In the spacious hall, listening to Adier’s words, several formal wizards looked at each other and could see the unexpected expression in the other’s eyes.

Jadeite World’s Water of Life is not as precious as Wizard World.

As the birthplace of elf, in a sense, Jadeite World is actually the main production area of ​​Water of Life. Although the output of Water of Life decreased with the destruction of the ancient elf, it still produced. Relatively speaking, although the price is precious, it is still not as far as the Mason region.

At least in the Mason area, Water of Life is almost extinct, and even if it still exists, except for powerhouses such as the Black Wizard leader standing at the top of the Mason area, I am afraid that the rest will not be able to get it.

But in Jadeite World, although Water of Life is equally precious, a formal wizard can get some if he is willing to pay a high price.

This is the difference between the two Worlds.

“If you have enough Water of Life, Adier, you can continue to refine the purification reagents?”

With a glance at the other two, Kumu’s face turned positive, and he opened the mouth and said first.

“A few other materials are needed, but mainly Water of Life.”

Looking at the two in front of him, Adier’s face was calmly nodded: “Of course, the purification of purified medicament is very difficult. To my extent, at least a dozen materials are needed to make a finished product.”

“A dozen copies of materials …”

Listening to this number, Kumu frowned, but said nothing.

Of course, he guessed that Adier deliberately reported a high failure rate, but the high-quality pharmaceutical agent, which can improve the purity of Spirit, is low in refining power, and it is still within a reasonable range to make a finished product from more than a dozen materials. Inside.

“Thirteen ingredients, how about a finished product?”

Looking at Adier, he tentatively quoted a price.

“Fifteen documents.”

Adier increased the price, his face looked calm and calm.


Listening to Adier’s offer, Kumu without the slightest hesitation directly agreed to this price.

Behind him, the other two formal sorcerers glanced at each other, and although they were slightly heavy, they were still nodded.

Fifteen materials are used to make a finished product. From the performance of the other party, there is no doubt that it is a lot higher. But it is also within a reasonable range.

After all, the formulation of the medicament is from the other party, and the medicament is also refined by the other party. It is very reasonable to draw some from the materials to serve as compensation.

After confirming this, Qom’s face remained unchanged, and he took out a black box from the side, placed it directly on the wooden table in front of him, and opened it.

In the black wooden box, dozens of glass bottles were lying in it, and the golden liquid was flowing in it, as pure as water, but with a touch of golden.

“this is···”

Looking at the glass bottle in the wooden box in front of him, Adier’s face moved, and he couldn’t help looking up, looking towards Kumu in front of him.

“This is the greeting I prepared for you.”

Kumu smiled. “A total of fifty copies of Water of Life, I hope you are satisfied.”

“According to our agreement, these 50 bottles of Water of Life can be used to make three purification reagents. As for the five bottles of Water of Life, I will give them to you personally.”

“I am very satisfied.”

Taking a deep look at each other, Adier put away the wooden box in front of him, and a smile appeared on his face.

But in his heart, he was secretly voicing: “Is this the essence of the large forces of Jadeite World? Water of Life is 50 and 50%, and it is rich and imposing.”

Opposite Adier, looking at the smile on Adier’s face, Kumu didn’t think much, just nodded: “If you need any more materials for Adier, you can come to me anytime.”

He looked at Adier and said with a certain finger: “In our Emerald City, there are still a lot of ancient elf corpses stored, and they can be delivered to you at any time if you need them.”

“These materials are temporarily unused,” Adier shook his head.

The reason why he bought the corpses of the ancient elf is to extract a Bloodline of the ancient Moon Elf. Now that the purpose has been achieved, naturally, no effort is needed to find these materials.

But listening to the other person, his face moved, and then he opened the mouth and said, “But, Crystal Transformation Stone, and Devil Eye Medicine, I’m quite interested in these things.”

Listening to Adier saying these two distinct things, opposite him, the three formal wizards suddenly changed complexion.

Crystal Transformation Stone and Devil Eye Medicine are two resources that Jadeite World officially uses to assist in improving the power of Spirit. They are much more cherished than Water of Life.

The reason why Adier asks for these things is also very simple. He has used the purification agent many times. The body has already developed drug resistance. No matter how it is used now, it will not get any improvement. Now, if you want to quickly improve, you can only focus on other resources.

“Two purification reagents, one Crystal Transformation Stone or Devil Eye Medicine.”

After a long silence, Kumu looked up again and looked at Adier seriously.

In this regard, Adier did not hesitate: “The deal!”

Seeing Adier nodded agree, several formal wizards looked at nodded and said nothing.

They discussed some details here, and after a while, looked towards Adier to bid farewell and left here.

Before leaving, Kumu also sent a message to Adier.

Three days later, the Emerald City is about to organize manpower to excavate the newly discovered ruins.

Because of the deal with Adier this time, and the possible dangers in the ruins, the Emerald City side gave Adier the option to let him decide whether to enter the ruins.

In this regard, Adier without the slightest hesitation directly rejected.

If Moon Elf Bloodline hasn’t gotten together yet, he may still be excited and ready to try try one’s luck, but now that the purpose has been achieved, it is naturally impossible for him to have more trouble with his character.

With purified medicaments in hand, he can probably purchase the resources he needs by refining the purified medicaments, and there is no need to take personal risks.

Sending the Kumu away, watching the three of them leave, Adier returns to his room, picks up a book, and starts flipping.

After coming to Jadeite World, this is what he does most often, except for Bloodline purification experiments.

Unlike the Mason region, the wizards on Jadeite World are heavily influenced by elf, which makes the wizards here have a very different knowledge from what Adier has learned in the past.

This knowledge is invaluable to any wizard, so during the time he came to Jadeite World, Adier was constantly recording and learning, and thus gained a lot.

Among the various gains, the most significant is the pair of Deep Blue Exhaling Breath Medicine in Adier’s mind.

“Although not quite sure, but from the current signs, this Deep Blue Exhaling Breath Medicine has ten-nine and ancient elf, and a lot of knowledge can be verified in detail in Jadeite World.”

Closing the book in his hand, Adier covered his forehead and stood in the room talking to himself.

“Chip, how is Deep Blue Exhaling Breath Medicine analyzing the progress.” He asked the chip in his head.

“Deep Blue Exhaling Breath Medicine, the resolution is 75.8%, and the remaining completion time is unknown.” In his mind, the sound time of the chip machinery remembered.

“Is there only a half left? It seems that more work is needed.”

Adier shook his head: “With five months remaining, since the purpose of extracting Bloodline has been achieved, the speed of obtaining advanced knowledge must also be accelerated.”

“And news from World Stone.”

Between thoughts, Adier flashed several thoughts.

Compared to the Mason region, although the ancient elf of Jadeite World has been destroyed, the legacy left by the elf still exists. Although the ancient inheritance is broken, it is much better than the mason region.

At least, much of the advanced knowledge that has been lost in the Mason region and some precious spells still exist in Jadeite World, and even are widely spread.

Even in the past few months, Adier has heard about the advanced Meditation Method and World Stone.

In Jadeite World, the existence of the higher Meditation Method is not a secret, but is widely spread as the remains of each and everyone elf are dug.

Apprentice wizards are not bad, but those who are more than formal wizards know the advanced Meditation Method.

Of course, although you know it, it does not mean you can own it.

Even in Jadeite World, those who can have advanced Meditation Method can only have those forces standing on top of Jadeite World.

Like the Emerald City in front of it, it is said that it has a higher Meditation Method called Jadeite Heart, so it can rule this vast area for a long time.

Although the former Kingdom of Golo, where Adier was, although it claims to have Moon Elf Bloodline, there is no higher Meditation Method.

The same is true of the World Stone.

Some ancient books handed down from Jadeite World in ancient times have clear records of World Stone.

This is a unique treasure, and each piece needs at least tens of thousands of years of gestation to form. It is extremely difficult to find and obtain.

Even in ancient times, this stuff was extremely precious, enough to cause a terrifying war.

The main purpose of this gadget is to serve as energy to build the door of the world, so as to realize the transmission between the worlds.

When he saw this record in an ancient book, Adier was out of his mind looking for World Stone in Jadeite World.

It is said that at the current Jadeite World, such things as World Stone are long gone, and if they are still there, they are certainly not accessible to Adier.

However, out of caution and some hope, he still collected a lot of information about World Stone.

At least if I encounter something similar to World Stone in other Worlds, I can still recognize it.

on the other side.

After exiting the estate where Adier was, the three formal wizards greeted each other and walked towards each other.

Looking at the other two silhouettes in the distance, Kumu had an inexplicable smile on his face, and then went directly to the carriage.

On the old carriage, watching Kumu get on the car, the driver was silent, but just waved his whip, and drove the carriage towards the distance.

After a short while, they came outside the city and stopped in a remote open space.

“what’s the result?”

When he came to the open space, the driver raised his head, his face was as calm as before, and he took the lead to break the silence.

“He promised to make pharmaceuticals.” Kumu’s voice came behind him.

On the carriage, Kumu didn’t get out of the car, but just sat quietly in the spacious carriage with his eyes closed.

And on his body, a circle of red light emerged, and the particles of fire energy cheered on him, looking very beautiful.

An obscure wave slowly spread from him and scattered towards him.

If other formal wizards see this scene, they will be very surprised, even shocked.

Because the Spirit strength of Kumu at this time is far beyond the level of formal wizards, and has completely reached the level of Metamorphosis Stage wizards, and even among the wizards of Metamorphosis Stage belong to the top group.

“What about the ruins?”

Sitting in front of the carriage, the driver seemed to have no sense of the breath emanating from Kumu behind him, but just asked quietly.

“He didn’t agree.”

Kumu closed her eyes and replied.

“It’s a pity.”

The coachman sounded a little regret: “A master of a medicament who has mastered the formula of purified medicaments, this harvest is not always encountered.”

“Unfortunately, this is the Emerald City. Otherwise, a formal sorcerer would just take it away.”

He looked regretful, saying so.

“Don’t move.”

Kumu opened his eyes: “The Emerald City Lord is not a weak person, this Adier is now being watched by several influential figures, and it is not suitable for him to move for the time being.”

“But after a while, it may be possible to do it.”

The coachman was silently nodded. Then he said again, “How is the preparation over the ruins?”

“It’s almost ready.”

Kumu replied: “Except for the Elixir Master, this time there are fifteen official wizards entering the ruins, including three Metamorphosis Stage wizards for blood sacrifice. Absolutely enough.”

“It’s yours, how are you preparing now?”

He asked: “So many formal wizards are enough to destroy even one empire. They can’t afford it …”

“Will not.”

The coachman looked indifferent and calmly said, “That ruin is originally ours, and it has been secretly excavated for decades by us. Not to mention some formal wizards, even if the emerald City Lord comes in person, Fortunately, there will be a serious injury. “

“What else did that Adier say?”

He looked towards the carriage, and seemed to be able to penetrate the thin layer of cloth, directly seeing Kumu sitting inside.

Listening to him, Kumu hesitated for a while, and then said, “In addition to the normal material trading, he also wants to trade Crystal Transformation Stone and Devil Eye Medicine with purified medicine …”

“give him.”

The driver didn’t hesitate, without blinking: “After the purification agent appeared, the organization pays close attention to him now, and will send someone over to get involved when he is busy with the things over the ruins.”

“At this time, if the other party has any requirements, try to meet them.”

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