“The palace fell, and Lord Fred and Adier did not return. Lord Evan disappeared. The most likely place in the city to be safe is the residence of these formal wizards.”

Hiding quietly in the shadows, feeling the outside bloody air, Solana was shaking slightly, but her eyes were calm.

“Those monsters are for the Royal Family … Fred and Evan are also Royal Family. It is estimated that there is no way to deter those monsters … The only hope is that only Adier is here.”

Hiding in the corner, she was shaking all over, and thoughts flashed through her heart.

“Solana elder sister, will those people come after me?” There was a faint voice on the side.

Listening to the sound, Solana looked towards.

On her side, there are some young girls, including a few small children, who ran out of the palace with her before.

At this point, a young-looking girl with purple cloth on her body was stained with blood, and looked towards Solana with a look of fear on her face.

“Nothing will happen.”

Listening to the girl ’s question, even if she was scared, Solana still insisted on playing Spirit and smiled reluctantly: “This is the residence of a formal wizard, and the monsters outside are definitely afraid to come in …”

She kept saying this and didn’t know whether to comfort the children or to comfort herself.


A loud noise came from outside, accompanied by a scream, which suddenly caught her attention.

“You … who are you …”

At the gate of the manor, several guards in leather armor stood there, looking at the things outside with a trembling arm.

Outside the manor, some tall black soldiers were standing outside, each of whom was at least two meters tall, with a cold and variable expression on his face, and his eyes were red and dreadful.

And in the middle of these black soldiers, a middle-aged man with a pale face like a corpse came out, looked at the manor in front of him, and slowly raised his head: “This is the last place?”

“Yes, Lord Gallo.”

At the rear, a middle-aged mighty man wearing a king costume came from behind, with a respectful expression on his face: “In this city, there are not many places with isolated arrays, this is the last one.”

“However, this is the residence of a formal wizard, and it may not be good if you break in directly.”

He cautiously reminded.

“What’s wrong?”

Gallo sneered: “A formal wizard, am I afraid he will not succeed?”

“It would be nice if he didn’t come back. Once he came back, he just brought me the blood sacrifice.”

Listening to this, aside, Rem corner of mouth twitching who looks like King Gorra. Although he didn’t speak on his face, he was cursing inwardly: “Of course you won’t be afraid, but after you leave, I will I’m going to suffer! “

Looking at the gate of the manor in front of him, Gallo’s bloodthirsty smile appeared on his face, and he walked straight forward.


Watching Garrow step forward, the guard of the manor in front of him said subconsciously.

A few screams erupted suddenly.

In Gal’s disdainful eyes, the several guard bodies in front of him began to melt directly, and the flesh and blood of the body melted into blood and water, and quickly turned into a bone.

The melted blood fell on the ground, and it quickly turned into a blood-colored mist, rushing towards Galo, and was absorbed by him intoxicated.

“Hahahaha !!”

Blood sacrifice The flesh and blood of several guards, he laughed heartily, his face intoxicated, showing a little insanity: “Kill me all the people in this manor, don’t leave any one !!”

bump! bump!

The dull footsteps kept ringing.

Behind him, the silent black soldier of each and everyone looked indifferent, holding his blade in his hand and quickly walking forward.

“you guys!”


A scream screamed out in Shino. The bloody smell became stronger in the original clean and spacious manor.

The living life kept dying, leaving a body.

Listening to the screams from outside, hiding in a corner, Solana shivered, the deepest fear in her eyes.

“They … They are coming …”

She muttered to herself, inexplicable panic in her words.

The slaughter and screams rang outside for a long time before they stopped slowly.

There was silence again.

However, just when Solana was relieved, the sound of footsteps suddenly sounded again.

“It was here.” A cold voice came from a distance, but it passed to the ear accurately, unforgettable clearly.

“It’s over …”

Solana’s eyes opened in despair, and no longer had any luck in her heart.

In front of her, a pale middle-aged man was standing there, with a man exactly the same as her father.

“Luna Stone is on you.”

Looking at Solana and the others hiding in the corner, Gallo’s face was indifferent and his voice was somber: “Give it up.”

While speaking, he walked forward, step by step to Solana, one hand stretched out directly, grabbing a little boy who was only about seven or eight years old.

“It’s really a pleasant atmosphere. The descendants of the ancient Moon Elf, your blood is much better than the ordinary person.”

He looked at the little boy holding on his hand and said intoxicated.

In front of him, the little boy was full of fear, and the expression on his face was slightly deformed by the fear.

The next moment, flesh and blood flew in an instant, and after a crisp explosion, the flesh and blood of the boy’s entire body broke apart instantly. The flesh and blood contained therein quickly melted, and then quickly turned into a mist, which was absorbed into the body by Gal.

“Still the little child tastes better.”

After doing this, Gallo sneered, walked directly in front of Solana, reached out with one hand, and wanted to grab her.

The bloody palm stopped at Solana’s neck, then closed it again.

At this moment, under the influence of Gallo ’s Spirit, a huge Spirit force came from behind him. The powerful Spirit fluctuations could not be ignored, and he turned around and looked towards the direction behind him.

In that direction, a young man with black hair wearing a black robe stood silently, looking at him coldly, as if looking at a dead man.

“Master Adier !!”

Several exclamations sounded at the same time.

Looking at the teenager in the distance, Solana seemed to see the savior and renewed hope in her heart.


Gallo face turned cold, with one arm straight, grabbing directly to Solana’s neck, it seemed she was going to grab her neck directly.


The sound of a slight collision came from his ear, and he felt only a tight hand, and a terrifying force from his outstretched arm, which made him unable to bear a pain.


He looked up, just seeing his arm grabbed by the other arm, and then a gust of wind came on his face, accompanied by a severe pain in his chest.


A violent crash sounded in place, and in front of Adier, Gallo flew out and hit a wall heavily.

PS: Friendship recommends a book “Peak Myth of Rivers and Lakes”, the following is an introduction:

Unexpected souls penetrated the realm of the big rivers and lakes game, and they were placed in a dead body. The rivers and lakes had their enmity in the past, and this time the martial arts broke.

For four years, Huashan has discussed swords, myths have been broken, and ten people have killed a thousand miles without staying. They have entered the rivers and lakes, martial arts, and stand proud of the myth Peak.

This is a work by Shuang Kai, author of Demon Path Giant System, and I recommend it …

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