In the spacious laboratory, Adier is continuing his experiments.

Adier tried many times for the ancient tree space contained in the ancient tree mark, and finally realized something.

Due to the limited number of experiments, Adier is not yet clear on the specific scope of this space.

However, according to the data obtained from these experiments, this ancient tree space should be a stable space.

The space is completely vacuum, which is a dust-free and sterile environment, which is a very good place for storing certain materials.

But for living things, because there is no air in the space, and there is no other energy, if put in, I am afraid that it will become a corpse immediately.

For Adier, this can only be used as a hidden storage space for the time being.

“But how did this ancient tree mark come from?”

Standing in the spacious laboratory, experimenting with the ancient tree mark on his forehead for a while, Adier could not help raising this doubt.

For the ancient tree mark on his body, Adier does not think that this is something that every Moon Elf has.

As the birthplace of elf, Jadeite World has described the Moon Elf in a very detailed history, but not at all the description and records of this ancient tree mark.

Based on the uniqueness of this gadget, if it is something that every Moon Elf has, in the long history of the past, no reason will not be recorded.

“Chip, look up information about this mark and analyze the final result.”

Standing in place, frowning for a moment, Adier ordered to the chip in his head.

“Quest establishment … Start querying the database …” In a split second, the sound of the chip machinery in my head sounded again.

Listening to the sound, Adier remained silent, waiting quietly for the test result of the chip.

Without waiting long, after a few minutes, the sound of the chip sounded in my mind again.

“End of testing … After comparing 3,900 70 data, the query results are as follows …”

“Emerald Mark: Ancient legend, Tree of Life fell seven times and then revived. At the last fall, two fruits fell on the Tree of Life and became the original sun elf and Moon Elf. Blessed, with emerald mark … “

In his mind, a series of records and commentary kept pouring in, which made Adier listen a little.

According to the data analyzed by the chip, in the legend of Jadeite World, this kind of imprint is called the emerald imprint. It is something that can only be possessed by the existence blessed by the ancient tree of original life. It carries the ancient tree of life on it. Strength.

“Ancient Tree of Life …”

Listening to the name, Adier froze and couldn’t help but think of the towering ancient tree that he had ever seen.

During the Bloodline transformation, he clearly felt that scene. Through the resonance of Bloodline, the soul saw the ancient tree on the shore, and the powerful vitality and strength on the other side.

Quietly recalling the feeling when Bloodline transformed, Adier suddenly had a clear comprehension.

For this Bloodline conversion experiment, Adier also made a lot of targeted preparations before the experiment, in order to be able to make his conversion success rate higher in order to be as successful as possible.

However, I did not expect that in the end, none of these methods could be used, and they succeeded immediately. Adier was surprised a little.

Now think about it, although I do n’t know the exact reason, but judging from the emerald mark on my forehead, this time the Bloodline transformation can go so smoothly, I am afraid it may have something to do with the ancient tree of life.

“Maybe it’s because I was originally Half-Elf, and because the body happens to have a part of Moon Elf Bloodline.”

Standing in place, shook the head, Adier finally decided not to think about these things for the time being.

Taking a look at the spot, he walked forward and took some medicine from the laboratory counter familiarly, and then one after another drank.

These medicines are all ready for Adier’s sight. Most of them are some medicines to restore the body and increase energy, which is just right for Adier who has just completed Bloodline transformation at this time.

Drinking a bottle of medicine, Adier’s feeling of weakness faded quickly, but there was still a hunger, but not too strong.

Standing on the spot and feeling my state at this time, Adier found that after reaching the level of Peak, the Spirit sea in his mind had a new change.

The dim Spirit Sea, at this time the original Spirit force has become material. The strands of Spirit force are like real liquids, flowing freely in the Spirit sea, converging like a real ocean.

At the top of the Spirit Sea, a white sun emitting faint rays of light is hanging high in the sky, looking extremely dazzling and sacred.

That was the innate talent spell solidified by Adier. At this time, with the support of Adier’s Strength, a faint white light was emitted in the Spirit sea, which illuminated the dim Spirit sea.

Feeling all this carefully, Adier thought. On the surface of his body, a layer of silver barrier slowly emerged, and the whole seemed like Yuehua condensed and looked very beautiful.

“The defense has been improved several times, and this unique property is the strength of Moon Elf …”

Adier felt this layer of protection on his body surface, and Adier was a little surprised.

Compared to the previous Warping Barrier, in addition to the mana, the barrier at this time also has a unique Strength, which strengthens the already extremely strong barrier again.

That’s the unique strength of Moon Elf, and at this time it was lurking in Adier within the body.

Raising his arm slightly, Adier thought, and a ray of silver appeared in the palm of his hand instantly, and a silver light bloomed around him.

Feeling the Strength carefully, he waved at will.

In an instant, the moon in his hand turned into a moon-colored long arrow, and flew straight out into the distance. Fiercely smashed two large holes in the laboratory wall.

“This formidable power is not worse than the spell used by some third-class apprentices.”

Looking at the two big holes on the wall, Adier thought silently in his mind.

The laboratory itself is a very advanced laboratory, which is specially used for some advanced experiments of the formal wizards. Not only is the material used in it very sturdy, but it is also equipped with several defensive Wizard Arrays by Adier.

Even if the ordinary third-class apprentices cast their energies, the traces caused by them may be almost the same as before.

This is just a casual blow from Adier. If you try your best to fully use Moon Elf Bloodline’s Strength, I am afraid that even the current Adier can’t imagine it.

Thinking of this, Adier quietly felt Strength within the body.

In Adier’s within the body, in addition to mana, at this time, there is a silver moonlight flowing, constantly breeding from the blood, and storing in the blood.

And at the heart, there is a more powerful Strength just born.

In addition to these changes, Adier also felt that his vision had also become much stronger.

In the past, although his vision was also very strong, he only looked farther away and felt far sharper than others.

But after Bloodline’s conversion, his vision changed again.

The World in front of him seemed to spread a veil for him, the movement of surrounding objects began to slow down, and even some extremely tiny particle movements could be seen by Adier.

In this perspective, Adier only feels that the surrounding colors are much richer, even in the boring laboratory in front of him, the colors that can be seen are also very rich, which makes Adier feel a little novel.

What is most different from before is that from this perspective, Adier can see the faint pulsation of energy particles.

On some Magic Transformed Items or high-energy creatures, the number of energy particles is significantly higher, and they converge into a small aura, which is seen by Adier.

Feeling this unique feeling carefully, after a while, Adier cleaned up the laboratory before going out.

Walking outside the laboratory door, outside sunlight and fresh air instantly assaulted the senses.

In front of it is a small garden. Although it is just ordinary scenery, it is very colorful to Adier at this time.

The texture on the beautiful flowers, the tiny reptiles walking between the trees, and the dust …

The scenes were clearly seen by Adier, which made him stand here for a while, adjust slightly, and then turned away.

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