On the vast flat ground, a huge roar rang through the surrounding area, and then fell into silence for a while.

In situ, looking at the flesh and blood splashing around, Adier was calm, but turned and looked towards.

In that direction, Rem was still at this point, looking at the flesh that was spread in situ, some could not believe his eyes.

“It was so easy to be killed …”

He looked at the flesh and blood on the ground with some disbelief, and his mind was a little confused.

As a collaborator on multiple missions, he couldn’t know more about Gal’s strength. With the power of blood sacrifice obtained by Bloody Sacrifice, once it broke out, with nearly a dozen dead silences comparable to third-class apprentices, even Metamorphosis Stage wizards can fight one or two, but now they are easily killed by the other party. Even from the force field emerging from the surface of Adier’s body, even the opponent’s defensive wizard had not been able to break.

“and many more···”

Looking at Adier in front, he felt a movement in his heart, and seemed to think of something.

But before he could react, a gaze with a strong Spirit suddenly looked towards here, choking his breath and feeling a great pressure.

Under his gaze, in the distance, Adier was black clothed and his face was as calm as ever. At this time, he was walking towards him with a bloody scimitar in his hand.

“Damn, I can’t move !!!!”

Looking at the silhouette of Adier gradually coming in the distance, he instinctively wanted to step back, but was horrified to find that the surface of his body was bound by a strong force, and by his Strength, he couldn’t move at all.

Under his horrified gaze, Adier stepped in front of him, the right hand gradually lifted up, and a bloody blade glow was directly cut off with silver mana.

“and many more!!”

Extremely dangerous feelings struck from the heart. At this moment, Rem just felt that his body was about to explode, and before he was chopped by the knife, the blood inside the body was flowing unconsciously and could explode at any time.

“I’m from 10 Star School of Thought !!!”

He exhausted the last Spirit, barely broke away under the pressure of Adier’s Spirit, exposed a black ring to his chest, and shouted the last word.


The cracking sound of the machete across the space came from his ear. The strong sound made his eardrum vibrate and felt extremely painful.

A drop of blood slowly dripped from his face. In the sight of Rem’s lingering fear, the strange blood-colored knife in front of him stopped in front of him, and at the last moment he stopped and did not cut it down completely.

Huh … hh …

Looking at the bloody scimitar in front of him, his legs were soft and fell directly to the ground, breathing hard with the tearing feeling on Spirit, with a lingering emotion in his eyes: “It’s almost … One point, I will really die … “

In situ, looking at Rem falling in front of him, Adier expressionless, but quietly put away the bloody machete in his hand, and quietly looked at Rem in front of him.

He naturally knew that the two were in front of the 10 Star School of Thought.

After analyzing the chip, he already knows the characteristics of Bloody Sacrifice’s Meditation Method. So it was noticed in the beginning.

But knowing and knowing did not prevent him from pretending to be deaf and mute the two.

Just now, if the person in front of him does not explode his identity, he will definitely cut it down and end this person.

Of course, not now.

Judging from the fact that the two men came to the Kingdom of Korra specifically, they also deliberately pretended to be the King of Korra. Most of the two men had the task of 10 Star School of Thought. If they were killed, they would cause Attention of 10 Star School of Thought.

If you do n’t know the identity of the other person, it ’s enough to say that it ’s enough for Adier to kill the other person by breaking into his apartment and killing all the servants and guards.

However, since the other party has identified his identity, he will be a bit inappropriate if he does so again.

During his last time at Jadeite World, Adier didn’t want to sprout. It is enough to kill one person and get angry. If you know the identity of the other person, you will also kill the shaman in charge of disguise in front of you. I am afraid that it will cause strong dissatisfaction of 10 Star School of Thought.

“It seems all right.”

In the distance, watching Adier retract the machete, Rem gently sighed in relief, then quickly stood up, respectfully looked towards Adier: “This lord, I apologize for the previous bubbling.”

“As compensation, I am willing to surrender everything I have, and then give you all the merits I have accumulated in the school, hoping to calm your little anger.”

He looked at Adier with a smile on his face, and took out a cloth bag in his arms and placed it on the ground in front of him.

At the next moment, the cloth bag in front of him is directly suspended, and under the action of a force field, it is directly caught by Adier.

Looking at this scene, the expression on Rem’s face remained unchanged, but he slowly retreated outward.

Adier was calm about his movements and didn’t seem to react at all.

Seeing this, Rem’s mind must be, after facing saluted respectfully to Adier, he went straight out.

“Master Adier !!” A somewhat excited voice sounded.

In the corner, watching Lem, who was exactly the same as King Gorra, in the distance, Solana couldn’t help the anger in his heart, and shouted at Adier with agitated expression.

The next moment, a cold gaze stared at her instantly. The strong pressure on her made her breath stagnate, and she felt cold all over. She could not yell out what she wanted to yell.

Then she remembered that it was not the ordinary Knights who stood before her, but a powerful formal wizard.

Opposite her, looking at Solana with agitated expression, Adier’s expression was indifferent, and she didn’t react to the other words.

For Adier, Solana is just a passerby. Just a mere mortal Princess without the slightest wizard innate talent is worthless to a formal wizard.

He would have previously stopped Garro, not because of Princess, just because the other party had gone too far, not only breaking into his residence and destroying it, but also trying to kill in front of him.

In addition, although not long, he was the guardian wizard of the Kingdom of Gorra. It is naturally impossible to kill, but it is no problem to save some people.

And besides Solana, Princess, Fred’s granddaughter is among them.

Although they haven’t been together for a long time, after coming to Jadeite World, Fred did give Adier a lot of help. Whether it is Jadeite World’s wizard information, and many valuable materials, they were obtained through the other party.

In this case, Adier will not refuse to take care of the descendants of the other party in the case that the other party is mostly dead.

Thinking of this, Adier looked towards, looking at the corpses all over the place, for a moment, speechless.

PS: Three more tomorrow

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