A silhouette of a teenager appeared quietly in the clean mirror.

This is a young boy wearing black clothed and looking a little weak. His handsome face is very delicate, and his silver hair is loose and looks pure.

In the young man, a serene, serene temperament emanated, making the soul helplessly feel peaceful, infected by the breath on his body, and his mind could not be calmed down.

And on his forehead, an intricate emerald-colored imprint appeared, looking like a tree pattern, quietly imprinted in front of Adier’s forehead, as if it were an innate imprint, very natural.

“this is···”

Looking at himself in the mirror, Adier was stunned.

Compared to when Bloodline hadn’t been transformed before, his face looked more handsome and delicate, not as mortal. Even the whole body’s breath seems to be affected by Moon Elf Bloodline, becoming quiet and serene, reminiscent of a peaceful moon at night.

His black hair, which was originally full, turned into silver hair with a pure silver luster on it, which looked completely different from normal human hair.

Apart from these, what Adier cares about most is the complex imprint of emerald in front of his forehead.

“The mark of this ancient tree … should not be what Moon Elf should have …”

Looking at the emerald tree mark on his forehead, Adier murmured.

Regarding the appearance of the ancient Moon Elf, some ancient materials of Jadeite World have a very detailed record, which mostly matches the appearance of Adier at this time, but there is no record of this ancient tree mark.

With the conspicuousness and complexity of this ancient tree mark, if the ancient Moon Elf also has it, it should not be left out.

However, these are just external changes. For Adier, there are far fewer important changes.

Standing in place, all thoughts flashed in his heart, Adier silently felt his Strength.

A sense of hunger and weakness continued to linger in his body. This is caused by prolonged deep sleep and excessive energy consumed by the body during transformation.

Corresponding to this sense of weakness is an unprecedented sense of strength and fulfillment.

In Adier’s within the body, I am afraid that Strength is hiding in it. At this time, all are hidden in the body without any escape.

Feeling the Strength in the body, Adier felt a faint feeling in his heart. Now, if he is facing his pre-transformation, I am afraid that he can easily win, without any difficulty.

Standing in place for a long time, silently experiencing the feeling of the body, Adier looked towards his physical data.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 35.7. Agility: 37.3. Constitution: 38.1. Spirit Purity: 50.7%. Boundary Energy: 91.9. Bloodline: Pure Blood Moon Elf (infant).”

Explosive physical data appeared before Adier, and could not help but hold back.

In the body’s data, except for the value of Boundary Energy, which has not changed much, the rest of the data have all jumped up.

In particular, the column of Spirit purity has reached an astonishing 90%.

Without a doubt, this is already the level of the Metamorphosis Stage wizard, and even far exceeds this standard.

According to the content recorded by Moon God’s Sacrifice, after the Wizard ’s Spirit purity reaches 90% or higher, he has actually met the conditions to hit the Level 2 Wizard, and has reached the Peak level of a formal wizard.

In other words, to the extent that Adier is today, it is already at the level of Peak, and it is actually possible to try to promote Level 2 Wizard.

Of course, the conditions for promotion are met though. However, the accumulation of other aspects is far from enough. There is not enough knowledge accumulation. Attempts to shock will only lead to promotion failure.

With that in mind, Adier couldn’t help but stare at the newly appearing Bloodline column.


Looking at the prompts in the attribute panel, Adier faintly cleared the comprehension in his mind, and couldn’t help whispering: “Yes, although the Bloodline transformation was successful, in my current situation, it is really just an infant.

Ancient Moon Elf is the horrible elf king. It is a horror creature that can match Level 4 wizards as an adult. It has an extremely scary Strength.

Although this horrible ancient wizard is strong, the corresponding growth period is extremely long.

As far as the ancient Moon Elf is concerned, according to some information Adier learned from Jadeite World, the ancient Moon Elf needs almost 1,000 years to complete from birth to adulthood.

Only then will Moon Elf be able to have a horrible Strength comparable to the Level 4 wizard.

Adier’s Bloodline at this time, although successfully converted, can theoretically grow to Level 4. Correspondingly, given his current age, Moon Elf is definitely still in his infancy.

After all, Adier is in full play now, but he is still in his early twenties. This age is considered an adult to an ordinary person, but to an ancient creature such as Moon Elf, it is no different from just born.

“Speaking of which, from this point of view, Moon God’s Sacrifice, this Meditation Method, may have some special effects for Moon Elf of pure blood.”

Standing in place, looking at the attribute panel in front of him, Adier suddenly flashed this thought.

For ordinary wizards, Moon God’s Sacrifice’s Meditation Method is indeed very precious, but for the real Moon Elf, this Meditation Method is not very useful.

After all, the upper limit of this higher Meditation Method is Level 4, and the ancient Moon Elf of pure blood, as long as it is an adult, can compete with Level 4 wizards, and there is no need for extra means.

From the current situation, Moon God’s Sacrifice, this Meditation Method, may have been developed to accelerate the growth of Moon Elf.

After all, the growth period of Pure Blood Moon Elf is too long. After a thousand years, it is too easy for accidents to occur midway.

With the terrible innate talent of Moon Elf, if you study Moon God’s Sacrifice, the advanced Meditation Method, with the help of Bloodline, I am afraid that you will soon reach your original level and be promoted to Level 4 Wizard.

With Moon Elf’s already powerful Bloodline Strength, if you promote a Level 4 wizard, after cooperating with the Wizard’s Strength, I am afraid that my Strength will be greatly enhanced, so that my strength will be above the same level of wizards.

“Moon God’s Sacrifice, this Meditation Method, originally required Moon Elf Bloodline to practise, and with my current Bloodline purity, it is more suitable to study this advanced Meditation Method.”

Standing in place, Adier flashed this thought in his mind, then turned around and looked towards the mirror in front of him, looking at the mirror that had changed greatly from before, and frowned for a moment.

PS: Three changes tomorrow, I wish you a Happy New Year!

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