizard. Not to mention a formal wizard like Adier.

Except for a few wizards who are not addicted to this kind of thing, few wizards will offer prices.

In the end, the second sale was bought by a middle-aged wizard wearing a red robe for five magic stones.

Next, more and more things are auctioned here, most of them are some precious antiquities used by the elf nobles, or some low-level Magic Transformed Item.

These things basically have a characteristic that is related to the ancient elf, and it is said that most of them were excavated from the ancient elf ruins.

In this auction process, Adier also shot several times and bought some gadgets that were also interesting to him, mostly some Magic Transformed Item excavated from the ancient elf ruins.

Most of these Magic Transformed Items have been patched. After all, even things made by ancient wizards will be damaged after tens of thousands of years, and it is impossible to maintain the original appearance.

Most of these that can be put up for auction are the ones that are still intact. After some simple repairs by wizards, they are put up for auction, and formidable power is mostly weak.

The reason why Adier bought these things is not to use them, but to study the Magic Transformed Item made by these ancient elfs and see if they can produce some alchemy techniques of ancient elfs.

Ahead, the auction continues.

Under the gaze of everyone, the red robe old man in charge of the front stand was standing in the center of the stage. On his side, a few strong men who looked strong and strong worked together to lift a huge blue ice coffin. Come up.

After lifting them up, they opened the lid of the ice coffin, revealing its contents.

A faint cold wind blows out, carrying dust and dust that have been sealed for a long time.

At this moment, there were several shamans in the presence of his face, and they seemed to feel something, and their eyes went to the ice coffin.

I saw on the ice coffin, a beautiful girl in a light blue dress lying quietly with her eyes closed, just like a fairytale sleeping beauty.

Unlike ordinary girls, this girl has long silver hair and ears are much smaller than normal people. On the girl’s body, there is still a faint wave of mana that is constantly dissipating, with a deep cold.

“this is!!”

At this moment, there were many wizard complexion changed in the presence, staring at the elf girl in the ice coffin.

“This was recently excavated from an ancient site, and it is in the bloody period according to the age.”

In the front, feeling the sight of the surrounding people, the elderly person in charge of the host was satisfied with nodded, and began to explain to the people below: “According to the information obtained at the time, this dead elf girl should belong to elf in ancient times. The Royal Family may even be a Princess, so it can be protected so well after death. “

He pointed to the ice coffin in front of him: “Look, this ice coffin is also a unique Magic Transformed Item. It was made by the elf wizard in ancient times to protect the corpse. As long as the corpse is put in, within one day It will crystallize, so that the corpse will always remain as it was when it died, and will never rot. “

Looking at the people below, he explained loudly with enthusiasm, and then stated the price of this auction item: “With the body and the ice coffin, the starting price is one hundred magic stones!”

Tone barely fell. The place was first silent. After a while, a voice sounded, “Two hundred magic stones!”

“Five hundred magic stones!”

“Eight hundred!”

The sound of each and everyone kept ringing in place. Within a short time, the price of this ice coffin was shouted to a thousand magic stones, and the price was still rising slowly.

In a room on the side, when he saw the ice coffin in the distance, Adier immediately stood up and stared at the ice coffin in the distance.

To be precise, he was not looking at the ice coffin, but at the lifelike body inside the ice coffin.

“It seems that there are a lot of good things at this auction.” Aside, Fred’s voice sounded again.

He looked at Adier who stood up in amazement a little, then smiled and said, “Our luck is good. The ice coffin made by the ancient elf can not only keep the body intact, but also the material of the ice coffin itself is about to disappear. I have seen less and less precious materials in recent years. “

Unlike Adier, his interest is obviously not in the body in the ice coffin, but in the ice coffin.

The same was true of the other wizards present. Except for a few quirks, the other wizards did not look at the corpse.

Once the corpse enclosed in the ice coffin is taken out, it will lose its crystallized state after a period of time and become a carrion.

No matter how beautiful a girl is, if the body is rotten, it is just a puddle of flesh, which can’t attract the slightest attention of these wizards.

Unless the corpse is a pure-blooded ancient elf king, then perhaps there is a way to get the powerful Bloodline of the ancient Moon Elf from the corpse.

But if this corpse is really a pure-blood elf king, then it is certainly impossible to get it here for auction.

The body of an ordinary elf Royal Family, although of great research value, is far less precious to these wizards than this ice coffin.


As the surrounding atmosphere grew warmer, a noise sounded in the corner on the side.

Solana looked at the elf girl who was lying quietly in the ice coffin in the distance, and her eyes were a little angry: “Even if it disturbs the sleeping of the dead, it is even blasphemy to put the dead body out for auction now!”

She looked at the offer from each and everyone around her and felt very angry.

Because within the body has the ancient Moon Elf Bloodline, although she does not have the qualifications of a wizard, she has always longed for the beauty of the ancient elf. As a result, she has always been disgusted by the desecration of elf’s body.

What’s more, at this time, the body that was auctioned out in front was not only a beautiful elf girl, but also within the body had Moon Elf Bloodline, and it was more likely to be a Princess.

Similar identity with Bloodline, which had to make her feel close to the corpse in front of her, and she felt very repulsive to the current behavior of putting the corpse out for auction.

Unfortunately, even Princess, who is a royal family of Golo, was born with no wizard qualifications, so she did not receive much attention. At this time, the magic stones that can be mobilized are not enough to compete with the surrounding wizards, and she can only look at the surroundings. Sorcerer keeps quoting.

At present, under the bidding of many wizards, the price of this ice coffin was raised to 2,500 magic stones, and the sound of bidding gradually fell down and no longer sounded.

For the value of the ice coffin in front of him, the shamans present were basically aware of it, even if the body of the elf Royal Family inside it was added, which is just the price, it would be a little bit worthless.

“It seems to be the price.” A wizard whispered, looking at the ice coffin in front of the corner.

“Three thousand magic stones.”

At this moment, a voice sounded again. Although the voice was calm, it was firm, so that one could feel his determination.

Everyone around looked in the direction of the sound, but found that the sound came from a small room.

“It’s the wizard.”

Looking at the direction of the sound, Solana’s eyes lit up. “I remember he came with Lord Fred.”

“Three thousand magic stones! Is there anyone offering a higher price?”

Ahead, the excited voice of the host sounded again.

The old man in red robe in charge was excited and looked at the direction of the sound. Although there was some surprise in his heart, he still shouted hard and looked forward to someone continuing to bid.

Only this time, there was no sound coming from below.

An old apprentice in a white robe who had previously bid two thousand five hundred magic stones looked at the host on the stage, shrugged helplessly.

“Okay! Congratulations on getting this ice coffin!”

Watching the reaction below, the old man in red robe announced loudly.

“The price of three thousand magic stones is a bit expensive.”

In the room on the side, looking at the ice coffin lifted forward, Fred was eating a white fruit while watching Adier said with a smile: “This ice coffin plus this corpse, two thousand five hundred magic stones It’s almost at its limit. Some 3,000 magic stones are wasted. “

“It’s ok.”

Adier smiled and shook his head, looking good: “I have some experiments recently and I need some Bloodline pure elf Royal Family corpses.”

“Do you want to try to extract the Bloodline of the Ancient Moon Elf from within the body of the elf Royal Family?”

Looking at Adier, Fred speculated.

Listening to his words, Adier did not deny, directly nodded.

“That’s fine, but it’s too difficult.”

Fred nodded: “The purification of the ancient Bloodline has always been a great difficulty for wizards now. I remember that when I was young, I had done many such experiments.”

“What’s the end result?” Adier looked towards him.

“No doubt, I failed.”

Fred shrugged: “Bloodline of the ancient creatures, if there is such a good purification, then the current wizard will not be weak to this point.”

Listening to this, Adier gently nodded.

It is extremely difficult to purify the advanced ancestor Bloodline from the faded Bloodline even in ancient times.

If Adier did not own the chip, he could directly observe the Bloodline chain in Bloodline through chip assistance, then this would not be possible.

“But although I failed, I also learned a lot from the crazy experiments of that time.”

In front of him, looking at the expression on Adier’s face, Fred laughed, “There are many wizards who do this kind of experiment. If you want to do this kind of experiment, you don’t actually need to collect materials at the auction.”

“In some places, there are places where ancient elf corpses are excavated from the remains for sale. If you want to collect experimental materials, you can go there.”


Listening to Fred’s words, Adier froze, “There’s still this kind of place?”

“of course.”

Fred smiled. “In fact, our bazaar has this kind of place, but it is relatively small.”

“But you have to be mentally prepared. Generally, this kind of elf corpse with good Bloodline is not only rare but also expensive.”

He looked at Adier and explained, “After all, from ancient times to the present, it is not easy to just keep the corpse.”

“I can understand it,” Adier nodded said.

Ahead, as time passes, one item after another appears, one after another.

However, after that ice coffin, Adier showed little interest in other auction items. Except for the occasional sale of a few items, the rest did not matter.

After a while, as time goes by, the auction will come to an end.

Adier and Fred walked out of the room together, following a certain path, and quickly came to a hall.

There, several people were already waiting at this time.

“Hello, two adults!”

Seeing Adier and Fred, an old man in a white robe stepped forward with a smile and looked directly towards Adier: “This adult, you auctioned a total of seven things. After our calculations, a total of 7,300 A magic stone. “

“Seven thousand three hundred magic stones.”

Hearing this number, Adier gently nodded, no accident.

At the previous auction, in addition to the ice coffin, he also photographed several other things, and the price was not low.

He took a small bag out of his arms and counted 73 advanced magic stones. He seemed to casually ask, “Can you exchange high-quality magic stones for magic crystals here?”

“This one···”

It didn’t seem that Adier would ask this question. The old man in white robes stunned first, and then said with a smile: “Of course this is fine.”

“However, if you exchange ordinary magic stones for magic crystals in our Chamber of Commerce, our Chamber of Commerce also needs to withdraw a 1% processing fee.”

“Cough …” A cough sounded suddenly.

Listening to the old man in white robe in front of him, Fred was not well, and looked at him with a pair of muddy eyes. A unique Spirit wave escaped and was suppressed immediately.

Suddenly, the old man in the white robe in front of his face turned pale, and before he could react to it, Fred’s voice sounded again: “This is Lord Adier, who is also the guardian wizard of our Kolo Kingdom.”

“Guardian Wizard of the Kingdom of Gorra …”

Listening to Fred ’s reminder, the old man in front of him shook consciously, and then suddenly came over. Looking at Adier in front of him, the expression on his face suddenly became respectful and hot: “Of course, for your distinguished man like you For example, this 1% processing fee can be completely avoided! “

PS: A book “Friends of Rebirth Hua Xia Shi Sheng” recommended by friends is the following:

China’s youngest chef Wang Liyu accidentally reborn into a parallel world where the meat has just been lifted.

what? Global recipes are broken inheritance? The most famous oriental cuisine is actually Kimchi?

One hundred and eight dishes of Manhan’s full seat, there are only more than 20 dishes in the world?

There are no eight of the eight major cuisines, and the Chinese cuisines are actually supported by the ‘drawing’ series?


I read the book and recommend it with friendship (the author of lazy cancer begged you readers not to hit me)

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