In the quiet garden, butterflies fly freely on the flowers, with a touch of sunlight.

Standing alone in the garden, looking at the crystal ball in his hand, Adier was silent.

“An unknown information port was detected, was it received?” As Spirit moved, in his head, the mechanical prompt of the chip sounded again.

After Adier chose to confirm, a huge stream of information came to mind, and gradually gathered in the Spirit Sea into a fragmented Meditation Method.

In the opening introduction of the Meditation Method, the words “Bodyody Sacrifice” are written.

There is no doubt that this is an advanced Meditation Method. Although it is only incomplete, it is also precious.

Feeling the information flowing in his mind, Adier couldn’t help sighing: “A shot is a high-level Meditation Method, 10 Star School of Thought, really a big deal.”

Standing still, remembering what Kumu said before leaving, Adier was a little silent.

The Bloody Sacrifice Meditation Method in his hand was left by Kumu before he left.

Judging from this Meditation Method, the other party’s sincerity is undoubtedly sufficient, and even the determination is strong.

A higher Meditation Method, no matter where it is, is enough to be an inheritance, enough to create a brilliant school.

Even if this is just a fragmented Meditation Method with only the First Layer part, but if it is passed out, I am afraid there will be a lot of wizards coming to snatch it.

After paying such a large price, the shot was a Meditation Method. Adier can expect that if he finally rejects the opponent, I am afraid that it will be the opponent ’s absolute hostility.

“Is this the repercussions of the purified medicament? Really people sit at home, and woe comes from heaven.”

Standing in place, Adier laughed a little, then put away the crystal ball in his hand and looked towards the other side.

In the direction he looked towards, a weak Spirit force wave was coming, although it was weak, but it really existed.

“10 Star School of Thought ···”

Feeling the Spirit wave from a distance, Adier’s face did not change, but he looked up, thinking about the news of this force quietly in his heart.

After coming to Jadeite World for a few months, Adier has already learned about the situation in this world, at least not as completely as when he first landed.

10 Star School of Thought, this force is not so much a ten-star cult as 10 Star School of Thought.

At Jadeite World, this force’s sense of existence has been very low in recent years, but thousands of years ago, this force was very famous, and made many major events that made the wizards resentful.

The reason why this force is called a cult, in addition to the crazy style of 10 Star School of Thought, is also because of its blood sacrifice custom.

Ordinary blood sacrifice does not matter, but the slaughter of ordinary persons for experiments is something that many paranoid and crazy black wizards will do. Although it is offensive, it will not be reduced to the point where everyone shouts.

However, the blood sacrifice of the 10 Star School of Thought is different. This school not only attacks ordinary people, it is also crazy for wizards. The more powerful the Bloodline and the thick wizards, the easier it is to become their target, which offends too many forces.

Thousands of years ago, the 10 Star School of Thought launched an attack that not only slaughtered millions of people, but also sacrifice hundreds of formal wizards at one time, shocking the entire Jadeite World.

For a time, the 10 Star School of Thought was called the Ten Star Cult. For a while everyone shouted and soon fell silent. Although it has not been destroyed, it has almost disappeared under the suppression of many forces.

However, judging from the current situation, this 10 Star School of Thought may not have disappeared, but it has quietly lurked down and even penetrated other forces.

At least, like the previous Kumu, it is the elite wizard of the Emerald City, but in fact, I am afraid that is the person of the 10 Star School of Thought.

“Those wizards sent to the ruins, I’m afraid bode ill rather than well.”

Thinking of recent events, Adier suddenly thought.

“Bloody Sacrifice simulation ended … After 13,700 simulation comparisons, the analysis results are as follows …” In my mind, the sound of the chip machinery suddenly sounded.

“Bloody Sacrifice Meditation Method ··· Blood sacrifice must be used during the practice. Use blood sacrifice Strength to meditate on the true shape of the bloody demon in the Spirit sea. The stronger the strength, the larger the number of blood sacrifice required …. The body produces irreversible mutations that affect the unknown … “

“This Meditation Method is extremely dangerous, and it is recommended that subjects do not practice it.”

Standing in place, feeling the cue of the chip in his head, Adier’s face suddenly gloomed: “Suddenly, we can only practice with the strength of blood sacrifice. No wonder the 10 Star School of Thought is so crazy that everyone shouts ··· “

“If I can’t help cultivation this Meditation Method, once blood sacrifice starts, even if I didn’t want to join 10 Star School of Thought, I’m afraid it won’t work.”

Thinking of the end of the chip test, Adier muttered to himself.

The Strength developed by the Meditation Method has its own unique features, such as Bloody Sacrifice, a Meditation Method that requires external assistance to practice. Most of the Strength obtained will have some unique properties. Once attached, I am afraid that in addition to joining 10 Star School of Thought has no choice.

After all, they practiced each other ’s Meditation Method. Even if you ’re not the other ’s person, how can others believe it?

With the reputation of 10 Star School of Thought, once it is discovered, I am afraid it will be an end to be hunted down.

And judging from the practice method of this Meditation Method, most of this Meditation Method is also a pit.

“Meditate on the true shape of the bloody demon in Spirit. Don’t be affected by the opponent’s strength and become an outrageous madman.”

Thinking of the content in the Meditation Method, Adier sneered.

In the records of ancient wizards, what can be called a demon king is only the existence of that kind of extreme horror. According to the level of the wizard, at least Level 5 or higher exists.

The existence of this horror, let alone meditation on the true form of the other person in Spirit Sea, even if it is a little relationship with the other person, it will cause terrifying consequences.

“Don’t say that I already have Moon God’s Sacrifice, even if it doesn’t, this Meditation Method can never be studied.”

Standing in place, the thought flashed in Adier’s mind.

“However, even if it has hidden dangers, it is a good Meditation Method, which is a good gain.”

Looking at the distance, Adier thought, “At least it can also be used to enrich the chip database and prepare for the future development of the Meditation Method.”

Thinking of this, he glanced at the distance, then turned directly and walked towards the house.

Time passed in a few days.

One early morning in the Emerald City, a bad news came.

More than a month ago, all the shamans sent to the ruins by the Emerald City were all lost. So far, no news has come.

During this time, the Emerald City also sent people to investigate the ruins, but found that the entrance to the ruins has been forcibly closed, even the strength of a few official wizards cannot be opened.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the city became tense.

Staying quietly in his manor, Adier not at all was surprised at the news almost spread in the Emerald City.

He knew in his mind that this matter would probably be done by 10 Star School of Thought from beginning to end.

The Emerald City may have been heavily infiltrated. In addition to Kumu, which Adier already knows, there should be other people who are also inside the 10 Star School of Thought, so we can issue a calling order before and summon the surrounding wizards to dig together. remains.

Adier didn’t know why they were doing this, but he had some suspicion in his mind about the group of wizards who entered the ruins.

Those wizards, including Fred, are afraid that they have now been dropped by blood sacrifice.

Quietly closing his eyes, thinking about the record in the bloody ritual, Adier thought so.

At this moment, the outside sun suddenly swayed. In the lobby, a silhouette suddenly appeared, standing in front of Adier.

“It’s the appointed time, Adier, it’s your decision.” A familiar voice sounded in my ear.

In front of Adier, Kumu put on a big red robe, a handsome face with a smile, and looking at Adier’s eyes was like seeing an old friend.

“So, your decision is?”

Looking at Adier, Kumu’s eyes gradually turned red, and some kind of Strength emerged in it, with a magnificent Spirit force.

At this instant, the mana fluctuations of his body far beyond that of the official wizard were revealed, and he had reached the metamorphosis stage wizard level.

“my decision.”

Opening his eyes quietly, Kumu behind Adier looked towards, even before his strong Strength, his face did not change at all.

“of course···”

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