
A roar was heard in the original quake, with Spirit swinging enough to be heard by the entire estate.

In Solana’s horrified sight, a distant wall collapsed, a chestnut silhouette showing blood and flesh and bones walking slowly out from there, carrying layers of blood light.

He was convulsed with flesh and blood. During the walk, a trace of flesh kept pulling away from his body, and then entangled continuously, looking like a thorough monster, which was shocking.

“Master Gallo!”

A voice of concern arose on the side, which caught the attention of some people present.

Adier looked along his voice, and saw a middle-aged mighty man wearing a Chinese robe standing there more than ten meters away. At this time, he looked at Gal who was hit by Adier in the distance, and a worried expression appeared on his face.

Looking at this person, Adier frowned.

Because this man looks exactly like the King Golo he once met.

“That’s not my father !!!” A husky voice sounded behind him.

Solana was blue clothed, blood sacrifice was dyed on her body, and her beautiful face was distorted with excitement. At this moment, she screamed in a hoarse voice: “This is a fake!”

Listening to her words, Adier’s face was calm, but his face looked towards this person, without the slightest wave in his eyes.

He naturally knew that this person was a fake.

I have to say that this person’s camouflage is very powerful, both in appearance and in the frequency of Spirit, it is impeccable, even with the Spirit of Adier’s official wizard, he cannot detect his camouflage.

However, he can hide Adier Spirit induction, but can’t hide the detection of the chip.

Even if the appearance looks impeccable, in contrast to the chip, the person in front of this person is slightly different from the Golo king that Adier has seen in the details of movement and the exact structure of the body.

What is more critical is the strength of the other party. Under the detection of the chip, it has even reached the level of a third-class apprentice, far surpassing that of the King Golo.

Roar! ! !

Several low roar sounds came from all around.

At all around, some tall black soldiers started to gather and were rushing towards Adier.

“This is … dead offering?”

Looking at the black soldiers gathering around him, Adier murmured in confusion.

Death Sacrifice, a unique sacrifice recorded in Bloody Sacrifice.

To make this kind of puppet, at least one Powerhouse above Great Knight is required to torture and destroy the mind through specific methods while still alive. Then, through a large number of blood sacrifice, the strength of blood sacrifice is slowly aggregated, integrated into the body of the cricket, and then made through a series of complicated methods.

This is a technique attached to the First Layer Meditation Method on Bloody Sacrifice. According to the above statement, as long as the death sacrifice is successfully refined, under the control of the holder, the strength can be comparable to the top third-class apprentices.

At this time, there were at least ten dead silences around Adier.

This strength, coupled with a formal sorcerer in front of me, I am afraid that an ordinary formal sorcerer will only end up in the desert.


A huge iron axe smashed to the ground, smashing a deep pit, and the blood-colored Strength attached to it penetrated to the surroundings, causing the neat white floor around it to constantly break apart.

“Hey …” A cold voice came from the front.

Under several silent guards, Garo wore a black robe, and a little red appeared on the skin that was as pale as a corpse: “Are you a wizard living here?”

He looked at Adier with a smirk on his face, and looked at Adier’s eyes as if he saw a rare prey.

Opposite, listening to his words, Adier’s face did not change at all, but he turned and looked towards the distance.

In the distance, the original fierce killings gradually subsided, and low and low screams sounded from time to time, symbolizing the disappearance of life.

“Did you kill the man in this manor?”

Standing in place, feeling the strong bloody air around him, Adier’s face was indifferent.

While speaking, he turned and looked towards behind.

Behind him, Solana took a few people and hid quietly in the corner.

Ignoring Solana, Adier’s eyes fell directly on one of the little girls.

It was a little girl in a purple skirt, who was only about 13 or 14 years old, with a pigtail on her head, and her face was full of fear.

“Adier Uncle …” Feeling Adier’s gaze, the girl looked up timidly and shouted.

“Fred’s granddaughter …”

Looking at the little girl in front of her, Adier flashed this thought in her mind, and then the silhouette disappeared in a moment.


The sound of flesh exploding sounded in place.

Under the gaze of Galo’s stunned eyes, a dark shadow rushed quickly from the distance, and then several dead heads were smashed and fly, and the flesh of half of his body exploded instantly.

He immediately reacted, and while walking backwards, he rushed forward while manipulating the surrounding silence.

“In the end, it’s not a pure flesh body. Most of the blood in the body has been drained, and Bloody Scimitar has little effect.”

Adier flashed this thought in his heart as he watched the cricket chopped down by the Scarlet Scimitar in front of him, feeling this formidable power.

Next, the dazzling moonlight illuminates in place, and the intense moonlight immediately covers the place, so that Solana and the others behind cannot open their eyes.

In the dazzling moonlight, a dead silence exploded in an instant, and seemed to be hurt by terror in an instant.

“It’s a terrible Strength.”

In the distance, looking at the battlefield ahead, feeling the aftermath of Moon God’s Light Strength, Rem, disguised as King Gorra, quietly stepped back a few steps, watching the bright moonlight in front of him with lingering fear.

“Damn!” A deep curse came from a distance, with a weak Spirit wave.

On Gallo’s body, intense blood light was erupting, covered with layers of black gas, and faintly turned into individual faces.

Under Adier’s gaze, his body began to swell continuously, a stream of bloody air continued to escape from him, and then a monster appeared in front of everyone.

It was a monster that was more than three meters tall and covered with blood. The two arms had become sharp claws. A piece of shred on the flesh was convulsing continuously, exuding a unique strong bloody smell.

Behind me, just smelling this unique bloody smell, Solana’s mind could not help but a crazy emotion, as if a blood light exploded deep inside her, making him desperate to start Slaughter, kill all living beings in front of you.

The next moment, a thin moonlight shrouded with a unique Spirit wave, isolated and cleared the strange breath.

“Unknown pollution strength is detected, long-term exposure is likely to produce irreversible differences, it is recommended to stay away …”

Standing alone, looking at the Gal who has become a monster in his eyes, in Adier’s mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded.


Under Adier’s gaze, Gallo’s face was mad, and the reason in his eyes had mostly disappeared, completely filled with bloodthirst.

The blood scattered on the ground began to gather, forming dozens of bloody sharp blades in an instant, and rushed towards Adier under the Strength of spell.


Adier silhouette disappeared instantly in the place, a cricket moonlight erupted, and it collided with dozens of blood blades in an instant, emitting a strong vibration sound.

The next moment, a huge red shadow appeared in front of me. When Galo appeared directly in front of Adier, a blood-colored sharp claw fiercely grabbed it down. The blood-colored light flickered on it, with an extremely dangerous breath. Twisted around Adier’s body.


A huge explosion sounded in situ. In front of Adier and Gallo, a huge Fireball appeared and exploded directly.

The dust was flying all around, and the terrible roar continued to sound, accompanied by dozens of collisions.

bump! !!

A huge silhouette flew out of the air, carrying a huge blood-colored Strength on his body, and smashed a huge deep hole in the ground.

Roar! !

At the next moment, the shadow stretched around all around, and the huge body stood up again. At this moment, the mouth gasped, and the red eyes stared tightly at the opposite side.

He had at least a few scars and wounds all over his body, and the red flesh inside was barely visible. The splatter of black red blood on his body kept splashing, he couldn’t stop it, and looked extremely miserable.

However, in his body, there is a blood-strength Strength covering it, which constantly activates his body, so that the originally opened wound is constantly healing, it looks very scary.

“Master Gallo!”

Looking at this scene, Rem couldn’t help sending cry out in surprise, and was a bit shocked by the scene in front of him. “How come, the opponent is not the wizard of Metamorphosis Stage. The strength of Blood sacrifice activated by Lord Gal is actually still being attacked. It ’s like this. “


A slight footstep sounded outside.

Under the cover of smoke and dust, Adier stepped out, and the silhouette looked the same as before, but a faint twisting force field appeared on the surface of the body, covering him.

Standing in place, he looked at the opposite Garro, frowning.

“Bloody Sacrifice’s Strength, will it look like this until the end?

He looked at the appearance of the opposite Galo at this moment, and could not help thinking.

The opposite Gallo looked very wrong at this time. Although Strength was indeed very powerful, the whole man’s intellect seemed to be affected by something, leaving only the instinct of the slaughter.

This weird state is undoubtedly related to Bloody Sacrifice’s Meditation Method.

“The more you practice to the back, the greater your influence on your intellect will be, and your desire for blood sacrifice will become stronger …”

Observing the status of each other quietly, Adier frowned. “It is no wonder that this growing trend is called a cult.”

Roar! !

A low growl kept ringing.

Under Adier’s calm gaze, Gallo’s muscles were swollen, and the whole person seemed to be gigantic again. The bloodthirsty blood flashed in his eyes and strode toward Adier.

bump! bump! bump!

The dull footsteps kept ringing on the spot, and every step he took, he would leave a deep footprint on the spot, and there was a residual bloody breath in it, which was shocking.

I do n’t know if it ’s an illusion. Looking at the silhouette of Gala, a bad hunch in Rem ’s heart suddenly rose: “It seems that the speed of walking is getting slower and slower …”

Before we can think about it, a huge roar sounded in place.

In front of Adier, the huge blood-colored monster exploded directly, and the flesh and blood splashed everywhere, contaminating all around.

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