A barren field, a continuous rain is continuously outside.

The black soil was slowly wetted by raindrops, and the wild grass swayed slightly when the raindrops fell, and the whole environment looked quiet.

Outside a remote town, a silhouette wearing a black robe walked quietly on a deserted road.

“It’s still the same place, but it’s a rare rain.”

Looking up at the sky, Adier whispered silently.

As time passed, the rain outside stopped quickly. By the time Adier reached the town in front, the sky had cleared, and the faint sunlight began to shine on the ground.

Following the previous memory, Adier walked to the door of the tavern that he had come to in the past, but found that the door of the tavern was closed.

“This gentleman …” A voice suddenly sounded.

Behind Adier, several silhouettes were watching secretly in the distance. At this time, a little girl in a floral dress looked at Adier’s handsome face, and came to Adier with some shyness: “The owner of this pub recently Down his own child, so I have n’t opened the door recently … “


Adier laughed at the girl in front of her, looking at the appearance of the opposite face suddenly flushing, and said with a smile: “Thank you.”

After speaking, he turned and walked in the other direction.

In front of him, looking at Adier’s back, the girl in the floral skirt was a little shy, thinking about the appearance of Adier, hesitating to follow.

Adier’s silhouette went quickly.

Although he hadn’t been to Thor’s place of residence, Adier easily found the other side’s place of residence and knocked on the door.

After a while, when the door opened, a handsome young man in fur robe appeared in front of Adier. It was Thor.

He was wearing a fur robe. Compared to the past, he had some beards on his mouth. At this moment, when he saw Adier in front of the door, he froze, and then a surprised expression appeared on his face: “Master Adier, are you back?”

“Please come in and sit.”

He enthusiastically invited Adier into the door, then went into the bedroom, and cautiously helped out a weak girl.

That’s Yana, and it looks like the changes are a little big at this time.

He was wearing a pure white nightgown. I didn’t know if it was because he had just given birth. The whole person looked very weak, but his eyes were still very god. With Thor’s help, he cautiously held the child in his arms. , The eyes are full of the brightness of motherhood.

But looking at Yana at this time, Adier frowned.

Because on the other’s forehead, the black mark that had been sealed by Adier had begun to emerge, at this time it seemed to have spread and could no longer be suppressed.

“It started half a month ago.”

Perceiving Adier’s sight, Thor opened the mouth and said: “Half a month ago, after the child was born, the curse on Yana showed signs of erupting, but it was not serious.”

When he was talking, looking at Adier in front of him, Yana picked up the child in his arms, and tremblingly handed the child to Adier in front of him: “Master Adier, please look at this child …”

Listening to him, Adier lowered his head and fixed his gaze on the baby in front of him.

The baby in front of him looked small, and seemed to be drowsy because he didn’t have a long time to be born.

However, looking at the baby in front of him, Adier was a little surprised.

Under his induction, this baby within the body has a strong Strength that is hiding, which is homologous to Thor’s Strength, but far beyond.

This is caused by Bloodline.

The Bloodline of this child within the body is far ahead of Thor and Yana, and even Adier was surprised at this time.

Reaching out to take over the baby, the child in front of him seemed to sense something, a pair of clean, jewel-like eyes opened, and quietly looked towards Adier, his eyes seemed to be curious and joyful.

Looking at the appearance of the child, Adier could not help showing a smile on his face, then looked up towards Thor in front of them, and asked, “Is this child, a boy or a girl?”

“Girl.” A weak voice sounded.

Listening to Adier’s words and looking at the child in front of her, Yana spoke seriously.

“Did you name it?”

Adier was nodded first, then went on to ask.

“not yet.”

Thor smiled, and suddenly seemed a little silent: “Master Adier, you are the child’s teacher, and without you, Yana and I would not be together.”

“So we think it’s better for you to name it.”


Listening to him, Adier nodded, and he was not polite: “Just call it Solana.”

Looking at the child in front of him, he suddenly remembered the Solana Princess that he had encountered in Jadeite World before, so he simply chose such a name.

This is a memory and a memorial.

Adier tried it out several times after the Bloodline conversion was over.

Although the crossing ability within the body is still there, and can also enter the Jadeite World, but every time you connect to the star representing Jadeite World, there will be a kind of extreme danger and fear on his mind, reminding him what .

It was Bloodline’s instinctive reaction, reminding him of the danger ahead.

According to the predictions emerging from Bloodline, if Adier now enters Jadeite World again, I am afraid that he will immediately encounter unpredictable dangers and even kill him now.

Feeling this kind of feeling, Adier has completely abandoned the option of entering Jadeite World. At least when his strength is not enough, he is not ready to enter that World again.

Therefore, it can be expected that for a long time, Adier will not contact Jadeite World again.

Maybe by the time Adier can re-enter that World, thousands of years have passed.

“Is Solana?”

Listening to the name, Thor had a happy expression on his face: “This name is good.”

“This child’s Constitution is strong.”

After a while, Adier opened the mouth and said again: “Her Bloodline within the body is far stronger than Thor and yours, so although the deep curse of Bloodline also exists, it is tightly suppressed, not like Yana Same outbreak. “

“After this child grows up a little bit, I will let her perform the cultivation of the wizard, and if she can be promoted to a formal wizard, she can completely seal the weak curse on her.”

After looking at the baby in her arms and carefully examining her within the body, Adier made such a conclusion.

Compared to Thor and Yana, the condition of this child is really good. Not only does the Bloodline concentration within the body be extremely strong, but the curse of within the body is suppressed at birth, and it is encountered when the curse has not yet grown. Adier.

With Adier next to her, she can apply a seal to suppress the curse completely when the curse is still weak.

In this way, according to Adier’s estimation, if this child can be promoted to a formal wizard in the future, he can cooperate with the seal he laid before and solve the curse in one fell swoop.

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