At night, the breeze blows all around, gradually blowing the bloody air in the day.

In a small room inside the manor, Adier sat quietly on a wooden chair with a black ring in his hand.

In the dark shadows, the black ring began to glow slowly, with weak mana fluctuations on it, and a bloody complex mark gradually emerged on the ring.

The blood-colored mark began to glow, and a small amount of energy particles stored there slowly gathered, and a white-haired old man appeared in the dark and narrow room.

“Adier, what’s going on here?”

Looking at Adier sitting quietly in the room, the white-haired old man frowned and opened his mouth and said, with strong dissatisfaction in his language.

“Someone broke into my residence and wanted to snatch the results of my experiment. I rushed to kill them, and that’s it …”

Adier looked up, staring at the white-haired old man in front of his eyes, his face was always calm.

“This is your attitude?”

Looking at the appearance of Adier, the white-haired old man looked indifferent, with coldness in his eyes.

“How else can I?”

Adier’s face was calm, but he spoke quietly, without seeming to be affected by the other party.

“Oh … good …”

The old man looked indifferent: “Galuo is dead, then the task that should belong to him can only be left to you to complete.”

“During this time, cooperate with Rem to stabilize the Kingdom of Gorra. Remember, we cannot expose our existence!”

Listening to this, Adier was silent for a while, and then spoke again: “I see.”

Tone barely fell, a gleam of light flashed on the ring in his hand, the image that originally appeared in front completely disappeared, and no longer appeared.

Watching the scene quietly, sitting on a wooden chair, Adier quietly thought about the information from Rem.

During this time, the 10 Star School of Thought did take action. For several forces in this area, the Kingdom of Golo is just one of them.

Small kingdoms in remote areas such as the Kingdom of Gorra rarely get the attention of powerful wizards, and they are ideal for lurking.

In addition, during the trip to the Emerald City some time ago, Fred’s fallen remains were mostly dead, and Adier joined the 10 Star School of Thought. There is only one official wizard who truly belongs to this country, which is far better than other forces to deal with.

Thinking of this, Adier stood up and walked out of the room.

A gleam of light shone from the outside, shone on Adier’s body, dragging his shadow over him.

He looked towards the distance, and there were still a few people sitting there.

“Master,” a voice sounded around.

Seeing Adier coming, a maid in a white dress came down quickly and looked at Adier with a little panic: “Solana Princess sneaked away and said she was going to go to Lord Evan.”

“Let her find if she is looking for it.”

Adier shook his head, not surprised by the other’s escape.

Even if he does n鈥檛 have wizarding qualifications, it 鈥檚 not surprising that Solana is a royal Princess with several Magic Transformed Items on her body, and it 鈥檚 not surprising that Adier did n鈥檛 care.

But Adier wasn’t optimistic about what she did.

10 Star School of Thought Now that it is decided to strike the Kingdom of Gorra, Evan, the only formal wizard left, will inevitably send someone to deal with it, leaving no hidden dangers.

If Solana leaves this time, even if she can find the other person, it is likely that she just found a body.

Thinking of this, Adier turned around and looked towards him.

In front of him, several children were sitting there, each and everyone being quiet, as if stimulated.

And among these children, a little girl in a purple dress sitting alone on a wooden chair was Fred’s granddaughter.

“Adier Uncle, grandfather, will he return?”

It seemed to feel Adier’s gaze, the little girl looked up timidly, looking at Adier with a little expectation.

Adier has no choice but to answer this question.

And looking at the appearance of Adier, the girl seemed to be keenly aware of something, her eyes suddenly dimmed.

“What’s your name?”

After a while, Adier spoke again.

“My name is Anne …” The little girl’s voice sounded in her ear.

Listening to the name, Adier was slightly nodded, then headed for the room on the other side.

In that room, a strong, resolute young man was sitting there, with several wounds revealed, which seemed to be very badly wounded.

“Master Adier!”

Seeing Adier approaching him, he looked up and hurried to Adier saluted.

“How is the recovery?”

Looking at the seriously saluted young man with his head bowed in front of his eyes, Adier asked slightly slightly nodded.

“not bad.”

The young man kept the saluted posture unchanged and respected Adier: “Master Adier, your potion works very well. I feel that the wounds on my body will heal in a few days.

Hearing what he said, Adier was nodded, and walked to the wooden chair and sat down.

The young man in front of him is named Blanche, who once had a relationship with Adier.

Strictly speaking, when Adier came to Jadeite World, the first people he saw were him and Solana.

When two 10 Star School of Thought wizards, Gallo and Rem, raided the palace, Blanche, as the head of Knight, led a team of soldiers to patrol the palace. In the end, although they encountered danger, they managed to escape. After hearing the news from Adier, I came directly to Adier.

“What are your plans for the future?”

In place, Adier’s voice suddenly sounded, making Blanche startled.

He sat there for a moment, and finally a bitter smile appeared on his face: “I don’t know. I might leave the Kingdom of Gorra and go to other countries to see.”

The Golo royal family is over. Although he is not a Royal Family, as one of the survivors in the palace, if he dares to stay in the Golo kingdom, I’m afraid he will be dealt with sooner or later.

In fact, if he hadn’t been decisive enough at that time, when he heard that Adier had returned, he would immediately come to Adier’s residence, and I’m afraid he has been cleaned now.

“In that case, would you mind doing me a favor?”

Looking at Blanche in front of him, Adier spoke again.

“What?” Blanche said a moment before he respectfully said, “Please tell me.”

“Leave a child away.”

Adier bluntly said: “One of these surviving children is Fred’s granddaughter, and I hope you can take her out of this area and live farther away.”

“I want you to watch her grow up and let her live a good life.”

He looked at Blanche in front of him, his eyes calmed: “Can it be done?”

As he spoke, his Spirit’s power slowly spread, and at this moment all gathered on Blanche’s body.

Opposite Adier, after listening to Adier’s words, Blanche hesitated for a while and thought for a long time before he opened the mouth and said: “Yes!”


Standing up quietly, Adier looked at Blanche: “In return for this task, I will give you enough money and a complete Knight Breathing Technique.”

“As for now, take a good rest.”

With that said, he finally glanced at Blanche before walking out.

Walking outside the room, in another room, the children were still sitting there, and someone was hiding in the corner.

Standing outside the room, with a keen Spirit, Adier could even hear a subtle cry.

Silent for a while, he continued to walk outwards without staying here.

Soon, time passed, and half a month passed quickly.

During this half-month, the atmosphere of the kings of the entire Kingdom of Gorra seemed depressed.

While several guardian wizards were not in the capital, the royal palace where King Gorra was located was attacked by a group of unknown wizards. Within the royal family, several Prince Princesses were killed, and the remaining soldiers were killed and wounded, The king himself was severely wounded.

This incident had a great impact. After that, Adier, the guardian sorcerer of the Kingdom of Golo, returned to the capital, so that the nobles in the capital were quickly settled.

One morning, standing outside a flat road in the wild, Adier took a few people and stood there quietly, as if waiting for someone.

After a while, in the distance, a sound of carriage walking came and was approaching here quickly.

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