On the quiet 4-Layer high-rise, looking at the corpse in front of his eyes, Adier thought a lot of thoughts, and for a while he was silent.

Aside, looking at the appearance of Adier, the middle-aged man as a commentator waited patiently before opening the mouth and said: “Master, are you satisfied with these materials?”

He cautiously watched Adier’s movement and asked the question carefully.

Wizards are a group of lonely and weird people, and they have a strong Strength, and an accidental offense may directly curse and kill people, but he cannot be careless.

Standing in place, Adier came back to his senses, looking at the cautiously look of the middle-aged man beside him, and could not help but relax, and then said: “It’s okay, I’m satisfied, send me all these materials for me.”

“Mr. Adier, do you mean … I’ll send it all to you?”

Listening to Adier’s words, the middle-aged man almost thought that he had an illusion, and couldn’t help confirming it.


Adier turned back and looked towards him, as if the actual sight fell on the other side, which brought a lot of pressure on the other side: “Any problem?”

“No no no, of course no problem.”

Middle-aged man with a smile on his face, a little embarrassed opened the mouth and said: “It’s just the price …”

“Calculate directly, how many magic stones should be how many magic stones.”

Listening to the other party’s words, Adier did not at all to discuss with the other party, waved his hand directly, and then walked to the side.

Going to the ground floor, in front of the counter, Kumu was still sitting there, holding a wine glass in his hand, and looking at the scenery outside, it looked very pleasant.

“A total of 73 magic crystals … but before the materials are delivered, only a deposit of ten magic crystals is required.”

Aside, looking at the silhouette of Adier, the middle-aged man looked at Adier with a smile on his face, with a little scum in his eyes.

Of course, he is not afraid that Adier will not pay the bill, and being able to open such a shop in Emerald City obviously has a back office, and he will not be afraid of formal wizards.

But he is different. Just an ordinary mortal, if Adier is angry, even if he is killed here, he will punish some magic stones at most, and there will be no punishment.

Fortunately, in the face of this price, Adier’s complexion changed at not all, and he quickly took out a purse from his arms and took out a part of the magic crystal inside.

After paying the deposit, Adier left an address, and then looked towards.

At this time in the afternoon, the sunshine outside was kind, and under the leadership of Kumu, Adier strolled in this strange city for a while, looking towards his residence.

In the next half month, except for occasional supplementary materials, Adier did not go out again, but instead stayed in his residence to do his own thing.

The estate where Adier lives has always been used to entertain wizards. It has a complete laboratory and facilities required for Bloodline experiments, which can save Adier a lot of energy.

In just half a month, Adier almost sold out the outstanding materials in the Emerald City.

Even if Emerald City is the most prosperous trading city in this area, with his crazy purchase, the supply of various raw materials for Bloodline experiments has started to be a little inadequate. For a time, the body of the elf Royal Family in ancient times has risen several times.

In addition to this, Adier also did something to shake the Emerald City.

He refined the purified medicament and took out several copies at one time to trade in the largest auction house in the Emerald City. Not only did he sell a sky-high price, but also made Adier stand on the top of the Emerald City.

Appraised by a pharmacist in Emerald City, although this new type of purified potion has no effect on wizards who have reached the Metamorphosis Stage, it has excellent effects on formal wizards who have not yet reached the Metamorphosis Stage, and can be used with Jadeite. Comparison of several similar resources available to World.

After that auction, several formal wizards expressed their concern, and since then they have frequently probed the news of Adier, the wizard.

While others were concerned about the emergence of purified medicaments, Adier remained alone in a darkened laboratory.

The dim laboratory, a faint light blue shimmering, dancing and jumping with energy particles.

Standing in front of the test bench, Adier’s eyes were Divine Ability red, and he was quietly operating the experiment in front of him.

In front of him, there were several white skulls, but at this time it was full of cracks, as if it might break into a powder at any time.

On the test bench on the side, a glass bottle was placed quietly, and the silver blood in it was almost overflowing.

“Successful …”

The last few drops of silver blood were dripped into a glass bottle, and Adier closed the glass bottle on the wooden table before putting out a long breath, feeling a sense of exhaustion that never came from my heart.

Frankly speaking, since he was reborn to this world, he has never been so tired.

After half a month’s sleeplessly performing high-intensity purification experiments, Spirit’s power and energy consumption are extraordinary, even a formal wizard feels very uncomfortable.

But looking at the bottle of silver blood in front of him, Adier was still very excited.

For half a month, during this half month, he spent at least hundreds of materials before purifying this pure Moon Elf Bloodline from those materials.

With this Bloodline, his purpose of coming to Jadeite World this time has been achieved. After that, he only needs to activate this Bloodline and then graft it on himself to fully transform himself into an ancient Bloodline.

For this purpose, no matter how much you paid before, it is worth it.

Peng peng peng!

There was a sudden knock outside.

Subconsciously looking towards the direction of the sound, Adier carefully closed the glass bottle in his hand before walking out and opening the laboratory door.

Opening the door, standing outside the door at this time was an old man wearing a moon-colored robe and a light green high hat on his head. It was Fred.

“Adier, how did you become like this?”

Seeing what Adier looked like now, Fred was a little surprised, and then seemed to think something, and turned around and looked towards the laboratory.

“Fred, is it time?”

Adier looked at Fred and asked, with some doubt in his tone.

“It’s not time yet, but there are already several people coming for you.”

Fred said with a bitter smile: “Now your reputation as the Master of Pharmacy is already famous in the Emerald City.”

“What kind of people are they?” Adier casually said.

“Several people in the wizarding family, and representatives from the Emerald City.”

Looking at Adier, Fred said.

His mood was a little complicated when he spoke.

Regarding Adier, although he had a enthusiastic mentality from the beginning, he actually only thought that he was a genius with Moon Elf Bloodline and innate talent.

During the time of the Kingdom of Gao Luo, Adier sold pharmaceuticals, revealing his identity as a pharmacist, and he thought he had picked up a treasure. He did not expect that he would now become a pharmaceutical master. The city attaches so much importance to it and sends people to ask for it several times.

“After going back, we must increase the pull.”

Looking at Adier, he thought secretly.

Standing in front of Fred, looking at the expression on Fred’s face, thinking of the limelight during this time, Adier sighed.

The reason why he chose to throw out the purified medicament refined by the magic crystal is to earn magic stones in order to support the completion of his purification experiment.

After all, there are hundreds of Bloodline’s thick Royal Family corpses. The price of these materials can’t afford even Adier. The consumption of the entire experiment is absolutely amazing.

The news of purifying the medicament was released. Although it was a bit dangerous, Adier came to Jadeite World to make up for his lack of Bloodline. Now that Moon Elf Bloodline has been extracted, the purpose is achieved, even if it is later In case of danger, there is a traversal power in the body, and it is a big deal. Can these Jadeite World people still chase the Wizard World?

In addition, although the purification of the purified medicament is cheap, it only needs magic crystal as the main material and some ordinary materials to make it.

Through Fred these wizards, in addition to acquiring the body of the ancient elf, he also released news, buying Water of Life in a big way, and faintly revealed that Water of Life is the main ingredient of purified medicine.

Compared with the cheap magic crystal of Jadeite World, the value of Water of Life is much more precious and scarce.

Purification reagents made with Water of Life as the main ingredient, although the cost may not be as good as several other resources of Jadeite World to improve the purity of Spirit, but they are not much worse, which can eliminate a large number of people.

Saying hello to Fred, Adier walked into the room aside, changing his clothes first.

He changed into a black clothed, and took care of it for a while with the help of the maid. The whole person was obviously neat and tidy when he first left the laboratory, and then he went out and came to the hall for welcoming guests. in.

In the hall, several people were waiting at this time. The person headed by it was Kumu, the representative of the Emerald City.

“Adier, long time no see.”

Kumu was wearing green clothing, and his face looked very Spirit. At this moment, watching Adier come up, he quickly stood up and greeted him with a smile.

“It’s been almost half a month.”

Adier said with a smile, then sat directly on the wooden chair and looked at the three people in front of him: “Some adults, please visit this time, what’s the matter?”

Listening to his words, behind Kumu, an old man in a white robe and another middle-aged man wearing a gown, looked like a noble, and finally looked towards Kumu inadvertently, apparently wanting to speak to each other.

As the representative of the Emerald City, Kumu has the highest status among the three, and half a month ago, he also hosted Adier and had some friendship with Adier. He was unintentionally the best candidate to speak.

Feeling the two lines of sight behind him, Kumu obviously knew this too. At this time, looking at the Adier in front of him, he couldn’t help saying with a smile: “Since you asked, then I will speak straight.”

“Adier, the purifying medicament in your hand, are there any?”

He looked at Adier, his expression gradually becoming serious, so he said.

It seemed that he had anticipated his problem. Looking at Kumu in front of him, the expression on Adier’s face did not change, but he silently took out a bottle of golden potion and put it on the wooden table.

In the transparent glass bottle, the golden medicament is contained in the medical liquid, and the golden golden wire in the medicament is constantly in the mountain. It floats in the medicament and looks very beautiful.

Looking at this bottle of golden potion on the wooden table, the three Kumu’s eyes were suddenly attracted, and they looked involuntarily towards the golden potion in front of them.

With their eyes fixed, Adier reached out and gently opened the potion bottle.

A faint scent of fragrance, with the enthusiasm and wave of energy particles.

Just smelling this unique aroma, the three formal wizards present felt that the mana within the body began to fluctuate, and the Spirit power began to respond.

“This is···”

Looking at the bottle of purified medicine in front of me, smelling the unique fragrance, behind Kumu, the old man in a white robe was intoxicated and had some longing in his eyes.

“Yes, this is the purification potion.”

Looking at the expression on his face, Adier smiled, then closed the potion bottle directly.

The unique fragrance disappeared instantly, and the sights of the three formal wizards fell on Adier again, with some inquiries in their eyes.

“I’m not telling you, although there are a few copies of this purification agent on my body, there are not many left.”

Looking at the three formal sorcerers in front of him, Adier calmly said: “Although I have mastered the formula of this medicine, I have not at all enough materials on my hands. The few purified medicines in front of me are all my savings. “

Listening to his words, the three Kumu glanced at each other secretly, and there was a slight glance in their eyes.

“I don’t know what material you have left on Adier?”

Kumu smiled. “In terms of materials, we have some confidence in Emerald City. Only those materials have not been completely extinct. I believe we can get some.”

With that said, his eyes were on Adier, apparently waiting for him to say the answer.

In the other’s eyes, Adier behaved calmly, directly opened the mouth and said: “Water of Life.”

“Water of Life?”

Listening to this answer, the sorcerer on the other side suddenly hesitated, and only Kumu’s eyes flashed.

As the most powerful emerald city, he apparently knows about Adier’s secret acquisition of Water of Life since this time, and he has already speculated about the purpose of Adier.

Although there was speculation in his heart, his mood was still a little volatile when he confirmed the answer.

Behind him, the other two formal wizards looked at each other with some unexpected emotions in their eyes.

In fact, although the cost of purifying pharmaceuticals with Water of Life as the main raw material cannot be compared with that of Magic Crystal, compared to the other resources of Jadeite World that can improve the purity of Spirit, the cost is still much lower.

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