Inside a spacious laboratory.

Standing in place, looking at himself in the mirror, Adier frowned.

Compared to the previous conversion of Bloodline, Adier has changed a bit.

Fortunately, the appearance has become more refined. Many wizards have ways to do this, and it won’t cause much concern for formal wizards.

After all, at this stage of the formal wizard, the wizard can already transform the human body, and if he is not satisfied with the appearance, he can fine-tune the body with force to make it gradually become more attractive.

But in addition to its appearance, Adier’s long silver hair, with its unique nature flashing on it, can be seen at a glance out of the ordinary.

And Adier’s calm and serene atmosphere at this time, but could not hide it.

These details will more or less expose some information.

Every formal wizard is a big Scholar, especially those who stand at the top of the Mason region. They can achieve such high achievements. They have absolutely rich knowledge and may be able to perceive something from the changes in Adier. .

“If only I could hide it.”

Looking at his appearance in the mirror, Adier couldn’t help whispering, then lowered his head, thinking about the possibility of concealment.

There wasn’t much time to think about it. A unique glowing feeling suddenly came to his forehead, interrupting his thoughts.

Subconsciously, he looked up and stared at the mirror in front of him, just as he saw in the image of the mirror, the mark of the ancient tree on his forehead was slowly glowing, giving off the azure brightness.

The brilliance brought serenity and true Strength, slowly spreading out at this time, covering Adier.

With Adier’s gaze gazing in the mirror, his appearance was changing rapidly.

After being transformed into Moon Elf Bloodline, the sharp ears that looked different from ordinary people changed again, becoming the same as ordinary person. The long silver hair also started to change, and changed back to the pure black look. The spiritual radiance originally emitted completely disappeared and looked very normal.

In an instant, Adier changed from the original Moon Elf to an ordinary person.

It’s just that compared to ordinary person, his appearance is still handsome, and that unique atmosphere cannot be completely hidden. As long as ordinary people stay with him often, the soul will be unconsciously peaceful.

However, these unusual features are nothing compared to Adier’s Half-Elf identity.

“The look has changed.”

Looking at his new look in the mirror, Adier scratched his forehead, feeling the pulse of the ancient tree mark.

At this time, the mark of the ancient tree was still glowing, accompanied by a burning sensation.

As this hot feeling continued to intensify, a stream of information emerged from that mark and was directly transmitted to Adier’s mind.

This information is huge, not only contains a lot of information about Moon Elf, but also the ability of this ancient tree mark.

“This is … the ability to hide?”

Feeling the new message in his head, Adier muttered.

According to the information appearing in my mind, the ancient tree mark in front of me has a hidden Strength. Through this mark, not only can you hide your appearance, but you can also conceal the Strength fluctuations on your body well, which is imperceptible.

Feeling this, Adier’s conviction moved, and a surge of Spirit force poured into the mark on his forehead.

In an instant, the mark of the ancient tree on his forehead began to heat up, and a strange feeling covered the whole body.

With this feeling, Adier’s powerful breath suddenly slowly decreased, and quickly dropped from the original level of Peak to the ordinary Metamorphosis Stage, and from the ordinary Metamorphosis Stage to the level before the Bloodline transformation has not been performed.

When all this was over, Adier’s horrific atmosphere was hidden for a while, even if Adier used a chip to observe, he could not see through this camouflage.

“It’s a terrible ability.”

Feeling his own change and standing still, Adier couldn’t help sighing: “In the current Mason area, I am afraid that no one can see my camouflage unless I want to.”

This is not Adier arrogance, but an objective fact.

According to the information transmitted before, the concealment created by the ancient tree mark cannot be seen unless the strength reaches Level 4, otherwise no one can see through it.

The current Mason area, let alone a Level 4 wizard, I am afraid that even a Level 3 wizard cannot be found.

Although the strength of the Black Wizard leader is very strong, Adier estimates from the current strength that the opponent is at most close to the Level 3 Wizard, far from reaching the point of promotion.

As for the other black wizard Elder, the strength of each and everyone is only Level 2. Even at the current level of Adier, with the strength of Moon Elf Bloodline, it may be able to fight for a short time.

“Also, the function of this mark seems to be more than that …”

Feeling the change in his body silently, Adier flashed this thought in his mind.

When Fang Cai communicated the mark on his forehead through Spirit, he clearly felt what was in it.

It was a huge space, there was nothing in it, only a stable space, empty and empty.

Feeling this, Adier looked towards, and a whisper of Spirit force covered silently.

With his gaze, in front of him, a bottle of red potion disappeared instantly.

In the stable space in the mark of the ancient tree, the previous red potion appeared instantaneously, hovering quietly in the space, and looked unchanged from the previous.

“Sure enough.”

Seeing this scene, Adier was somewhat surprised and curious: “What is the principle? Without the Strength above Level 4 Wizard, how does this stable space appear?”

Creating a space that is stable and can accommodate things. This technique is very difficult to achieve. It must be done by a wizard above Level 4, and it must be done by a wizard who masters a lot of knowledge and spell. .

Thinking of this, holding back the doubts in his heart, Adier Spirit moved, and a bottle of red potion appeared in his hand instantly.

“Chip, check the status of this vial.”

Open the medicament bottle and carefully dip it in with some medical liquid. In an instant, he ordered to the chip in his head.

With his orders, a large amount of data flowed through his mind to analyze the state of the bottle from all aspects.

The end result appeared quickly, and the bottle of medicine had not changed much compared to the previous one. Even small changes in some parameters are more likely to be caused by Adier opening the vial.

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