The silent dark space, surrounded by an ignorant darkness, has not disappeared for a long time.

In this atmosphere, an inexplicable voice started to ring, and gently swirled around Adier’s ear, awakening his consciousness of falling asleep again.

An inexplicable sensation came to his mind until a moment when he opened his eyes.

A faint silver moonlight shone on the earth.

On a barren field, Adier lay quietly on the ground, eyes fixed on the bright moon in the sky.

“here is···”

Getting up from where he was, looking at the completely unfamiliar surroundings, Adier whispered, then looked up slightly, staring at the sky.

In the sky, a silver moon hangs high, and a dim silver moonlight illuminates the Quartet, making Adier startled.

A familiar intimacy suddenly came to my heart. At this moment, Adier seemed to see his loved one, facing the silver in the sky, and unconsciously stood still.

Over time, this feeling is slowly intensifying until it reaches Peak at some point.

At that moment, the surrounding World began to change.

A huge ancient tree appeared before World, covered with the breath of life, and the whole body was extremely huge, like the shore of an ancient legendary World tree.

Standing in the distance, looking at this ancient tree, driven by an inexplicable feeling, he could not help walking forward, leaving each and everyone’s footprints on the deserted ground.

I don’t know how long it has been. When Adier finally walked under the tree, his image had changed a lot.

I do n’t know when, his original black hair gradually became light silver, and his appearance has changed a lot. Although the original appearance can still be seen, it is much more refined and quieter than before. His temperament is very eye-catching.

A faint silver radiance emanated from him, and the terror Bloodline majesty was spreading, and it continued to strengthen over time.

But for these, Adier has no time to ignore.

At this time, all his attention was attracted by the old giant tree in front of him.

After a long distance, he came to the ancient tree, looked at the huge trunk of the ancient tree, could not help extending the hand, and touched forward.

A cool feeling came from my heart, with a warmth and kindness.

Under the influence of Adier, the old tree in front of him seems to have his own will, and the huge Strength contained in it is starting to wake up as Adier approaches.

At this moment, in a World that is far from the Wizard World.

A great will that was originally asleep is reviving, seems to be stimulated by something, is waking up, and its Strength is enveloped in an instant.

“What’s wrong?” A magnificent will descended on this place, noticed the abnormality in it, and began to ask.

“I feel the breath of my descendants, and it seems that new descendants are starting to recover …”

A gentle female voice rang around, with a grand will in the voice, which made people understand the words clearly.

“That’s rare …”

Another voice sounded here: “Since fifty thousand years ago, your direct descendants have been slaughtered, you have rarely seen new descendants.”


The gentle female voice continued to ring, with a hint of helplessness: “It has been thousands of years since the last descendant of pure blood appeared.”

“I hope that the descendants this time will grow better … at least, don’t be discovered by those people so quickly.”

Tone barely fell, in place, a faint light of life began to light up.

In the rays of light, a huge ancient tree began to emerge, slowly becoming huge, exuding horrific majesty.

Feeling this Strength, in the sky, the black sky began to emerge, turning into a huge enchantment, covering the entire World in time.

And in the center of the sky, a huge golden eye emerged, with indifferent light in his eyes, staring at the ancient tree below.

Bang!! !

As if the two Worlds collided with each other, in the center of the World, the ancient trees began to gleam, the horrible Strength rushed out of the clouds, and fiercely hit the sky.

The space is constantly breaking, World is lamenting, bright green envelopes the sky, collides with the black sky, and hits a tiny hole in an instant.

Along the hole, a brilliant emerald mark broke through instantly.

After doing this, the ancient tree no longer glows, it looks the same as before, but the breath on the body is weak, and it looks like it was consumed in the hit just before.

The former tranquility was restored again.

On the sky, after the ancient tree stopped moving, the golden eye began to disappear, and the original huge black sky slowly dissipated, and restored to its former appearance.

“You’ve consumed so much Strength again. After this blow, you will last at least five hundred years.” Aside, a cold voice sounded.

“No way.”

The previous female voice spoke again, with some fatigue in the words: “Even if we don’t do anything, if we continue this way, sooner or later it will be consumed by the other party. It is better to take the initiative and send it out while Strength is still thing.”

Listening to her words, several wills around didn’t reply, and seemed to agree with her.

“How are your descendants?”

After a long silence, another voice sounded.

“As you are.”

An old voice sounded in the same place: “Since we have been imprisoned here, our descendants have been targeted. Now, there are only a few pure blood descendants.”

“me too.”

The previous female voice also said: “My elf family, except for a few pure blood descendants, the rest are some mixed blood, even hooking up to my Spirit is impossible.”

“If there are no more accidents, we will disappear after tens of thousands of years …”


While these people were talking, Adier’s Bloodline conversion continued in another dark space.

Over time, the Bloodline coercion emanating from him became heavier, and the body’s silver light became stronger and stronger.

In the huge ancient tree in front of him, an inexplicable will emerged from it, and an azure light was emitted in an instant, covering Adier.

A familiar blazing sensation was applied from the chest, and then everything began to shatter, returning to the previous dark scene again.

This feeling lasted for a long, long time, until at some point Adier woke up again.

A faint light came from his eyes, which made him feel a little dazzling at this time.

After adapting, he looked towards all around again.

Familiar laboratories have come to our eyes, not much changed from before.

Struggling to get up from the stone platform and endure the weakness and hunger that came from his body, Adier walked to the mirror aside and wanted to see what he looked like now.

Then he could not help but hesitate.

PS: I’ve been busy in the last two days ~ I have only these today ~ I’m sorry, I wish you a happy New Year! !!

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