“When did the Kingdom of Gorra have another guardian wizard?”

Standing in the hall, watching the silhouette of the Adier people away, the old man in the white robe responsible for storing the magic stone wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and was a little confused.

In this area, the strength of the Kingdom of Gorra is still very strong. To become a guardian wizard of this country, only characters at the level of a formal wizard are possible.

The existence of this level of formal wizards, even for the entire Kumar Chamber of Commerce, needs to be taken seriously, not to mention that this is just a branch.

On the other side, Adier was in a good mood on the spacious and flat road.

This is not only because of the ice coffin carried by several robust men beside him, but also because of the dozens of magic crystals on him.

In the previous hall, Adier took out most of the magic stones in the whole body and exchanged more than fifty magic crystals.

If it is placed in a place where the magic crystals in the Mason area are monopolized by the major wizarding organizations, it is impossible to exchange ordinary magic stones for these magic crystals.

But these are almost limit.

This time to exchange the magic crystal, Adier has already exchanged most of the magic stones on his body, and now there are not many magic stones on his body.

At this point, under the leadership of Fred, Adier was walking towards the other side of the market.

“Here it is.”

Walking in a cold corner, Fred’s deep voice sounded beside him.

He looked at Adier and smiled. “Here is where I tell you. Although it is a bit small, but if you want materials, this is a good choice.”

Listening to his words, Adier didn’t speak, but was simply nodded, then turned around and looked all around.

All around is a messy scene. There are wooden tables around it, and Little Pagoda with each and everyone black on it. They are embroidered with different marks and look very old.

Standing here, a cold feeling came from all around, with a unique negative energy particle breath.

“Welcome to two distinguished guests.” A husky, low voice sounded from the side.

Under Adier’s gaze, a man wearing a black robe with a bronze mask on his face walked from one side to the front of the Adier.

He was in a black robe, covering all his flesh. A mask was so invisible that he could only guess his age from the wrinkled skin on his arm.

“Gimour, long time no see.”

Looking at this weird man in a bronze mask, Fred greeted, “I didn’t expect you to be here.”

“Master Fred, long time no see.”

Gimour nodded, first said hello to Fred, and then looked towards Adier aside: “What is this master?”

“I’m Adier.” Adier opened the mouth and said.

“Glad to see you, this strange adult.”

Gimour’s face was covered by a bronze mask, and he could not see the expression. Only pure black eyes stared at Adier, giving a calm and serene feeling: “I can feel the strong breath on you.”

“Your induction is good.”

Adier said in amazement.

At this point, the breath on his body had been obscured by the twisted force field, and it looked like an ordinary person, and couldn’t see anything at all.

The breath on Gimour in front of him is also very weak, but from the Spirit’s point of view, it should only be the Peak of a third-class apprentice. He has not yet reached the formal wizard, and can feel the breath on Adier.

“Haha, Gimour is the Hang Family in this area.”

Looking at the two, Fred pointed to Adier and said, “Master Adier needs some materials for the Bloodline experiment. Is there anything good?”

“Is the Bloodline experiment?”

Gimour nodded: “Please come with me.”

He watched the two men drop the sentence, and then took the lead to walk forward.

After a while, they walked to another flat land.

This is a very wide field surrounded by silver coffins and a lot of black Little Pagoda.

When he came here, Adier felt that the coldness around him became more serious, and the negative energy around him became more intense.

“Here are all the items that have only recently arrived. They are introduced above. You can see for yourself.”

A glance at the two men, Gimour opened the mouth and said.

He looked at the coffin in front of him and waved his hand directly.

A force field passed across the palm of his hand, and several coffins around him were opened directly, revealing what was inside.

It was an incomplete corpse, mostly dry corpses, and a few had some carrion on them, which looked disgusting.

“These are recently dug out from various places and then stored in the coffin. They are all rare goods. You can pick a few.” Aside, Gimour’s voice sounded again.

Listening to his voice, Adier stepped forward, looking towards the corpses.

The corpses in front of them looked terrifying, many of them were distorted, and many were broken.

From these corpses, the charm of the ancient elf can no longer be seen, and it will only feel disgusting.

“How much of these are magic stones?”

Looking at the corpses in front of him, Adier’s face remained unchanged, and Gimour asked.

“Adult wants to buy everything?”

Gimour froze, and then said: “These corpses basically belong to the elf Royal Family, and they are relatively well-preserved, which will be more expensive.”

“There are five corpses. If the adult wants it, only twenty magic crystals are needed.”

“So expensive?”

At this price, Adier frowned secretly.

Twenty magic crystals, in terms of the exchange of the Kingdom of Gorra, are exactly 200,000 magic stones.

With so many magic stones, even in Jadeite World, it is a huge number, but now it is only enough to buy a few corpses.

Had it not been for the third-class apprentice, there should have been no courage to cheat the formal wizard, and Adier almost thought he had entered a black store.

“Twenty magic crystals can buy the bodies of five ancient elf Royal Family, the price is pretty good.”

On the side, listening to Gimour’s offer, Fred was nodded, and seemed very satisfied with the price: “Adier, if your experiment is not big, you can actually buy two. It is not necessary to buy all of them.”

He looked at Adier and said, “Several of these corpses have been here for several years. Usually few people except us need them, so there is no need to buy them all at once.”


Adier shook his head slightly and looked at Gimour said with a smile: “I have all these materials. But in addition to these well-preserved corpses, I need some other materials.”

“please follow me.”

Gimour nodded, his voice unknowingly respected a lot, and then led Adier to the side.

He pointed to the dozens of small black towers aside and looked at Adier: “This is a ritual tower, a unique way that the ancient elf used to bury himself, which contained the ashes of the ancient elf.”

“On top of such a black tower, there will be the family emblem of the deceased, which represents the identity and status of his life.”

Looking at Adier, he explained.

“We don’t need this thing.”

Aside, Jack Jack said: “This thing is suitable for some other experiments, but if it is used for Bloodline experiments, I would like to know how a pile of ashes is used for purification?”

“Sorry, that’s basically all that remains.”

Gimour’s hoarse voice sounded: “Except for the previous five corpses, here I am either ashes or a bunch of skulls, I am afraid they are all similar.”

“That’s why I say your place is small.”

Fred spread his hands, turned and looked towards Adier, apparently waiting for him to make a decision.

“Even ashes, but skeletons and so on, you can look at them.”

Under the gaze of the two, Adier was calm and said to Gimour in front of him.

Listening to Adier, Gimour didn’t say much, just walked calmly to the side.

“That’s all.”

Go to a corner and look at Adier, he opened the mouth and said.

Listening to him, Adier turned and looked towards.

There are black coffins in front of me, but compared with the coffins containing dry corpses before, the level of the coffins here is much lower. It looks like just an ordinary coffin, not at all to protect the corpse.

In the black coffin, a corpse lay quietly inside, basically some bones, and even a lot of bone slag was left, leaving no flesh and blood.

The bodies that can be placed here are basically the same as the ancient elf Royal Family, but there is a big gap.

Some bones look plain and undistinguishable. They look the same as the bones left by the ordinary person after death, while others are different. They have a little silver on them and look very beautiful.

Even in the pile of coffins in front of him, Adier also saw a corpse. The corpse’s bones were all pale silver, looking very pure.

If you carefully feel it with Spirit, Adier can even feel a very light Bloodline majesty from this corpse, making his blood inside the body can’t help speeding up.

What these bones showed in front of them was actually the gap of Bloodline in life. The same descendants of Moon Elf, some Bloodline within the body are already very thin, just like Adier. Even if you use the chip to zoom in and observe, you can’t find the Bloodline chain that belonged to Moon Elf in ancient times within the body.

The Bloodline of some corpses before they were born is very powerful, belonging to the orthodox elf Royal Family, and the natural phenomenon on the corpses will become more obvious after death.

“This corpse …” Aside, Fred’s low voice sounded around him.

He stood next to Adier, looking at the skeleton with a faint silver luster, his face was very dignified: “This afraid Bloodline, this corpse was probably the real Royal Family, or even a Princess or Prince. . “


Aside, listening to Fred, Gimour replied, “This body is said to have been found in a small relic, and there was a dagger next to the body when it was found.”

“According to the official sorcerer who found the ruins at the time, the corpse should not be very old before birth, and it is likely that it was killed by the dagger.”

“It’s a pity.” Looking at the corpse in front of him, Fred said with some pity: “This kind of good material is not often encountered. If it were not for Adier today, I must buy this corpse, good Collect it. “

“there will be chances in the future.”

Gimour replied, then looked towards Adier.

Under his gaze, Adier didn’t hesitate to buy several of the bones he saw.

This kind of corpse with only bones left, without any flesh and blood remains much lower than the previous five corpses. Adier spent only a few magic crystals and bought the corpses he had selected.

After doing this, Adier turned and left with Fred.

Of course, it was impossible for him to carry the corpses bought by himself. In the next few days, Gimour would naturally send people to the place where Adier lived without the need for Adier to worry about himself.

“You look good.”

On the way back, sitting in the spacious carriage, looking at Adier, Fred said with a smile.

“Maybe it’s because of the experimental materials.”

Listening to Fred’s words, Adier did not deny anything, saying sincerely: “To be honest, I have been troubled by this experiment for a long time because of experimental materials.”

This is indeed Adier’s heart.

The thinness within the body Moon Elf Bloodline has been the biggest obstacle to Adier’s progress. Obviously I have a senior Meditation Method in my hand, and my soul qualifications are also very good, but because of Bloodline restrictions, progress has been slow. This feeling is naturally uncomfortable.

However, whether it is the former Northern Section plain or the Mason region, the elf Royal Family with the ancient Moon Elf Bloodline is an absolute treasure. With the strength of Adier, it is not good to hunt those elf Royal Family and courting death. Not much.

But when it comes to Jadeite World, everything is very different.

elf has been completely destroyed, then the bodies of those elf Royal Family can be bought as long as there are magic stones, there is no need to worry about experimental materials.

An important issue was resolved, and Adier was naturally happy.

Chatted with Fred for a while at carriage, and after a while, when the outside world gradually became dim, Adier came to a huge estate.

This is the residence of Adier in the Kingdom of Gallo.

A few days ago, after Adier promised to become the guardian wizard of the Kingdom of Gorra, the manor was given by the king of the Kingdom of Gorra, together with the hundreds of servants inside, directly handed over to Adier.

Along with this estate, there is also a knighthood of the Viscount, and a piece of Fiefdom outside the city.

Back inside the manor, Adier strode inside and came into a spacious laboratory.

In the corner of the laboratory, an ice coffin was quietly placed there. Inside, an elf girl with a delicate appearance, like a sleeping beauty, lay there quietly, looking very beautiful.

Looking at the corpse that seemed to be alive, Adier’s eyes were hot, staring straight at the girl, as if he saw something rare.

“Unfortunately, this laboratory is too rude, and it needs to be remodeled to start the experiment.”

Looking at the corpse of the girl lying in front of her eyes, after a long time, Adier retracted her eyes, and said with some pity.

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