“Of course …” In the same place, Adier’s voice sounded slowly, swirling around the hall for a long time.

Listening to his voice, Kumu sat upright subconsciously, his original bland face also had a little expression on his face, looking at Adier’s eyes was much sharper, and his huge breath was faintly discernible. It seemed that as long as Adier’s answer did not agree with him, immediately It’s going to be hands-on.

Under his gaze, Adier was calm and without panic: “Of course I’m joining you.”

The tone barely fell, and suddenly all the surrounding Spiritually discernible Spirit forces disappeared, a smile appeared on Kumu’s face, and the eyes of looking towards Adier calmed down a lot: “Congratulations on making the right decision.”

While speaking, he stood up and looked towards Adier: “Since you have made your choice, then …”

“What do you want me to do?”

In situ, Adier’s face did not change at all, and he looked at Kumu in front of him quietly.

“Rest assured, it’s just refining pharmaceuticals. It can’t be easier for you,”

Kumu looked casual, then pulled a parchment from her body, and placed it on the wooden table in front of her.

After receiving this parchment, Adier looked up and raised his eyebrows lightly.

Not surprisingly, this is a very strict contract.

It seems that considering that Adier has just joined and is a Master of Pharmacy, this contract is not too strict. In addition to the necessary terms, only Adier is required to refine a batch of pharmacy at regular intervals. The rest is not at all how many arrangements.

At the end of the contract, an emerald imprint was quietly imprinted on it, with emerald eyes in the center, looking lifelike, with a mysterious Strength, as if looking at Adier.

“Imprint of Jadeite World …”

Looking at the mark, Adier muttered to himself.

Using the power of the World to form a contract is a technique invented by ancient wizards through a lot of research. It is the most secure and secure.

However, the power of the World to be seduce is different in different Worlds.

The current contract is to complete the bondage of the contract with the power of Jadeite World’s World as the source of the contract.

Without hesitation, Adier signed the contract directly.

The strands of Spirit escaped, and gradually fell on the contract in front of them. In an instant, another large and familiar Strength descended, heading directly towards Adier’s Spirit sea.

Suddenly, a certain Strength of the Adier within the body reacted. In the depth of soul space, a pale light was shining, and a Strength was exploding on it. Instinctually, the world of Adier Spirit was engulfed in the sea. Force to expel.

Fighting this instinct, Adier’s face was calm, and his expression did not seem to change at all.

啪pa pa!

A round of applause came from outside, accompanied by a slight footstep.

“Very well, this time, you are our own.”

Under the gaze of Adier, a white-haired, dry old man wearing a black robe came from outside. The huge Spirit force stunned the surrounding energy particles. At this moment, he looked at Adier with admiration in his eyes.

“Another metamorphic period …”

Looking at the person who was walking in front of him, Adier was calm and thought: “It seems this person who is monitoring me around this time should be this one.”

“A few days have passed, Adier, you should know something about our organization.”

In front of him, Kumu didn’t seem to care about the old people coming outside, just watching Adier and asking, “So, how about the Bloody Sacrifice?”

“I didn’t move.”

Adier looked towards him: “If I practise that stuff, I’m afraid I’ll be recognized as yours right away as long as I work with others.”

“You are doing a good job.”

The white-haired old man in a black robe said coldly: “But you are ours now, aren’t you?”

“I’m just a pharmacist.”

Adier expressed his attitude: “I don’t want to participate in your business. I can help you make pharmaceuticals at most. I don’t want to be chased down by the crowded world.”

Listening to him, Kumu stared at the old white-haired wizard, and then said, “So what?”

“I want another Meditation Method.”

Adier looked towards Kumu: “Don’t tell me, you’re studying this Bloody Sacrifice.”

Most of the higher Meditation Methods have their own unique properties, similar to Bloody Sacrifice’s Meditation Method, which requires blood sacrifice. It will cause Spirit and Mana to produce unique changes in nature, and the higher the strength, the more obvious.

A metamorphosis stage wizard such as Kumu, if he is practicing Meditation Methods such as Bloody Sacrifice, it is absolutely impossible to mix in Emerald City.

“Actually …”

With a smile on his face, Kumu took out an emerald crystal ball from the box on the side and put it directly in front of Adier’s eyes: “Even if you don’t say it, we will help you prepare.”

“After all, your identity is better not to be exposed.”

For his words, Adier silently took the crystal ball in front of him.

“An unknown information interface was detected, is it connected?” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again.


Adier said silently in his heart, and then a lot of information emerged in his mind, making his face change dramatically: “This is …”

He looked at the Kumu in front of him, his face a little shocked: “Jadeite Heart ···”

Jadeite Heart, this advanced Meditation Method is famous in Jadeite World. It is the advanced Meditation Method of the Emerald City inheritance. It is said that each generation can only be practiced by the next City Lord.

“Only First Layer.”

Kumu looked disdainful: “Although Jadeite Heart claims to be practiced only by successive heirs, in fact, there are several people in each generation who can practice First Layer. The content of it has been understood by us decades ago. “

“The 2nd floor in the back is more troublesome. Whether it can be successfully obtained depends on this time.”

Listening to this, Adier kept silent, but was surprised at the power of 10 Star School of Thought.

Being able to get part of the inheritance Meditation Method of the Emerald City decades ago shows that the interior of the Emerald City is extremely penetrated, otherwise the most core things like Jadeite Heart will not leak out.

“Also, as a price to get this Jadeite Heart …”

Looking at Adier, Kumu pointed.

As for what he meant, Adier naturally understood that he reached out and took out a book that was already prepared, and placed it in front of Kumu.

At the moment when he saw the book, Kumu and the white-haired old wizard immediately flashed their eyes. They took the book in front of them and opened it.

“Is this the recipe for a purified potion?”

Taking a brief look at the contents of this pharmaceutical formula, Kumu was surprised: “In addition to Water of Life, do you need magic crystals?”

“Just auxiliary materials that’s all.”

For the other’s doubts, Adier’s face was replied without changing the color.

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