In the early morning, the outside world was gentle and gentle, with a breeze blowing, making people feel very comfortable.

In a courtyard, Adier was standing in front of a pool, and looked at the contents of the pool with concern.

In the small pool, the golden water of Life flows in it, and the golden light is emitted in the sunlight.

In the pool, in addition to these light golden Water of Life, there is a tree root.

It was a black tree root with few roots and very dry roots, as if dead.

Just on the root of this tree, there is still a bit of dark golden luster flickering. It has not disappeared yet, but it is more and more obvious.

This is the root of the Chennai tree. It was obtained by Adier before he was promoted to a formal wizard. It has been several years now.

At the beginning, when the root of this tree was obtained, there was still a strong vitality on the root of the tree, only after several years, even if Adier carefully protected it with the special medicinal liquid, but the vitality on the root of the tree continued to fade away. It almost wilted.

Fortunately, after coming to Jadeite World, Adier obtained a large amount of Water of Life. After months of continuous cultivation, finally the root of this tree survived.

In situ, feeling the growing vitality on the root of the tree in front of him, Adier stopped his movements.

In the mind, the chip is still running, continuously detecting the data of this Chennaien, and simulating the final result.

“Using Water of Life, continuous watering for half a month can make it grow again …”

As the information was continuously collected, in my mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again.

“Half a month, it’s almost the same.”

Listening to the cue in his head, Adier was slightly nodded, and then looked towards his own physical attribute.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 24.1. Agility: 24.8. Constitution: 24.7. Spirit: Spirit Purity: 31.2%. Boundary Energy: 43.7.”

The familiar attribute panel reappears in front of Adier, but it has improved a lot compared to a few months ago.

“In order to enter the Metamorphosis Stage, in addition to the Spirit power must be above 30, the Spirit power purification degree must be above 50% …”

Standing in place, looking at his physical attributes, Adier murmured: “I have reached the standard of Spirit power, but it is only a little worse than the purity of Spirit power.”

At this time, a month has passed since the last meeting with the Kumu people. In this month, through purification reagents, Adier exchanged a lot of resources for improving Spirit purification from Kumu, so that it can progress so much in a short period of time.

Of course, at this step, Adier is making progress much slower.

According to the calculations and estimates of the chip, it will take at least three months to reach the standard for promotion to Metamorphosis Stage.

“It’s just the right amount of time.”

He silently calculated the rest of his time, and murmured to himself.

At this point, half a year had passed since he came to Jadeite World, and there were only four months left between the time he had agreed with Thor.

After four months, he will leave Jadeite World, and by then, he will almost be promoted to Metamorphosis Stage.

Thinking of this, Adier turned around, glanced at the pool in front of him, and looked towards the house.

In a familiar laboratory, a bottle of silver’s blood was lying quietly on the central test bench, with some small fluctuations slowly spreading out and revealing to the outside.

This kind of fluctuation is very strong, with a horrible Bloodline majesty. If the laboratory is not covered by Adier’s heavy Wizard Array, I am afraid it will be sensed by other wizards.

“The terrifying performance has not been fully activated yet. The power of the ancient King of Moon Elf is really amazing.”

Walking into the laboratory, standing in the middle of the test bench, feeling the majesty of the Bloodline coming from him, Adier couldn’t help sighing.

In the glass bottle in front of him, the glory of silver is constantly surging. Compared with the previous silence, this time has a spirituality, and the bloodline majesty enough to suppress everything.

Just in a state of semi-recovery, Adier felt that the blood in the body was boiling, and the throbbing sensation in his heart was erupting, causing a desire and fear in his heart to emanate from Bloodline.

Looking at the silver blood in the glass bottle, suddenly, Adier seemed to see a blood terror that was so complicated and terrifying.

It was a silver moon, intertwined by countless Bloodline chains, hanging high in the dim sky, exuding a faint and soft light, making people feel comfortable and happy.

However, under this kind of joy and boiling, Adier felt keenly a sense of danger, coming from the depth of Bloodline within the body, faintly with some kind of omen, to wake him up.

“Cannot be activated and converted in Jadeite World.”

Feeling the sense of fear and tremor that came from within the body, Adier was pale and whispered to himself.

After activating Bloodline of Moon Elf, Adier apparently felt some kind of danger sign, as if as soon as he activated the Bloodline in front of him, something terrible would happen.

This is an instinct from the depths of Bloodline, which, although illusory, still alerts Adier.

“The elf of this world, once under the curse of terrifying, the elf of the entire world died overnight.”

Standing in place, looking at the silver blood in front of him, Adier paled and said to himself: “Although tens of thousands of years have passed, this curse should have subsided or even disappeared, but as long as there is still a possibility of outbreak, you cannot take risks. . “

Looking at the bottle of silver blood in front of him, Adier stood there for a long time, and then started to move, and a ray of Spirit force spread out.

On the test bench where the glass bottle is located, the already arranged Wizard Array was instantly activated by Adier’s Spirit force, and the pattern of lines on it began to flash, suppressing the fluctuations brought about by the recovery of Moon Elf Bloodline.

The process stopped until half an hour later, and Silver’s Moon Elf Bloodline returned to silence, fell into a state of silence, and was no longer activated.

Feeling the disappearance of within the body, Adier’s face was calm, he quickly put away the glass bottle, and then walked out.

Outside at this moment, someone was already waiting.

In a garden, flowers bloom everywhere, and some butterflies fly freely on it, shuttled between different flowers.

And in this garden, a young man is standing there quietly, looking calm, admiring the flowers around him.

“Master Kumu, you are here.” In the distance, Adier’s voice came.

The young man turned around and saw that in one direction, Adier was wearing a black light suit, walking lightly and walking towards him.

“Adier, long time no see.”

Looking at Adier, he smiled opened the mouth and said, and seemed to think of something very happy.

“There are still a few days before the last time you agreed on a deal. Is there anything wrong with you coming this time?”

Walking quietly to Kumu, looking at the side youth, Adier asked.

“There is unfortunate news.”

Kumu’s complexion gradually became heavy: “Front-end time, there was news. The former wizards who went to the ruins have now lost contact.”

Adier frowned, then frowned. “What’s going on?”

“Not quite clear for the time being, but … I’m afraid something went wrong.”

The expression on Kumu’s face did not change at all, and his eyes looked towards the flowers in front of him, as if he was casually enjoying the flowers: “Including our representatives sent from the Emerald City, there are a total of fifteen formal wizards, including three Metamorphosis Stage Wizards are all lost now. “

“Hearing this news, the Emerald City has begun to be disturbed, but it was only suppressed by the Emerald City Lord, which did not spread and caused panic.”

Taking a deep look at Kumu, Adier’s face remained unchanged, but he felt something wrong.

Fifteen formal wizards disappeared, but Kumu was relaxed and even laughed at the news.

You know, as the initiator, nearly half of the fifteen wizards belong to the wizard of the Emerald City.

Moreover, the other party, as a member of the Emerald City, even called his leader directly as the Emerald City Lord, and there was no sense of respect in his words.

Feeling all this, Adier didn’t say much, but just looked in front of him silently, as if he was concentrating on flower appreciation.

“Adier, what are your plans for the future?”

Standing next to Adier, Kumu asked suddenly.


Adier froze, although he didn’t understand what the other party meant, he still opened the mouth and said: “Maybe we will go back to the Kingdom of Gora in a while.”

“Although the Kingdom of Golo claims to have inherited the ancient Moon Elf Bloodline, but it has been passed down to now. Bloodline is not pure anymore. The unique advanced Meditation Method unique to the Moon Elf family is completely missing. If you go, you will only waste yourself. Innate talent. “

Kumu’s face was calm, facing Adier opened the mouth and said, and his words looked very disdainful to the Kingdom of Gorra.

After hearing what he said, Adier wasn’t angry. He just meditated for a while and then said, “What about the Emerald City?”

“Emerald City, not bad.”

This time, Kumu was nodded: “With your innate talent in pharmacy, as long as you show your willingness to join the Emerald City, maybe you can be accepted as a student by the Emerald City Lord yourself and give you the best treatment.”

Having said that, he took another look: “However, all the Jadeite Heart Meditation Method in the Emerald City itself is a broken Meditation Method, which can only make people promote to Level 2. And as an Adier you, even join How long will it take for the Emerald City to be taught? “

“You know, the advanced Meditation Method of Jadeite Heart, in Emerald City, has always only been qualified for the next City Lord.”

Listening to this, Adier was silent, and after a long time, he spoke again: “What about Oriel Academy?”

Oriel Academy, this is another top power in this area, and the power is much stronger than the Emerald City.

“Oliel Academy, the power is enough, but as an adier, you can only get the first two layers of the Meditation Method even if you sign a deed for sale, at the cost of losing freedom forever.”

When talking about Oriel Academy, Kumu’s expression was a little more serious, but his words were still disdainful.

“In your opinion, which one is the right one?”

Adier raised his head, staring at Kumu, with a pale blue shimmer in his eyes.

Facing Adier’s doubts, Kumu turned and looked towards him, with a slight smile on his face, and said an answer.

“How about 10 Star School of Thought?”

I wish you a happy Christmas Eve! Does anyone want to give me an apple?

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